Group LLC - September 2010



  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    That's what chafes my *kitten*... she even went so far as to use GOD as her witness... I can't stand those types of Christians - a real Christian is understanding and is not quick to judge.
    nuff said.

    Although I had a great low carb day yesterday... I'm sooooooo bloated. I'm not sure WTF is going on. It's not TOM, but it feels like I'm ovulating and II'm having fertility symptoms :indifferent: (just finished TOM on Sunday...)

    Anyway, it's a crossfit day, then I'm getting my master bedroom and bathroom repainted. Busy day indeed.
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Mojo - you do have a busy day indeed! Not sure what's up w/ the bloating? Anything new added to your eating plan the last few days? High sodium? Drink all your water? Sometimes it sucks being a woman - sometimes we just bloat up for no reason at all!

    My daughter is sick today, I think she might have strep again. Dunno- doctor's appt this morning, guess we'll find out..... TGIF, though! TGIF! :happy:
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    TGIF! :bigsmile:

    Who knows why we women bloat! :grumble: I've given up trying to figure it out y'all. I've eaten on plan, drank my 100ozs. + of water a day, keep my sodium well in check and have been exercising and the scale can't make up it's damn mind. :angry:

    The only thing I can think is that it might take some time for my body to adapt to the adding back in of carbs and hopefully this doesn't last too long! I still have weight to lose!!

    What's everyone doing for dinner tonight? I left without pulling anything out this morning, so I need to stop at the grocery store and pick a few things up, so I'm tossing some ideas around in my head...
    HAMMBONE Posts: 155 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Wish everyone well on their journey to a healthier you!
    May each of you reach your goals.

    My time is limited and I don't have time to read about the L/C bashers.
    I like to read about our successes and how we got there,
    our struggles and how we overcame,
    new recipes... etc

    Hang in there and hope everyone finds what works for them

  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Good morning my LC family!!!!! Hope everyone is ready for the weekend AGAIN!!!!!! I love short weeks like we all had. Is everyone still posting up challenges for themselves???
  • Good Morning Everyone! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and I hope that my scale has moved some since my last weigh in. If it hasn't I suppose I'll be on induction for another two weeks. Hahaha my carb tolerance has always been kinda low so I'm not in any rush to move on to the other phases for extra carbs just for weight loss.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Manndapannda07 If the scale hasn't moved yet don't give up sometimes it takes our bodies some time to start burning off fat and kicking our metabolism into gear.. I would stay on phase 1 as long as you like if you feel good!
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Happy Friday h'bone, tammie and manda! How are all you ladies doing?

    @ hammbone: yes! We are all here to share our successes, struggles and stories! But I think sometimes we all get so tired of the bashing that we have to vent a little....

    @ mandapanda: I carried on with Induction for at least....5 months? I honestly don't remember. I enjoy eating the way Induction makes you eat and have the tendency to eat like that It's a hard habit to break for me. But continue on with Induction if you feel ok with it!

    @ tammietifanie: yes girl! Get your booty over to the challenge thread and start updating everyone! :bigsmile:
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Hi there ladies -

    Can you believe that horrible explosion out by San Francisco? Oh my goodness, those poor people - they're saying as many as 120 homes were destroyed - all becuase of a gas leak. Prayers go to all of them and their families..... There are so many of them that are reportedly not able to find loved ones or any info on loved ones.... Just makes me think that such a disaster can happen anywhere, and we all need to have an emergency communication/relocation plan in place. I know I'll be working on one with my family this weekend - what to do if something happens, where to go, and where to meet....

    My scale seems to be moving again, but I"m not going to record any new numbers until it settles down a bit....
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    It's a terrible thing. It seems like you can't turn on the news anymore without hearing about some tragedy or another...

    Glad to hear that the scale is moving again! That's always a great thing!!
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Ok, scale is still # 2, has not gone further than 258 which was I am thinking its a stinkin......have a job interview in 30 minutes, wish me luck!
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    WOOT WOOT! I say you claim that loss tomorrow sassie! :bigsmile:

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • 3 Minute Chocolate Cake

    1/4 cup almond flour
    1 T cocoa
    1/4 tsp baking powder
    3 T plus 1 tsp Splenda (or other granulated sweetener) or equivalent liquid sweetener
    2 T butter, melted
    1T water
    1 egg

    Mix the almond flour, cocoa, baking powder and granulated sweetener in a 2 cup bowl or glass measuring cup. If using the liquid sweetener, add that when you mix in the melted butter, water and egg. Mix well with a spoon or fork. Scrape the sides of bowl or cup with a rubber spatula, to get the batter even. *Cover with plastic wrap and cut a small slit in center. Microwave on HIGH for 1 minute, until set but still a bit moist on the top. Check at about the minute mark. Some microwaves will take longer. Cool slightly and serve with whipped cream or cool completely and frost the cake.

    Makes 2 servings

    * You can bake it without the plastic wrap, the cake will be more of a cakey texture. With the wrap, it maybe more of a pudding cake texture. Experiment and see which way works for you.

    With granular sweetener
    Per serving: 237 cal; 22g fat; 7g protein; 7g carbs; 3g fiber; 4g net carbs.

    With liquid sweetener
    Per serving: 227 cal; 22g fat; 7g protein; 5g carb; 3g fiber; 2g net carbs

    Cream Cheese Whipped Cream

    4 oz cream cheese, softened
    1/2 cup granular sweetener, or liquid equivalent
    1/2 tsp vanilla
    1 c heaving whipping cream
    1T of cocoa (if you want chocolate)

    Place the cream cheese, sweetener, (cocoa if using), and vanilla in a medium mixing bowl. Beat on high speed 2 minutes until fluffy, scraping down the sides of the bowl occasionally. With mixer on low speed, gradually pour in the cream while beating. Once all the cream has been added, scrape down the sides and bottom of the bowl. Turn mixer to high and beat until thick and fluffy. The cream cheese helps stabilize the whipped cream and it should stay fluffy for a couple of days or more in the fridge.

    Makes about 2 cups

    With granular sweetener (cocoa not added in counts)
    Per 1/4 cup: 159 cal; 16g fat; 2g protein; 3g carb; 0g fiber; 3g net carbs

    With liquid sweetener (cocoa not added in counts)
    Per 1/4 cup: 153 cal; 16g fat; 2g protein; 1g carb; 0g fiber; 1g net carb
  • Ok, scale is still # 2, has not gone further than 258 which was I am thinking its a stinkin......have a job interview in 30 minutes, wish me luck!


    How did the job interview go?
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    job interview went well, he said that I was the first interview, he has 15 other applicants to talk to and his boss to see how many positions he is hiring for.......but I think it went just fine!
  • I will keep everything crossed for you Sassie. I hate being the first interview, especially if there are more behind me....Did he say how long before you know?
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Happy Saturday LLCers! Hope everyone is doing well today! It's a GORGEOUS day here! I really need to clean house as it hasn't been done in...3 weeks now? We were out all last weekend and the 2 weekends before that I was dealing with TOM and migraines and kicking up dust makes my migraines So, it really needs to be done! Hopefully I can talk myself into it since of course my hubby doesn't do a darn!

    Colette that recipe looks really good! I'll have to try it at some point when I have all the ingredients-I don't have any almond flour or cocoa around the house. But it sounds just so delicious!

    sassie - can't wait to hear good news for you!!! :bigsmile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    good afternoon all,I am still trying to get this Kidney diet working for me. I do enjoy having my fruit back. and bread.But am struggling with my insulin. Haveb't got it down yet.But working on it My daughter will be out tomorrow and we had plsn on having brunch at D I may take me 1/3 c of Sugar free Syrup.ennys. We still can if I make the right choice. So I am thinking pancakes. It sure is hard gettin your mind reverse after all these years Altho i have never been this low of carbs before. i still haven't found that whole grain is on the program. They keep saying white fBread , Potatoes and even sugar. but to used splenda if trying to lose weight.Thanks for lisening to me. Marie
  • Hey Fitness Friends,
    I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday! I have been so busy this weekend freelancing for a makeup line. I haven't had time to do much include eat at least I did make low carb meal choices. Praise atkins bars for when I only had a 10 minute break :). I realized yesterday how much I love my job I love helping people and making people pretty. Anyone who does hair or is in the beauty industry knows you double as a psychiatrist. I had one lady yesterday that was middle aged but I felt like I was talking to a teenage girl. She told me her friends teased her and she had no identity anymore after having children. She didn't like herself at all because she has always been called ugly. I felt completely terrible for her. I wasn't sure exactly what encouraging words I could have given her. Maybe dump your friends they aren't helping but since they were actually standing very near her I decided not to say that. Anyway long story short after she decided she wanted her brows waxed and I sent her to the salon she was back in my chair and ready for a new look. I did a full face but it was easy enough for her to follow that she could recreate the look at home and in about 10 mins. She looked amazing and I think when she left she had a new perspective and a boost in confidence. I can't help her with her real issues but a day of feeling your best is a start.
    Everyone have a wonderful SUNDAY! I just wanted to share this story kinda a good ending :)

    "God grant me the serenity
    to accept the things I cannot change;
    courage to change the things I can;
    and wisdom to know the difference."
  • Mannda...You did wonderful. Just giving someone a makeover is a great thing to boost someones confidence in oneself.

This discussion has been closed.