Group LLC - September 2010



  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Good morning, Group LLC - Happy Hump Day!

    Well, I'm coming off 4 days off plan - today is back to square 1. Gained 2 pounds of water weight, and TOM is here, so I'm just bummed all around, LOL! But it'll get better, as soon as I"m back on the wagon.

    No time this morning for personals - but SASSIE - the "jiggliness" is often a precursor to what some call a "whoosh" - where you may go a while without losing, and then lose 2-4 pounds. Your fat is changing, softening, getting ready to flush out. And I agree with whoever asked about measurements - I don't take the time to take measurements until I get to a point like you're at right now - it might keep you sane!

    Ok, to work for me, I've been surfing too much lately, need to buckle down.... Talk to you all soon!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I'm a little frustrated - back from my weekend where I really refrained from eating crap and bad carbs - only had 1 bottle of wine and I'm UP 5 pounds! Not TOM either cos he just left the building.

    <insert shooting myself in the head icon>

    anyway... back to killer workouts. My ankle was okay at CrossFit today.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    @ mojogurl: did you eat out a lot? I find that regardless of what I eat when I eat out, I will have a weight gain because of the dreaded sodium!!!! Even in what appears to be a good salad, it's still chock full of the crap. I wouldn't sweat it too much! Flush it with water and green tea and ease back into your workouts! Those 5lbs. will be gone in a heartbeat! :drinker:

    @ resalyn: girl, 2lbs. of water weight isn't bad at all!!!! You're doing great!

    @ jenuwine: sounds like you had a great vaca! :smile:

    @ sassie: I agree with everyone on this- take your measurements girl!!! The scale is not always the most accurate way to gauge your weight loss! Especially if you're noticing a difference in the way anything is fitting!

    Me right now? My weight is bouncing between my low of 153.6 and going up to 155.6, so not bad at all. However, my clothes are fitting very differently and I'm noticing a redistribution of my weight...heck, even my face is taking on a slightly different shape. So yes, it does suck to not see those numbers on the scale budge but it's not the be all end all!!!! :bigsmile:

    Damn :devil: scale.... :grumble:
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I was wondering if anyone knew of a good Lc soup that is okay to have on Phase 1 i woke up sick and I need a soup to help me feel better but don't want to go off my eating plan...
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Broccoli and cheddar would be my go to....

    Feel better!! :flowerforyou:
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Do you have a recipe for the soup?
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member

    No. It's been ages since I've made it from scratch but it was basically a couple of bags of frozen broccoli, lots of cheddar cheese and I think like some chicken stock. I'd have to dig around at home to try and find it. If I find it at some point I'll post it.

    In the meantime, I'm sure if you google it, you'll come up with a lot of recipes!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I didnt have much to make soup so i decided to have tons of tea !
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    LOL. Tea is a great way to go too! I love my lemon and honey tea when my throat is all sore!
  • Have some chicken broth...that is ok on induction....
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Well, I think I may bow out of this group since I'm not following any one plan, but trying to stick to no grain carb theory. I've noticed many of you are staying under 20 g/day, but I'm up at 20-30 g per meal! Not sure if I belong here...

    BTW Nicole - that broc/cheddar sounds fantastic - almost soup time up here in Canada!
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    @ mojogurl: I hope you'll stay with us!!! :flowerforyou: Most of us DO follow a fairly low carb eating plan but the group is open to anyone that eats any sort of low carb way! Please don't go! :sad: :sad: :sad:
    As it is, I'm the only one currently in Phase 3 right now, so I eat a lot more carbs than most everyone

    I'll have to try and dig out my broccoli and cheddar soup recipe and post it for everyone! I can't wait for the first cold snap to make up a batch of soup, chili and lima beans!!

    *looks at clock*

    Is it lunch time yet??? :laugh:
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Nic - I don't really want to leave... I just feel a little out of place because everyone is talking induction lingo and I'm like :huh: huh:huh: :embarassed: I CrossFit and typically CF'ers are strict Paleo, my box is not and they actually recommend a carb (even rice/pasta! but always paired with protein) after a WOD, as it's then that your body can actually tolerate the insulin spike.

    I do get some good ideas from you all...
    as long as ya'll don't mind me talking baked potatoes with the works :wink:
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Nic - I don't really want to leave... I just feel a little out of place because everyone is talking induction lingo and I'm like :huh: huh:huh: :embarassed: I CrossFit and typically CF'ers are strict Paleo, my box is not and they actually recommend a carb (even rice/pasta! but always paired with protein) after a WOD, as it's then that your body can actually tolerate the insulin spike.

    I do get some good ideas from you all...
    as long as ya'll don't mind me talking baked potatoes with the works :wink:

    Where's the darn hug smiley at?! I'd be :brokenheart: if you left us here! Those here in the group that follow Atkins are almost all in yeah, the lingo is a bit odd to someone who doesn't practice and the carbs are pretty low! You'll find with us that we add are carbs back in as we go through the phases and drop the someone like me who is almost at their goal weight-yeah-I cut out all starchy carbs at the beginning and was eating only 20 carbs a day...then you add some back in and then some more and then some more! :wink: So I think we can all learn from each other regardless of what way of eating we follow, ya know?

    And I love me some loaded baked potatoes...but...honestly? I'd rather have a baked sweet potato!!! :love:
    HAMMBONE Posts: 155 Member
    Hey all, no time for personals. I scanned thru the postings and will try to make time later to read them better.

    Marie, yesterday turned in to quite a nasty day. We really needed the rain but wowzer's. So many areas flooded!
    I live about 30 min northeast of Gainesville. I had went outside with one of our dogs and there was a wicked eery feeling in the air.
    The clouds were swirling but it was still and hot. There were tails forming and disappearing.

    I hollered at my husband to come check it out. A friend called and said a tornado was on the ground in Gainesville. I ran in the house to grab my purse and there was a broadcast stating it was near Oak Ridge which is closer to us so we went over to my parents house. We live in a double wide. My parents are sort of down in a hole... LOL... a storm can be raging and it will be just as calm as it can be at their house.

    Several storms came thru during the night but GOD kept us safe from harm!

    I was worried about you yesterday cause I knew you live in one of the areas that was hit also.
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    @mojogurl - hey girlie - stick around! Nic is right, we all do some form of LC eating - and many of us are just getting back into the LC thing, which is why we are all in Induction right now. I personally have a lot to lose yet, so I'll be doing Induction Phase 1 for as long as I can stand it.... ALL LC WOEs are welcome here! Heck, even people who are doing more of a paleo diet, like you are. No biggie deal! Come one, come all! We love having you as part of our group!

    @nic - yeah, me too on the sweet potato thingy - I'd rather cut it up and make baked sweet potato fries in the oven, YUM! Some time, I'll get to have them again, LOL!

    Cool and sunny here today - Deb and Marie - sounds like you guys had some intense weather yesterday - I hope it's calmer today!

    How is everyone else? This is my 2nd day back on plan, and holding the carb monster at bay with a whip and a chair. Can't wait til I get into ketosis - makes those carb cravings go away!

    Well, I better get back to work.... y'all have a wonderful day!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    :bigsmile: Can not wait to eat this!!!! Come on phase 3 lol.....

    3 tablespoons flax meal
    2 tablespoons parmesan cheese
    1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
    1/4 teaspoon onion powder
    1/4 teaspoon baking powder
    1 teaspoon granular Splenda, optional
    1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
    1 egg
    2 teaspoons water
    1-2 teaspoons oil

    Mix the dry ingredients; add the egg, water and oil. Spray a microwaveable dinner plate with cooking spray. Spread the batter on the plate in a circle. Microwave on HIGH 1 minute 40 seconds. Meanwhile heat a little oil in a medium skillet on about medium heat; slide the crust off the plate and into a skillet. Brown on both sides. Place the crust on a baking sheet; add the toppings of your choice. Bake at 350º about 15 minutes until hot and bubbly.

    Makes 1 serving
    Can be frozen

    Per Pizza Crust: 300 Calories; 24g Fat; 15g Protein; 10g Carbohydrate; 6g Dietary Fiber; 4g Net Carbs
    Per 1/2 Pizza Crust: 129 Calories; 10g Fat; 8g Protein; 5g Carbohydrate; 3g Dietary Fiber; 2g Net Carbs

    With the following toppings:
    1 tablespoon pizza sauce
    2 ounces mozzarella cheese, shredded
    7 slices pepperoni
    1 tablespoons green pepper, chopped
    Dash garlic powder
    Dash Italian seasoning

    Per Pizza: 518 Calories; 40g Fat; 30g Protein; 12g Carbohydrate; 6g Dietary Fiber; 6g Net Carbs
    Per 1/2 Pizza: 259 Calories; 20g Fat; 15g Protein; 6g Carbohydrate; 3g Dietary Fiber; 3g Net Carbs

    This makes a cute little 6-inch pizza with a somewhat crispy crust. I liked it, but I will leave out the Splenda next time. I don't care for a sweet pizza crust. I'm sure you could make a bunch of crusts and freeze them for quick pizzas. I'm going to try making little round flat breads using this batter in my muffin top pans. I bet they'd make nice sandwiches. Here's a picture of the crust before the toppings were added:
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Yummy recipe tammietifanie! :flowerforyou:

    @ resalyn: yeah, I just reminded myself that I need to go and buy a couple of sweet potatoes for myself! *drools* Bake those babies up, toss in some butter and brown sugar...and oh man...:heart::heart: :heart: I think I'll be picking some up tomorrow and having one with steak over the weekend!!

    Our weather has finally dropped again-we're in the 80s today-yay!! :bigsmile:
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    How many calories does everyone eat daily??? and i know we are all on different levels of carb intake but i was just wondering how much does every one eat daily and do you feel like it's a perfect amount for you?
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