Group LLC - September 2010



  • Hi all, the 3 minute cake was good. The whipped cream cheese made a lot of difference. The cake is sort of bland because you don't have all the sugar in it making it sweet. But it was awesome anyway. When I get some coconut flour, I am going to try it with that too. The topping you can add other flavorings and food colors too. I think peppermint would be awesome in it. You can also adjust the amount of sweetener you use. Mine was a bit on the sweet side. Next time I will use less sweetener for the topping. This is a good dessert that you can have for a special occasion and not feel deprived...I know I sure didn't!!! For the cake, you can add other things if you don't want cocoa, add flavorings, or fruit. Be inventive!!! Using the almond flour makes for a more dense cake, but its sure more nutritious than a white flour cake and less carbs to boot. Win win situation....
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Happy Monday LLCers! Hope everyone had a great weekend! I'm personally ready to fall asleep on the keyboard here at work...but then again that's always the case! :wink: I'm just itching to be out of work and at home where I can get stuff done!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I agree with you on the sleep part :yawn: :yawn: I got up at 5am this morning and all my kids don't get up until about 6:40ish. I was going to work out but drinking coffee and watching the news alone sound more fun :laugh: Hope everyone has a great Monday!
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    You are one strong woman! I can't get out of bed until a little bit before 7!! I've tried several times getting up around 6 or a bit earlier to get in a workout before leaving for work and it just doesn't do it for me!! I'd rather sleep as late as possible in the morning! :laugh:
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Happy Monday, everyone! Howz everyone today? I'm pretty tired, was working my 2nd job last night around 11:30, and my puter crashed. I have been a little lax on the maintenance, so I spent about an hour and a half cleaning it up and rebuilding/reinstalling things - finally got it working again and back on the internet so I could at least send my work back to my client!

    Tonight, after an extra virus scan and a malware scan, I'll be doing a restore point, just in case. The darn thing should run like a dream now! But boy, was I TICKED at the time! That's what I get for slackin on the usual cleanup/maintenance! Nobody to blame but myself!

    So today at my day job, I'm kinda REALLY tired - I SO could have stayed home in bed today! And there was no stinkin way I'd have been up at 5 exercising, Tammie, LOL! The only exercise I got at that hour was rolling over and shovin the dog out of my sleep zone! I'm like Savery - I will get up early if I have to work, but to exercise? Ugh! I've done it, never really liked it, but it is a way to get it out of the way for the day! Somethin' to be said for that!
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Ugh! Sorry to hear about the 'puter problems resalyn! That's always a bummer! :noway: Hope everything is working properly now!!

    Yeah, getting up early to exercise does get it out of the way for the day...but I still just can't do it! I actually enjoy my exercise in the evening! About 2 hours after I've finished up my body has unwound and "crashes" and I get nice and sleepy. It's the all natural sleeping pill for me! :laugh:
  • Anyone watch Thintervention on Bravo? Kinda dumb but I like reality tv.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    I've heard of the show but hubby and I don't have cable/satellite as we don't watch any TV. :laugh:
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Good morning LLC ladies!

    How is everyone doing this week? I feel like I've barely heard from y'all!! :sad:

    So it looks like I've hit my first plateau in my 14 months of doing I guess I have no reason to complain. I've had stalls for 2-3 weeks but have always manged to squeak out at least a loss of 1lb. for my monthly weigh in. This month it's looking like no loss and the scale is fluctuating up by 1-2lbs. I don't know if I should attribute this to muscle gain or a true plateau or what. I know that Atkins says if you hit this point in P3 to start cutting back on net carbs until you start to lose today I'm cutting back pretty drastically-no fruit and no yogurt. I'm wondering if my net carbs were higher than my body really could handle...I'm thinking they needed to be more around 25-35 a we'll see! I'm going to keep my eating really light for the next few days and see how I do! I just want these last few pounds OFF!! :smile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning.

    Howdy do. I am still reading up on this Kidney diet. and i am gaining some weight too. Today I am making cabbage and chicken,cornbread. Have a wonderful day. Marie
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    What is everyone's favorite Wraps??? Im heading to the store to day to restock my frig and i need some new idea's for foods and i bought some wraps a while back and loved them but wanted to see what other brands are out there and new flavors! Also what's your favorite thing to put in your wraps?
  • I love wraps! I use the Mission tortillas which are ok. Lately, I'm on a blt kick. I make some turkey bacon and put it in the tortilla with lettuce and tomato. It is very tasty and satisfies my urges. Its always so messy though! I also like to put tuna salad, turkey, and sometimes ham and cheese. I love quesadillas, as well, so when there is time I put either egg, or cheese, or really whatever I have into the tortilla and let it melt a bit in the pan. I have a quesadilla maker so that makes things fun sometimes.
    I would love some new ideas also!
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    I *love* the Mission Carb Balance tortillas but will no longer be eating them as they have sucralose in them....:grumble:
    I really like Tumaro tortillas-really yummy, low carb and they make a few flavors! Toufayan also has good wraps, but they are about 560mg of sodium and the Tumaro are the lowest of all three-only 125mg! :drinker:

    What do I NOT put in a tortilla?! Tuna, chicken, lunch meat, beans, name it!!! I feel like you can put anything in a wrap and have it be yummy!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I saw your post about the wraps having sucralose in them that's insane!!! Why on earth do they need to put that crap in a wrap! :grumble: :noway: Im going to check each package before buying them to make sure they are not high in sodium or have some crazy added stuff in them.

    What i love to put in wraps are: Turkey meat, Laughing cow cheese, Cilantro mayo, i take Turkey burgers and cut them up in slices and make a Burger wrap.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Yeah, it kills me that those wraps have Splenda in them because they taste fantastic and have a really high fiber count!! :sad: Like I said in that post, it's just crazy the random things that have sucralose added in!!!!
    Hmmm...I :heart: :heart: :heart: Laughing cow cheese! I'm adding it to my grocery list as I type to do some sort of roll up or wrap for lunch-yum!

    I'm biting the bullet tomorrow and am going to try the Silk Soy milk in my protein shake...:grumble: I LOVE my Hood milk and have never liked the taste of soy, but I don't know what else to try...
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Have been very busy all have not been able to log, but have been good. Yesterday was tough, we had a funeral and dinner followed....choices were slim at the buffet, we could not be sure what was in what, and that seemed to back fire..I am sure I had 50+ carbs yesterday.......and then this morning I awake to the scale reading 2 more pounds off! So after 2 weeks of stuck at 260-261 to finally drop to 258 this weekend (3 day stick) as of this morning I am 256!!!!!!!!!! So hoping yesterdays fooooopah does not creep up later!

    On the run today, heading to a girlfriends place, she is in the middle of a nasty seperetion involving CPS, so I am going to help her escape while the coward husband is out of town and cannot get her and baby.............

    I MISS YOU ALL~:heart:
  • jlout
    jlout Posts: 19 Member
    That sounds like a reasonable goal............Good luck!!!!
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    YAY sassie!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I'm so happy for you!

    I was doing some reading last night on the Atkins site regarding stalls and plateaus (I haven't lost for a month) and one thing that I'd forgotten jumped out at me in relation to what's been happening to you: "Different people respond to Atkins differently. Some people lose weight consistently; others do so in fits and starts."
    I think this is VERY true! My entire time on Atkins I have consistently lost, some weeks more than others and I hit a few spots where I'd go 2 or 3 weeks without a remember that we all react differently!!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Im upping my carbs!!! :noway: :noway: Cross my fingers my body is okay with a little more food
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    We're all unique!! I hope more carbs suits your body well with weight loss!!!

    I really don't think it works well with mine, but I'll know here in a couple of days...
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