Group LLC - September 2010



  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    WTG mojogurl! That's great that you went on vaca and to a fair and stayed on track!! :drinker:

    Glad you were able to find some low carb goodies during your trip too! Hope the aches and pains go away soon! :smile:
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Good Morning ladies!!! Hope every one had a fun weekend! I was okay food wise for the most part, But im happy its Tuesday and im back on track 100% and ready to get my workouts in..
    HAMMBONE Posts: 155 Member
    Happy Tuesday LLC'ers,
    No time for personals so hope everyone has a great day!!!!

    I never found my Atkins book so I decided it probably went to the thrift store the last time I cleaned so
    I found one at the thrift store for .49c so I am busy reading.

    I probably will skip induction since I know my B/P drops low when I go under 20 carbs. I will find my happy medium!

    Have a great day and let's LOSE THIS WEIGHT....
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Does anyone Know of any High calorie but very Low carb foods? And I can eat on Phase 1
    HAMMBONE Posts: 155 Member
    Girls here is a recipe which I found posted on another LC site.... They said to shave the cactus stickers off with a potato peeler. The reviews for this recipe were great!!! Looks like it would be easy to prepare..... gonna have to try this one cause I really like mexican food... LOL

    1 lb cactus pieces
    1 small tomato
    1/4 small white onion
    1 jalapeno pepper
    1/4 bunch cilantro
    1/4 cup shredded monterey jack cheese
    1 teaspoon salt
    4 tablespoons corn oil

    Directions:Prep Time: 45 mins
    Total Time: 1 1/4 hr
    1 Steam or boil the cactus until softened.
    2 Drain the cactus.
    3 Fry all the ingredients except for the Monterrey Cheese.
    4 Combine fried ingredients with the cactus and allow to simmer for 15 minutes.
    5 Top with cheese before serving.

    Nutrition info:

    Cactus Mexican Style
    Serving Size: 1 (45 g)

    Servings Per Recipe: 4
    Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Calories 73.5
    Calories from Fat 60 82%
    Total Fat 6.7 g 10%
    Saturated Fat 1.9 g 9%
    Monounsaturated Fat 1.8 g 9%
    Polyunsaturated Fat 2.5 g 12%
    Trans Fat 0.0 g 0%
    Cholesterol 6.2 mg 0%
    Sodium 40.0 mg 1%
    Potassium 83.2 mg 2%
    Magnesium 6.0 mg 0%
    Total Carbohydrate 1.6 g 0%
    Dietary Fiber 0.4 g 1%
    Protein 2.0% 4%
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    HAMMBONE!!!! Im going to have to try this My hubby loves Mexican Cactus and this sounds so yummy! Thank you for Posting!
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    My hubby and I have ordered the cactus at our fave Mexican restaurant before and loved it-this sounds yummy! Just need to find the cactus!!

    tammietifanie- how high in cals do you need the foods to be?
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member

    I need things anywhere from 100-200 calories with maybe only 2-4 net carbs just so i can stay within my net carb limit but still get a good amount of calories in daily
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member

    I need things anywhere from 100-200 calories with maybe only 2-4 net carbs just so i can stay within my net carb limit but still get a good amount of calories in daily
  • Thanks for the encouragement it has been so long since I have been stage one of this diet. I remember from last time this was the easiest eating plan for me to stick with but couldnt remember why. It must be because I never feel hungry.
  • Does anyone know any good source of carbs besides veggies? I don't like most veggies and I have noticed my carb count is very low like 10g per day and about 2 sugars. I don't know if this a bad thing or if I will be fine with what I eat plus a multi vitamin.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Do you eat Eggs? Cheese has about 1 carb, If your doing phase 1 you need almost 15% of your carbs come from veggies, Go to and look under Phase 1 what can you eat they give you a long list of foods that are allowed on Phase 1
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    .When does this high energy boost start. I am draggy this morning.could be all this humiity from this tropital storm that is invading Texas. I am well please with this diet even tho I am not losing a hugh amt. But I am losing and thats what count.I hope next Monday I have a better report. to post.

    haanks Hambone for the recipe but I don't know too much about catus. Those who make it give us a report please.We have an Mexican atore about 5 miles from us and they carried catus.

    Are we surpose to be just eating the salad veggies on induction If so I have been way off base.

    I have been a busy lady today. Ssee you guys later
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    This is going to be a long post...but this is for Marie! Here are the veggies you are allowed to eat during Induction:

    Vegetable Serving Size/Prep grams of net carbs
    Alfalfa sprouts 1 cup/raw 0.4
    Arugula ½ cup/raw 0.2
    Bok choy 1 cup/raw 0.8
    Celery 1 stalk 0.8
    Chicory greens ½ cup/raw 0.6
    Chives 1 tablespoon 0.1
    Cucumber ½ cup 1.0
    Daikon ½ cup 1.0
    Endive ½ cup 0.0
    Escarole ½ cup 0.0
    Fennel 1 cup 3.6
    Jicama ½ cup 2.5
    Iceberg lettuce ½ cup 0.1
    Mushrooms ½ cup 1.2
    Parsley 1 tablespoon 0.1
    Peppers ½ cup/raw 2.3
    Radicchio ½ cup/raw 0.7
    Radishes 10/raw 0.9
    Romaine lettuce ½ cup 0.2

    The following vegetables are slightly higher in carbs than the salad vegetables listed above. They also provide important nutrients and add variety to your daily foods. Make sure you stay within the 12-15 grams of net carbs. Unless otherwise noted, measure these veggies after you cook them.
    Vegetable Serving Size/ Prep Net Carbs
    Artichoke ¼ of medium 4.0
    Asparagus 6 spears 2.4
    Artichoke hearts 1 canned 1.0
    Avocadoes 1 whole (raw) 3.5
    Bamboo shoots 1 cup canned 1.1
    Broccoli ½ cup 1.6
    Broccoli raw ½ cup 1.0
    Broccoli rabe ½ cup 1.3
    Broccoflower ½ cup 1.4
    Brussels sprouts ¼ cup 2.4
    Cabbage ½ cup (raw) 2.0
    Cauliflower ½ cup (raw) 1.0
    Swiss chard ½ cup 1.8
    Collard greens ½ cup 4.2
    Eggplant ½ cup 1.8
    Hearts of palm 1 heart 0.7
    Kale ½ cup 2.4
    Kohlrabi ½ cup 4.6
    Leeks ¼ cup 1.7
    Okra ½ cup 2.4
    Olives green 5 2.5
    Olives black 5 0.7
    Onion ¼ cup (raw) 2.8
    Pumpkin ¼ cup 2.4
    Rhubarb ½ cup (unsweetened) 1.7
    Sauerkraut ½ cup (drained) 1.2
    Peas ½ cup with pods 3.4
    Spaghetti squash ½ cup 2.0
    Spinach ½ cup (raw) 0.2
    Summer squash ½ cup 2.0
    Tomato 1 (raw) 4.3
    Turnips ½ cup 2.2
    Water chestnuts ½ cup (canned) 6.9
    Zucchini ½ cup 2.0
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks saverys_gal
    all those numbers are too confusing for me. I copy them and took off all those numbers left the 1/2 c and etc. in ill eat them in moderate amt. And see how I do next Monday. I am used to going by cups 1/2 cups and 1/4 cups I could never keep up with all those numbers. i have lost maybe not as much as I would have But is a lot less confusing for this old lady. I will continue on this program my way. Anybody else has an easy way? See uou guys later Marie
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Thanks saverys_gal
    all those numbers are too confusing for me. I copy them and took off all those numbers left the 1/2 c and etc. in ill eat them in moderate amt. And see how I do next Monday. I am used to going by cups 1/2 cups and 1/4 cups I could never keep up with all those numbers. i have lost maybe not as much as I would have But is a lot less confusing for this old lady. I will continue on this program my way. Anybody else has an easy way? See uou guys later Marie

    CalieCat-the numbers are important, those are the amount of carbs in say 1/2 cup....if you are eating a low carb or in this case Induction with Atkins then you have to know this cause you are not allowed more than 20 grams of carbs a day. :heart:
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Hey all ya I have not lost any weight in 1 week.:angry: ...and I am going between 0-2 lbs up an down daily.:sad: So my fat is changing I am noticing.:huh: ...that spare tire is softer and jigglyer:laugh: ........(if that is a word). My fat used to be more dence, now it is like there is water in there instead:drinker: this possibly the precursor to losing more weight. You can all see my diary, and though i have not exercised I have stayed in my carbs.......could the next thing be the loss of this jiggle fat????:love: It is the strangest thing ever. <Just a note....I have a large this pouch is usually quite hard and large, now it is this jiggly water balloon> Also a dress I wear alot is loose in a few spots too.....and my bra fits nicer........but again no weight..

  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member

    Are you keeping track of your measurements?? I know i can go a while without weight lost but yet still be losing inches and to me that's the number that counts the most i could careless if i weighed 100 or 150 pounds as long as my body was losing inches cause that's going to show in how your clothes are fitting... I would track your measurements for a month to see if thats where your losing
  • This is very weird but I feel guilty because my stomach feels full. I haven't cheated at all but I feel like I did. I feel crazy for feeling this way. I am just glad that I can look at my food diary and know for sure I'm on track. I weigh in Friday wish me luck. I already have anxiety about it :((

    I feel that way too. Guess it must be the idea that we are not doing it right if we are not starving.
  • HELLO! here u all are!

    I've come back from my vacation which was so nice up in sunny Carins Australia. I didnt restrict carbs as much as I should have however I didnt put on any weight, and I didnt feel 'blah' so not bad me thinks.

    Looking fwd to getting back into the swing of things once I do my grocery shop - a well stocked pantry is SO important! Love the idea of the challenges thread - I'll be adding mine right after this.

    Anyway not much else is news with me.

    Sassiebritches - definately record measurements, sometimes my scale doesnt budge but im down a few cms which makes me feel much better and keeps me motivated too!
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