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The official nightshift thread....



  • Sarri93
    Sarri93 Posts: 58 Member
    Ooh that sucks. I actually like my 12s. More than that I get... Grumpy

    Aaaand I think I'm adding wine to my shopping list for tomorrow morning.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Sarri93 wrote: »
    Oh good lord 4 pm to 8 am I think I'd kill myself. I mean obviously not literally but eesh.

    I actually haven't had wine since I started eating better. Sweet treats have been giving me headaches lately though. I used to love sweet wines, but I might have to explore a bit to see if I still do. I saw these adorable single serving bottles (I assume they were single serving, they were tiny) at the store the other day that I was so tempted to pick up. Since I have no way of storing open wines, that would probably be a better bet for me.


    Hit up the internet and see what you think you might like. One of my other bosses just mentioned trying Fetzer wines. He said he used to drink their merlot and loved it. I looked up their website and their pinot nior also looks great and their zinfandel has won several awards. They're also working on making their vineyards and manufacturing as environmentally friendly as possible.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    SongDragon wrote: »
    I have three 16 hrs next schedule. Thankfully only one of those has a 16 hrs turnaround time.

    Wine. I like it really sweet, like moscato. A friend is planning a wine tasting.

    Holy overtime, Batman! I'd be homocidal/suicidal, though. I like my job, but 16 hrs is just a really long freaking time to work. I've done a few times, but I wouldn't like it all the time.

  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    Argh! Second week in a row I get home, stop at my favorite bakery on the way, and no lobster tails!

    I have not had had much in the way of alcohol since I started eating better as well. I guess we teach ourselves it's "bad" and avoid it.
  • Sarri93
    Sarri93 Posts: 58 Member
    Sarri93 wrote: »
    Oh good lord 4 pm to 8 am I think I'd kill myself. I mean obviously not literally but eesh.

    I actually haven't had wine since I started eating better. Sweet treats have been giving me headaches lately though. I used to love sweet wines, but I might have to explore a bit to see if I still do. I saw these adorable single serving bottles (I assume they were single serving, they were tiny) at the store the other day that I was so tempted to pick up. Since I have no way of storing open wines, that would probably be a better bet for me.


    Hit up the internet and see what you think you might like. One of my other bosses just mentioned trying Fetzer wines. He said he used to drink their merlot and loved it. I looked up their website and their pinot nior also looks great and their zinfandel has won several awards. They're also working on making their vineyards and manufacturing as environmentally friendly as possible.

    I might have to look into that. I'll do it tonight at work because right now I desperately need to crash
  • Sarri93
    Sarri93 Posts: 58 Member
    belimawr wrote: »
    Argh! Second week in a row I get home, stop at my favorite bakery on the way, and no lobster tails!

    I have not had had much in the way of alcohol since I started eating better as well. I guess we teach ourselves it's "bad" and avoid it.

    It's not so much that I think it's bad as I don't make my own cocktails (what I typically drink) and so logging them is basically impossible because half the time, I also don't even know what's in them. I look at a menu like ooh that looks pretty!
  • SongDragon
    SongDragon Posts: 205 Member
    @jennifer_417 That's just the thing. NO overtime. Technically because it's 8 hours one day, 8 hours after midnight, no overtime and they can get away with it. I'm definitely verging on homicidal. I am going to try to talk to my boss about it this week, though. For now I'm just glad to be home.
  • paul199madrid
    paul199madrid Posts: 413 Member
    @lilaclovebird I'm so glad your lab results turned out so well.
    @paul199madrid Thanks!
    So sorry to hear about your layoff, that is how I ended up here, back to school, and a new career.
    There is truth to the old saying "You can teach an old dog new tricks"
    By the way....where in the world do you live? Copper mining?

    I live in Arizona
  • paul199madrid
    paul199madrid Posts: 413 Member
    I'm getting really tired of forest fires. They evacuated Essex today. We aren't far from there and the smoke in the afternoons is killing us. I've decided at this point they should let the fires just burn and it would be done already.

    You in Washington?

    Montana, just outside Glacier National Park

    I hope they get that fire put out they are really hard to control when they get out of hand . We had one here a while back it burned about 1500 acres.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    I'm getting really tired of forest fires. They evacuated Essex today. We aren't far from there and the smoke in the afternoons is killing us. I've decided at this point they should let the fires just burn and it would be done already.

    You in Washington?

    Montana, just outside Glacier National Park

    I hope they get that fire put out they are really hard to control when they get out of hand . We had one here a while back it burned about 1500 acres.

    We have two that are over 17,000 acres near here. Yes, that was a 17 followed by three zeros. :frowning: We have two to the north that are over 7,000 acres and two to the south that are just over 2,000 acres each. I sometimes think it would be easier to accelerate the fires and be done with it rather than try and stop them.
  • paul199madrid
    paul199madrid Posts: 413 Member
    I'm getting really tired of forest fires. They evacuated Essex today. We aren't far from there and the smoke in the afternoons is killing us. I've decided at this point they should let the fires just burn and it would be done already.

    You in Washington?

    Montana, just outside Glacier National Park

    I hope they get that fire put out they are really hard to control when they get out of hand . We had one here a while back it burned about 1500 acres.

    We have two that are over 17,000 acres near here. Yes, that was a 17 followed by three zeros. :frowning: We have two to the north that are over 7,000 acres and two to the south that are just over 2,000 acres each. I sometimes think it would be easier to accelerate the fires and be done with it rather than try and stop them.

    Damn!!!! It seems to me that's what they are doing Montana is a beautiful place I'd hate to see an area destroyed by a fire.
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,476 Member
    I kept the Doritos consumption to a minimum. Still have most of the bag for tonight. I love the tuna packs, especially the new flavored ones.
  • Sarri93
    Sarri93 Posts: 58 Member
    I haven't eaten doritos in forever. Tonight I've got chicken and peas. It's yummy!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I love chicken. And peas. And Doritos. Annnnd now I'm hungry...
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Also, I love the little foil packs of tuna, but haven't tried any of the flavored ones. Which ones are best?
  • Sarri93
    Sarri93 Posts: 58 Member
    lol I had an entire bag of peas for my dinner. And 5 oz of cooked chicken.

    I don't know about the flavored tunas. I only eat the regular canned stuff.
  • paul199madrid
    paul199madrid Posts: 413 Member
    Anyone like Brussel sprouts? I have an awesome recipe
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    *raises hand* MEEEE!
  • paul199madrid
    paul199madrid Posts: 413 Member
    You get Brussel sprouts steam them cook up some Quinoa with some beacon bites and some lemon juice it is the best I love it
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Sounds good! I'll have to try it sometime!