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The official nightshift thread....



  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    I'm just excited that it will be cool enough to run with my dog soon. She's solid black and running in the heat is NOT her cup of tea.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hey if y'all are happy, then good! Just 'cause I don't like it, don't mean Imma be mad at ya.

    I do occasionally get tired at seemingly being at odds with EVERYBODY IN THE UNIVERSE when it comes to temperature, though. I also get really sick of being cold. All. The. Time.
  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    edited September 2015
    @jennifer_417 I know plenty of people who hate the cold. So, you're not at odds with everyone in the universe.

    I'm the odd one. In addition to that 50 and lower, I also prefer some sort of precipitation, rain (yeah I went for my lunch break walk in a downpour the other night), or even snowing. I think I'm the only one I know who will take anything before sunshine (not really anything, and I do enjoy the sun, just not as much as the rest).

    Nothing like walking down the boardwalk at the shore, in 40s and 50s with a drizzle... just something about it makes me feel really good.
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Squats do wonders for the booty!!! And hips, thighs, and belly. I love them.

    As for weather, I like 70s or 80s. And I like the rain every so often. Just hard with it being so fricken humid. It's suppose to be much less humid for the next week. And it's my short week with work so I'm stoked. And def nicer weather to walk my doggies.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I love rain as long as its warm out. I hate cold rain!
    I also love squats...great for the booty!
    Also, I can't tell if people are being extra annoying, or if I'm just extra cranky...perhaps some varying combination of the 2...
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    edited September 2015
    Dear Dim Bulbs: I AM NOT IN CONTROL OF HOW MANY PARKING SPACES WE HAVE. Also, don't hold me responsible when something happens to your car when you refuse to park in an actual parking spot. Honestly, I'm super tempted to call the cops right now, so they will at least get a parking ticket.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    So...I'm listening to the radio (on scan to listen for fires) and the sheriff's dept. is going on and on trying to locate this guy who has been stabbed. He was walking along and I guess this random vehicle pulled over and he got stabbed and was just WANDERING AROUND Pine Hill Loop talking to the dispatcher.

    Deputy is there now with EMS, he has scratches on his hands(defensive wounds) and he has a stab wound in the abdomen.... and he was just walking around. Bleeding all over the place.... Poor guy. He just had a birthday last month and is only 23 years old! I can hear EMS trying to get him to lay down. I wonder what he's on....

    Welcome to Friday in Bastrop, Texas everybody!
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Dear Dim Bulbs: I AM NOT IN CONTROL OF HOW MANY PARKING SPACES WE HAVE. Also, don't hold me responsible when something happens to your car when you refuse to park in an actual parking spot. Honestly, I'm super tempted to call the cops right now, so they will at least get a parking ticket.

    This reminds me of dealing with my coworker this morning/yesterday.

    This is what I posted on my MFP wall:

    "I'm sorry, are you my new doctor/Fitness instructor/physical therapist? Then you shouldn't be telling me how to exercise. You also shouldn't take offense when I do not follow your unlicensed and unsolicited advice. You want to give me DIET ADVICE? Well I'm not taking that advice either because I've lost 40 pounds in 5 months and you haven't lost any weight despite your 'trying' for a YEAR!"

    See, what had happened was...
    My coworker and I talk and get a game plan on how we're going to work the shift so both campus's cameras are monitored at all times. I informed her of me getting dumped and she proceeded to tell me that I need to spend a year without any relationship and that at most I should have a NSA sex friend or whatever. I told her I wasn't going to have sex with her husband (I'm glad SHE'S attracted to her husband, but I do NOT find him attractive) because she keeps pushing that onto me.
    Bottom line: Telling me how to deal with relationships in my life. Not cool.

    She then proceeds to tell me about how she needs to 'school' our day shift person on how to put a flag at half staff because she put it too low. She's ex-military and proceeds to inform everyone at every opportunity. Never mind the fact that both positions are acceptable.
    Bottom Line: So now she's going to tell OTHER people what to do.

    She then calls me while I'm on my way home and asks if I'm headed straight home. I said yes, I have to walk my dog but I may turn it into a run. She then proceeds to tell me that I should NOT run and that I should do a really fast paced walk because it will 'burn more calories and wont hurt my knees.' HOLD UP B-TCH!

    I responded immediately, I interrupted her, and told her that I was going to run if I wanted to and that "my DOCTOR said my knees are fine and if I have any problems I will consult her on the matter. Furthermore, I do not run for the calorie burn or to lose weight. I do it as a meditative act, to measure myself, and to clear my head. To burn calories I weight lift to raise my base metabolic rate."

    She said "Oh okay." and hung up on me. She's the thyroid problem coworker. The one who said she was going to lose so much weight at this job (She started over a year ago) because she would be walking around a lot and has actually gained so much weight she had to order new uniform pants.

    Give me advice by all means but do NOT feed me your misinformation and do not try to force me into things I do not wanna do!

    /end rant

    Long post.... :neutral:
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Rant away. She is something special. Holy h*ll.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Rant away. She is something special. Holy h*ll.

    I'm all for being special. I'm special, @jennifer_417 is special, you're special. She is something else all together....
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    She makes me think of a "friend" I had years ago...nothing was EVER her fault. For instance, we were at a store trying on clothes; she took her toe ring off and forgot it. When we were headed back to the store to get it, I said, "Oh yeah, I saw where you put it down; I thought about saying something, but didn't." It was immediately my fault that she forgot her ring, and she let me know it! I told her, "It's not MY fault YOU forgot YOUR ring." But I stayed friends with her for years after that, which I came to deeply regret...
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    @lilaclovebird lmao!! Truth
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    edited September 2015
    I used to work at a hotel in a downtown with a tiny parking lot and a parking garage across the street. People would flip if they had to walk across the street. I mean, I'm a fat girl...and I don't complain about shizz like that! I had this one old *kitten* that was a platinum rewards member and he caused a huge scene "I've been a platinum member for over 20 years and I've never had to park so far away!" Yes...sir...when they built this hotel and parking lot BEFORE I WAS BORN...they consulted me and I told them to build a tiny lot so some azzhole 30+ years later will yell at me. And I wonder why I'm such a misanthropist. No, I don't wonder...it is validated every day.

    I LOVE snow! I have two palm-sized snowflake tattoos on my shoulder-y/chest-y regions because I love it so much. When it is snowing I feel like I am in my element. When I was a child one of my favorite things to do was get all bundled up and go lay in the snow and watch it fall. My favorite was when it was dark out and I was on the farm because it was SO quiet and beautiful. Loved that.

    Soooo, the first two periods of the soccer game were...hard to watch. My kiddo was too busy staring at me or her feet as she ran. She just ran around the field following the kids actually playing, stopped to chit chat with the coach, did her little "acting" thing for the other parents. The other day her dad practiced with her and when she is with him, she is AMAZING at soccer...dribbling with both feet, juking her dad out, running faster than he thought she could. But on the field? No. I kept telling her to pay attention and get IN it and for the third period she did. Thank goodness. We are very competitive and just know that as soon as she gets that first taste of winning, she'll be unstoppable...but until then...all she wants to do is "act" for people. On one hand I want to put her in an acting class or have her try out for a play but I'm not sure if it will be an outlet for this behavior (which we don't condone...she "acts" when she is being disciplined, when she is eating...constantly...and she doesn't listen at all when she "acts") or will fuel her desire for attention even more. I think we are doing martial arts next. I hope that will teach her discipline and focus. We'd really love to put her in gymnastics/tumbling. She is FEARLESS and tough as nails, you can't hurt that kid. She is compact and poweful. She'd get to have all eyes on her. She'd be perfect...but it is soooo expensive and the time commitment is crazy. Three times a week! And honestly, it is dangerous and scary. If she decides to not listen, it could cause some serious injuries or even death. But then again, I know it would be right up her alley. I guess we'll cross that bridge when we come to it...

    Sooo....@jennifer_417...Mr. Blue Eyes...any updates?
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Sooo....@jennifer_417...Mr. Blue Eyes...any updates?

  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Sigh...I actually felt like he went out of his way to avoid me this week. But IDK. Class is such an awkward place to try to talk to anyone, and I'm so awkward to begin with...I just don't know.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    @Frankie_Felinius Sounds like you have one athletic badass kid on your hands!
    Martial Arts would definitely be a help in the discipline and focus category but so would gymnastics. Tough decision there.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Sigh...I actually felt like he went out of his way to avoid me this week. But IDK. Class is such an awkward place to try to talk to anyone, and I'm so awkward to begin with...I just don't know.

  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I just snorted really loud, lol! But, if only that were true IRL...sigh.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    This is me today....
