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The official nightshift thread....



  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    I get OT if I have to work on my days off or stay over longer than my regular shift. I work Friday through Tuesday.
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    We used to get OT after 8 hours...that was nice! Clocking in 5 minutes early/late really added up every payday. Now it is after 80 hours per pay period...and we are scheduled so that doesn't happen except in rare occasions.
  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    edited September 2015
    lacroyx wrote: »
    I work weekends but my schedule is stable. Wednesday through Monday from 11pm-7am. No on call, OT or special holiday pay. On the rare occasion that I do have to work more than 8 hrs I get to make up those hrs by leaving early the following day.

    I could go for that. I have forced OT... I have to be relieved, and if the person doesn't show up, I don't go home until the next scheduled person comes in 8 hours later. And I still have to come in at the same time the next tour and go home same time.

    So, I can do 11pm-3pm all week being in again at 11pm. Sucks.

    I'll take something like your job for sure. Especially the "rare occasion" part.

    As far as the Wednesday and Thursday night off like lilac has... I debate whether I'd prefer that too. I got weekends off this year - took fifteen years to get that kind of seniority. For it I get tons of headaches, and it's near impossible to do things on the weekend. When I had Tuesday and Wednesday off, never had a problem getting a good spot on the beach. :)
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    I have Tue/Wed/Thu off. I'd like only two days off but my fifth working day would have to be a Friday 2nd shift, which not only the major amount of people interaction gives me anxiety, it makes me feel like I only get 1 day off...as is it feels like 2, not 3. I can't do that...not right now. I work 11p-7a Fri-Mon.

    We have a great staff now. There has been times I had to work doubles because no one showed up to relieve me and the manager at the time was a waste of space. Now, people only call off once in a blue moon...we tend to work sick so it has to be like, a death in the family for one of us to call off. Five of us to cover a 24/7/365 job. We all show up, help out when needed if we can, we all do our jobs (some are a little flakier than others but good enough so that it doesn't impede on others). Not too shabby...but I don't get paid for shizz...not that I should, I don't do a whole lot. So no one be jealous of my easy job...it comes with easy pay! ;) But it pays my bills and doesn't make me feel like running away (which most jobs have...and I've had A LOT) so it is what it is...my flight response is in hyper-drive most of the time...I used to keep jobs for a couple months, max. For YEARS. I've worked here since 2006. (Quit when I was pregnant, but that was hormone induced and my manager at the time and I butted heads to begin with...hormonal me was not gonna last long). It is what you'd call "stuck in a rut"...
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I usually work 9:45-7:45 Fri, Sat, Sun. I like having a stable schedule, but I do wish it paid a bit better, and/or I could work more house. But I'm also a full-time student, so...not wanting to die, I decided not to try to take on more hours anywhere. This week, the full-time auditor asked me to cover her Wed & Thur, which for some reason, I agreed to do. At least I'll get a whole day off out of the deal (Sunday). Too bad I'll probably spend the whole day sleeping.
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    My schedule is very stable. We don't pull on call, which is a blessing, and get overtime after 40hrs. On my long week, we work 48 hours. We get 4 hours of automatic OT, the other 4 hours we can either get paid for, save as comp time, or take it off as comp time.

    When we want to work OT, we don't have to work the entire shift. I love it here. So much better than the 911 center I left.
  • hamptontom
    hamptontom Posts: 536 Member
    what is this "work" of which you speak? i'm camping on the sofa after a weird-ish day, watching sappy movies and getting ready to pour my third George Dickel and Diet Dr. Pepper of the evening (not to worry, I was a good boy today and barely logged 800 calories for the day, so I've got headroom.)

  • ilovecereal1982
    ilovecereal1982 Posts: 1,194 Member
    Oooooooh ya nightshift thread in the house again...right on time...hey..fyi...when I type in nightshift...it auto corrects to nightshirt
  • Crimson_Fire
    Crimson_Fire Posts: 2,504 Member
    Hi yall!
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    I was wondering where everyone was tonight
  • Crimson_Fire
    Crimson_Fire Posts: 2,504 Member
    I'm still fake nightshifting tonight. Just up charting and answering the phone, hoping I don't actually have to go anywhere.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    edited September 2015
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    edited September 2015
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    edited September 2015
  • Aussie_Mel
    Aussie_Mel Posts: 25 Member
    Hi everyone. Getting back on track again. Recently gone back to night duties. I work in aged care as a carer while I'm studying to become a registered nurse. I'm getting into the swing of working nights again. Last time I was 30kg overweight and lived off energy drinks and chocolate.

    I'm up to night 3 of 3 tonight ( currently 2pm in Australia ) then night of. 3 more on and 4 nights off.

    Looking forward to any new tips and tricks of surviving and chatting with people who get it.

  • Crimson_Fire
    Crimson_Fire Posts: 2,504 Member
    Aussie_Mel wrote: »
    Hi everyone. Getting back on track again. Recently gone back to night duties. I work in aged care as a carer while I'm studying to become a registered nurse. I'm getting into the swing of working nights again. Last time I was 30kg overweight and lived off energy drinks and chocolate.

    I'm up to night 3 of 3 tonight ( currently 2pm in Australia ) then night of. 3 more on and 4 nights off.

    Looking forward to any new tips and tricks of surviving and chatting with people who get it.


    Hi! So awesome you're getting back on track.

    I'm a RN...I'm really curious, what are the requirements for nurses in Australia? Good luck with school! :)
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    edited September 2015
    Holy huge pictures, Batman! Sorry, just wanted to post a couple from the wedding I went to tonight. I'm not savvy enought to figure out how to make them smaller.
    NVM...I think I got it...
  • IrishMiner76
    IrishMiner76 Posts: 38 Member
    Good morning Nightshifters 3 of 4 for me but with a head cold the last 3 days . I love my children but they are small germ incubators who bring home sickness and black plague from a germ factory some call school.... my wife says I can be melodramatic when I'm sick... I don't understand her logic... the children are plotting against me... How do you guys fight the bug during nights ? I'm on a cold water and hot peppermint tea binge with vitamin D intervals !!! :s

  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,241 Member
    Azithromycin, Dayquill and lots of caffeine gets me through.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    @IrishMiner76 I sit in my chair and quietly wish for death...

    Just kidding. I take Dayquil and up my vitamin C and Zinc intake.