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The official nightshift thread....



  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    That's how it usually goes for me. The most TV I watch is at work. I have stuff that's been sitting in my DVR at home for months. No free time to catch up.

    @sufferlandrian I'm sorry your shift started so crappy. I hope it's gotten better!

    Slight vent ahead: I work pretty well with the other dispatcher on my squad but he's getting lazier and lazier. Took a call from a dr office earlier for a dog bite. Didn't get the patients address so our animal control officer could meet up with her. Officer calls for more info and dude is on break and left me nothing. I go on break and he's blowing my phone up with questions about DCI (the system we check veh plates and licenses on, among numerous other things). He gets mad when I bring my own dinner bc I'm not going out which means I'm not picking his dinner up either. He always eats out. He's burnt out but won't admit it and talks horrible about another dispatcher who is also burnt out. He huffs every. single. time. before he answers the radio. Here's a hint, we get paid to take traffic stops and security checks as well as 911 calls. He huffs on the radio too. Drives me up a wall. Our guys are use to it but I'm not. There's only 8 dispatchers total and no one is interested in moving so I'm pretty much stuck. The other night rotation would switch with me but then I'd be with the other burnt out one who is very antisocial. End rant
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    I jumped on the instagram band wagon. bethanie911

    Come find me! And of course I just dumped my phone pics onto my computer just last night :|
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    @bethanie0825 - Seems like a reasonable rant. I don't supposed when you go on meal break you could accidentally forget your phone so he can't call or text you could you?
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    I'm still not on Instagram or twitter. I gave up face book almost a year ago. This is about as social as I get anymore. I get tired of all the whining about who unfriended who and who is going to a restaurant with who and why aren't you attending my daughters fourth grade graduation.
  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    Hey guys, I have a question.

    got an invite to a high school friend's wedding. I hang out maybe once a year with the guy. Not that close, really, but I felt obligated (why?). So I get the invite and details the Saturday just passed for a wedding that is this Saturday.

    Like I said, friends from High School but not terribly close. What the hell do I give as a gift?
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    How about a calendar so he can realize that wasn't much notice? :smile:
  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    Heh, I was trying to figure out something that reflected the notice, but couldn't come up with anything. Then I thought it a bit spiteful to even think that way.

    My cynical side keeps telling me that I'm just filling in for someone else who couldn't make it and the slot is paid for... I keep trying to tell it to shut up.
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    edited October 2015
    Toxic co-workers...ish. Never any fun. Sooo glad we work one person to a shift! I must say, I've been that person though. Years ago, things were SO bad at the hotel because of the manager at the time. I worked 2nd shift then and when third shift came in, I'd complain for 20 minutes about how effed up things were and how horrible things went that night. One night she told me that hearing me complain about my shift set her up for a bad night. I felt terrible and immediately stopped. Good for her for having the guts to say something to me!

    I was only on Facebook about a year and recently quit. Well, I didn't close the page but I don't ever check it anymore. Same thing...whining...hurt feelings for stupid crap...stuff like that. Not even between my friends and I but just seeing a few peoples' stuff always in my feed...always negative...no thanks. Every once in awhile I'll see something like that on Instagram but since it is pictures...it is mostly just stuff that please me. I only had actual friends/accquaintances for the most part on FB and but on IG, I follow who interests me. If I unfollow you or you unfollow me, it is fine, it isn't as personal as FB, imo...so there is less of that crap.

    @belimawr I personally would give nothing...but I'm kind of an *kitten* that way. I'm not big on "obligations". That being said...they didn't offer a registry? That makes it so simple for guests. I'd say cash. Honestly, a wedding invite from someone I very rarely hang out with, one from a high school friend, especially one you JUST received the invitation for...is a solicitation for a gift as I see it. They say it is tacky to give cash but I think it is tacky to invite "gifters" instead of guests. Maybe I'm wrong in this case but it is pretty common practice. Or just a card wishing them the best!

    Edit: I assumed you were choosing not to go, when giving my answer. If you go, get a gift or give some cash. I DO think that if you choose to go, even if you were invited as a gifter, you gift. If you are not going, send a card...don't feel obligated to send a gift. This is just a WWFD - What would Frankie do? answer.

    I'm a terrible gifter. For my (ex) best friend's wedding...I bought the coolest thing (to me) on the registry...a booze decanting set plus glasses. In hindsight...her hubby had to have registered for that one...soooo that wasn't the coolest move by the maid of honor...
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    i'd love to forget my phone but it may as well be attached to my hand lmao. The first step is admitting I have a problem, right? :D

    I have fb and that's mostly for family. I've hidden countless people from my newsfeed bc I didn't like what they were posting or they were posting something every five mins. I love taking pictures and looking at them so I figured why not instagram.

    @belimawr I'd politely decline bc of prior engagements and explain that it was too short of notice. I don't think it's appropriate to invite someone to a wedding last minute, unless the wedding itself is last minute lol. It happens. I'd send a congrats card and that'd be it.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    @belimawr -I'm with @Frankie_Felinius -cash is a good way to go, or a gift card if you know where they like to shop. But, given the shortness of the notice, I wouldn't really feel obligated to go, unless you just really want to.
  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    Thanks for the input guys, guess it will be a little cash. The obligation, is well a long story having nothing actually to do with this person.

    Just found this, figured I'd post it as evilbook I mean facebook was just mentioned. Seems to sum it up pretty good.

  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I love theoatmeal!
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    @belimawr that was awesome!
  • hamptontom
    hamptontom Posts: 536 Member
    thankfully, i don't know anyone planning on getting married anytime in the near future...I'm sure i could think of somebody who'd be less fun at a wedding right now than i would, but it'd take some thought.

    i'm happier and better off alphabetizing my record collection and deciding where to hang photos. it takes all my energy just to get into the shower and come to work. :)
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    So investigators are now looking at two possible causes for the fire. One is a farming accident (plausible) and the other is that some @$$hat INTENTIONALLY violated the county wide burn ban to attempt a control burn.

    One is okay. The other might give me motive for murder....
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    hamptontom wrote: »
    thankfully, i don't know anyone planning on getting married anytime in the near future...I'm sure i could think of somebody who'd be less fun at a wedding right now than i would, but it'd take some thought.

    i'm happier and better off alphabetizing my record collection and deciding where to hang photos. it takes all my energy just to get into the shower and come to work. :)

    Haha hope you got through your shift ok!
  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    hamptontom wrote: »
    it takes all my energy just to get into the shower and come to work. :)

    I can sympathize with that feeling. Sucks too, as I've got twenty years to go before retirement...
    One is okay. The other might give me motive for murder....

    Hope it doesn't come to that!
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Can't stand people who think burn bans don't mean anything. I've worked some where houses have burned down bc someone didn't want to wait to burn.

    @hamptontom I've been there myself. And it's cool that that's all the energy you have bc you got out of bed and did your thing :)
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I love theoatmeal!
    I've met the artist at Seattle's Comic-con before. He's from my area and he's a pretty cool guy.

  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    I can't believe this Maltese survived a bear attack with only moderate lacerations! Mom heard the commotion and came out and screamed and scared the bear. She dropped the dog and when the dog took off, the bear ran after it but the dog was too fast and came back home 20 minutes later with just the bite wounds over the shoulders. I just put her back together and she is going home. :smile: