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The official nightshift thread....



  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    One of my few nights off. Just finished reading to the kids. Now off to bed with them. :smile: I'm finding it harder to keep the calories down on days that I'm off.
  • NurseLisaRN
    NurseLisaRN Posts: 7 Member
    My boss has commented twice on how my scrubs are hanging off of me. Best part about scrubs is the drawstring pants so I can wear them two sizes too large. Guess it's time to go shopping.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    @ NurseLisaRN - Good for you. :smile:

    Back on for the weekend. Hope you guys are having a great night.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    It's slowed down so I got in 30 minutes on the bike. Now for something to eat and then back to work.
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,456 Member
    edited January 2015
    I've been off work the last two nights, but have stuck to the night shift schedule. It's been great being off work - makes me realize just how much I don't like my job anymore. Back to work on Sat night.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Sorry about the job MadDog. I do enjoy my few days off but I like my job as well. That makes it a lot easier to go back to work.
  • Renee0887
    Renee0887 Posts: 214 Member
    Day shift today but nights Sun & Mon
    Mon night will be a hard one, have to get up after only 5 hrs of sleep to attend the Regimental Funeral at 1400, then be at work for 1730 ish.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Yikes! That's a rapid turn around. I see some caffeine in your future. :smile:
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,456 Member
    I know the "grass isn't greener on the other side" - that's why I'm sticking it out here at my current hospital. It's close to home, compared to others I've worked at, and working night shift has me driving against the traffic both ways :-) Now, when my supervisor retires in April, that may be another story...
  • mamameaof2kiddos
    mamameaof2kiddos Posts: 6,611 Member
    Night shifter :)
  • SojournerThirteen
    SojournerThirteen Posts: 28,204 Member
    Night Owl and toss and turner
  • Renee0887
    Renee0887 Posts: 214 Member
    here for the next 11 hrs!
  • NurseLisaRN
    NurseLisaRN Posts: 7 Member
    I'm not happy to be working tonight. Our neighbors are doing some sort of home improvement that involves saws and hammers. I slept about 5 hours. My patient is annoying, and I don't really like any of my Co workers that are here. Oh well.
  • Renee0887
    Renee0887 Posts: 214 Member
    I'm fortunate enough to get along with most of my co-workers. It's the people calling in I have no patience for!
  • LazyNightOwl
    LazyNightOwl Posts: 166 Member
    I work alone so all my interactions are via phone & email. Sometimes I am starved for human interaction!!
  • ut04827
    ut04827 Posts: 103
    Not s shifter but can't sleep tonight lol
  • Renee0887
    Renee0887 Posts: 214 Member
    someone start dishing on their night....I'm supervising tonight so not much interaction with the public.
  • LazyNightOwl
    LazyNightOwl Posts: 166 Member
    Well it's been snowing here for the past four or five hours and I've yet to hear the snow plow speed by so my trip home might be a little scary if they don't start plowing soon!
  • Renee0887
    Renee0887 Posts: 214 Member
    yuck! It's been unseasonally warm here. All of our snow has practically melted in the last few days.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I just started my shift. 7.5 hrs to go and it's my Friday! However, my coworker called in. I'm all alone which means I can't go outside and walk like I normally do on slow nights. )=