Over 200 New year New Me Part 34



  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Julie- you are so cute! I wouldnt go buy the onesie though. I know exactly which one you are talking about and they have it out every halloween, so it may be in your best interest to have the baby THEN buy the onesie...trust me it will still be $3 and you can get the right size! Im just saying cause my son was a thanksgiving baby and I bought a bunch of cute thanksgiving stuff for him before he was born..and of course he is a monster and it didnt fit, even though he was only like 10 days old when thanksgiving rolled around. He skipped newborn size altogether, wore size 3months for maybe a month and then stayed at 6-9 months for awhile! So thats jsut my 2 cents..wait it out. If you really cant wait then I suggest buying 3-6 month...

    Im so over the wedding bit now, lets move on to the next kid already!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Julie- you are so cute! I wouldnt go buy the onesie though. I know exactly which one you are talking about and they have it out every halloween, so it may be in your best interest to have the baby THEN buy the onesie...trust me it will still be $3 and you can get the right size! Im just saying cause my son was a thanksgiving baby and I bought a bunch of cute thanksgiving stuff for him before he was born..and of course he is a monster and it didnt fit, even though he was only like 10 days old when thanksgiving rolled around. He skipped newborn size altogether, wore size 3months for maybe a month and then stayed at 6-9 months for awhile! So thats jsut my 2 cents..wait it out. If you really cant wait then I suggest buying 3-6 month...

    Im so over the wedding bit now, lets move on to the next kid already!

    You're right Cris. I was going to get the 3-6 month size just in case I had a monster. Figured I can put a smaller baby in bigger clothes better than I can squeeze a baby into something too small. :laugh: Theoretically, the earliest I could have a (full term) baby would be July (correction -- June), so it would be 3.5 (correction: 4.5) months for Halloween at the oldest. Assuming I actually got pregnant in the next 4 months which of course I'm not counting on. I think I've thought about this onesie a little too much. :embarassed:
    It's just that what if they DON'T have it next year? :laugh: I guess I'll live. :tongue:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: I heard once that October 5th is the most common birthday in the United States because New Year's is the most common conception time. So, if you want an October baby, you should practice a lot in January. Just saying. I love telling my boyfriend this fact considering his birthday is October 7th...hehe.

    Cris: If you want to see previews of Insanity, the program Jess will be starting, you can view it for free at beachbody.com. I'm starting ChaLean Extreme next week and even though it's a Beachbody program as well, I had to go to youtube to view the infomerical in full. Oh, and thanks for the comment about being hotter...you and my bf are apparently on the same page there.

    Jess: I have hear that increasing calcium helps with weight loss. I read the thread you posted about it and like one of those who have responded, I take a few Tums each day. However, I think I'll switch to Caltrate or a similar product with Vitamin D. I also take Flintstone chewable vitamins which have calcium and vitamin D, so I may actually be doing better than I thought. My nails have been growing like crazy lately, but I think part of that is the high amounts of ice cream I tend to consume, too. No matter what, added calcium can't hurt because we all want to prevent osteoporosis, after all!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I PROMISE THEY WILL HAVE IT NEXT YEAR!!!!

    Im doing really well so far today...sticking to the meals I have planned, drank over 100oz in water already...now if I can make it through the rest of the day I should be able to stick to this again...the first day for me is always the hardest. Yesterday didnt count because I ate like 3,000 calories.

    Im really sore from c25k...I know you are supposed to take days in between but my plan was to redo it using M-Tu and Fri as running days and Wed and Thur are my spin class nights (yes I am totally addicted)...we'll find out tonight how well I do with double run days!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Jess - I have also heard about the calium thing... and even if it doesn't aid it weight loss, it's SUPER important to get all of your calcium. It'll save you possible bone issues later. (my mom the nurse would be so proud of me and my calicum PSA)

    Julie - Your baby fever is contagious! :) I just need to stick it out another year... my doc said to start prenatal vitamins now, keep up the weight loss and for me and the man to (direct quote coming) "enjoy each other". Haha! She also recommended lots of yoga... the less stressed you are the better your chances. Good luck!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Jess - I have also heard about the calium thing... and even if it doesn't aid it weight loss, it's SUPER important to get all of your calcium. It'll save you possible bone issues later. (my mom the nurse would be so proud of me and my calicum PSA)

    Julie - Your baby fever is contagious! :) I just need to stick it out another year... my doc said to start prenatal vitamins now, keep up the weight loss and for me and the man to (direct quote coming) "enjoy each other". Haha! She also recommended lots of yoga... the less stressed you are the better your chances. Good luck!

    Yoga is good, but Bed pilates is better
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    julie - i agree with cris...i had a huge baby (she was 10 1/2 lbs 2 weeks early , expecting to be 13 lbs), doctor told me at about 6 months to NOT buy 0-3 stuff she won't ever fit into it :smile:

    I concieved mid october and had a july baby

    My sister in law has 2 october babys oct 13 and oct 31st ...how weird is that...so they definetly like to get it on in january :smile:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    All this baby talk is cracking me up!! tstout I had no idea you had baby fever too! Maybe you should try bed pialates AND yoga! HAHA!!

    Thank you all for the calcium info. I started taking the Citrical last night.

    Heather-My Mom told me the same thing that a few others posted on the discussion about how you need vit d so that way the calcium basically doesn't go to "waste" or however they put it. And the citrical has it. I'm going to Sam's to stock up!

    Deb-That is a big baby! I hope you didn't do a natural birth! When I was born I was preemie but was still only like 4 pounds. I could fit in the palm of my dads hand. What happened? I bloated up quick! LOL

    Cris-Good job staying on track today. I'm proud of you! I think doubling up on your running days will be okay for awhile. Your body was use to running so I don't see it doing any damage. Just listen to your body.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member

    Deb-That is a big baby! I hope you didn't do a natural birth! When I was born I was preemie but was still only like 4 pounds. I could fit in the palm of my dads hand. What happened? I bloated up quick! LOL

    I am supposed to take vit D with teh calcium i am just bad about taking it , dr said i was deficent in vit d along with alot of the us due to not being outside as much...

    Yes she was..when i was pregant people asked me all the time if i was having twins.....Serena was almost 9 , which i thought she was pretty big till i had abby...and both c-sections...!!!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Nov is apparently popular because of Valentine's day...which is most likely around the time I conceived :devil:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Deb I thought Brayden was rough...8lbs 9 ounces....I had a vaginal delivery though! WITH LOTS OF DRUGS! Julie please take the drugs!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Deb I thought Brayden was rough...8lbs 9 ounces....I had a vaginal delivery though! WITH LOTS OF DRUGS! Julie please take the drugs!!!

    I did have a very brief moment of insanity last week when I contemplated (for like 2 minutes) the idea of natural birth. :noway: I'm 99% sure I'll take the drugs. Though my mom has assured me it'll just "slide right on out" with the hips I have. :grumble:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Deb I thought Brayden was rough...8lbs 9 ounces....I had a vaginal delivery though! WITH LOTS OF DRUGS! Julie please take the drugs!!!

    I did have a very brief moment of insanity last week when I contemplated (for like 2 minutes) the idea of natural birth. :noway: I'm 99% sure I'll take the drugs. Though my mom has assured me it'll just "slide right on out" with the hips I have. :grumble:

    When I say stuff like this, it makes me feel bad because it's like I'm assuming I'll be able to get pregnant. Honestly, I already feel like it'll never happen because it's something I want so much (which is the reason I'm trying not to expect it to happen right away & to be calm about it). But fair warning, if it hasn't happened by this time next year I *will* indeed be a basket case. :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Deb I thought Brayden was rough...8lbs 9 ounces....I had a vaginal delivery though! WITH LOTS OF DRUGS! Julie please take the drugs!!!

    I did have a very brief moment of insanity last week when I contemplated (for like 2 minutes) the idea of natural birth. :noway: I'm 99% sure I'll take the drugs. Though my mom has assured me it'll just "slide right on out" with the hips I have. :grumble:

    When I say stuff like this, it makes me feel bad because it's like I'm assuming I'll be able to get pregnant. Honestly, I already feel like it'll never happen because it's something I want so much (which is the reason I'm trying not to expect it to happen right away & to be calm about it). But fair warning, if it hasn't happened by this time next year I *will* indeed be a basket case. :laugh:

    Now may be a good time for you to start doing Yoga! Get all nice and relaxed! haha
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I agree with Cris. Bed pilates is WAY better than yoga. I actually hate yoga.

    So, I'm trying to track down a copy of the guidebook that should have come with my ChaLean Extreme but Beachbody.com won't let me buy one because I didn't buy the program directly from them. I bought them used and they didn't come with the full guide, which I did not realize. How frustrating. Don't they realize if they keep me happy now, I'll buy one of the other programs at full price down the line?
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Now may be a good time for you to start doing Yoga! Get all nice and relaxed! haha

    Yeah, I majorly suck at Yoga. Too high strung. :tongue:
    It's definitely something I need to work on. I bet Yoga would help. :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I can't do a DVD of Yoga. I have to take it at a gym. But has to be a specific kind. I don't like it all fast paced. I can't move that quickly! That isn't relaxing for me. Nice slow movements are good for me.

    Heahter-Try posting a discussion? Maybe someone can scan ya a copy of theirs maybe?
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: I was thinking about posting a link. I have an email out to my Beachbody coach to see if she can get me a copy. If not, I'll see if someone can scan it. Did you see the blog someone posted today of her Pre-Insanity and Day 15 Insanity pics? They're amazing!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Jess: I was thinking about posting a link. I have an email out to my Beachbody coach to see if she can get me a copy. If not, I'll see if someone can scan it. Did you see the blog someone posted today of her Pre-Insanity and Day 15 Insanity pics? They're amazing!
    Yes I did!! What's great is she weighed about what I do when she started and 15 days in she's at 201. I know I wont get the same exact results but if I could get CLOSE to that before the wedding I just might cry. If I saw 199 before the wedding there would be tears for sure!!! I watched the video on the website and I'm scared to death but I'm going for it! Go hard or go home. It's time for me to do something and stop making excuses! I'm pumped! haha...can ya tell!?
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Jess -- If I can get Insanity for free (ahem.... you didn't read that), I'M WITH YOU! I was considering P90X but I don't want to have to buy the extra equipment right now. What good is a chinup bar going to do me anyway when there is NO WAY in h*** I can do a chinup right now (or ever before in the history of me)?
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