Over 200 New year New Me Part 34



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Jess -- If I can get Insanity for free (ahem.... you didn't read that), I'M WITH YOU! I was considering P90X but I don't want to have to buy the extra equipment right now. What good is a chinup bar going to do me anyway when there is NO WAY in h*** I can do a chinup right now (or ever before in the history of me)?

    hahaha....I'm usually not very good at taking hints or beatin around the bush but I'll look into how I can get ya some Insanity if your interested. See if I can spread the insanity love to you asap if you want to start with me on Monday.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Jess -- If I can get Insanity for free (ahem.... you didn't read that), I'M WITH YOU! I was considering P90X but I don't want to have to buy the extra equipment right now. What good is a chinup bar going to do me anyway when there is NO WAY in h*** I can do a chinup right now (or ever before in the history of me)?

    hahaha....I'm usually not very good at taking hints or beatin around the bush but I'll look into how I can get ya some Insanity if your interested. See if I can spread the insanity love to you asap if you want to start with me on Monday.

    Oh, I wasn't hinting! :smile: I actually meant if I can get it free through other means. :wink:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Jess -- If I can get Insanity for free (ahem.... you didn't read that), I'M WITH YOU! I was considering P90X but I don't want to have to buy the extra equipment right now. What good is a chinup bar going to do me anyway when there is NO WAY in h*** I can do a chinup right now (or ever before in the history of me)?

    hahaha....I'm usually not very good at taking hints or beatin around the bush but I'll look into how I can get ya some Insanity if your interested. See if I can spread the insanity love to you asap if you want to start with me on Monday.

    Oh, I wasn't hinting! :smile: I actually meant if I can get it free through other means. :wink:

    See I really suck at this game! LOL I can see what I can do about sending you a copy if you want.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: My bf has been considering P90X because an acquaintance of his can get it, but the workouts are 1-1.5 hours per day! ChaLean Extreme (weight lifting based workout) is 30-40 minutes per day, so way more doable for me. The bf has the chin up bar and I've been trying for months to get to the point where I can do just ONE chin up and I'm still a LONG way from it. I'm not sure I've ever done one in my life, either. Same goes for real pushups.

    Jess: How long are the Insanity workouts? I guess I forgot to pay attention to that when I watched the preview. I'm really getting pumped up, too. I have emails out to a few people who may be able to get me a copy of the guide book that I'm missing. Boo! That would be the downside of being cheap, I guess! Live and learn, right?
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Okay, I am finally caught up. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: YAY, Cris is BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Deb, good luck with the prequal.

    Heather,Jess, you guys are amazing with these more advanced workouts. I am still doing Leslie Sansone walk fit.

    Julie, TAKE THE DRUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My first baby was premature she was due Oct. 16 conceived in January:blushing: Had her Sept. 17th and she was a whopping 6 pounds 9 ounces with another month to grow. Used drugs (from the hospital) Second baby came day before due date at 9 pounds 5 ounces and she was vaginal. Drugs again but they did me NO GOOD, 3rd baby also due in Oct. Oct 4th to be exact. ha! came 2 weeks early and she was 8.5 pounds Vaginally again. Then Ry came I decided I did the whole giving birth in pain because I am sorry those drugs they give in the iv don't do anything but make you HIGH and in pain. So I had the epideral. Ohhhhhh, that was bliss. I laid in bed and watched tv visited with my hubby took a nap. Oh so nice. but he was a 9 pounder and they took him c-section. So get an EPIDERAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also don't stress, I know it is hard not to, But don't . My mom TRIED to get preg with me and after 3 years she said forget it. and bam she was preg with me then preg with my bro 6 months after my birth. Just a tad of advice from one momma to a soon to be momma. By the way doctors are liars. they call it 9 months but it is 9 completed months=40weeks! Start taking prenatal and folic acid. Look it up but it is suppose to be wise to get started on those things
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Just wanted to let everyone know that I will not be weighing in on Fridays. I do not plan to participate in the percentage of weight loss thing. I however will be posting my weight loss and percentage on Tues. The reason I have decided to change this is because weighing in on Friday's gives me a sense of I can over eat on the weekends. I think weighing in on Tuesday will make me a bit more accountable over the weekend. I hope this works so next tuesday I will begin posting my weight loss!!!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    OMG, I am gone for an afternoon and ya start talking about conception, babies, vitamins, and workout videos.About the conception part, well I guilty of 3 late September/October babies all being 2/3 weeks early...and I was also an October (4th) baby...yuck, to think my parent were doing the naughty...

    I didn't do Shred today. I was so tired from the beating I got yesterday. I might just do some walking later...

    Jess, I am intrested in the Insanity videos..and I will try anything to see a decrease in the scale! I wanted to do P90x however, hubby down for all that sweating and, well, it's too mcuh money to be coughing for just me doing it. I will totally do it with you..all the motivation sista.

    Be back tomorrow. Have a great evening girls!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Hi sisters! I tried to post via my new Droid phone this afternoon but I got confused and somehow I clicked "report" on Heather's post. So sorry Heather if you get some sort of message about an inappropriate post. :ohwell: I tried to fix it, but as you can see, my post never arrived here.

    I've been super depressed about work. I know things will get better, it's just trying to make it through the day. I love the kids! It's the adults!!!

    I miss you all and promise to be here more often now that I am getting my life in order. I love you all!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Yay Blue! I'm so happy to see you -- I worry. :flowerforyou:

    Momma -- THANK YOU for the advice!! I appreciate all the advice I get, especially from someone who has been there 4 times! My mom also says take the drugs because she didn't get any. She likes to start out the story of not having the option of an epidural with the phrase "In those days" which makes me feel entirely too old. :laugh: I'm taking a multivitamin with 600mcg folic acid & a good bit of iron & calcium (& of course all the other standard multivitamin stuff) already but I think I may go ahead with researching & switching to an over-the-counter prenatal especially since I'm continuing to eat at a calorie deficit until (if) I get a positive hpt. It seems a little surreal to actually be planning a pregnancy when I've spent so many years desperately trying to prevent one. :laugh: :blushing: The pressure is on now because there's a long tradition of the women in my family having their first baby at 27 so I have 11 -12 cycles to get it right. :wink: I mean, a family tradition is at stake here! :tongue:

    Calories: 1624 (goal 1905). Deficit for today should be around 700-800 cals.
    Exercise: 20 minutes elliptical, 17 minutes running 6-6.5mph intervals & then the gym closed so I had to leave. :tongue: Challenge 50% complete.
    Water: Working on cup #12 I think
    Proud: I worked 8.30am-9pm and was super excited to get off work in time to make it to the gym before it closed. I'm really motivated this week. I'm doing this!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    Mad day from hell over here ! Wedding planning drama & work overload = unhappy me !
    I was so stressed and busy that I didn't have any time left to overeat though :bigsmile:

    I was reading the recent posts - lilSpy !!!! exciting !!!!! - we will all be your baby's "weight loss aunties" !!!:laugh:

    The other thing I noticed is how hard many of us are on ourselves. I watched an interesting show last night, Thintervention.
    She had each of her weight loss clients bring in photos of themselves as children and asked them if they could ever say to that child the types of things they say to their adult selves. e.g. "you're a lazy, good for nothing fat slob" or something of that ilk.
    Of course the answer was obvious, you would never scold a small child in the way that we internally scold ourselves all the time.
    I :heart: all of you and wanted to pass on this message. We all could be a little nicer to ourselves, I'm guessing, so give yourself a pep talk tomorrow about how wonderful you are. :heart: :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    meok - THanks!! for that I am very hard on myself not just on loosing weight but everything ...

    I think my work is really just trying to kill me...got another deadline this week with a long list of tstuff behind it :sad:

    all my paperwork is expected at the mortgage company this morning before 10:30...I am hoping we hear something...i am sooo nervous about hearing back. Hubby says not to worry i am sure we will get prequaled but we have some credit problems in the past, the rent house in Mississippi...just hope it all works out...would be awesome to get a prequal today, i know that would make me feel soo much better...Would be a great bday present for hubby tomorrow.

    I am planning on weighing in tomorrow and not friday this week. Since his bday is tomrorow we are going out to eat and i am sure it will be like tons of sodium ...I know i won't be in any contention for biggest loser :grumble: since at this morning i was .1 lbs down from friday...at least it isn't more...so i doubt i will be even at like 1/2 lb...but whatever i will take it,..
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Meokk - thank you so much for posting that. I've been thinking the same thing and I'm so glad you pointed that out. We all have bumps on the journey, but it's important to remember that this is a lifestyle change and life takes all kinds of twists and turns. Love yourself. Know that your weight loss sisters are here for you...no matter what kind of a day you had!

    Julie - It's so amazing to see you talk about wanting to get pregnant. We aren't at that point yet, however I'm sure we'll get to that point in the next few years. However, I know when it's time, I'll have the best support system ever!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Cals - Under w/exercise - 1450 total
    Water - 112 oz
    Exercise - 1 hour of hot vinyasa yoga. 50% of the challenge is complete!
    Proud - Had an overall great day. Spent some time with a friend and got to just be home alone for awhile.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Morning ladies!
    I didn't get enough sleep last night and I tried to counteract that by drinking too much coffee this morning. I am very much not used to so much caffeine (I only had 2 cups!). I feel like a crazy person. It's going to be an interesting day. :drinker:

    I weighed myself this morning for the first time in a few days and I'm back up to 193.0. :grumble: I'm going to pretend it's the I-worked-out-2-days-in-a-row thing and not the I-ate-pizza-all-weekend thing
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Meokk-So glad to see you here. And thank you for the reminder. I often forget and am really hard on myself. Something I'm trying really hard to work on. I'm hard on myself in more ways then just in weight loss category! Thanks my weight loss sister

    Deb-Hope you get some good news today! Sorry work has put another deadline on you. I know you'll get it all done.

    Lauren-Great job at being halfway done with the challenge for the week!

    I saw 210.6 on the scale this morning!!!!!!! I hope it sticks till Friday!!!!!!!

    Check in for 9.21
    Calories: over I'm sure. Mexican cantina we went to doesn't have a nutritional menu but I had 2 margaritas a few chips and salsa and half this grill chicken and veggies meal. I had a little over 600 calories for dinner...pretty sure I went over
    Water: 8 cups
    Exercise: None, again, I really suck this week
    Proud: Not sure I have anything to be proud of except that the scale showed a number BESIDES 211 this morning!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    I can't be on as much as I would like today because all 3 of my kids are home with some kinda cough/cold/stomach virus thing. It must be from the weather changing...

    I will be doing the shred. I am going to attempt to do yesterdays and today ( since I missed yesterday). I might not do anything else.

    Have a great day girls!!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Yay Jess!! 210!! How exciting! :bigsmile:

    Pos_me -- Hope your kids feel better soon. That stomach virus is no joke & is getting around really quickly. I saw 2 people pull over to puke on the interstate on my way to work Monday morning. :laugh: :sick: I knew right then it was going to be a good week. :tongue:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - Excited for you...i am hpoing it sticks for you !!!!!

    Pos - Sorry your kiddos are sick...

    You know i am really suprised i had 247.8 this morning..due to i was 700 calories over..yes 700...that was including jimmy johns which is loaded in sodium...so maybe if i flush some of this sodium out today i may have somewhat of a loss .
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie-WOW! Pulling over to puke? Yeah that is indeed a sign of a good week to come! :laugh:

    POS Me-Hope your kiddos get better soon. A stomach virus is NEVER good times! Take care of yourself and rest so you don't get sick too. Don't push yourself too hard. You don't have to make up for yesterday.

    Deb-Crossin my fingers you can flush out some of the water retention and see a bigger loss.

    So I forgot my breakfast, yet again...so instead of stopping I'm eating non traditional breakfast food. I'm eating a can of Tuna. haha...better then McDonalds! :drinker:
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Morning ladies!

    I have discovered that I, too (like Julie), cannot handle coffee. Boyfriend bought me some of those Starbucks Via packets so I could stay awake in class on Tuesday nights. I got through a little more than half of it and was a shakey mess... hahaa. So I need to cut it down to half a packet and that's all. haha

    Checking in for yesterday -
    Calories: under! (including the pack of pretzels m&ms I had)
    Sodium: under!
    Water: OVER! I nearly had an accident driving home from school
    Exercise: none other than walking to and from class
    Proud: That I am back in school. :)
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hi girlies!

    I was at 205.2 this morning, not quite sure how because I def did not stick to my meal plan yesterday.

    I did great until I got home from work. Im already pretty stressed out about work, wedding, etc...then Bobby and I got into a huge fight and he didnt come home for like 3 hours after that fight so I sat there stuffing my face with anything I could find. We made up this morning but the damage was done. So I was surprised to see the 205 this morning. I also didnt make it to the gym...

    Today I have spin class and I am in the process of planning my meals right now. Im determined to keep trying to get back on track. Old me would have said "you arleady messed this week up, just restart monday"

    Julie- practice make sperfect...like everyone else said, just relax and dont worry about it too much. I loved your story about not breaking family tradition

    Momma- ****WAVING WILDLY**** HI!!!!!! Seems like you and hubby get busy a lot in January eh eh..hehe. I miss you! Glad you are back too!

    Pos me- sorry about your kids, I hate it when my son is sick. It breaks your heart seeing them that way, hope they feel better soon!

    Jess- Woohoo! 210!!! and eww on the tuna
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