Over 200 New year New Me Part 34



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-I'm still laughing about your comment yesterday about making a spreadsheet on my men...hahahaha...I might need it too! Congrats on the 205! Your quickly making progress. Hope things are all better with you and Bobby!

    I'm full of energy this morning...maybe it's still the two margaritas from last night.
    For those who were interested in insanity..I'm dumb and can't seem to figure out how to copy them. Or maybe I don't have the right program. I'll have to ask my friend.

    On the inasnity note...I'm PUMPED to start it on Monday!! I am thinking of doing the Fitness Test this weekend if I have time. I started taking my vitamins today...lets hope it works!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Cris-I'm still laughing about your comment yesterday about making a spreadsheet on my men...hahahaha...I might need it too! Congrats on the 205! Your quickly making progress. Hope things are all better with you and Bobby!

    I'm full of energy this morning...maybe it's still the two margaritas from last night.
    For those who were interested in insanity..I'm dumb and can't seem to figure out how to copy them. Or maybe I don't have the right program. I'll have to ask my friend.

    On the inasnity note...I'm PUMPED to start it on Monday!! I am thinking of doing the Fitness Test this weekend if I have time. I started taking my vitamins today...lets hope it works!

    Jess - on copying the insantity, since they are dvd's you have to have a dvd writer, if you try to just burn them as cd's that won't work.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-I'm still laughing about your comment yesterday about making a spreadsheet on my men...hahahaha...I might need it too! Congrats on the 205! Your quickly making progress. Hope things are all better with you and Bobby!

    I'm full of energy this morning...maybe it's still the two margaritas from last night.
    For those who were interested in insanity..I'm dumb and can't seem to figure out how to copy them. Or maybe I don't have the right program. I'll have to ask my friend.

    On the inasnity note...I'm PUMPED to start it on Monday!! I am thinking of doing the Fitness Test this weekend if I have time. I started taking my vitamins today...lets hope it works!

    Jess - on copying the insantity, since they are dvd's you have to have a dvd writer, if you try to just burn them as cd's that won't work.

    I have some program called DVD maker or something but it wont add the files..when I click on them nothing happens. It's weird. I was just gonna ask my friend about it when I see her.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - That is interseting...hopefully she will be able to help you.

    papers are delivered at the mortgage company......i really need some patience ..i have NONE...if yall couldn't tell :smile:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member

    I already ate my mid day snack...booo! Come on lunch time!!!

  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Cris, what are you talking about my hubby and I have only gotten busy 4 times in our lives. At least that is what my older children think. 2 times in january once in June, and once in September!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I am so happy to see you back. You are so fun to have around.

    Jess, best of luck going insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:

    Deb, hope paper work is going well. I am so excited for you. My bro and his wife had a home built. He is so hilarious and a perfectionist. He kept telling the workers that he felt the front porch light looked crooked. They said they fixed it. So he waited until the builders left and went and fixed them himself. He cracks me up. He also helped me and my hubby put our front door up. While he was gone we put the frame around the door., My hubby says watch he is going to be mad at us for doing this while he was gone. He was he said we did not do it right. It's our house what does he care. HE owns a roofing business and he knows a lot about constuction. I know his customers get the best roofs around.

    Good morning to my weight loss sisters. Just trying to make good choices today. I am trying to get to my 4 workouts this week. I took a walk yesterday but I really need to get back to working out.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Cris, what are you talking about my hubby and I have only gotten busy 4 times in our lives. At least that is what my older children think. 2 times in january once in June, and once in September!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I am so happy to see you back. You are so fun to have around.

    Jess, best of luck going insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:

    Deb, hope paper work is going well. I am so excited for you. My bro and his wife had a home built. He is so hilarious and a perfectionist. He kept telling the workers that he felt the front porch light looked crooked. They said they fixed it. So he waited until the builders left and went and fixed them himself. He cracks me up. He also helped me and my hubby put our front door up. While he was gone we put the frame around the door., My hubby says watch he is going to be mad at us for doing this while he was gone. He was he said we did not do it right. It's our house what does he care. HE owns a roofing business and he knows a lot about constuction. I know his customers get the best roofs around.

    Good morning to my weight loss sisters. Just trying to make good choices today. I am trying to get to my 4 workouts this week. I took a walk yesterday but I really need to get back to working out.

    Thanks momma - I worry about every thing...and I just like to have it all planned out...i don't know why people can just do everything now :smile: We built our 1st house (then sold it , which i wish we didn't :sad:) and we were out there all the time watching it be built that is soo cool...when they frame it and you walk around seeing what is where...we had to keep on top of it as sometimes they weren't doing thigns like we had planned or just stupid, like one time they put an outliet in the middle of the wall...like chest level in a bedroom...we wer elike WTH...if this goes through i will be soo excited...It will be the 1st house with a guest room...that we can have people come stay with us...
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hi Momma! Im thinking that the stork story will work on my kids! What do you think? Or immacualte conception...hmm we def have NEVER done "IT" hehe

    I remember I found a pack of viagra in my father's nightstand when I was in college and I TOTALLY freaked out...ewwwww

    So its noon now and Im eating lunch...Im a much happier person!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    **twiddles thumb** where is everyone?!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    **twiddles thum** where is everyone?!

    Getting my balls busted at work. It's one of those weeks (full moon).
    Need weekend now.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    **twiddles thumb** where is everyone?!

    I'm here I'm here!! Been looking at hotels for my sisters bachelorette party. You know how difficult it is to find a hotel these days that offer smoking rooms!?
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I am being very very impatient :sad:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I love all of the random comments today!

    Momma: Don't feel bad about doing the Leslie Sansone workouts. They're great! I do them occasionally and am hoping my mom will start using them more. During Biggest Loser last night she said, "I really need to start working out more." I said, "Well I bought those Leslie Sansone DVDs with you in mind. Just do them!" We'll see if she does...

    Nancy: I did not get any strange posts from you, so don't sweat it!

    Julie: Love the family tradition thing. I broke my family's tradition, which was a generational gap of 22. Um, yeah, I wasn't even considering children at that point!

    Meokk: Thanks for the reminder about not being too hard on ourselves. I don't have too much of the negative talk, but every once in a while that negative voice pops out and it's hard to quiet it once it starts!

    Jess: I know my bf has a program he has to use when copying DVDs to cover up the copyright or something. Hopefully your friend can help you get it figured out. I'm planning on doing my fit test, pictures, measurements and watching the first workout on Friday or Saturday in preparation for starting the program on Sunday. Woo hoo! I'm excited.

    Deb: I know how hard it is to be patient while waiting to hear on a house! Buying my house was the most nerve-wracking experience of my life! I can't imagine what a nervous wreck I'd be if I ever got married or had children! How you women do it all is completely beyond me.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Under by 618 (partially exercise calories)
    Sodium: Under by 338!
    Water: 67.6 oz.
    Exercise: 30 minute Boxing DVD...challenge met (2/4 done for the week!)
    Proud: That I'm taking the time to fully prepare for starting a new exercise program on Sunday!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-I'm excited and nervous all at the same time to get this started! I gotta take my measurements and pics this weekend. YUCK! I don't want to see pics of that! :sick: I'm okay with taking pics with clothes on but in a bra and shorts or something...nope...But..I want to see some awesome result pics so gotta do what ya gotta do!!

    Seeing the 210 on the scale today made my day! I been watching what I stuff my face with all day!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    I am suppose to be at school with Ryan right now. He was sooooo Out of Control I was getting frustrated. I told the teacher I am getting frustrated and I can't control him I am just going to take him home. The teacher said leave him here and you go home and relax. So I took her up on the offer. I am not use to having a kid that won't listen to me or obey me. My girls have all been very well behaved and hard workers. I guess my poor Ryan needs more because of the developmental delays and issues. So frustrated. People are always saying. "Just be consistant and make sure you make him mind" Okay people what you think I have been doing with all of my children for 17 years. This is different. It is different. I am doing my best. I am being consistant. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: Man, I just want to stop crying all of the time. You would think that my tear ducts would have dried up by now. I want to go eat but I am going to calm down and relax before he gets home then have lunch with him. A sensible lunch. I don't consider myself to be a crier but boy have I become one. I am constantly boohooing. As a matter of fact I can't stop the tear flow right now as I type:cry::cry: :cry: :cry:
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Cheer up, Momma!!

    Unfortunately, I can't give you any make you feel better, parental words of wisdom (considering your other three children I doubt you need any :smile: )

    I can just cite my mom and say "God doesn't give you anything you can't handle"

    Sometimes He has more faith in us than we have in ourselves. Keep your chin up and be the Momma you are :flowerforyou:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    MOMMA- *******HUGSSS****** Im sorry you are so upset, but I am glad the teacher asked you to leave. You have been doing the parenting thng way longer than me but I notice that Brayden acts out more in front of me and is fine when Im not around. The pediatrician told me that they tend to test the parent that is more dominant in their life. I know Ryan has some other issues but maybe he's jsut not listening to YOU not everyone in general. In which case, yes its bad that he isnt listening to his mother but at least hes not being defiant to people as a whole? I doubt the teacher would have told you to leave him there if it wasnt something they couldnt handle. You have been doing this with Ryan on your own for a long time LET them (teachers) help you. Take some time off to yourself, take some deep breaths and know that you ARE doing all that you can, I have no doubt of that! You need the enregy to deal with him when he gets home so take this much needed (and deserved break) to re-energize and when you go get him you will be ready to be the best momma that we already know you are
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    MOmma - I am sorry ...I really feel for you...I have issues with both of mine on acting out..>All the issues i had with serena last year,...it got soo much better (so far)...I spent 1/2 the year in the principal office trying to figure out how to make her better..

    How old is Ryan? Is he recently 5 or about to be 6??

    I have a friend who little girl started K, and she is having a rough time, crying all the time, outburts and such ...

    I hope things gett better for you.

    ugggg...still no word :sad: I really have no patience...
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    tstout and cris, Thank you so much. I went and sat down, cried, and talked to my cousin who has always been one of my best friends since we were babies. I feel a lot better and more relaxed. I am ready to go pick up my baby. tsout, your mom is right God does NOT give us more than we can handle. Thanks for those very kind words. I needed that
  • I DID THE 25 MINUTE RUN TODAY FROM C25K!!!!!!!!! I really didn't think I would make it since I was dying at minute 18, but I actually did the whole thing jogging! :happy: :bigsmile: :glasses: :smokin:

    Check-in from yesterday:

    Calories - 304 under
    Water - 9 cups
    Exercise - quick 10 minute warm-up and weights
    Sodium - 817 under
    Proud - I really wanted Chick-fil-a after class last night, but went home and made myself a proper meal. :smile:

    I was down nearly 2 pounds this morning, so hoping that means I have a good weigh-in on Friday! I'll catch up on posts later today.
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