Over 200 New Year New Me Part 35

awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I am here girls!! My husband has been sick and now I am sick and my youngest is sick so I am trying to get over this yuck and get back into the groove of things.On a good note my husband and I were discussing babies and I told him I think we should have another one and he agreed.So now I have a goal to work at for something I really want.I want to have another one but I don't want to be FAT and pregnant again.I know you can lose weight during pregnancy but I would much rather go into it smaller than I was the first 3 times.


  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Reposting here, as i think i was posting same time ann awas posting a new thread -

    Good morning all!!!

    Well i weighed in this morning (instead of tomorrow) as we are going to Eat for hubby's bday tonight and i know i will be loaded with sodium. We are going to this place that has chicken and sides and bread...and just going to enjoy myself....smile

    But back to the weight in...I weighed in at 245.0 ...that is a whopping 2.9 lbs since last week...I was thinking maybe a lb this week or less....not 3 ...I was soo excited, only 2 lbs more till i hit my 1/2 way mark of 75 lbs.

    but was annoyed....it only shows i have logged in for 5 days in a row sad appearnetly i forgot to login this weekend sad

    SO hoping the super good weigh in this morning and hubby's bday today will bring good news from the mortgage lady !!!

    Ann - That is awesome of trying for a new baby...!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Ann, thanks for hte new thread. Sory to hear you family is sick..so is mine. I hope you all get better soon. Your plans to have another child and being @ a healty weight while pregnant sound like a great plan. I wish you and your family the best :) You can do it!!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Litdeb, congrats to losing almost 3 pounds!!! you're a weight loss machine!!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Litdeb, congrats to losing almost 3 pounds!!! you're a weight loss machine!!!

    Thank you !!!! I am stilll stunned....i was not expecting it at all...i have been soo super stressed this week, ate bad this weekend...not that i am complaining...:smile:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Thanks girls !! I am supper excited and it has me motivated again in the right direction.With that said I am going to go exercise for at least 45 minutes.Congrats Deb on your weight loss!! You are rocking it and you are a true inspiration.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    ann - a baby is a great motiviation...I always wanted 4 kids, but we stopped at 2...with working full time it just wasn't in the cards for us...day care for 2 about kills me, i couldn't even imagine for 4...

    Thanks!! I am soo amazed I am "almost" at my 1/2 way mark...(or at least to my 1st goal, we will see from there). My skinniest i have been as an adult was like 175 and i thought i was looking pretty good (of course i was 20 :grumble: ) ...but to say i lost 150 lbs would feel soo great!! I will be 150 lb down by this time next year !!!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    I had a pretty good day yesterday. I splurged a little on dinner (I was having a terrible ketchup and french fry/cheese burger craving), but still managed to come in under goal. Woo!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Cals - under (thankful for exercise!)
    sodium - over (but so tasty)
    water - a little under.... must do better today!
    exercise - 4 rounds of 100s (4 exercises, 25 reps each)
    proud - I walked to the eye doctor instead of drove. Woo!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Watch out ladies!! The baby fever is contagious even though the internet! :wink:

    Babies are great motivation! I'm super tired today (probably has something to do with staying awake until 3am) so I was already trying to talk myself out of going to the gym after work by 8.30 this morning. I sat myself down & thought -- "Do you want to be healthy? Do you want to have babies? Do you want healthy babies?" "Yes." "Okay, then you have to go to the gym today." End of story.

    Calories: 1455 (goal 1500)
    Exercise: Baby dancing. :smokin: (similar to bed pilates :blushing:)
    Water: 12 cups
    Proud: Errrmmmm.... I didn't go nuts eating all the yummy not so good for me food I bought at the grocery store. The problem with extreme couponing is that I'm extra tempted by bad food because it's often so cheap. Like the Nestle Tollhouse cookies I bought last night (2 packages!)... and the 2 boxes of soft pretzels (thinking of you Laila!). Moderation, right? :indifferent:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Ann-Congrats on the new baby motivation!!

    Deb-Congrats on the big loss! Are you going to Babe's for dinner!?

    There is baby fever on this thread!!! Not good for the single girl! HAHA!!

    So I drove my Dad's 350 to work today..everyone keeps asking me if I have to sit on phone books and I'm so small to be driving something like that...I've never been called small. :blushing:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member

    Deb-Congrats on the big loss! Are you going to Babe's for dinner!?

    There is baby fever on this thread!!! Not good for the single girl! HAHA!!

    So I drove my Dad's 350 to work today..everyone keeps asking me if I have to sit on phone books and I'm so small to be driving something like that...I've never been called small. :blushing:
    THanks !! Yep we are going to Babe's, I really never been there, jermey brought home some chicken from there once, i am not a on the bone chicken person, didn't really eat much of it....he wants to go there for his bday so we are going...i know it is in no way low cal, but not going to worry about, enjoy the evening and get back on track tomorrow.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Like the Nestle Tollhouse cookies I bought last night (2 packages!)... and the 2 boxes of soft pretzels (thinking of you Laila!). Moderation, right? :indifferent:

    Julie, I was watching tv yesterday and I ad/commercial for soft pretzels was on..I nugged my older son ( who also loves pretzels) and asked him "when was the last time we had pretzels" he replies, " 3 weeks ago" so I replied, " not long enough to have it again" and then you mention it...Now I want pretzels. If I lost weight this week I will treat myself ot one or maybe half a pretzel. thanks Julie :tongue:

    all this baby talk...In the back of my head I want more kids however, my last pregancy was too much to go through it again. It's like being on my death bed it *it* happens again. So I will live though you girls. Best of luck on ya baby journey:heart::flowerforyou:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning girls!

    Purple- CONGRATS ON YOUR RUN!!!!! Thats a HUGE accomplishment! So proud of you!

    Blue- Hehe, yuo know I love sarcastic Nancy! Miss you!

    Lauren- yup, I gotta sign my *kitten* up for that 5k! Mine is Nov 21 I believe, which also happens to be the end of the BL competition at the gym...so now I have 2 things to work for!

    Deb- 3lbs! YOU ARE AWESOME! Congrats!

    Ann- Thats so exciting about you guys trying for one more! Im not gonna lie Im soo ready for another one too, but we wont be trying again until Sept 2011 (post wedding!)

    Julie- Wooohoo for some baby dancing! **giggle**

    So I had a complete mental break down yesterday. My son hit me in the head with a car and I just started crying hysterically, to the point where I had a panic attack. I felt awful to do it in fron of him but panic attacks are kinda hard to control especially if you snap. It had nothing to do with him throwing the car at me, it didnt hurt...it was more like the last straw in my very fragile state of mind lately. I cried from like 9pm til 1130pm and talked to my mom on the phone. Shes usually the only one that can calm me down. My throat is really sore from the heavy breathing, Im so drained, but I feel better. I think I just needed some kind of release? Anyway, I hope I dont snap again because I still feel kind of on the edge, like if anything else goes wrong I might just lose it.

    Checking in:
    calories- 1215..maybe a little more like 1250 since i took bites of my son's dinner
    water- yup 100+
    sodium- 2640, booo
    excercise- 60 min intense spin class
    cals burned- 766 (I logged 600)
    proud- That even though I had so much emotional stuff going on I didnt eat my feelings for the first time in a long time yesterday.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-So sorry to hear about your melt down. Hopefully it's for the better and that was your breaking point that you needed to hit. Sounds like you just need some relaxing you time and a hug. Sending you positive thoughts!

    Deb-Enjoy Babe's! I love that place!! I always get their chicken strips. Oh goodness now I want Babe's!!! I love that you can bring your own beer. Makes me laugh!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Check in
    Calories: 1416
    Water: 8 Cups
    Exercise: Nope
    Proud: I saw 210 on the scale even with no exercise this week. This is what my calorie goals are set to...I feel this means my body is ready to start losing again! Maybe it needed a rest...especially for what's to come!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Wait, a restaurant that lets you bring your own beer? I want one of those!

    Baby fever is contagious through the internet? I hope I don't catch it!

    Wow, I'm learning a lot today.

    Lauren: I have not forgotten about the 5k in November! I'm still in...now I may just have another person doing it with us!

    Nancy: Congrats on your 1 lb. I, too, miss sarcastic Nancy!

    Jess: Congrats on the 210. I so hope you see a 209 tomorrow. I've got my fingers crossed for you. Oh, I watched the first few workouts to ChaLean last night and am looking forward to it. The exercises look pretty easy in regards to form since I've been doing the same or similar exercises with other DVDs. It's all about picking the right amount of weight now so I "fatigue" or "fail" my muscles in 10-12 reps. I started figuring some of it out last night while watching. I think bf is about on track to do it with me, but we'll need to find him some heavier weights since he already has good upper body strength from work.

    Deb: Great job on the 2.9 lb loss. Woo hoo!

    Ann: Sorry to hear you and your family are sick, but I'm hoping you feel better soon. I think it's great to work toward being healthy so you can have a healthy, happy pregnancy. It's going to be so much fun hearing about you and Julie as you go through your baby fever and pregnancies!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Under by 240 (even WITH the DQ Blizzard!)
    Sodium: Under by 418 (amazing what eating at home does for the sodium levels!)
    Water: 74.7 oz.
    Exercise: None...need two more sessions to complete the challenge, which I'll do, just needed break last night.
    Proud: That I'm having a good week, am preparing for and excited about ChaLean Extreme and saw 185.0 on the scale this morning. Fingers crossed to see a 184...
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Cris, sending you hugs!
    Heather, wow, you got a Blizzard in w/o exercise?!? Yum...
    Ann/Julie, I love the focus on being healthy and at a healthy weight before getting preggers. While baby fever has not infected me yet, one of the reasons I made the lifestyle change (not diet...see what I did there?) is because when baby fever did come a knockin, I want to be healthy.

    I also still have to sign up for my 5K...and start training!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Cris -- Take a break. Can you take a sick day at work & send your son to daycare & your df to work & just chill for a day? I like to call these "mental health" days. :smile: I haven't had one in a long time, but when I feel like I'm just going to snap, I plan to take one and often just planning to take one makes me feel so much better I end up not even taking it & making it to the weekend.

    I hear our field director talking to my supervisor about how we need more focus on a health and wellness program for the agency. $20 says that's going to be a part of next year's job description for me after my evaluation. :tongue:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Grrrrr. I totally sabotaged myself. I just realized I have no sports bra & I'm wearing the most unsupportive bra ever. :embarassed:

    I was going to ask you ladies for advice but while typing my post I realized I had already made up my mind. I'm going to go to my car at lunch, get my walking shoes, and walk for 30-45 minutes (INSIDE since it'll be around 95 degrees outside). Then go to the grocery store after work. I was going to go to the grocery store during lunch and then to the gym after work but that means I'd be lugging milk & eggs into work & into the gym with me since it's so effing hot there's no way I could leave them in my car. So yeah, walk at lunch, groceries after work makes much more sense.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    thanks girls, Im def in need of a mental health day. But part of the problem has been issues at work and I dont even feel like I can request a day off.

    just trying to take it easy...not going to be as anal about cleaning up the house or the toys, and Ill still go to the gym but thats kind of me time since im alone anyways
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie-Good plan!! I like it! I'm getting my exercise tonight when I move the rest of the junk out of my apartment. I'm really dreading it actually.

    Cris-Hope you feel better! :flowerforyou:

    Heather-I might pass out if I saw 209 tomorrow...even if it was 209.9!!
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