Over 200 New Year New Me Part 35



  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Thanks to Jess, Cris, and Julie for keeping me entertained this afternoon at work. I haven't had anything worthwhile to add, but I love seeing you all chat.

    Jess, if he's going as Allen, maybe you can be the baby strapped to his belly. No?? Too weird?? Or he could just wear this:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Lauren that shirt is HILARIOUS!!! I sent a pic of it to him. I think he ordered the beard and stuff online today. Not sure. Yeah I don't think I could do the baby strapped to his chest.:laugh: Last party we pretty much ignored each other all night. Childish huh? It wasn't on purpose. He was hanging out with his friends, I was hanging out with mine..wasn't till almost everyone left a small group of people all hung out.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: Have fun Halloween shopping! I really need to come up with a creative costume soon! I love the driving of the John Deere AND the cemetery party...then again, I completely believe in spirits and ghost hunting and such. Love it! But I would probably be a little creeped out.

    Cris: It sounds to me like Liz is one of those toxic friends that takes advantage of people. I know you feel sorry for her because you're an awesome person and friend, but unfortunately they're the people that will try to drag you down with them. Oh, and my cheap sister always says she's too broke to eat, but she has more money stashed away than anyone know!

    I'm out of here for the day..."see" you all tomorrow!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    sooooooo freaking STOKED!!!! Just talked to the manager at the apartment complex!! Were OFF THE HOOK!!! NO more money owed to them!!! YAY!! YAY!! YAY!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    AWESOME news Jess!! The very cynical part of me (which is the majority of me, unfortunately) wonders if they just tell everyone who moves out they didn't get their 60 day notice in hopes people will just pay them instead of bothering to contest it. :laugh:

    I have good news, too! :laugh: I'm at last Friday's morning weight THIS EVENING! I'm always at least 2 pounds lighter in the morning (3 if I've had dinner and I haven't yet). OMG, after 4 months here, I could get out of the 190s this week! :drinker:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Jess, glad you got out of that ridiculousness.

    Jule, hooray!!

    UGH! Just made a stupid mistake here at work and sent an e-mail to people that should not have received it. Will try very hard to not drown my sorrows in beer tonight...
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I'm so sorry, my darling sisters, that I am not here as much as I'd like to be. Work is KILLING me (not the kids - the adults; well, ok a little bit the kids :tongue: ) and I find myself not getting home until late and I'm pooped and I just go to bed. My nephew I help take care of is finally going to community college and I told him if he ever got his act together and went to college that I'd make sure he got there and got home. Oh lordie I had no idea he was going to take a night class that gets out at freaking 9:30pm!!!! This is screwing up my sleep BIG TIME. Big mamma blue needs her sleep!!! :wink: Otherwise I am a b!tch at school!

    So I am trying to find a car for him and blah blah hate my boss blah blah mold in my room blah blah and I'm always exhausted.
    But on the good news front:

    I sort of half-jogged with one of my little 2nd graders to the bus! It was a sight to see, I am sure! All I can say is girls, my ta-tas need a serious exercise bra! LOL They were flappin' and a floppin'!!! :laugh: But I was SOOOOOO damn proud of myself for doing it! All of the kids in the bus line started clapping for me. I LOVE MY STUDENTS! :heart: I almost started crying. I know that sounds dorky, but you have to remember that only a year ago I could barely walk and barely breathe!

    Keep me in your sisterhood of the weight loss pants even though I am only here in spirit for a while! I love you all!!!!!!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Wow am I missing all of you :heart: :brokenheart: :heart: :brokenheart:

    I hate to be away but it's all I can muster right now to log and get through each day. Work = nuts, nuts, nuts.

    Lots of turmoil with everyone this week I see.

    Jess - outrageous what that complex grouch lady tried to do to you. Good on you for putting up a fight, and winning no less :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: . I'm with LilSpy - they probably do it to EVERYONE.
    Love the riding to the party on the JD :laugh: :laugh: my fiance used to design for JD, if your ride on has a cupholder, there's a good chance that he designed it - odd but true :tongue:

    Blue - Oh dear what you are going through sounds terrible - stay strong sista!!:heart::heart:

    TStout - wow, rough week, such a violation. I hope that you are doing OK. Don't be shy about seeking counseling through the college if you need it. These sorts of things can be more impactful that we first think. :flowerforyou: HUGS:flowerforyou:

    LilSpy - Firstly congrats on your latest baby :laugh: :laugh: second one this month isn't it ?? ha ha ha. One of these days you will stop thinking you are preggers and then will instantly become preggers.
    On a more serious note - my heart goes out to you, how hard it must be for you to watch your brother slowly committing suicide.
    Have you ever thought about an intervention? Do you know of any programs that help people with his weight problems? I'll help you research if you want. :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Cris - OMG, what a crazy story about your friend Liz. As much as she is a trial for you right now, try to think about what your life looks like from her perspective - you have it all - good job, wonderful fiance & family, motivation to improve your life etc. It probably feels pretty crappy for her to compare her life to yours right now. I hope you can stick with it and get her through this patch and back to rehab and a brighter future. :flowerforyou: HUGS:flowerforyou:
    on unrelated matters - I eat frozen meals sometime and choose the Amy's organic "Light in Sodium" options, they make a yummy veggie lasagne and a decent black bean/vegetable enchilada - oh wait, maybe this is my subconscious saying "Eat your vegetables girl !!!!!" :laugh:

    OK night night everyone, I'll be back ( I hope) on Friday for weigh in. I've got a crappy cold and I'm working my butt off so the lack of appetite this week bodes well for a good weigh in.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    LilSpy - Firstly congrats on your latest baby :laugh: :laugh: second one this month isn't it ?? ha ha ha. One of these days you will stop thinking you are preggers and then will instantly become preggers.
    On a more serious note - my heart goes out to you, how hard it must be for you to watch your brother slowly committing suicide.
    Have you ever thought about an intervention? Do you know of any programs that help people with his weight problems? I'll help you research if you want. :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    2nd one in 2 months. 2 in 1 month would just be crazy. :wink: :tongue:

    I have thought about an intervention for my brother and definitely plan on talking to my mom about it (since she'd likely be paying for rehab) if nothing else helps. I really think I can get through to him. Part of the problem is he has crappy health insurance (working at a hospital :grumble:. I'm hoping us talking to him seriously about it will encourage him to go to a doctor & a physical therapist because, IMO, that's what he really needs to get back on his feet & be healthy. Thanks so much for your concern. :flowerforyou:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, ladies!

    Meokk: Glad to see you dropped in, even if you can't be on as often as you'd like. We miss you, too!

    Jess: Congrats on winning with the apartment people. I knew you could do it!

    Julie: I'm so hoping you get into the 190s this week! You deserve it and have worked HARD for it.

    Nancy: Great job on the jogging at the bus line! Reading about your kids clapping for you made me tear up. I love kids when they're super sweet and encouraging like that. It just shows me that you're an amazing teacher to have those little kids being so supportive in your weight loss journey. We miss you, but I'm so glad you're still dropping in when you have the chance.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Under by 747! (Mostly exercise cals)
    Sodium: Over by 555 (lowest in several days, so yay! Baby steps!)
    Water: 78.8 oz.
    Exercise: ChaLean Extreme Burn Intervals and Ab Burner. I wanted to pass out and throw up when I was done, but once I sat down and had a glass of chocolate milk, I felt incredible. I can feel it in my biceps and hip flexors today, which is good. Tonight is the last weight lifting routine for the week. Whew! So far, I'm loving these workouts!
    Proud: That I worked out and worked out HARD even though I really didn't want to since I got home just before 10pm. As Chalene says, "If you don't want to work out, give me ten minutes and I guarantee you'll keep going." Who knew she'd be right?!?
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    OMG, I missed so much..you girls were very chatty, yesterday!! It beats eating..lol

    Cris, SO sorry you have to deal with a childish friend. You are a great friend, however, I agree with Heather she might be taken advantage of you…that happens with loyal, kind-hearted people…{hugs}

    Jess, that is great news about the appartement money…NO body can take advantage of Jess..You go girl!!!
    Btw, did you figure out how to copy the insanity dvd? I am interested if you are still offering/willing to send me a copy ..let me know. Thanks.

    Julie, SO happy for you..your lowest weight ever!!! YAY!

    Blue, sounds you are very busy…we miss you! Sending HUGS your way..love ya :) btw, love the story and your kids have an awesome teacher...so sweet!

    Meokk, hope you get better soon..miss ya too!

    Ok, I have a bit of a dilemma..

    My older son (13 y/o soon to be 14) went to the physician yesterday (new office and new doctor), to get his “sports evaluation physical” form filled out ( trying out for football) and well, the physician decided to do a whole routine physical ( which he hates to do). She started asking him questions about his nutrition, fitness, and overall day… took his weight (190) and height (5’ 6) ..and talked about the meds. He is taking ( inhaler – only when needed). The end result was that he is eating way too much food..instead of eating 3 meals and 2 snacks; he is eating 5 meals…portions are too big and not enough exercise. She also mention that his blood pressure is a little high ( 112/84) not sure why because nobody in either side ( dh or mine) has hbp.

    She put him on a 1800 – 2000 calories and to exercise 30 minutes every day. My whole dilemma is he will be practicing 5 days a week (for football) for about 2 hours every day. Not sure if he should be eating that, much or more do to practice. I want the best for my children and I am willing to change his food choices is it’s going to benefit his overall health.

    He is, overall, healthy…he was always overweight since he was born. Previous doctor never mentioned any kind of weight issue..jsut that he is a well rounded big kid. What should I do?

    I signed him up to MFP because I wanted to see how much is he eating..I will upload his foods for the day.

    Thanks for listening/reading…
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Laila -- I think it's a great thing that he's so interested. This is my non-medical opinion, of course, but I don't think he should eat less than 2000 calories/day if he's at football practice for 2 hours. Maybe think about keeping him around 1800-2000 cals with 30 minutes of exercise on a regular day & then add an extra snack like an apple & pb or chocolate milk on the days he's at practice?
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning girls,

    Julie- I agree that the apartment people tell everyone that. Most people dont bother to fight it and assume they were in the wrong or that there is nothing they can do. Congrats on potentially seeing 190! That damn number has been my nemesis! anytime I got close is when I fell of the wagon :sad:

    Heather- I agree that she has become a toxic friend, but shes still to an extent a good friend. Im trying to almost kind of pick my battles with her. There are times I cant even talk to her so I jsut excuse myself and call her when Im ready.

    Blue- your running story made me tear up. I can imagine your kids clapping for you..how cute! I miss u!

    Meook- I miss you too girlie! Im sorry work is so crazy...oh and you lost me at "veggie" lasagna :laugh: :tongue:

    Posme- My 8yr old stepson plays football, and its not nearly as hardcore as high school football and trust me its plenty of excercise. Even if your son is slightly overweight now just playing football should be enough to get him into shape. I suggest you let him continue eating what hes been eating- 5 meals if thats what he wants, but watch his portions and maybe try to get him to eat less fatty food. From what I read about boys (a lot) is that they do tend to eat more meals as they are growing older, especially thorugh puberty. Its just important to make sure that those meals arent all just fat and grease, and that excercise is incorporated...which football is more than enough. Good luck!

    Cheking in:
    calories- 1105 ---supposedly. I ate 2 chicken soft tacos, it had chicken, some kind os red sauce, lettuce and some cheese. I logged 2 at 555? does that sound right? they were fairly small about the same size if not smaller as taco bells
    water- yup, could have done more though
    sodium- according to MFP I was at 2420 but I think I was way over
    excercise- spin class....we had a new instructor the other one was out sick and this lady sucked it up big time. I didnt even finish the class, she was horrible
    proud- that I went to dinner, went to the gym, got my motherly duties done and enjoyed time with my hubby to be...felt like I did it all yesterday! Usually it overwhelms me and tires me out but I was good to go!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Good to see you Blue and Meokk!! We've missed you both!

    Blue - WTG on your jog. Time to get some more support for the ladies. LOVE that your kids were so supportive and excited for you!
    Laila - I think it's great you're signing up your son for MFP. Just knowing what you are eating is a huge step in being cognizant. Also agree w/Cris that he'll get tons of exercise w/football.
    Heather - I love reading your updates about ChaLean! Very inspiring!!

    The little e-mail blunder I had yesterday seems to have fizzled out, which is good. I'm going to get over it and learn to be more careful when sending e-mails to 4000+ people. Last night's beer event was great fun - they had 10 oz glasses, so I was able to try 3 different beers. I'm also pretty happy that with 3 beers and two tacos from the taco truck I was only over by 114 cals! I call that a win!

    9/29 Check-in
    Cals - 1314, over by 114
    Water - Only 64 oz....need to get it up today!
    Exercise - Nada
    Proud - Was told by a girl in our office that I'm her "inspiration"!! How freaking cool is that?!?!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    blue-I miss you so much! Were always thinking about you! Your students sound so sweet. That's so nice of you to take care of your nephew like that. He's lucky to have an aunt like you!

    meokk-The JD TOTALLY has the cup holder!! Too funny!! Wedding is getting close? Take care of yourself!

    Juile-Here's to hoping you see the 180s this week!!!

    Lauren-Hope your okay after your night.

    Heather-Great job on keeping the workouts up. I didn't do mine this morning, I'm going to do it tonight! I'm ready for a butt kicking from Shaun T!! WOO!! I'm still feeling Tuesday's workout!

    Laila-I haven't figured it out yet. I asked my friend and she said her sister in New York is the one who copied them. I think I have a different burner on my other computer. Let me look at that tonight! Note to self!!! As far as your son goes. My soon to be nephew was slightly overweight last year. BIG kid!! He's like 6" at least..but was kind of chubby. He joined football this year and has already slimmed down. I agree with Cris. Let him continue eating, just monitor what he's eating and see how football affects his weight loss.

    Cris-Sorry about your spin class. How disapointing!! But glad you got EVERYTHING done AND still had time to spare and enjoyed it all! Great job staying on track this week. So proud of you!!

    Yesterday was NOT a good eating day...so my check in for yesterday is over on everything with no exercise. These steroids are making me HUNGRY. I went to dinner last night...and I looked down at my plate at the end of the night and realized I had eaten almost everything..I was stunned. I looked at Rickey (my neighbor) and said "Who ate all my food!?" and he replied "the steroids". Yep. I had mexican and ate the rice and the beans and my enchilada thing...I never touch the rice and beans. But dang I was a hungry girl! I didn't do Insanity this morning but I most definitely will do it tonight! I'm excited about it! How crazy is that? Ready for my next butt kicking!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Whew, I feel way less "pregnant" today. :laugh: I only have a headache which has been an unusual occurance since I started being healthier (I think it's dehydration somehow? Watering it up now.). I fell asleep at 10.00 last night which is about 3 hours early for me but was totally warranted since I stayed up too late Tuesday.

    I woke up early this morning (what?!) and enjoyed a nice cup of half-caff on my porch. After about 5 months straight, it's finally under 90 degrees outside!!! I'm ecstatic! It was 68* out when I was driving home from work last night. And I SERIOUSLY saw people wearing scarves yesterday. :noway: Hilarious! :laugh: Oh, South Carolina.

    I didn't see a new lowest weight ever this morning. But I did see 191.6 which is my already established lowest weight ever. I guess (I know) I ate too much (weight wise) last night for an extra loss to show up. That's okay. It'll show soon enough.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie-Yay for feeling less pregnant today!! :bigsmile:

    I'm wigging everybody out at work today. I wore and dress and nobody knows what to think! Excuse me I only have 4 pairs of dress pants that "Fit" and I can't stand wearing my ones that are too big anymore. They gotta go! And I didn't do laundry so..I felt like wearing a dress! :bigsmile:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Jess, you look ADORABLE!! I am reminded that I need to send you my 14s so you'll have lots to wear when you get there....which I know will be soon. I added in a couple of pairs of dress pants, so hopefully those will help too.

    Juile, glad you are feeling less prego today. :tongue: Drink drink drink!!

    I'm hydrating it up in hopes that I get to go to hot yoga again tonight. It all depends on how much work I get done (hmm...perhaps I should stay off the board today...), but I would like to go. Two classes in one week is my goal for the fall, and it's officially fall, so I guess it's time to get started!

    I think Jess asked about the difference between hot yoga and yoga. The hot yoga I do is the Vinyasa variety, which pretty much means you are always moving. One move for the inhale, another for the exhale. After almost every series of movements, you "flow". Flow = plank into lowering yourself down in a push-up (elbows go back into your body instead of out at a 90 degree angle. From there you go into an upward dog, which essentially means lifting up your chest and arching it backwards, and then into your downward facing dog, which is like you're making a triangle with your body.

    Upward dog:
    Downward dog:

    The hot comes because we do it in a 90 degree room. I sweat like a crazy person, but I love it and it makes me feel great! :devil: That's my face = bright red....not really a devil, but that's the closest I could find!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Lauren-Thanks!! First time wearing a dress to work ever! It feels good and I feel really confident!! That's the kind of yoga that I had been doing (those movements in that order where you constantly move as well) but it wasn't 90 degreees! Dang! Talk about sweating buckets!! Sounds amazing!! :smile:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    LAUREN!!!! I NEED CLOTHES!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SEND ME 14S TOO! If you have extra! Im still wearing my size 18-20 because I refuse to buy any clothes (im cheap and saving for a wedding here!)

    So I just got a call from daycare saying I need to go get my son cause the damn center is flooded! Oy...Im the only person in the office today so this is not going to be good! Off to rescue my lil man!

    Hopefully be back to chat soon

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