Over 200 New Year New Me Part 35



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: I agree with Jess that maybe your friend has something important to talk about or maybe is just feeling lonely. The other thought that came across my mind is that she might be feeling a bit left out with your focus on weight loss, family and your wedding. Weddings alone create jealousy if she's single.

    Laila: Your email about Laila Ali being pregnant was funny. I'd do a double take, too, if it happened to me. Great job on doing laundry instead of snacking!

    Jess: Your pharmacist said WHEN because you're too hot for there to be an IF!

    Julie: Glad to hear you're feeling better today. Way to go on cranking out the info on the insurance changes.

    I had to take notes at a 2.5 hour long meeting this morning and it was SO boring. It's so hard not to zone out and/or fall asleep, but I made it through. Now I feel like I'm starving even though I ate my protein breakfast bar when I got out of the meeting (because I forgot to eat it before the meeting). I hate when I screw up my eating schedule because I picture my metabolism coming to a standstill. Paranoid? Yes, I am!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Julie- I remember when we were TTC it consumed me. I was constantly online researching pregnancy symptoms and on any given day I swear I had one or all of them! haha. I really recommend Babycenter.com it was a wonderful place ful of information (pre-pregnancy- older kids) and they also have forums dedicated to either TTC, or when you do get preggo to whatever month and year you are due. I joined the Nov 08 forum and still speak to those ladies today....2 years later.

    Did I ever tell you guys how I knew I was preggo? At this point we have been trying for 9 months. We had given up hope and decided to just let it go for awhile. March 18th I went to bed and had a dream that I was pregnant and at the Dr's office getting a check up. The Doctor told me that my baby was not going to live because I drank and smoked too much and had killed it (didnt say him or her). He then showed me a picture of the baby in my belly and it was this deformed yellow, alien looking thing that was basically skins and bones..it was awful. I woke up March 19th crying. (Note- March 20th is my bday). So all day March 19th I kept thinking about that dream...it was the day before my Bday and we had some heavy drinking related plans on the forecast...not to mention we had been boozing it up on St Patty's day the 17th. So to be on the safe side I decided to get my trusty dollar store pregnancy test and check. I remember stopping by the store I picked up 2 packs of marlboro lights and a pregnancy test (omg!). I got home from work, Bobby was downstairs watching tv and I went straight upstairs to take the test. Within a minute the test came up positive. Even though it was something we had been trying for, it still shocked and scared the hell out of me. I started shaking and was just in complete disbelief. We immedietly ran out to the store to get non dollar store tests to make sure it wasnt just a mistake...nope it was positive. Then of course I was freaking out about drinking on St Pattys day and all the smoking..etc...but the first month they say is fine and most people dont know anyways, so it eased my fears.

    So yea, I found out I was preggo trhrough a dream
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Deb-Great job on the water drinking!! :drinker:

    Heather-I died laughing reading your comment!! :blushing: Thank you!! I needed a good laugh this morning.

    Cris-Wow that is one crazy dream! What a way to find out you were preggo! Hopefully round 2 is less stressful for you! I'm with Heather. Sometimes single friends do get jealous over weddings. Maybe she feels left out. Hopefully that's not the case and she just wants to spend time with you!

    Julie-I'm just loving your TTC stories!!

    Okay I don't know what medicine I am taking that is doing it but it is dehydrating the crap out of me!! All I want to do is drink water! I'll take that over wanting to eat non stop!! Maybe I can still see a loss inspite of my bad eating today and I'm SURE my muscles are going to be retaining water due to working out.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Jess- I totally missed your post (well edit) where you said my freind may want to discuss something.

    Heather- here is my take on the friend situation (I know Im quite chatty today)

    So this friend of mine has a twin sister. Meg and Liz...well Meg and I have been friends since 10th grade, we went to school together and also worked together most of H.S. and college breaks. We have always been really close and she is by far the best friend I have ever had. Liz (friend I am going to dinner with tonight) and I have always been close because of Megan. Its kind of like you are friends with one, you gotta be friends with the other. Liz and I werent really close until her twin Megan decided to move to North Carolina (remember whe are in Maryland) to be with her boyfriend, now fiance (yea getting to this). Liz came out to us (meg and I) about a year ago saying that she had a drinking problems, which of course we already knew, but that she wanted us to find her help etc. With Megan being in NC I felt like a lot of the responsability of getting Liz through that stage fell on me. The rest of her family lives in NH and in Maryland she only really has me and our other friend Kelly (the one taht commited suicide in January..I know right?!). So anyways, after a million phone calls and research and listening to her cry and mope we finally found her a rehab. It was about 1hr away from me and since Kelly and I were the only ones in MD we felt obligated to drive the 1hr every weekend (visitations were only allowed sundays for an hour) to go see her since her family couldnt. So I spent all that time finding her a rehab to go to, letting her cry on my shoulder, supporting her and encouraging her tht thingswould get better, drove 2hrs every sunday for a month (during football season mind you!), to sit with her for an hour. I sent her a letter almost every day. Anyway, she got out Christmas DAY and I was the only one willing ot leave my family to go pick her up. She relapsed on New Year's eve...we were like tis ok relapses happen. But we thought she got back on the wagon and she didnt. About a month ago I was called by a state trooper to pick up her car and her dog because she had been arrested for a DUI. I drove up to get her dog (which she had in the car while drinking) and followed the cop to the police station.

    Ok so thats the full background- ever since her DUI I feel kind of resentful towards her. Ever since her sister left I feel like I have had to babysit her, which was what Megan used to go through. Liz also has a history of eating disorders so I basically had to call her everyday and make sure she ate etc, when her sister moved down south. So since the DUI shes had to pay a butt load of $$$ in lawyer fees, and such and is pretty broke. She pretty much told me last night she hasnt been eating because she doesnt have any money for food...I dont feel bad for her. I really dont, Shes taken this whole alcoholism thing way too lightly especially when its become such a big part of my life and repsonability...I shouldnt have to drive to rehab, I sohuldnt have to pick her up at the police station, I shouldnt have to listen to her tell me how miserable she is. But I do because shes my freind and I love her. I know she is lonely she lives alone with her dog, her sister moved 6hours away, our other best friend died in January...not to mention that this past spring her sister, me, and her older borther have all gotten engaged..and shes very much single with no prospects.

    Its though to always be sympathetic when you feel like you have already done so much. I know she wants to eat because shes prob hungry and hasnt had a decent meal in awhile..which is why I agreed to go tonight even though it totally suck for me schedule wise. I dont know...Im just trying to say that the relationship I have with her has become more taxing than enjoyable.

    Sorry for the long ramble...just wanted to explain her issues, what impact its had on me
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-WOW!! That would be one incredibly stressful situation! I say you are an amazing friend for doing all that for her. Hopefully she doesn't have MORE bad news for you tonight. But I can totally see where you are coming from where the friendship becomes taxing and not enjoyable and seems less like a friendship and more like a mother or babysitter. I really hope she can turn things around soon. Let us know how dinner goes!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Just wanted to throw in there my best friends name is Liz too..haha..yeah I'm a dork sorry. :bigsmile:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Ha! Well techincally MEGAN is my best friend, but its been really hard to stay that way being 6hrs apart. Liz and I have gotten a lot closer the past few years since she left but its still not the same. You are def right about being a mother or sitter...she def feels like my 3rd kid sometimes. **sigh**
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Ha! Well techincally MEGAN is my best friend, but its been really hard to stay that way being 6hrs apart. Liz and I have gotten a lot closer the past few years since she left but its still not the same. You are def right about being a mother or sitter...she def feels like my 3rd kid sometimes. **sigh**

    I can't even imagine how stressful that is. Really hope she turns around soon. BTW Cris...dinner plans have changed...we were going to dinner like an hour away at his friends restaurant...now were going to dinner close by and Halloween costume shopping. WOO!! Having a Halloween party this year..
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hmmm if u are something matchy then u know something's up! Bobby and I alway dress up - we've done sumo wrestlers, pocahontas and john smith, priest and nun, when i was preggo i was an oven and my belly was the bun and he was the baker, last year was flinstones..this year he wants to be a football player and ill be a cheerleader...im def not in cheerleader costume wearing shape though!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    No matchy matchy going on here! He wants to be Allen from the hangover. LOL I don't know what I want to be yet!! But he's having a party at his house and of course I invited myself!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    whats up with people inviting themselves places? must be a trend...lmao jk! :wink:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    whats up with people inviting themselves places? must be a trend...lmao jk! :wink:

    Come on. Lets get real. I was gonna be invited. It's more like I suggested he have a party. I hate having parties because I hate the planning. So I just suggested he have one. It's conviently around the corner from my house. No drinking and driving. I could walk there. Or better yet ride the John Deere!! LMAO!! I could hook up a wagon to the John Deere and take all my friends over on it too. Yep. I'm country like that! Except he wants to have it at this small little graveyard inbetween our houses...it's like a million years old. No thanks!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    He probably wants it at the cemetary so you will be scared sh#$2less and hold on to him the whole night :love:

    I wouldnt drive the tractor....you can still get pulled over! Lol and walking isnt much safer either..well if you are me! I was walking from a frat party back to my dorm and there was like a good 6 inches or so of snow on the ground...apparently I passed out on my way to the dorm and just fell asleep on the snow. One of my friends saw me "sleeping" when he was on his way to his dorm and was nice enough to carry me to my room...I dont recall this but its what I was told. By a lot of people! Poor guy, even though it was my lighter days I had to weigh somewhere around 180lbs!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    You passed out in the snow!? Holy smokes you must of been drrrrruuunnnkkkk!!!! LOL maybe that is his motivate. But I told him I WILL not be partying in a cemetary. No way, no how. I'll stay home!

    Edit: I live in the country. No cops out there. I could drive through the field to get from my house to his. LOL Stay off the streets!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I just got this email regarding the days of the different facial expressions through the week...hilarious! If anybody needs a giggle send me your email address. I laughed so hard. I'd post it but I don't know how to post the whole email with the pics
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    OMG chatty!
    I've been chatting a lot this afternoon, too, but with myself. I've officially talked myself out of the gym and directly into frozen yogurt. :laugh: It'll be okay. My calories will still be under 1500 & I may end up doing the fit test for Insanity if I start feeling less "pregnant" this evening. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    OMG chatty!
    I've been chatting a lot this afternoon, too, but with myself. I've officially talked myself out of the gym and directly into frozen yogurt. :laugh: It'll be okay. My calories will still be under 1500 & I may end up doing the fit test for Insanity if I start feeling less "pregnant" this evening. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    You going to start Insanity for sure!?!? I think you should do the Fit Test tonight..yep that's my vote. haha...feel less pregnant feel less pregnant.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    you can still do insanity and be pregnant (at this stage at least) so thats not a valid excuse!

    'll let you slide though :tongue:

    mm no I wan yogurt
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    you can still do insanity and be pregnant (at this stage at least) so thats not a valid excuse!

    It's not at all because I'm afraid of exercising while pregnant. I toally intend on doing that when (if ever) I am. It's that...I don't want to sh** my pants and have my uterus fall out. :noway: I'm not feeling so hot today. :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    you can still do insanity and be pregnant (at this stage at least) so thats not a valid excuse!

    It's not at all because I'm afraid of exercising while pregnant. I toally intend on doing that when (if ever) I am. It's that...I don't want to sh** my pants and have my uterus fall out. :noway: I'm not feeling so hot today. :laugh:

    Well that just sounds awful!! It's 8 different moves and the whole thing lasts about 25 minutes. Including warm up and cool down. Don't blame ya for not wanting to do it though. I know that feeling. It's not fun!
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