Over 200 New Year New Me Part 35



  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning girls,

    Ok I have seriously had this open for like 35 mins now but work keeps getting in the way of my posting! Boooo!

    Anyway, here we go:

    Momma- congrats on your AWESOME weight loss!!! Woohooo! :drinker:

    Jess- you better not be hurt! You have important plans! Like Momma said I'd get the manager to give you "clearance" in writing confirming she received your notice and that no further action is required on your part. How long is an insanity workout by the way? I am considering doing it now...Feel better!

    Julie- Im sorry you are a hot mess. I was just there last week and I blamed it on the full moon. I hope today goes better for you!

    Deb- Ha! I jsut imagined a pregnant you at the store...hehe. Our big fight when I was preggo was that he ate my chips or something and oh man did all hell break lose when I found out there were not chips left!

    Purple- Your trip sounds awesome! Mmm bourbon tasting! thats my kind of trip! Is this a school thing? Whats your major? I was a Business major with a marketing concentration. I would have loved to visit those companies! lucky! PS- great jo getting the run in and it sounds like you are doing great under your circumstances!

    Lauren- hot yoga sounds horrible! You are a tropper!

  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Sorry if I am late posting…busy day yesterday and today too…love and miss ya all

    So this is what I got from yesterdays post…

    Julie, so sorry to hear about your brother…. It makes us all stop and think about ourselves and our love ones… My heart goes out to you and your family in this hard time. Hopefully your knowledge about this site will convince him to join..best of luck to your family :)

    Cris, good for you staying on track a whole day…I give you props for managing 1 day..that is usually the hardest day..and then it starts to get easier..I am still waiting for the easy part. Every single day is a challenge for me.

    Ann, lately late night snacking has been a real problem for me too. I hate it and love to stop. Yesterday I didn’t snack at all..I wasn’t even hungry. For me, not sure if you are this way too, but I eat because I am bored, calm, and relaxed while watching tv..not because I am hungry. So yesterday I just folded my laundry or cleaned my bedroom instead of sitting and eating. As Cris said, “Small steps” and, hopefully, we will crush nighttime eating. We can do this and your MfP family will not let you gain the weight back…we are working together on this journey!!!

    Lauren, glad you didn’t eat the pizza…so far so good..good for you :) And way to go in getting through tough yoga class…you work your stuff..lol

    Jess, You are doing great with Insanity!!! Keep it up girl!

    Also, I think you should rest up and get better before you attempt day 2….{{hugs}}

    Momma, way to go in losing almost 5 pounds!!! Congratulation!!!

    Heather, OMG, you are flying through Chalean Extream…I love your determination. And I am happy my post (on supplement), on another thread, helped you out :)

    have a great day girls!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Now that I did personals...the scale is stuck at 206 which is frustrating but makes me want to work even harder. I need to be back in Onderville again soon. I am so mad at myself that I let it get back this far! Ugh!

    Today is not a good day eating wise. I had planned on my lasagna so thats all I have at work to eat. Well my BFF wants me to take her out to dinner tonight at a Mexican restaurant (I dont even like mexican food! but hey its her bday!). I told her the weekend would be better for us to get togehter and celebrate her bday but she kind of insisted on going tonight which is kind of annoying me on many levels. 1. I am trying to lose weight and she knows this..why a restaurant? couldnt we do something else? 2. I have spin class tonight which is why I said the weekend would be better, also we are eating at 4pm so by the time spin class is over ill be starinv and wont have any cals left to eat 3. I didnt even invite her out to dinner, she asked me to take her out to dinner for her bday. Since shes a close firend of mine I said fine but I thought it was weird since I didnt actually invite her she basically told me to tkae her to dinner. I mean she knows im pretty broke with the wedding planning and ive cut out a lot of stuff ...just weird

    So to sum up my long ramble..Im upset that my friend is being inconsiderate of my schedules, my tight budget, and my weight loss attempts

    Checking in for yesterday:
    calories- 1145
    water- yup
    sodium- 2500 on the dot
    excercise- c25k wk1d3
    proud- that I made time for the gym insite of my busy afternoon and that I ran at 6.0 again even though I was dying.

    On that note- I am having a hard time running...I dont know how I ran for 10 mins let alone 30! I guess since Im doing it at 5.5 it seems that much harder but sheesh has my stamina gone down!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Forgot to check in 9/28
    calories, under by 200
    water, about 100oz
    exercise, shred, level one, and light walking = 60 minutes
    proud, I did not snack at night while watching tv instead I washed and folded laundry..yay!!!

    bye for now..
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    before I leave I wanted to share a funny story..

    I was checking my emails and I get emails from People.com and well the headline read " Laila Ali, " I'm Pregnant"" My heart drop...I didn't look at where the email was coming from I just looked at my name and said "what?" looked at the sender..then it came to me..they are not talking about me but about hte boxer...lol

    Have a great day!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Well I'm done with the doctor and back at work. They gave me some antibiotics and a steroid pack. No worries Cris, I know I've got big plans. LOL AND were going to a baseball game Friday night. I'm a busy girl! The pharmacist made me bust out laughing today. I picked up my meds and refilled my birth control. She was VERY VERY adament on telling me to use another form of protection WHEN I have sex because my birth control wont be effective while on these other medications. It wasn't an IF your having sex it was a WHEN...was the weirdest thing!

    Julie-Sorry you were a mess yesterday. Hope today is better for you!!

    Heather-You are rockin at your new workout! Keep it up! After thinking about doing day 2 or day 3 I decided you were right and to go with day 2 tomorrow. Day 3 is a recovery DVD day so I think I will skip that one this week and on Thursday pick up on day 4. So cool your boyfriend did your workout with you. Your better then me, I want NOBODY watching me doing Insanity. Not even my Mom. I hate doing it in the living room!

    Cris-Running at 5.5 is HARD!! I can do short interval runs at that but no longer then a minute or two, max! Your rockin it. The Insanity DVD's are all less then an hour, I think is what it says online. Yesterday the DVD was 40 mins. I think maybe the recovery DVD said 80 minutes but that seems REALLY long. It's on the Beach Body website if you want to check it out.

    Lauren-This hot yoga sounds intense!! I love yoga...what is the difference between that and hot yoga?

    POS Me-We miss seeing you around. How is the family feeling??

    I know I left a few people out, sorry. Skatter brained right now!

    Edit: Forgot to Add for Cris. I'd be a little upset with my friend too. If that's not like her maybe there is somethings he wants to talk about you about ASAP! Or is this like her to do things like this? Frustrates me when people wanna go out to eat all the time too. Hello! I'm trying to lose weight here..
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member


    I was told this is how I'm going to feel taking these steroids! UGH!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I think Ill stalk the thread until it become busy again...

    Mstahl, meook, cogirl, Istpaul, blue....where are uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

    come out come out wherever you are....

    lalalalalal,hmmm ok this really isnt much fun....maybe ill go straighten my hair, i hope i dont set the smoke alarm off
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    15 mins to lunch and my hair is half straightned wooohoo to being productive on a slow day
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    15 mins to lunch and my hair is half straightned wooohoo to being productive on a slow day

  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    *****HI JESS*****

    At least u are here with me!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    *****HI JESS*****

    At least u are here with me!
    I am indeed! Sitting at work. These meds are kicking it..I'm starting to bounce off the walls!! Good thing. I got dinner plans! :bigsmile: :tongue:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    My Mom told me to eat a BIG breakfast since I was taking all this medicine this morning...got to work and totaled it u...yep 800 calories!!! WHAT!?!?!?! Going to make better decisions for lunch! Dinner...well...were going to have Mexican food. Probably gonna be over today...booo!! But I was pretty under yesterday..maybe it will balance out for the week. UGH! Here's to hoping!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Well my lasagna is fabulous and Im so glad I am eating this over a lean cusine or smartone.

    Oddly enough I havent had much water this morning, guess I was too busy doing my hair. But since today is a high sodium day I better hop on the water wagon quick!

    Damn girl 800 cals for bfast?! Thats what Im usually at when I go to McDonalds...yum love their bacon egg and cheese.

    Looks like we will both be eating Mexican tonight...grrr (well yay for you, but ugh for me)
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Well I stopped at Chick Fil A. I wasn't expecting to get a call from the doctor so soon and I wasn't even dressed or had make up on. So I didn't grab breakfast before I left. The worst part about these steroids is my Mom said they will make me hungry. I'm gonna need low cal foods to snack on. I refuse to see 212 again!! I'll scream! Or 211! I saw too much of those numbers! Glad your enjoying your lasagna!! Water water water!!! Are you still able to go to your spin class tonight?
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    jess - glad you got some meds...gets some carrots or celery...my best thing when i know i will be hungry is cucumbers, they have like no calories...through w little dressing in there,

    cris - i am jealous on your lasanga ...sounds good...

    1 water down ( my cup is like 18 oz, so really like 2 1/2 cups), and 1/2 way down the other...I was on a call and had to pee soo bad, i was hoping he would hurry up and hang up so i could go :smile:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Sorry if I am late posting…busy day yesterday and today too…love and miss ya all

    So this is what I got from yesterdays post…

    Julie, so sorry to hear about your brother…. It makes us all stop and think about ourselves and our love ones… My heart goes out to you and your family in this hard time. Hopefully your knowledge about this site will convince him to join..best of luck to your family :)

    Cris, good for you staying on track a whole day…I give you props for managing 1 day..that is usually the hardest day..and then it starts to get easier..I am still waiting for the easy part. Every single day is a challenge for me.

    Ann, lately late night snacking has been a real problem for me too. I hate it and love to stop. Yesterday I didn’t snack at all..I wasn’t even hungry. For me, not sure if you are this way too, but I eat because I am bored, calm, and relaxed while watching tv..not because I am hungry. So yesterday I just folded my laundry or cleaned my bedroom instead of sitting and eating. As Cris said, “Small steps” and, hopefully, we will crush nighttime eating. We can do this and your MfP family will not let you gain the weight back…we are working together on this journey!!!

    Lauren, glad you didn’t eat the pizza…so far so good..good for you :) And way to go in getting through tough yoga class…you work your stuff..lol

    Jess, You are doing great with Insanity!!! Keep it up girl!

    Also, I think you should rest up and get better before you attempt day 2….{{hugs}}

    Momma, way to go in losing almost 5 pounds!!! Congratulation!!!

    Heather, OMG, you are flying through Chalean Extream…I love your determination. And I am happy my post (on supplement), on another thread, helped you out :)

    have a great day girls!
    Thanks so much Laila!! And yes I am the exact same way when I am bored and relaxed in front of the TV I think I need to eat.I stocked up on sugarfree gum yesterday so when I get the urge to eat when I'm not hungry I will stick a piece in.Thanks again we will defeat this EVIL we call FOOD!!lol
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I am having a much better day emotionally. Whew! :smile: But I'm going a little nuts with pretending I have pregnancy symptoms (From what I understand, it's still several days too early, at least, to actually be having any legitimate symptoms!). Oh boy. :laugh:

    I'm trying to keep myself busy with work (and I have quite a bit to do right now with hiring again and a couple of additional job duties being assigned to me and Annual Enrollment for insurance starting October 1st). I just popped out 4 1-2 page articles about insurance changes in 30 minutes. All that procrastinating and BSing on papers in high school & college is FINALLY paying off. :laugh:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I am having a much better day emotionally. Whew! :smile: But I'm going a little nuts with pretending I have pregnancy symptoms (From what I understand, it's still several days too early, at least, to actually be having any legitimate symptoms!). Oh boy. :laugh:

    I'm trying to keep myself busy with work (and I have quite a bit to do right now with hiring again and a couple of additional job duties being assigned to me and Annual Enrollment for insurance starting October 1st). I just popped out 4 1-2 page articles about insurance changes in 30 minutes. All that procrastinating and BSing on papers in high school & college is FINALLY paying off. :laugh:
    Julie I am right there with you on being nuts.My period was due yesterday and all this talk about having babies is making me wonder if I may be pregnant.I want to be but I don't because I know I am still at a very unhealthy weight.I know you can safely lose weight during pregnancy but I would much rather be at a lower weight to begin with.I guess if I am there is nothing I can do about it now lol.I will wait a bit longer before I start freaking out.But since I have had 3 previous pregnancies I think I will know if I am even before the test cause thats how it was when I got pregnant with my 2nd and 3rd babies I just knew before I even took the test.Not sure what kind of feelings I am having as far as that goes just yet still too early to tell.
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