Over 200 New Year New Me Part 35



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    nutrition....as in???the vitamins? ok now I feel dumb obviously I dont check the nutrition of my food!

    PS- This would be maybe a once a week or twice a week replacement so that I dont feel so depirved...Im eating plenty thats never been the issue, I always just miss the TASTE of my favorite foods. Id rather have them once or twice a week in smaller portions then go on a full blown eating binge after depriving myself of it for months...just trying to come up with a game plan that will stop some of my habits! =6)

    I think this is a GREAT game plan. I ate 2 or 3 frozen dinners last week and still lost weight. don't deprive yourself of what you crave. Just keep it withint your set limits. When you deprive yourself is when you beinge. You gotta learn how to do this long term and it seems like your getting a grasp on that. I say try it!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Well here is what I have been doing:

    Bfast- I eat a bagelful (small bagel stuffed with cream cheese)

    Mid day snack- special k cereal bar

    Lunch- frozen meal (either a smartone or lean cusine)

    Mid afternoon snack- cheesestring, toast and cheese, or 100 calories pack. Sometimes nothing depending on how big I want dinner to be or if i am planning on working out hardcore I try to eat a decent snack before the gym so im not starving and have energy

    Dinner- egg sandwich, chicken parm with mashed potatoes, or whatever i decide to cook for my family just in small portions

    After dinner snack- 100 calorie pack or 100 calorie ice cream bar

    I try to eat every 3-4 hours so I am always eating!

    So instead of a lean cusine or smart one for lunch- I would still be eating a frozen meal but it wouldnt be fat free or whatever. Like tomorrow I have planned a stouffers lasagna. It only has 350 calories (individual package) but 930mg of sodium ...boo! But I worked my sodium around it for the rest of the day. Plus I will have spin class so any extra salt and fat I hope to sweat outduring class!

    Ok now I think Im just trying to talk myself into this! haha...oh yea another point I wanted to add was that I plan on only subbing on SPIN class days because I burn a ton of calories and sweat so much I feel like itd be ok those days only
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Cris, I think you're looking at the right stuff - sodium, etc. That's the only downfall of the frozen meals - LOTS of sodium. While you can (and do) plan around it, unless there's a huge difference in taste'/enjoyment, see if the sodium or other stuff differs greatly from the low-fat/cal/whatever version and the "regular" one.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Yup sodium content is significantly higher....in the regular version...
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: I'm a frozen dinner addict, too, but since sodium affects my weight SO much more than anything else, I stick to the "diet" version. Personal preference, though. I'm almost never within my sodium for the day, so trust me, I'm not knocking you for it. Just something to think about. If you go "regular" on some days, just drink a few extra glasses of water and you should be fine. I love that you're planning!

    Jess: Regarding the supplements and such, I don't think you need to do anything other than the basics; multivitamin, calcium with magnesium, vitamin D, fish oil (Thanks, Laila, for posting last week). For special "drinks" I think you can stick to either a protein shake, whatever variety you're already doing, or chocolate milk (or milk substitute). The biggest part is that you're getting protein to help your muscles with recovery. Heck, even lean meat will do that job!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Cris - I eat the frozen meals a few times a week...not anything close to nutrious, i always eat the lean cusine pizza's...well that isn't true sometimes i have other stuff but i usally get a few of the pizza's cause i like them.

    That lasanga is really good i eat that sometimes too.

    did pretty good at the gym today, much better than yesterday..Was not happy with a 249.0 this morning...these 4 lbs need to go byby.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    sorry up post :sad:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    :heart: Heather- Something you said to me once was "You have to defend your title". That has stuck with me so much, and was one of the reasons I re-joined the BL at the gym. I knew that I would keep hearing you say that to me over and over...and well we all know I hate to lose. So re-joining the competition has really be working for me. It has my competitive side on full blast, its given me plenty of reasons NOT to cheat (dont want to look stupid at the weigh in, prizes, defend title, etc) and it also gives me acountability.

    Thanks for always pushing me and believing in me!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Hi Ladies, today is my official weigh in day. I am not going to participate in the biggest percentage of weight loss contest. But I would like to post my stats on Tues.


    I know why it is so high. My hubby has been on me to remember my blood pressure meds and one of them is a diuretic so I am sure a lot of that is water but WOW!!!! I think I am back on the weight loss wagon.

    Tstout, I am so sorry someone did that to you!!! People are so ......grrrrr, frustrating!!!!!

    Julie, I am sorry about your brother. I understand why you would be worried. Your post really made me open my eyes about myself. I remember when I found out I had high blood pressure my mom said "You HAVE to LOSE WEIGHT, SHERRY!!!!!" She sounded almost hysterical. It made me realize that she is feeling like you and she just wants me to take care of myself. I am going to pray for your brother, that he will wake up and realize what he is doing to his own body. Thanks for sharing this with us.:flowerforyou:

    Cris, I think you should do what is going to help keep you motivated. I personally have to eat some things that I really like. I think if you drink a ton of water and only do it on spin class day you should be fine. Try it out for a week or two.

    Jess, glad things sound like they are about to work out for you with the apartment lady. Make her give you an all clear in writing if you can!!!! Congrats on the workout!!!!!!! Ha, I know you posted this a while back but it made me smile to think that your ex got jealous. Nothing shallow about letting your ex know what he lost!!!!

    Heather, when are you going to some state parks so I can hear about your adventures in hiking!!!!!! We are going to go to Calaveras Big trees in about 2 weeks to see the changing of the leaves. And to see some of the Biggest Red woods in the world. They will still be gree n but there are a lot of little trees in the forest that start changing. It is something my 9 yo girl likes to go see. Fun day trip for us.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Sherry: We haven't had much time to do hiking this summer, but we're actually trying to decide where to go this weekend. The leaves in northern Minnesota are in peak season now, so it's the perfect time to be outside and see the vivid colors. I promise if we go, I'll share my adventures! We've actually be talking about how we HAVE to go see the giant redwoods someday! It's probably a few years away, since we're planning a Montana trip next summer, but it's on the "bucket list." Have a blast this weekend! It's going to be gorgeous!

    Cris: I'm so glad I've played some part in helping you find your motivation. Of course I believe in you! You're a rockstar when you put your mind to it. I want you to be happy and healthy when you get married next year! Luv ya!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Wow, I'm feeling really emotionally exhausted and overwhelmed and irritable and flustered (and and and). I wonder if my hormones are going wonky again (well clearly they are, but I wonder why). :ohwell: I have cried so many times today (not all my fault, I swear)! I haven't been this much of a crybaby in a long time. It'd be one thing if TOM was right around the corner but I wasn't really expecting that for another week at *least.*

    Please bear with me. :noway:

    Way to go, Momma!!! :drinker:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Momma-Your trip sounds amazing!!

    Cris-I love your new plan of attack and enthuasim! I know you can rock the biggest loser competition and defend your title!

    Julie-I'm sorry your having such an emotionally exhausting day! That was me yesterday. It sucks! Hang in there!! Dang hormones!

    I'm starting to feel my morning workout in my lower back and abs. Hope I didn't hurt my back. I read a lot concerns of people hurting themselves and their back due to the crazy jumps you do. Hopefully it's just my back muscles being work. Lord knows I need to lose some back fat!:laugh:
  • Hello from Kentucky! Things went okay today, but I was over on everything...the good news is that I wasn't over by much and had a lot of water. And I'm getting up and running tomorrow morning at the hotel gym, so that should help.

    Feeling discouraged. I tried to do well. but they gave us all these samples and tastings and I made my prof stop at a Subway so I could get something remotely healthy, but it was kind of too late to save the day.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - I hoe you are okay...get some rest and feel better...hopefully the doctor will be able to help

    Julie - Dang hormones...those very well could be baby hormones!!! I know it would be just past conception ...but you never know...I was a nut case (more than normal) when i was pregant...my husband found out quickly don't tell a pregant lady she can't have ice cream in the middle of kroger :smile:

    well still frustrated scale not budging, but again i am not drinking alot of water...I relaly need to step that up today, i drank i think like4 or 5 cups yesterday...i was sooo stoked to see that 245 this week and to still be sitting at 249 is cruddy...especially since i was only 2 lbs away on friday from reaching my 1/2 way mark :sad:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    purple-It's NEVER too late to save the day. When days like that happen you can either make the choice to make better choices from here on our or make it worse. You did good! Hope you were able to get your run in this morning!

    Deb-I'm betting you are still holding onto sodium from Babes. I'm sure their food is loaded and it's taken me a week or 2 to get rid of a high sodium meal. But I retain water like crazy! Thanks for the well wishes. Hang in there you will drop those couple of pounds.

    Didn't get to do insanity day 2 this morning. Pretty mad. I woke up feeling worse then yesterday. I was feeling great last night, not sure what happened. But I've got a nasty cough so I'm going to the urgent care place when it opens. I can't be sick for the weekend. It's my sister bachelorette party! Just wanted to say good morning. Will check back in later!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Allison/Purple - Don't beat yourself up! You're going great with your plan. Hope you got in a good workout this morning.
    Deb - DRINK!!!!
    Jess - Rest up and feel better my dear.

    Last night's yoga class was HARD! Everyone after class kept wondering if it was just them or if that class was REALLY hard. Since we all kept saying the same thing, we all agreed that it was a tough class. Felt good, but DANG, hard!

    Yesterday's check-in:
    Cals - Over w/exercise by 28 cals.1646 total
    Water - 144 oz!! I had 12 glasses before class then 6 glasses afterwards
    Exercise - 1 hour of hot yoga, burned about 420 cals
    Proud - That I pushed through on that tough workout and had a good class.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - HOpe you feel bettter soon...you got to get better for that bachorlette party this weekend.

    I know i am surely hanging on to water...between babes on thursday night, tgif on friday night and Palio's pizza on sunday, i am sure that was all loaded with sodium.

    Going to start right now...my goal today is a gallon...guess i better get started !!!!
  • Thanks for the support everyone. I'm doing better today - had time to hit the gym this morning and had a good breakfast at the hotel. Got week 7, day 3 of C25K done!!! Am power-chugging water on the bus and we are spending the day at a distillery for Jack Daniels, so there will be some bourbon-tasting, but probably not snack-food tasting.

    I *will* take control of this situation and do better today. Spending time a Kellogg was hard because of the endless tastings, but today should be a lot better.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1434 (goal 1500)
    Exercise: crying? Like 7 times? :laugh: That counts, right?
    Water: Not enough. About 7-8 cups.
    Proud: I didn't walk out on my part-time job. I was very very very very close to doing so but I took lots of deep breaths and made it through 9.30pm. I knew probably 60% of my issues were really just my heightened hormonal sensitivity so I attempted to be rational (so difficult!). I found someone to work tonight's shift though, just in case I was a basketcase again today. So far so good but the day is very young. *fingers crossed* :tongue: I'm hoping the promise of frozen yogurt tonight after the gym will get me through the day in a sane fashion.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Purple (Allison?): Your trip sounds fun! Is it for fun or for work?

    Julie: Here's to hoping you feel better today. Trust me, I'm often very emotional so I know how hard it can be to make it through the day sometimes. I blame birth control, though.

    Jess: Hope you start feeling better soon. I posted on your status that you should do Day 2 when you're feeling better so you don't cheat yourself out of any of the workouts because I don't want you cheated out of results!

    Lauren: Great job on getting through the HARD yoga class. I hate yoga, so you're a rockstar in my mind!

    Last night the bf and I completed ChaLean Extreme Burn Circuit 2. My legs got all shaky and I hit muscle failure at the 10th rep of most of the exercises, which is what is supposed to happen but I'm not sore at all today yet. Maybe I have to increase the weight on most of the moves. Tonight is the first cardio/ab workout in the series and I'm hoping it burns lots of calories.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over by 112 (chocolate milk for recovery)
    Sodium: WAY over...again, as usual
    Water: 88.5 oz.
    Exercise: ChaLean Extreme Burn Circuit 2 with 8-10 lb. weights
    Proud: That my awesome boyfriend did the whole DVD with me. :smooched:
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