Over 200 New Year New Me Part 35



  • Hey ladies!!! *waves*

    I had a great weekend - some work, a LOT of relaxing, and an awesome "family" dinner tonight with lasagna, salad, desserts, plus some veggies and wine. :drinker: Ran 25 minutes with C25K week 7 day 2 and realized that both the machine AND MFP were underestimating my cals burned - bought a Polar F6 on Friday night and put it to good use today, banking exercise cals against dinner. I'm still under for the day and am only a little over on sodium.

    I am heading out of town tomorrow for 4 days, so I think access to the internet (except on the iPhone) will be limited. I'm bringing lots and lots of snacks with me on the trip so I have some healthy options as well as my resistance band, workout clothes, and sneakers so I can work in some gym time in the mornings. Wish me luck - between airports and bus rides and fast food....there's a lot out of my control this week!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good morning Gals !!!!

    Had such an awesome weekend!!! We got the contract back on the house yesterday they accepted all of our demands with a 1500 increase, but that it put us right where we wanted to be...We figured we got at least probably 10k in upgrades in this house. So we went up initilaed the contract yesterday so it is officall we will have our house in late spring. We are set to close like in april-may. They are buying us out of 3 months of our lease (or up to 3 months) so if it is done on schedule the we will have both houses for a few months...but they will pay for our rent so we just have to keep up some utilites maybe on both...we can't "offically" move until serena is out of school which is June...but we can move stuff back and forth

    Next step i think is to go to the design center and pick everything out !! Which dh can't get off work till after october 12th, so won't really be till then.

    Now on the eating end...not soo good...didn't really pay attention to any calories ate out alot and such...didn't exercise 1 bit all weekend....scale was not nice to me this morning like 4 1/2 lbs up :angry: :angry: I know alot of sodium...so hopeuflly i can flush all that out over the next few days and at least be back to 245 by friday....wanted to hit that 1/2 way mark this week, but that would mean getting back to 245 , then loosing 2 more

    Getting back on track today!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Blue -- I did go outside (on my porch) and enjoy the weather (80* and pouring rain) yesterday. But no exercise happened (well, maybe rocking chair action is exercise :tongue:). I was busy stuffing my face.

    Purple -- Have fun on your trip!

    Deb -- Yay on the house!! I'm so excited for you!

    So yesterday I stuffed my face like a big fat pig. But I held myself accountable and logged it all and I was about 350 over what I think is maintenance for me. I plan to pay that back at the gym tonight but of course I'm annoyed that I didn't have more self control, especially since I weighed 192.2 after breakfast and coffee yesterday so I'm pretty sure I would've showed a loss today if I had eaten healthy foods instead of crap. I didn't weigh myself this morning but I could barely get my rings on (and they have been really loose lately) I'm so bloated from all the sodium.

    Today will be good so I'm not really worried about it. I just wish after nearly 13 months I wouldn't want to pig out like that. I guess instead of focusing on that, I should recognize the fact that my pig out days now are better/more healthy than a regular day 13 months ago.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie - I am with you with the pigging out this weekend, except i didn't log any of mine :sad: But i am with you that a few pig out days is soo much different than i would eat like this everday...I am soo okay with pigging out a few days, but knowing i have to not do that everyday...
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Good to see you Blue!!! I hope you got some rest yesterday.

    Deb, YAY on the house how exciting........

    Well, I won't be going out to enjoy the weather today. 101* today in our area. That is a common temp in July and August but not too common at the the end of Sept. I think the record for today is like 102*. Our averages this time of year are in the low 80's. So I will be staying in today. Good thing I have my Leslie Sansone Walk yourself slim dvd.

    I am off to a good start so we will see how this week goes.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm with Julie and Deb on pigging out! Had a birthday party Saturday night. I made a promise not to drink and I forgot to eat dinner so instead I stuffed my face with sausage balls dip and 1 piece of cake. It wasn't a pretty day/night. BUT I'm ready to be disciplined till at least my sisters wedding. I'm making the commitment today to get better about tracking. I usually don't track Fri-Sunday..that's almost half the week. I can't be doing this.

    I'm starting Insanity tonight. Doing my FIT test. Was going to do it this morning but I was unsure how long it would take and I didn't want to be rushed so I'm doing it tonight! I'm excited! Need to have my before pictures and measurements taken as well!

    Hope everybody had a fab weekend.

    Deb-Congrats on the house!! That's fantastic!!!!

    Julie-Your night on the rocking chair sounds amazing!! I have been looking for a hammock to put u at my parents house. It's so relaxing to sit outside, especially when it's raining.

    Blue-Hope you adjust to the new hectic schedule soon.

    Momma-Have a great workout. I know you are going to make this week a great week for you!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    :heart: Nice to see you girls ( Colorado and Blue) miss you around :heart:

    Deb, so happy for you! We were planning on building a home too, a while back, but that would cost us 400+ and, well, that is not in our budget. We also planned on selling our home, this past summer, however, my family didn't find a house as big as our townhouse. I love the townhome we are in. It;s a straigh through ( 3 bedroom and 2 1/2 bath) style ( which means walk in the front door and you walk into the living room, then the dinning room, then the kitchen, and last is the family room...when I stand in the living room I could see *straight thought* the family room) people alway assume, by looking outside, it's a small home. But it's pretty big and nice size rooms. So we are staying here until maybe we can find something we like in the future. Congrats to building your dream home :)

    Julie, you are not alone...I ate way too much Sunday...even over my maintenance calories..those darn philly pretzels took a hold on me...I ate 5 by the end of the evening. So I feel so guilty to say I ate 3000+ calories, but I am going to work my *kitten* off to see 200 this week....We are back on track, right!

    Momma, it was so unexpectedly hot here Wednesday, Thurday, and Friday.. and today is rainy and cool..go figure. No wonder people are getting sick around here.... Stay cool girl! and WTG on doing a walking dvd instead of walking in the heat :flowerforyou:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Jess, GOod luck on your INSANTY fit test!!! You are awesome!!!

    Purple, Have a fun and safe trip!!! miss ya!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    **SIGH** Back up to 208.6 this morning.


    Anyway, my weekend was pretty good. My son went pee pee in the pottty 2 times! Hes not even 2yrs old yet and we are not actively trying to train him but since he has shown some interest in it I have offered to put him on the potty every once in awhile and he went! I was so surprised, happy and impressed! Woohoo! Hope to be done with diapers within the year! Bobby also surpised me by cleaning the house and doing laundry..oh and cooking dinner! Then he bought me lunch Sunday..which he never does! I usually pay for all our outtings because I make significantly more...so even though it was taco bell, lol and it was like $10 he made a point of paying for it and said he wanted to treat me, lol so it made me really happy that he took the little money he had and used it on me :heart:

    Eating wise- Not so great...obviously! I gained 5lbs booo. At the biggest loser weigh in at the gym on Saturday their scale read 205.8. So my goal for next weigh in is 200lbs. A little ambitious yes...put Im shooting for the stars :laugh: :laugh: My goal for the entire program is to end up at 185. (Also quite ambitious)

    So I better get my butt into gear...like now!

    Today Im doing Day 2 of WK 1- going to try to run at 5.5 again through the whole thing.
    Tomorrow the plan is to do WK1D3
    Wed and Thurs- Spin class
    Frid- WK2D1
    Weekend- RECOVER!

    I am going to be tweaking my diet a little. Going back to my 1200 not eating excercise cals...and changing up some of my food choices. I am commiting to this 8 week BL program. I have several "parties" within these 8 weeks but I going to come up with a game plan prior to going to them. Tomorrow is my BFF's birthday and she wants to go out to dinner. So I better come up with a plan for that today!

    Be back later to chat

  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Deb- Congrats on your new house!!!

    Momma- Im so sick of the heat too! It was like 90 on Friday, Its back down to upper 70's today but humid...ugh! Come on 50 weather!

    Hi blue!!!

    Julie- I am not craving cookies, thank you very much

    Jess- hi! cant wait to hear about your insanity thingy!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-I like your ambitious goals!! My ambitious goal is to be under 200 by the wedding..Which would put me at losing 2 pounds a week..very ambitious for me but I'm gonna give it my best effort!

    I forgot to share the best part of my weekend. Ran into my ex boyfriend at the bar Friday night..We broke up almost a year ago..jerk face broke my heart...been trying to get back together with me for months saying what a mistake he made. But clearly I wasn't having it! he's from Dallas but he's stationed about 4 hours away, he's in the army. So for some unknown reason he was at the country bar (Weird seeing as he hates country music) and ran into me...I played nice..and then my best friends man showed up with his brother (who she's trying to set me up with)...as shallow as it sounds I enjoyed every minute of dancing with the brother in front of the ex...(Cris said it's okay for me to sound shallow like that..I work hard..LOL)...so later I got a text about how I looked so d@mn good and it was so hard for him to see me with another man...Made me feel good. :drinker: Yay ME! :laugh:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    It is a rainy mess here on the East Coast - the kind of day that makes you want to stay cuddled up in your bed. As tempting as that was, I made it out of bed....about 20 minutes later than usual.

    It appears that I wasn't the only one who wasn't on target this weekend. It all started on Friday - I pretty much decided that I was going to eat whatever I want and boy did I. Total cals for Friday = 2051.

    I think I did "ok" at the beer event on Saturday. Didn't get drunk and decided to stop drinking at the bar we went to after the event (smart choice!). However, definitely was super snacky throughout the event. Guesstimate on cals = 2530

    Yesterday was another snacky day. I had to be at church at 7 a.m. because I sang with the band. It was a great day, but super long! I was there at church until 3 p.m. Had breakfast there (mini bagel w/cream cheese and a banana) and a 1/2 of a large deli muffin for a snack. So not too bad. But then I got home....ate leftover Chinese for a late lunch, then chips and cheese, then pita chips and boursin. I sat on my butt, watched recorded shows on the DVR, and ate. I got out for a small walk and some playground time with my neighbors, which was wonderful! Then dinner was with the neighbors and was pretty healthy - red snapper, ratatoullie, swiss chard, rice. Very tasty! Sunday cals = 2050

    I'm back up to 180 this morning...:grumble: but I know what I did to get there (see above!) and how to get back to where I need to be. I didn't drink close to enough water this weekend and haven't exercised since last Tuesday (Challenge Fail :frown: ). I'm going to extend Julie's challenge of 4 days of exercise to this week because I REALLY need to get back in the habit. I've become pretty complacent about what I eat and when I exercise and I know that I need to get my groove back. Thanks in advance for being supportive and giving me the kick in the butt when needed.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Lauren-This is me kicking your butt into gear to workout...you can't see it but picture it. I'm kicking it in the rear today and so can you! Let's do it!

    Cris-Forgot to comment earlier...I think that's great that you fiancee did that for you. Even if it was Taco Bell..it's the thought that counts! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - way to go to flaunt it !!!

    Thanks everyone !!! I am just soo excited about this house...got a savings plan in place and have to stick to it so i can get the $$$ saved for the house...this entails a LOT Of not eating out ...this is good for me on the $$ and the loosing weight front!!!!!

    My goal for end of year was 100, that is a way to go, not sure if i will make it but going to try my hardest...

    My even longer goal is to be under 200 by the time we close on the house (which is around my 36th bday too)... so i got to get my but in gear like asap.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Jess- I still maintain that you had every right to flaunt it! Im so glad you had a great time!

    Lauren- I'll kick you in the butt if you kick me in the butt! If you hear me on here whining about "I didnt have enough time" or "I was too tired" tell me to suck it up and hit the gym...and if i ignore u then u can text me via the words with friends thing! thanks!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Ouch! I just felt two virtual butt kicks from Cris and Jess. This is the turnaround week ladies!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Woohoo - just was told I "look like a super skinny minny today"!! Heck yeah black shirt!

    Jess - LOVE that you got the d@mn text....AWESOME!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh boy. As you all know, I'm generally pretty high-strung. So I'm sure you can imagine I'm not dealing so well with the baby-related waiting game. Seriously, am I going to be an anxious wreck every month? Honestly, we haven't given baby our best effort this cycle. We were planning on waiting for January to really really start TTC but it seems we're a little too excited to really wait and we didn't have much of a reason to wait except we like the idea of an autumn baby. (TMI!) We did have one good rock solid (:smokin:) effort that I think was appropriately timed. So now of course I'm freaking out and I don't expect TOM for another good 10-11 days at the very earliest. It's going to be a long long long week if I can't take it easy about this.

    Help calm me down? Please? Any tips? Maybe I'll take the yoga idea more seriously, though that would probably just clear my mind in order for me to obsess a little better. :tongue:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: I'm with you on the hair/nail growth. I take a multivitamin (Flintstones, baby!) but apparently it's doing something because my nails have been growing super fast.

    Jess: I love that your ex was jealous. I agree with Cris that you don't have to feel bad and you are allowed to flaunt. Heck, even though I've been with my bf for two years now (didn't I just meet him? Wow), I'd still want to flaunt in front of an ex. Guys should always miss us and regret not being with us. It's just how it is!

    Purple: Hopefully you'll love your Polar F6 as much as I love mine! I'm glad you got one.

    Deb: Congrats on the house!! I'm so excited for you!

    I also love all of the "ambitious" goals you gals are setting. I think it's great to set your sights high. As they say, "If you reach for the moon and don't make it, you'll still reach the stars"

    I started ChaLean Extreme yesterday and feel like I've been punch in the back of the arms, the abs and the quads. Apparently I did something right, but I'm shocked at how many of the exercises that I'll have to increase my weight on next time! I'm so ready to get buff!

    Like several of you, I ate nonstop on Saturday. I have NO idea how much I ate but I honestly didn't care. I just kept eating and eating. Luckily, I'm at 186.8 this morning, which is a lot less than most weekends. It's back to the grind today. I'm starving this morning from eating all weekend, but am chewing gun in hopes of killing the cravings. So far, it's not working.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Maybe I'll take the yoga idea more seriously, though that would probably just clear my mind in order for me to obsess a little better. :tongue:

    When I'm doing yoga Julie, I really don't think about anything other than breathing and the poses. I find that I'm able to block everything else out and just focus on what I'm doing. It seems odd since it's so "peaceful", but I really find that when I'm practicing (oh good grief...I said "practicing" it's like I'm a yogi or something....) I'm able to leave everything else behind for those 60 minutes. Also, if, no ONCE, you get preggers, you'll want to be able to stretch etc.

    Allison, so glad you got a HRM! I love my Polar F6 and feel very confident about the output it gives me.
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