Over 200 New Year New Me Part 35



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Lauren: I finally found the 5k I'm going to sign up for (probably today) for our 5k weekend. There are only two that I can find for the Twin Cities metro area; one is in St. Paul, which would be crazy and the other is just south of the metro. The only down side is that the south metro one says the course has "gently rolling hills." Yikes! It think it's on the path at a golf course. It's the Dakotah Fitness Turkey Trot.

    Allison: Great job on the C25k. It's amazing how well the program works! You're doing fantastic. I didn't start running until I was right around 200 lbs. so I'm super impressed!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: I'm not as country as people seem to think I am, either. I mean, I listed to just about every kind of music (with the exceptions of hardcore rap, heavy metal and classical). But apparently having a horse means I am supremely hick or redneck. Oh, well, there are worse things we could be called!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Random FYI: All the folic acid I've been taking (in my women's multivitamin) is making my hair and nails grow like crazy. Seriously. I have shaved my underarms more often in the last 2 months than I ever have in the rest of my entire life (like... combined). :laugh: So, not that anyone cares, but I used to waffle back and forth on my opinion about multiviatmins and now I'm officially convinced that, yes, multivitamins are a good thing (even if taking them means I have to shave everything more often :grumble:).

    Heather & Jess -- I used to be really independent, too. I lived by myself for years. I once stubbornly stood and held a door open for a guy for FOUR HOURS because I was holding it for him first yet he claimed (claims - he brought it up when I saw him this May for the first time in several years) he was holding it for me first. The only reason we stopped holding the door for each other is because the business closed for the night. :laugh:
    But oh boy I'm spoiled now. I think I can actually feel my muscles withering every time dh insists on carrying heavy bags of groceries into the house or opens my car door. :tongue:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Random FYI: All the folic acid I've been taking (in my women's multivitamin) is making my hair and nails grow like crazy. Seriously. I have shaved my underarms more often in the last 2 months than I ever have in the rest of my entire life (like... combined). :laugh: So, not that anyone cares, but I used to waffle back and forth on my opinion about multiviatmins and now I'm officially convinced that, yes, multivitamins are a good thing (even if taking them means I have to shave everything more often :grumble:).

    Heather & Jess -- I used to be really independent, too. I lived by myself for years. I once stubbornly stood and held a door open for a guy for FOUR HOURS because I was holding it for him first yet he claimed (claims - he brought it up when I saw him this May for the first time in several years) he was holding it for me first. The only reason we stopped holding the door for each other is because the business closed for the night. :laugh:
    But oh boy I'm spoiled now. I think I can actually feel my muscles withering every time dh insists on carrying heavy bags of groceries into the house or opens my car door. :tongue:

    Julie I love this story! That is so me!! He was an hour late so the stuff I started moving was like shoe boxes, bags of clothes piddly stuff!! He's calling me going "What are you doing" I'm moving stuff to the truck his reponse "Good God woman you are so stubborn and independent why can't you just let me help you!?" my response "hello!! I'm Jessica have you met me? I'm independent..sue me! My best friend and I moved almost our entire apartment OURSELF! Yeah that's right I didn't stutter"...he's one of "those" guys and I'm one of those independent stubborn don't ask for help girls. He was texting me today telling me how sore he was from moving stuff...I couldn't help but giggle! He doesn't know it but I took a picture of him outside loading up my washer and dryer. LOL I was shocked he came to do it!

    Heather-People are quick to tag you as "country" if you even listen to country music...doesn't help that I wear boots and jeans often..go to country bars..and the list goes on! LOL
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Julie - As soon as I read your post about folic acid I had an "ah ha!" moment. I've been trying to figure out why hair/nails have been crazy the last week or so. TADA! I started taking vitamins from the girly doctor two weeks ago.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie - As soon as I read your post about folic acid I had an "ah ha!" moment. I've been trying to figure out why hair/nails have been crazy the last week or so. TADA! I started taking vitamins from the girly doctor two weeks ago.

    Is this gonna happen if I take a mutli vitamin? Not looking forward to that!! Except I don't have to worry about the shaving the armpits thing! Had to get laser hair removal for medical purposes last year. YES!! :laugh:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Hey Girls, Ryan had a fantastic day. Things went very well. I am happy now if we can keep it going. IT is going to work out.

    Heather I am not sure if anyone knows my name, it is Sherry
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Julie - As soon as I read your post about folic acid I had an "ah ha!" moment. I've been trying to figure out why hair/nails have been crazy the last week or so. TADA! I started taking vitamins from the girly doctor two weeks ago.

    It just occurred to me today. I thought maybe it was because my hormones were all out of whack for a couple of weeks but it has continued even though I'm seemingly having a very normal cycle this go 'round.

    I bite my nails, and I looked at them today and was like "WTF!? Didn't I JUST chew all those off?" :laugh: That was right about the time I was taking my first prenatal vitamin which triggered the thought that I'm sure I was deficient in folic acid prior to starting to take the vitamins made for women (they just have more iron, calcium, and folic acid than regular multis) a couple months ago. So that triggered a quick Google search about hair/nail growth and voila! Folic acid. Duh.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Momma - I am soo glad ryan had a great day today.

    I am soo peeved...i wanted to hear on the prequal today...it is 3:30 and still nothing :sad:
  • Deb - sorry you still haven't heard anything. How annoying!

    Ladies - general question. Do you use heart rate monitors and, if so, which one do you use? I want to buy one this weekend (I think) and need some input!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    HI IM HERE!!!!!


    Julie/Tstout- yup, pregnant ladies tend to grow hair really fast (thanks to the vitamins) which usually leads to a massive haircut during the 3rd trimseter. I thought it was funny when I was told this, but sure enough right around my 3rd trimester I chopped about 8 inches off! lol

    Jess- GREAT JOB ON YOUR 210!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOORAY!!!!!!!!!! I love that u are a country girl, uhm Im "colored" lol sorry I had to say it...and people still consider me a country girl cause I listen to country music, pick up trucks, and country bars.

    Purple- way to plan things out! you'll be out of the 250s in no time

    I was at 204.2 this monring so I had a 4lbs loss this week. Hoping to see something closer to onederland next week. Tomorrow Is the first weigh in for BL at the gym! Im nervous because I really need to buckle down and get a move on!

    PS- This time next year I will be a MARRIED woman! Today is the official 1 year countdown to my wedding! YAY!

    Deb- you're doing amazing!
  • Allison...........-2.4..........0.92%
    Laila..............-0.8...........0.00% ( weight previously lost)
    Ann................-2.0............0.00% ( weight previously lost)

    So I'm here, first time all week. I'm catching up on all the posts and then I'll fill everyone in on my hellacious week!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    hey girls,

    Jess, congrats on your weight loss!! I am so happy for you girl:flowerforyou:

    Momma, I am so glad Ryan had a great day:drinker: ..hopefully, more will soon come:wink:

    Allison, Great job on your running! you'r doing awesome!!!

    Cris, Yay, on being 204.2...that means you and me are the same exact weight today. Hopefully we will both see ONEderland soon..We can do this!!! And good luck with the biggest loser thing tomorrow..I know you will do great :bigsmile:

    Danielle, glad to see you around wiht your busy week:flowerforyou:

    my family came over this afternoon, unexpectedly, and I made dinner and dessert for us and we enjoyed a nice evening chatting and laughing about good ol time and playing Wii resort

    Check in
    calories, over by 200 ( even wiht the exercise I did) I was @ my maintenance calories 1900ish
    exercise, 30 day shred + Just dance ( with my 4 year old son) He wanted to dance to "who let the dogs out" while I wanted to dance to "eye of the tiger" or "fame" so I played/danced with him for about 25 minutes, before my family came over..I was all sweating (with the A.C. on) then I played the Wii resort for a while...
    water, not really sure how much but I know it was more than 64 oz
    challenge, 125% done!
    proud, I went over my calories, a little, but not as much as before (3000) so overall a pretty great day!

    Have a great evening/weekend!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Cals: 1872 (goal 1500)
    Exercise: yeah... about that...
    Water: 13 cups so far
    Proud: I let dh talk me into cookies (which were on sale & I had a coupon which meant they were really cheap which of course means I bought them earlier this week). They're the pre mixed scored into squares take & bake kind so I put 4 in the oven to bake (2 each) instead of making the whole package. Very smart move because oh. my. goodness. they were so good. So even though it would've been nice not to want them, it was nice I was smart enough to impose moderation in that way. Win?
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Total win Julie, Hooray for self-control and foresight!!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Hello girls.. sorry I have been MIA. Been busy.. but you would think I would be use to it at this point.

    I really have not been watching what I eat.. In fact my husband took me out to eat the other day at Jasmin Garden.. yep LOADED in sodium, then yesterday brought homemade tamales home. Yum.. any way.. I have not been drinking as much water as I should (leg and feet cramps) and I have had too much sodium.. So, my weight is actually up last and this week. So, I guess I will update my ticker and get my rear in gear. I really need to start MGD (making good decisions)

    Took my daughter out to find some black heels for choir and to see if we could find a dress. We ended up getting two dresses, a light shawl and her shoes for 50.00. I was pretty happy about that! :smile:

    I have a client/friend coming in this morning and then I need to get out in the yard and do some thinning of my day lilies, Iris, Move some fountain grass, clean up some flower beds, mow, weed eat.. yep.. fall work!

    Tomorrow we are going on a fall colors motorcycle ride. I am looking forward to it! It has been cooling down into the 40's here at night so, since we are heading up into the mountains, it may be a brisk ride. Thank goodness for those leathers. I am hoping to get some good pics, if I do, I will share with you guys next week!

    Working out of the home is not going to bad. I am needing to do a little more creative advertising to let people know where I am at and get them in the door. Finally got my new bus cards and some promo post cards in the mail yesterday and I am pretty happy with them!

    Well, I better go get in the shower, I have to take my son to work, before my client comes!

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello gals...soo excited..after beeing totally bummed last night cause no call on the prequal...we got an email this morning !!!!

    We went picked out our lot and signed the contract...now the contract has to go to corporate and waiting on a response.

    I am hoping they approve it !!! THe lot we got is awesome, it is a corner lot and one of the best looking ones.!!! We will actuazlly have somewhat of a yard (alot of the houses don't)

    HOpefully we will hear in the next few days if they accepted.

    We also got where they will pay up to 3 months rent of our house here...So when it is done we can move and not have to worry about the 3 months we have left here !!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Laila..............-0.8...........0.00% ( weight previously lost)
    Ann................-2.0............0.00% ( weight previously lost)

    Sorry I'm late! Getting sick and totally EXHAUSTED from my new school schedule.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Cals: 2259 (goal 2321). 562 deficit. With3 beers and 2 big cookies. :embarassed:
    Exercise: Ran 2 miles. Ellipticalled 2 miles. 15 mins strength
    Water: I have 7 cups logged. It'll be higher before bed.
    Proud: I damaged controlled with the best of them at the gym this evening. I seriously wanted beer tonight because I nearly panicked at the thought of the possibility of not drinking any for 9 months. :tongue:
    Edit: Challenge COMPLETE!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Oh my word I am the only poster on Sunday? I hope that means everyone else is out in the beautiful weather getting some exercise! :wink:

    check in:
    cals: OK
    water: 100
    exercise: 30 min walk, 30 min elliptical, plus arm work
    proud: I am officially in a 4X pant. I might be able to buy something at a normal store that has big sizes now!!! :bigsmile:
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