Over 200 New Year New Me Part 35



  • Here's yesterday's check-in...I will catch up with everyone tonight (for serious this time).

    Calories: 617 under (I seriously could just not eat more, plus I think MFP overestimates my exercise cals)
    Water: 7 cups
    Sodium: 736 under
    Exercise: Week 6, day 3 of C25K!!!!!! I am still super-excited by that.
    Proud: See above!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Cris, I like how you said that the gym was me time. I know one of your posts yesterday mentioned "Old Cris" and what she would have done. I'm amazed by "New Lauren" and that I enjoy exercising and look forward to it. Ha! Whoda thunk it?!? Those weeks when I can't get to the gym or exercise, I find myself getting bummed out, and not just because it means that my loss might stall or something. I'm bummed because exercise makes me feel good!

    8 months ago, I would have told you the only way I would run is if someone was behind me with a gun/knife/deadly instrument. Now I hate that I haven't been running in over a week. Crazy talk!

    Julie, good plan to go for a walk. Sometimes we've just got to make it work for us.

    Purple, have you thought about getting a HRM? I love mine and feel good about the calories burned output it gives me. Sometimes they go up for sale on Amazon or other sites. Might be a nice treat when you get to a goal.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Heather - there are TONS of BYOB restaurants here in Chicago. I was skeptic at first, but we went to one a few weeks ago (Argentinian place... soooo delicious) and it was awesome! There were 12 of us... 6 or 8 bottles of wine. So much fun! If you're ever in the neighborhood, let me know :happy:

    Cris - I hope you're feeling better! I know I have meltdown days, too. Some self-time is usually what makes me feel better.

    So yesterday, I was having a wee bit of anxiety about scheduling time to workout. My job is requiring a little more attention, so I have less time during the day. I was looking at womenshealthmag.com and saw that they have a bunch of 20 minute workouts. ding ding ding! I've done two so far today. And am feeling pretty good.

    Hope everyone is having a great Thursday!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    We have several places here that is byob, i know in the city where i live we have like 3 or 4 places,..mostly italian places, they don't have to get a liquor lic. ...i brought koolaid for the kids if that counts :smile: they were wining cause i didnt want to pay for drinks for them at liek 1.80 a piece, so i brought these koolaid fizzers and got water...they thought it was cool
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    We have several places here that is byob, i know in the city where i live we have like 3 or 4 places,..mostly italian places, they don't have to get a liquor lic. ...i brought koolaid for the kids if that counts :smile: they were wining cause i didnt want to pay for drinks for them at liek 1.80 a piece, so i brought these koolaid fizzers and got water...they thought it was cool

    OK I'm not a kid and those koolaid fizzers are so neat!!!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Just signed up for the November 21 5K!! They said the first 400 people would get a sweatshirt. Uh duh....sign me up now!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Just signed up for the November 21 5K!! They said the first 400 people would get a sweatshirt. Uh duh....sign me up now!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Most of the fall/winter 5ks around here give out long-sleeved tshirts which is funny because we could use sweatshirts in these parts! I love long sleeved tshirts, though.

    Cris: I use my workouts as "me time" too. I tell people not to talk to me when I'm working out because I need to focus. In reality, I just zone out mostly.

    Tstout: It's common for restaurants to allow customers to bring their own bottles of wine, but I've never heard of one allowing people to bring their own beer. Looks like I'll have to travel to Chicago (only about 4-5 hours from me!) to experience this. Do you know if there are any in the Rockford area? I'll be there the first week of November.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Deb, Congrats on the big number this week. You are right at the door to hit the half way mark!!!

    Blue, good job on that 1 pound. I would take one pound right now. I am fluctuating real bad right now! (fluctuating does not look right but it is)

    Cris, sorry about the panic attack. Those are so hard to deal with. Use the gym to release that stress.

    Julie, Good plan!!!

    Okay now to take my own advice we are on day 5 of Ryan having a bad day. One of the moms asked me if I thought he could be feeding off of my frustration. I am really beginning to wonder. When she would ask him to do something he would do it. But if I or the teacher asked him he would say NO!!! We were both feeling frustrated. She says she feels like she is failing him. She is NOT she is a fantastic teacher. I just decided today that I can't worry anymore. I have to trust GOD because Ryan is who he is and I can't change it. I can only help him get through his struggles. So hard for a mom, you just want to take it away from them and help them. So relax is the word of the day for me. NO more crying, just relax. Also the teacher suggested today that she thinks tomorrow when it is time for centers that she is only going to require Ryan to do 2 papers and the other 2 she is going to send home. Like she said we are expecting him to do exactly what the other children are doing and it may just be too much right now.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay now to take my own advice we are on day 5 of Ryan having a bad day. One of the moms asked me if I thought he could be feeding off of my frustration. I am really beginning to wonder. When she would ask him to do something he would do it. But if I or the teacher asked him he would say NO!!! We were both feeling frustrated. She says she feels like she is failing him. She is NOT she is a fantastic teacher. I just decided today that I can't worry anymore. I have to trust GOD because Ryan is who he is and I can't change it. I can only help him get through his struggles. So hard for a mom, you just want to take it away from them and help them. So relax is the word of the day for me. NO more crying, just relax. Also the teacher suggested today that she thinks tomorrow when it is time for centers that she is only going to require Ryan to do 2 papers and the other 2 she is going to send home. Like she said we are expecting him to do exactly what the other children are doing and it may just be too much right now.
    Momma it sounds like Ryan has such a great support system working with him! The mom could be correct. It's worth a shot huh? Hope you get to relax today.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    quick pop in..

    My day has been really busy. I did my morning workout (shred) and my afternoon workout walked/ran( interval training) with my older son. We did about 2.5 miles before he wanted to quit. I wanted to finish the mile and he felt like fainting, so we walked back to the car. But it did feel great to run again :). I am planning on doing that more often...

    Then I took my older son to the doctor to see if everything was ok...I guess he is not use to running so fast..plus he has asthma. But all is well..he is fine :)

    Check in for today:
    calories, 1320
    exercise, 27 minutes shred and 30 minutes walking/running interval training..burnt 400+.
    Challenge, 100% done!!! And I feel great!
    water, about 100oz
    Proud, I can run longer than I did a month ago...it is much harder to run outside than it is on the treadmill..but I did it!

    Have a great afternoon/evening!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Pos., glad your son is okay. Good for you on getting the challenge done.

    I e-mailed the school psychologist who responded with "First take a deep Breath" So I did. She feels as I do that we should lessen his work. The work is becoming more difficult at the same time that we are increasing his tasks. She was very supportive and sweet. She told me not to rush to blaming myself, but yes to go ahead and take a break. So I am and I think I will take Tuesday off and maybe even Thursday. We will see. I am feeling like God put some really good people in place to help and support Ryan and myself. She also said progress is not always linear so to relax when we have a set back. She gave me some suggestions for home that would help him keep to the following of rules, but she also wanted to make sure that he still had decompress time. Which he has. Phew, I know I can do this. Ryan is a gift from God and I am grateful that HE thought enough of me to allow me to raise such a precious little boy. I also think HE wanted to humble me!!! He has!!!!!! He was probably trying to throw in some patience and faith. DONE, I am there, thank you very much!!!!!!!!!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Laila, you are a workout machine!! Shred + interval running?!?! AMAZING! I also love that you are working out with your son. So cool.

  • Ann - Yuck, I hope everyone starts feeling better soon and a baby must be great motivation for weight loss.

    Deb - congrats on the nearly 3 pounds AND being nearly at your halfway point! That's really exciting. :happy: :drinker: I hope you and the hubby have a great dinner tonight.

    Julie - make sure the keep the baby fever safely on your side of the internets and away from me! :laugh:

    Jess - congrats on 210 and I so hope that it will be the same or less again tomorrow for the weigh-in. And being called small....well, I am excited for you and can't wait for the day that's me!

    Cris - thanks so much for the support! I still can't believe I could run it and am not looking forward to tomorrow's 25-minute run but I know I can do it now. Welcome back to the thread and I hope that you are panic attack free.

    Heather - I have no idea what ChaLean extreme is but good luck with it! I hope the results are what you're looking for.

    Elmo - where is the 5K you're running? Is it in NYC? God I miss it sometimes....especially when watching Gossip Girl.

    Tstout - I'm going to have to check out that site for 20 minute workouts for next week when I'm travelling and pressed for time.

    Momma - so sorry you're having such problems with your son. I'm hoping things improve for you all soon.

    Laila - AWESOME job working out twice in one day! I couldn't do that at all, that's for sure.

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    (Yeah, that is indeed where I live)

    113 days so far this year have been 90*F+. And, as you can see below the progress bar, tomorrow's high is predicted to be 94*F.
    The Weather Channel anchor (Mike Bettes) said, "And look at this -- including winter time -- to put this in perspective, 43% of the days so far this year have seen temperatures 90*F or over. Almost half the days this year!" Jim Cantore: "I'd be moving out of Columbia..." Mike Bettes: "That's ridiculous!" Jim Cantore: "Yeah."
  • Here's my morning check in -

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Here is my check in, pretty much the same as yesterday so that is good after eating last night.

  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Morning! I think my muscles are retaining water....my legs(thigh) muscles feels plumped..that might explain the little loss. But I am not worried..I felt great yesterday and I stay on track..so this weight will come off.

    Laila..............-0.8...........0.00% ( weight previously lost)

    Congrats Allison and Debra on almost 3 pounds lost!!!! WAY TO GO GIRLS!!!

    Good luck to all other losers!

  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Laila..............-0.8...........0.00% ( weight previously lost)

    I think I'm back down to 174...if not within a pound of that. Considering I was up near 178 earlier this week, I'm so glad all those pounds didn't see fit to stick around!

    This weekend is going to be tough - will likely make it a goal to stay around maintenance. I've still got to get 3 more days of 30 min exercise in....so I guess that's means 2 of the 3 days I'll be exercising. There's another beer festival this weekend, so tomorrow we're going to a session from 12-3. It also includes food. It was freaking expensive, so there's part of me that wants to be ridiculous and get my money's worth! However, hopefully I can make good decisions so I can eat AFTER we leave too.

    Yesterday's check-in:
    Cals - Over = 1909
    Water - 88 oz
    Exercise - none
    Proud - That I've made it through the week! This one has been a really long week and I'm THRILLED it's Friday!.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I am soo freaking nervous today...I am "pretty" sure we will get an answer on our prequal. I aksed yeste4rday and the lady said we "should" have an update by friday...usally 48 hours after receving all the stuff, which was there wed morning.

    If we do we will be going out and putting a contract on the house and picking our lot and such this weekend...if not ...going to to be super bummed :sad:

    TOmorrow we are going for kolaches...hubby wants them, we haven't been in forever so i think we will ...they have the best ham and cheese ones..Then sunday my mom and sister are coming over for a little bday dinner and party for hubby.
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