Over 200 New Year New Me Part 35



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I feel you on the starving, Heather. Some A-hole brought a homemade cake & it's sitting on a file cabinet not 20 feet from me. With being so hungry & trying my best not to eat it, I drank 2.2 liters of water in about 2.5 hours which probably isn't such a bad thing consider how much sodium I took in yesterday. Then I broke down and had the rest of my Subway from Friday at 11.45. Only, it froze a bit in the mini-fridge at work over the weekend but I was too hungry to let it thaw. Frozen tomatoes don't taste too bad when your stomach is trying to eat itself. :tongue:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie - good luck on your baby making !! I am not a wiating type of person, i like it NOW>..hope this is a good 10 or 11 days and you are good to go :smile: we had fertility issues and before i went to the fertility doctor with abby, we did all the tempatures everyday and charting and all that !! I am more a scioentific person, i like to see numbers, predictions and all that sort of stuff :smile:

    Okay i really should be drinking water to flsuh this sodium out, but on my 2nd diet coke..i am going to fniigh it go to the gym and water all afternoon.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    My good mood quickly went to crap this morning. Got a call from my apartment complex saying they never received my 60 day notice. Yeah. I even called to confirm they got it when I turned it in. So now they want to charge us an extra 2k+..yep I don't have that kinda money!! UGH!! So I'm getting what proof I have together to send in and fight them on this. What they are doing isn't right. I've been so upset all morning and bawling like a baby. I haven't eaten lunch and it's almost 1:30 nor had a drop of water. Just bawling my eyes out. I'm proud of myself that I'm not throwing my will power to the curb and pigging out. I just don't want to eat at all I'm so disgusted with these a holes. Rant over.

    Julie-I think yoga is a great idea for your baby making fever! Hopefully it will help you relax.

    Heather-I can't wait to start insanity tonight. Maybe it will help channel my anger. And it was nice flaunting in front of the ex. Till his friend started trash talking me on facebook saying I was a pig nosed ugly *kitten*. Yeah. I'm more classy then that. I just deleted him and went on with my day. Not going to knock another person down to make myself feel better. Flaunt if ya got it rightt!? YAY for being sore..it's a good sore!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - What jerks...I hope you can get what you have to prove to them they got it.

    Well i got my but to the gym, not the greatest workout but better than nothing right...On a "good" lunch workout i usally burn around 450 today i did like 350...guess that is what sodium overload and eating like crap will do to me i guess..

    oh well...get back on the wagON!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Thanks Deb. I'm getting any piece of evidence that I can. Really hope it pays off! I don't have that kind of money. Just been an emotionally exhausting day. If they make me pay this money. No way can I afford my beach vacay next year. :sad:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Thanks Deb. I'm getting any piece of evidence that I can. Really hope it pays off! I don't have that kind of money. Just been an emotionally exhausting day. If they make me pay this money. No way can I afford my beach vacay next year. :sad:

    i can imagine how exhausting it has been for you...
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: Do you have a copy of your notice? You should be able to work things out with them. Hey, I've been sued over moving out without notice and it's not as bad as one would think. Take deep breaths, gather any proof you have, including any copies of rent checks. Do you happen to know what day you called to confirm they got your notice? If so, make sure you write down the date, approximate time and the person you spoke to. If not, can you check your cell phone records to get the date and time?

    Julie: I would not be able to resist homemade cake today. Since lunch I've been a bit better, but who knows how long that will last?

    I'm lacking motivation again today...it is Monday, after all. I've been wasting my time trying to come up with my Halloween costume, so that probably tells you how productive I've been. Do you know how hard it is to come up with an original Halloween costume? Ugh. I welcome ideas. I just hate buying a pre-packaged costume because those won't have a chance of winning a costume contest. Then again, the little jerk DJ at the bar last year was too young to know who Peg and Al Bundy were. We're going to start scoping out bars that have DJs older than 22 this year, I swear.

    Okay, Halloween rant over...for now.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-I'm in the same boat trying to come up with a Halloween costume! The only thing I can think of is a Smurf! LOL As far as the apartment thing goes. I have the letter saved that we wrote on my computer. It shows it was created on July 28th and the time. I also have my cell phone record showing that I called on the 29th at like 10:50 AM..this is when I called to confirm they did indeed receive it and needed nothing else from me. Clearly something got lost because I was told I didn't need to do anything else. I'm sending all that over after I go home and print off the letter again. The woman is telling me she has a "photographic memory" and would remember the letter if she saw it. Yeah..my apartment complex is massive with well over 1000 units probably. No way could she remember all that. And they said I could of called for any reason. Well it wasn't to have something fixed or a complaint because then there would be a request in my file and theres not. I wasn't calling to chat about the weather! I'm taking deep breathes. I only lost it on them once. But I was a crying mess this morning. Just makes me laugh that I moved out 2 months ago and continued to pay rent and now they think I want to stiff them on money. If that was the case I would of done it 2 months ago.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Heather-I'm in the same boat trying to come up with a Halloween costume! The only thing I can think of is a Smurf! LOL As far as the apartment thing goes. I have the letter saved that we wrote on my computer. It shows it was created on July 28th and the time. I also have my cell phone record showing that I called on the 29th at like 10:50 AM..this is when I called to confirm they did indeed receive it and needed nothing else from me. Clearly something got lost because I was told I didn't need to do anything else. I'm sending all that over after I go home and print off the letter again. The woman is telling me she has a "photographic memory" and would remember the letter if she saw it. Yeah..my apartment complex is massive with well over 1000 units probably. No way could she remember all that. And they said I could of called for any reason. Well it wasn't to have something fixed or a complaint because then there would be a request in my file and theres not. I wasn't calling to chat about the weather! I'm taking deep breathes. I only lost it on them once. But I was a crying mess this morning. Just makes me laugh that I moved out 2 months ago and continued to pay rent and now they think I want to stiff them on money. If that was the case I would of done it 2 months ago.

    Sounds like a classic cause of someone not wanting to take accountability for their major eff up. :explode: How frustrating for you. I'm pretty sure your records would hold up in court over her "photographic memory." :laugh: It'd probalby cost them as much as they're saying you owe them to sue so my guess is that they'll drop it if you're adamant enough. :flowerforyou:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-I'm in the same boat trying to come up with a Halloween costume! The only thing I can think of is a Smurf! LOL As far as the apartment thing goes. I have the letter saved that we wrote on my computer. It shows it was created on July 28th and the time. I also have my cell phone record showing that I called on the 29th at like 10:50 AM..this is when I called to confirm they did indeed receive it and needed nothing else from me. Clearly something got lost because I was told I didn't need to do anything else. I'm sending all that over after I go home and print off the letter again. The woman is telling me she has a "photographic memory" and would remember the letter if she saw it. Yeah..my apartment complex is massive with well over 1000 units probably. No way could she remember all that. And they said I could of called for any reason. Well it wasn't to have something fixed or a complaint because then there would be a request in my file and theres not. I wasn't calling to chat about the weather! I'm taking deep breathes. I only lost it on them once. But I was a crying mess this morning. Just makes me laugh that I moved out 2 months ago and continued to pay rent and now they think I want to stiff them on money. If that was the case I would of done it 2 months ago.

    Sounds like a classic cause of someone not wanting to take accountability for their major eff up. :explode: How frustrating for you. I'm pretty sure your records would hold up in court over her "photographic memory." :laugh: It'd probalby cost them as much as they're saying you owe them to sue so my guess is that they'll drop it if you're adamant enough. :flowerforyou:

    Thats exactly my plan Julie. I'm not giving up. I'm goign to be a thron in their side. Mike is all rilled up now and wants to go up there either with me or by himself. Not sure what he's gonna do but whatever! So I'm going take her all my documents tomorrow and personally hand it to her. That way her photographic memory can remember my face cause she's gonna be seeing a lot of it!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Quick check in..dinner is on the stove :)
    calories, under ( It need to be under after that massive food shoving I did yesterday)
    exercise, day 8, shred, level one and moving furniture for about an hour
    water, about 100oz..lost track after 80oz

    proud, I am back!

    have a great evening!!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    GIrls i am soo stoked.

    So i was getting dressed after my shower, and trying to find something to wear, since i am soo behind in laundry that is not an easy thing :smile:

    I had a pair of 24 shorts, that still had tags on but they were cut real small and last time i tried them on they were still real snug, so i tried them on andh they are too BIG i mean a good deal big...so then i tried on the 22 shorts that the last time i tried them on were really really tight...they werne't really i could zip them right up ...now they are not the most comfortbale like citty down they are a little tight but not unwearable...i am actually wereing them in public and they have very little stretch in them...

    SInce i am still 3 1/2 lbs up that is making my day :)
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hi girls,

    Work was surprinsgly busy today...I was running around up til the last mintue! I was kind of bummed I didnt get to check in cause I needed the support.

    I was running errands at lunch time and I really really really REALLY wanted to just stop and get fast food. I had a really long conversation with myself and talked myself out of it, I was super proud. Today was the first time in a long time Ive talked myself out of something I wanted to eat. I kept reminding myself of the BL competition and how badly I want to just rank, and how wedding dress shopping will be here before I know it (January) and I was able to eat what I had planned on. So excited to feel in control again!

    Jess- Thats f-ing BS! I would be so pissed! I hope it gets resolved for you soon

    Deb- Congrats on the 22s!!!! wooohoo!

    Posme- I love your attitude! Glad to see u back full force

    Julie- Baby fever is horrible...Im very impatient too and I swear I did not get pregnant until I finally relaxed. All your anxiousness to get preggo may jinder the process...try tricking yourself into not caring...lol Ik now easier said then done

    Heather- the most clever Halloween costume I have ever seen was this girl who had a sheet wrapper around her and this hat made with cotton swabs....she had a squirt bottle and would randomly spray people. Whenever people asked her wth she was she would say..."Partly cloudy with a chance of showers" LMAO it was awesome

    Checking in:
    calories- 1140
    water- yup
    sodium- i think under 2500
    excercise- c25k w1d2
    proud- that I was back on track with eating AND excercise. Also that I ran my last 60 sec run at 6.0!!! Whoop!!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    **she had a blue sheet with clouds on it wrapped around her...
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Cris -- Amazing job not stopping for fast food!

    Jess -- I believe I've found Insanity. :wink: I like the idea of starting in the morning but I'm going to go ahead and say that isn't going to happen. I'll ponder on it for a bit. I just don't think I have it in me to be an early riser. I've struggled every day for 21 years now to get up for school and work on time so it's doubtful I'll suddenly change.

    Calories: 1717 (goal 2116); deficit of 899
    Exercise: 16 minute run, 9 minute walk, 20 minute elliptical, 15 minutes upper body strength
    Water: At least 14 cups so far
    Proud: I'm really starting to look forward to and enjoy the gym again.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay so Insanity Fit Test is done...and it sucked!!! There were these push up jack things...oh my goodness I am NOT that beastly...But just shows I need to work hard to improve!! Hope everybody had a good night...
  • Quick check-in...

    THANK GOD I BROUGHT SNACKS. We got delayed and had to run to our connection and dinner was fast food. I had Arby's (a regular roast beef sandwich and just over 1/2 of the curly fries) and ice water for dinner. Not great, but I planned ahead and was under cals and sodium for the day, but not nearly enough water.

    I am so comfortable with eating at home...being on the road like this makes me really anxious.

    Cals: 320 under
    Water - 4 cups (BOO)
    Sodium: 412 under
    Exercise - brief warm-up run/walk then leg weights
    Proud - I packed snacks and was able to alleviate bad decisions in the airport.
    Challenge - what is this week's challenge? Have I missed it?
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    So girls I am in a funk!! I do well all day and then I want to eat at night!! I totally know better because I am one of those people that just can't eat late because it doesn't go so well for me the next morning.So I got up to get my hubby off to work at 5am and I just ran a vigorious run on my elliptical for 30 minutes and I feel GREAT!! I just need that kind of motivation to do it everyday.I am not losing anything right now because I have been eating way too much food especially at night.Somebody please help me before I go back to 256 pounds were I started.I am 225 right now and I just don't know what my problem is.I hate this!!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Hi ladies!

    Oh boy what a weekend... (I realize I'm a day late... but I'll get to that momentarily).

    Wisconsin was WONDERFUL. Such good time! We stopped in Green Bay and toured the Packers' stadium. And Ellison Bay was just beautiful. Couldn't have been more perfect.


    And then our neighbors called us Sunday morning to tell us our apartment had been broken into. They took anything worth anything TVs, laptops, ipod with so much music, the Wii, my work phone... (except for my work laptop which was hiding). So lame... they even took our sneakers!!

    So we've been dealing with that. Just stupid. I don't even have words for it. And now the internet is acting up so work is more frustrating than usual.

    Oh well... it's just stuff, right?
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hi ladies!

    Oh boy what a weekend... (I realize I'm a day late... but I'll get to that momentarily).

    Wisconsin was WONDERFUL. Such good time! We stopped in Green Bay and toured the Packers' stadium. And Ellison Bay was just beautiful. Couldn't have been more perfect.


    And then our neighbors called us Sunday morning to tell us our apartment had been broken into. They took anything worth anything TVs, laptops, ipod with so much music, the Wii, my work phone... (except for my work laptop which was hiding). So lame... they even took our sneakers!!

    So we've been dealing with that. Just stupid. I don't even have words for it. And now the internet is acting up so work is more frustrating than usual.

    Oh well... it's just stuff, right?

    Oh no that is horrible...I am soo sorry...
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