Over 200 New Year New Me Part 35



  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Cris, send me your address via private message and I'll split up the shipment to Jess. We really are the Sisterhood of the Traveling Weight Loss Pants!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    jess - YOu look great!!!

    Cris and Jess ...look at you getting some new 14's yall will rock them soon !!!

    I called the new day care by our new house, just to see how much it will be and such...and it is cheaper !!!! woohoo...was pretty excited about that. Now the summer program isn't as great as where she is now, but she will live. They will still do stuff but it is no field trips...but 80 bucks a month cheaper during the summer...during the year 160 bucks cheaper...given i have to pay 140 up front for registration , and then 100 per kid yearly (paid 2x a year) supply fee...but it still ends up being cheaper !!!

    i am soo ready for this house stuff to get moving...still no call from the deisgn center ( we cna't go till after the 12th anyway, but still), wiating for a call from our sales lady regarding the fit of the elevation of the house we want...if it won't fit we have to go with a different front of the house, still nice but not as much as the 1st one..but really don't want to give up my corner lot for a little more porch space.

    They cashed my earnest money check so i know they are doing something :smile:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Deb-Hope things get moving on the house for ya soon! I knwo your excited. That's great about the daycare!!!

    Lauren-Let me know when you send them I'd be more then happy to send you some money for shipping them! I'm not quite to 14's yet but I HOPE to be there SOON. I think Insanity is going to help with that a great deal..

    So I'm feeling very overwhelmed. I forgot about a bunch of stuff I had to do. Or want to do I guess. I wanna go tan after work (this relaxes me), stop by adult beverage store for party favors for tomorrow's Ranger game. Would like to go buy a shirt for the Ranger (probably not gonna happen) and then go home workout and bake cookies. And then get enough sleep to get up and do a workout before work. I thought about quitting Insanity and trying to start again next week due to being sick and no time but I'm never gonna have more time. I have a busy life with lots to do. Just need to make sure I'm getting my butt up in the mornings to workout. Thanks for listening to me vent!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Jess -- you look awesome in that dress! Even though you'll be busy this evening, it sounds like most of the stuff you have planned will be fun! :smile:

    Deb -- YAY for saving money on day care!

    Bah, I've talked myself (with the help of dh) out of the gym for the 2nd day in a row. Boo! I've been a little dizzy/wonky for the last couple of hours & just generally feel pretty blah. My supervisor went home sick about 2 hours ago. :frown: Dh just called me and was super excited. He bought me a gun. :laugh: I never really thought I'd own a gun. But after living in my neighborhood for over 3 years without one of my own, I can't say I'm not super relieved.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - good luck with all your stuff...that sure made me tired :smile:

    Julie - I was thinking of you on my bargain of the week :smile: at kroger they are having sell on all detergent, i use it all the time, and usally like 5 something for the size i get, it is on sale for 2.99 i was soo happy i bought 4...then when i got home and was cutting my coupons, i found 3 coupons for 1.00 ...they are still on sale now , so i am going to get 3 more for 1.99 a piece...i will definetly be set on laundry detergent for a while :bigsmile:

    I feel good, i had my meeting with my boss today, and somedays i feel like i have been lost , and the lead programmer who has been helping me has been telling her what good job i am doing and that he really likes all the questions i ask and the he knows i can get it done...since i was feeling super stupid ..made me feel good....he keeps telling her all the stuff he wants me to do...to me that is a huge complaint , he is super smart and he thinks i can do all this (which somedays i don't think i can )

    My most exciting point of today !!! I just checked sernea's grades, (6 weeks ends tomorrow), and right now all a's and b's. I was scared because one day (2nd week of school) she got in her mood i don't want to do this and got a 33 on an assignment, she had got 100 on the other 2 assigment but had her at a C, she got a 100 of the 4th assignment and now up to a 82, as long as there isn't a whole bunch the teacher hadn't put in , looks like she will get 4 a's and 2 b's..And most of the a's are really good a's, 100 in reading 95 and in math and 93 in writing..yes people a 93 in writing...the subject that she struggled soo much with !!! I am hoping these are close to the final grades and she gets all a's and b's this 6 weeks....I am soo proud of my little girl she is doing soo good in school and makes me just want to cry...of course we are still having accident issues, but there may be moremedical reasons for this...

    Okay my ramble is done.!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    evening, I'm so tired...

    Check in
    calories, over but under exercie calories( by 70ish)
    water, 13 cups
    exercise, 30 minutes walking and L2 shred ( Jillian kick my butt big time)
    proud, I managed to stay within calories even though my schedule was so hectic...

    Have a great evening!!!
  • I'm back! Flew through the monsoon that is the east coast and am home in my pajamas just about ready for bed.

    I am so tired and am nervous about the scale tomorrow...I just know that it'll be up for the week. I'm going to hit the gym hard for the next few days and do my best to meet my goal for next week, but it really just might not happen.

    Looking forward to having some control back in my life in the next couple of weeks and getting back on track!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good morning ladies!! Happy Weigh in Day!! No loss for me this week..a little over a 2 pound gain. I'm okay with that. I got a good solid workout in this week and it's my first week of insanity. To be expected! Plus I had a bad sodium day Wednesday and I hate a late late late dinner. Going to make good decisions this weekend! Minus the beer tomorrow for the bachelorette party. But I WILL workout tomorrow morning! :bigsmile:

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Sad to say no loss this weekend...wasn't really expecting one after this past weekend. Since i was 4 lbs up at the beginning of the week, i will take it, and hopefully next week it will be gone and i can get to or close to my 1/2 way mark.

  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member

    Not really a loss today, I am still not at my lowest weight ever (201.2) which is really starting to bug me. Jillian has me working out every single day...and today I am really sore from Level 2..she has me doing so much planks it becomes unbearable! I did go over my daily calorie intake,but not over my exercise calorie intake..not sure what going on with my body. I do feel my legs, stomach, and arms getting smalling but not reflecting on the scale:sad:


    I am currently @ 203.8...that sucks!!!

    happy weigh in girls!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Cogirl...+3.0............0% (dam TOM)
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Boooo...I was all looking forward to lunch today, i was meeting other co-workers who work from home to swap on call stuff, they both are not feeling good so now i am just going to go give him the stuff...trying to get some other lunch plans...
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Cogirl...+3.0............0% (dam TOM)
    Julie...... -0.2..........0.10% (oh, so sad!)

    New lowest weight ever - 191.4! The scale *wanted* to go down to 191.2 but waffled back and forth forever & finally settled on 191.4. It did that the 3 times I stepped on it so that's what I'll take. Not very thrilling. :laugh: I'm just happy to be moving at all in the right direction, especially considering I consumed over 3000mg sodium yesterday. :noway:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    julie - wTG...with that .2 lbs you are our biggest looser thus far !!! a newest lowest weight is great !!!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hi girls,

    Not weighing...working from home daycare still flooded...sigh

    Anyways scale is at 204.8 this morning...Im quite pissed off after being really good all week, both with excercise and eating but whatever, I am not letting it get me down. The scale better be nice to me next friday or Im killing it...thanks

    Have a happy friday everyone!

  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Morning Ladies,
    I finally have a day where I can breathe again, working from home and loving every minute that passes without anybody asking me any questions!!!!

    Cogirl...+3.0............0% (dam TOM)
    Julie...... -0.2..........0.10% (oh, so sad!)

    Happy to say that I am back down after 2 weeks of being up over 3 lbs. My 2.2 loss was from my last low weigh in from 3 weeks ago but from last Friday to now I think I lost more like 6lbs ( lost of sodium probably). I ate really clean this week - loads of veggies.
    As of this morning I am 170.4 and so eager to be in the 160's I can hardly stand it.

    Be back later to chat more :drinker:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cogirl...+3.0............0% (dam TOM)
    Julie...... -0.2..........0.10% (oh, so sad!)
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member

    Not really a loss today, I am still not at my lowest weight ever (201.2) which is really starting to bug me. Jillian has me working out every single day...and today I am really sore from Level 2..she has me doing so much planks it becomes unbearable! I did go over my daily calorie intake,but not over my exercise calorie intake..not sure what going on with my body. I do feel my legs, stomach, and arms getting smalling but not reflecting on the scale:sad:

    Hi Pos Me, Don;t worry at all - you are doing the work and it will pay off soon. When I started the Shred back in Spring I maintained or gained for the first week or two then the weight dropped off. I think it was just my body taking the time to adjust to the new exercising and also my muscles got used to it and were no longer sore and retaining water. Keep at it - I'm proud of you:heart::heart: Those planks are killer - aren't they ?
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I've changed my ticker, as I promised I would last week, to reflect this morning's weight of 188.0. I'm actually not discouraged because I've been lifting (3x this week) and my muscles are sore. My size 10 jeans, however, feel a bit looser in the thighs so I think I'm losing some inches. Hurray!

    I'm loving the ChaLean Extreme workouts and did Burn Circuit 3 last night. My hip flexors, glutes and shoulders are feeling it today. I can't believe how many of the moves that I'll have to increase my weights for! Who knew I had strong muscles hidden under my fat layer? Tonight is the last workout for the week! I get Saturdays off, but we'll probably go hiking. So after tonight's workout, I'll have successfully completed one whole week!

    Julie: Congrats on owning a gun. That's exciting. I love shooting and have considered going through the conceal and carry course. My favorite guns are single shot bolt action rifles, 12 gauge shotguns and semi-automatic 9mm handguns. I'm not a fan of .38s though. Okay, enough on that. I'm just jealous!

    Deb: Great news on Serena's grades! She's doing awesome!

    Laila: I plugged the info you gave about your son into Dailyburn.com, the website I use for calculating daily calorie allowances and here's what I found.
    To lose weight (I plugged in 10 lbs.), his calories should be 2379 daily.
    To maintain current weight, his calories should be 2973 daily.
    We have to remember that boys, especially teenage boys, have a much higher metabolism than us 20-30 something females. And football practice at his age is no joke. He'll be working hard and needing to fuel his body!
    Regarding his blood pressure, I'm not sure why they would say it was high. 120/80 is normal, so he's right in the correct range. I typed it into google and found info there to back me up.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Under by 90 (exercise cals)
    Sodium: Over by 485...good for me!
    Water: 67.6 oz., should have had more.
    Exercise: ChaLean Extreme Burn Circuit 3
    Proud: That I lifted heavier weights than I though I'd be able to!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    meook- you are making such incredible progess! Im so proud of you! I wish I loved veggies so I could be like you!
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