Over 200 New Year New Me Part 35



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm amazed at how many of you have or use guns - as somebody who grew up in a country where handguns are illegal and hunting is mostly done by the rich for sport, it's all very foreign to me. I've never even touched a gun.
    Now I'm thinking you are all a bunch of little Annie Oakleys !:laugh:

    I just realized that I'm getting married in 3 WEEKS - slightly panicking but everything is under control, well, almost everything. I am struggling to decide what to do about my name. I think I'm going to settle for taking fiance's last name and making my last name a 2nd middle name. I was going to hyphenate but everyone I ask says it's a pain in the buttocks.
    What do you guys think????

    Yay for getting married in 3 weeks! i'll be thinking about you at my sisters wedding! HAHA!! And I haven't ever touched a gun..Just want to learn how to shoot.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Thanks girls I did eat but decided on a 100 calorie pack instead which is the only 'decent' food in the house.

    Meook- I dunno about the last name, I love mine becasue its simple and I will be taking on a crazy *kitten* last name but Im also proudly taking on his name because that just makes me feel like we are one. Thats gay but true. Hes really into his heritage and family and stuff and we even have a big framed family crest of his name with an expantion of how the name came about hanging in our family room. He wants it tatooed on his body (uhm nooo) but its nice that he cares so much. Plus another reason for me is that my son has his last name and that makes me a little sad sometimes that i have a differnet name. I think using ur maiden name as a middle name sounds like a good compromise!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Meokk: How exciting! Only three weeks? I'm a bit old-fashioned in that if I ever got married, I would take the man's name and drop mine completely...so, I'd say your plan sounds good! As Cris said, a nice compromise. Oh, and Annie Oakley is my hero! Sometimes I think I was her in a previous life! :wink:

    Jess: You've never shot before? You need to in order to be a country girl! Just kidding, but I definitely recommend taking a firearm safety class. That's how I got started in guns a few years ago and it was an awesome experience! Then you'll learn how to handle them properly because most of the people I know DO NOT follow the firearm commandments!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    As you probably saw on my status, I've dropped 1.6% body fat and gained 1 lb. of lean muscle. So exciting! Take that measurements and scale! I've also changed my daily calorie intake to 1716 based on what the scan recommend...so basically, I'm dropping 100 calories off of my allowance for the days I don't exercise. We'll see how it goes!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I'm amazed at how many of you have or use guns - as somebody who grew up in a country where handguns are illegal and hunting is mostly done by the rich for sport, it's all very foreign to me. I've never even touched a gun.
    Now I'm thinking you are all a bunch of little Annie Oakleys !:laugh:

    Cris - stop, put down the fridge handle !!!!! I know it's so hard - on the days I work from home I really struggle to eat properly. You can do it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    LilDeb - I went back to read more and figured out that you GOT THE HOUSE !!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I'm so excited for you !!!!!! Many congratulations to you and your family, it all sounds so wonderful and exciting.

    Jess - you are too cute in your new photo - I love seeing how far you have come - seriously like a different person. :heart: :heart:

    I just realized that I'm getting married in 3 WEEKS - slightly panicking but everything is under control, well, almost everything. I am struggling to decide what to do about my name. I think I'm going to settle for taking fiance's last name and making my last name a 2nd middle name. I was going to hyphenate but everyone I ask says it's a pain in the buttocks.
    What do you guys think????

    Thanks !!! We are soo excited. We can't wait for stuff to get moving on it...

    ON the name thing...I took hubby's name completely and dropped mine off...i had a name nobody every said or spelt EVER correctly so i went from Debra Ann Chicosky to Debra Ann Carr, at least my initials stayed the same :smile: I never even thought to make it my middle (my mom did that way back when she got married in the 60's) my name was just too dang long and cumbersome. WHen my sister got married (the 1st time) she wanted to keep her name, didn't have a desire to change it and he didn't really care, so she kept hers and the kids had his name...Now she got married a 2nd time (last year) and he was real in to tradition and really wanted it so she changed it...
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I just realized that I'm getting married in 3 WEEKS - slightly panicking but everything is under control, well, almost everything. I am struggling to decide what to do about my name. I think I'm going to settle for taking fiance's last name and making my last name a 2nd middle name. I was going to hyphenate but everyone I ask says it's a pain in the buttocks.
    What do you guys think????
    I took dh's last name & put my maiden name in the middle. I dropped my middle name completely. It was just a stupid filler name anyway.

    As someone who works in HR I can say YES!!! HYPHENATED NAMES ARE A HUGE PITA. They really piss me off. Not hypenating in general but because what happens is people want to hyphenate and then on forms where they're instructed to write their "full legal name" they only write their middle initial and their husband's last name so it takes us forever to figure out who the eff they are. I JUST had a mini meltdown over this. :laugh: Seriously, not 15 minutes ago I was clenching my teeth about to scream over someone who was hyphenated legally but was not hyphenated on her insurance account. I had to figure out who she was so I could look up her address to send her a letter regarding her insurance. In our new HR system, I can't search for anything by social security number (don't even get me effing started). Seriously, it took me forever to figure out what her legal name is so I could look up her address in our HR info system. Still miffed about losing so many minutes on a Friday afternoon having to look that up (and now I'm losing even more by *****ing about it :laugh:).
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Meokk, congrats on getting married in 3 weeks. I personally dropped my last name and took the hubby's. Kinda boring I use to have a nice Italian last name now I have a pretty common English last name. I can name a a few English actress' with the same last name as I have now. Natasha, Miranda, Joely. Can you guess what my last name is?
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Thanks for all of the name advice ladies - I think I'll do the my maiden as a middle but I'm going to sleep on it to make sure I'm still happy with that in the morning.

    Momma - I guess I don't know any actress' because I have NO IDEA what you name might be :laugh: and I'm the English one in this group :embarassed:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Ha!!! it is Richardson
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Thanks everone for your input regarding my son's health. he is doing great. I just finished uploading his food and he was 1900 so no worries because he is exercising more and pretty soon (Monday) he will start football practice. We went shopping for football cleats, not sure how much they would cost, so we got a pair for 30 dollars (on sale in Modells)...I just hope I got a good buy..me being cheap:embarassed:

    i didn't do my shred today. I might have to do it tomorrow (day 2 and 3) so no worries..it will get done.

    Check in
    calories, over by 100
    exercise, Nada
    water, about 8 cups..super busy today
    proud, with me being busy..I just wanted to grab something and eat..but instead I had a nice grilled chicken salad (which I made at home)...

    Meokk, congratulation on your upcoming wedding...OMG, I would be stressing right about now. And about the name change thing. Hubby's last name was Ali ( it was his middle name), but when we got married he was not an American citizen and I had make him papers..so his last name was Ali ( when he came to this country the visa center took the first 3 names on his passport and dropped the rest) and I took that name..we had the first two kids and they also have Ali as there last name...and when he became a Citizen he had the option to change his name so that is when he decided to change it to "Atoum" so our older kids and me all have Ali and Hubby and younger son has Atoum. When we went to go change our name to Atoum, it was a long process and each application cost 200+dollars. So i said screw that, I am sticking with Ali and you (dh) stay with Atoum...

    So when people ask for my last name and his last name and then the kids last name they (people) think he was my second husband..and the older kids ar from a previous marrage..yah right!

    so long story short..I finally change my older kids and my last name, this past summer, but I am still using Ali because it is Much easier than Atoum....that would mean I have to change everything that has my last name and well it's too much.

    sorry about all the rambling...have a great evening/weekend!!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Deb-That's so great to hear about your compliment at work and Serena on her grades!! Hope the year continues to go well for her!

    Laila-Great job staying on track this week. I'd be willing to bet with all the 30 Day Shred your doing a lot of toning up and that's cause the scale not to move much. Keep at it girl! I hate planks too! They are brutal! But they work EVERYTHING

    Purple-Welcome back!

    Julie-Congrats on your newest lowest weight ever!!

    Meokk-Yay for working at home and having a less stressful day! Congrats on your loss this week!

    Heather-Congrats on completing 1st week!! You are gonna see amazing results! I know it!

    Wanted to share this with y'all. I don't have any pics of me to compare wearing the same shirt...so here it is...2 years ago me wearing the same shirt...and this is after I lost somewhere between 10-15 pounds...I THINK...not sure...and one today


    Can I say, YOU LOOK AMAZING!!!!
  • Here's yesterday's check-in:

    Cals - 415 under
    Water - 6 cups
    Sodium - 191 under
    Exercise - week 5, day 3 of C25K (10 minutes walking, 20 minutes running)
    Proud - I was proud (shocked!) I still lost weight while on that trip. I also increased the pace on my run, managing to do 10 minutes at a higher pace before dropping down for the last 10.

    I think I'm going t sign up for a Thanksgiving Day 5K at home...we live in the mountains but the race is through the relatively flat downtown. Kind of nervous about even signing up for it, to be honest, since I'm currently not running 3 miles on the treadmill. But, since I'm up to week 8 of C25K and I have 6 weeks, I think it's doable.

    Have any of you run 5Ks?
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Cogirl......+3.0............0% (dam TOM)
    Julie...... .-0.2.............0.10% (oh, so sad!)

    Congrats to everyone for being accountable, whether we lost or not!

    Meokk - 3 weeks away from MRS. and you're losing weight! You rock! I gained before my wedding. LOL
    Allison - you GO for that 5K! You can do it!
    Jess - WOWSA what a difference! Doesn't look like the same person! You look GREAT!
    Deb - belated congrats on the house! I am so happy for ya!

    Off to the gym to face the elliptical.
  • 10.2.10 Check-in

    Cals: 367 under
    Water: 4 cups
    Sodium: 1079 under
    Exercise: brief warm-up run, then upper body weights
    Proud: I didn't b!tch out my evil teammate at our team meeting yesterday afternoon!

    I'm getting ready to head to the gym for week 8 day 1 of C25K and to check my weight on the big scale...the Wii has me down like 3 or 4 pounds from Friday which seems insane, so I'm going to confirm with a proper scale.

    I hate it when it's so dead here on the weekends. :cry:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    so long story short..I finally change my older kids and my last name, this past summer, but I am still using Ali because it is Much easier than Atoum....that would mean I have to change everything that has my last name and well it's too much.

    I know this discussion is way over & meokk's already made up her mind. :laugh: But I wanted to say Laila has an EXCELLENT point here that I don't think I really even considered when I was changing my name. When you change your last name, obviously you have to change it on your driver's license/ID and your social security card (assuming one is a US citizen). Anyway, when you do that, your ID and your paychecks & everything are going to be in your new name. But your bank accounts, mortgage, utilities, vehicle registration, everything you've ever acquired ever in your life is in your old last name. I tend to procrastinate so I haven't gotten around to changing ANY of that business to my new name. But since my DL says "Julie maiden-name surname," I don't have any problems cashing checks or withdrawing money from my bank or proving I own my house or car or changing my utility services. I don't know if it would be so easy to be lazy if there was no proof of my maiden name on my ID. :tongue:

    Well, this weekend isn't going so well with eating. It could be worse but it could definitely be better. I'm really going to try to make today better since all I have in my tummy so far is a cup of joe. I don't know when weekends got so difficult for me to eat healthy.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Julie - sometimes I think the weather plays a part in our weekend decisions. Like it is so nice here in Lou right now that I want pumpkin beer. :tongue:
    Allison - I know, it is so dead here on the weekends. And the weekends are the only time I have to post! :grumble:

    :heart: Happy Sunday everyone!:heart:
  • Here's today's check-in:

    Cals: 619 under
    Water: 8 cups
    Sodium: 736 over (yikes!)
    Exercise: week 8 day 1 of C25K (10 minutes walking, 28 minutes running)
    Proud: I did week 8 day 1!!! I continually thought I was about to die, but kept going because I'd made it through every other day and I did it!

    Hope everyone had a good weekend. :flowerforyou:
  • Oh, and what is this week's challenge?!?!?!?!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAILA!!!!!!!!!!!:heart::heart: :heart:

    Weekend was pretty good until Sunday. Im a HUGE Steelers fan and I live in Maryland which for non football fans is Ravens Country...the two are in the same division (AFC North) and are HUGE HUGE RIVALS so when they play each other its always a big deal. Well that day was yesterday...I got harrassed all weekend for wearing my steeelers gear and we went to a football party so of course I ended up drinking which later led to the munchies and me ordering pizza. ***SIGH*** Steelers lost, it was a GREAT game and they should have won...but I spent a better part of the evening dodging texts and phone calls from my friends that wanted to rub it in my face! On the plus side- I won fantasy football this week which makes my record 2-2. The prize in fantasy is $1,500 which I could really really use...so everyone cheer for me!!!

    I havent stepped on the scale, mainly because I had to drive my step son to school this morning so we were rushing around and I didnt get a chance to. Tomorrow is the first weigh in at the gym and I am 100% sure it will show a gain. UGH!!!!!!

    Posme- the best cleats are Nike and Under Armour...in my opinion
    Purple (Allison?)- We are all doing a 5K in November...well some of us are. We signed up for the weekend of Nov 20 in our own states. I have never run a 5K but I am going to do it anyways even if I ahve to walk for some of it! Join us!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I just logged my food from yesterday and I consummed nearly 5,000 calories....2,000 of it in beer alone :sad:
This discussion has been closed.