Over 200 New Year New Me Part 35



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    Regarding his blood pressure, I'm not sure why they would say it was high. 120/80 is normal, so he's right in the correct range. I typed it into google and found info there to back me up.

    Wasn't the bottom # over 80? 84, right? I think that's the more important number (diastolic) and since it's over the 80 limit of "normal," that's probably why doc said it was high. I say this because a couple years ago, my OB/GYN wouldn't give me a refill prescription on my birth control b/c my BP was 118/82. She said the bottom number had to be BELOW 80 before she'd give me a prescription unless I got clearance from my PCP (who didn't exist). Since my bottom # was over 80, I was considered "prehypertensive" regardless of my systolic value being under 120. So... that was when I went off birth control. :embarassed:

    Oh, and I'm really excited about my gun. It's a TINY .32 semi-auto. Anything bigger would be dangerous overkill considering what I'd be using it for (immediate self defense in very close range). LOVE IT!!! I can hardly wait to go to the shooting range!
  • Jess........+2.2.............0%
    Cogirl......+3.0............0% (dam TOM)
    Julie...... .-0.2.............0.10% (oh, so sad!)
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member

    Oh, and I'm really excited about my gun. It's a TINY .32 semi-auto. Anything bigger would be dangerous overkill considering what I'd be using it for (immediate self defense in very close range). LOVE IT!!! I can hardly wait to go to the shooting range!

    Bobby has been promising to take me to a shooting range for 6yrs now...its never happened! It looks like so much fun! Im jealous!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Going out of town this weekend so I will make a new thread Monday Hope you all have a great weekend!!
    No loss for me today but its because I changed my diet around and my exercise plan so maybe next week I will see a loss!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie - Glad you like your gun, hubby took me once to the shooting range, it was fun, his gun was more of a kick than i was anticipating...Hubby is soo wanting to go to the range, he hasn't gone since we moved back

    Well got all my papers from the finanance company today, all the stuff i have to sign and get it back to them.

    Bad news - We are going to have to pay like 2k more than i thought on it...main reason was prepays of like our insurance, taxes, etc..basically prepaying our escrow...had me stressing some this morning...They are rolling in like 3500 of pmi crap and they are paying like 6k of closing clost...is it really necessary to have all these dang fees'. I think we can make the closing amounts...we haev to pinch every penny from now till april though :sad: but i know it will be worth it in the end.

    Good news - based on today, (could change before april), we will get like a 4.5% ..we can only lock in 60 days before so got a while, but that makes are payment to be 100 less than we pay now !!!!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Deb-That's so great to hear about your compliment at work and Serena on her grades!! Hope the year continues to go well for her!

    Laila-Great job staying on track this week. I'd be willing to bet with all the 30 Day Shred your doing a lot of toning up and that's cause the scale not to move much. Keep at it girl! I hate planks too! They are brutal! But they work EVERYTHING

    Purple-Welcome back!

    Julie-Congrats on your newest lowest weight ever!!

    Meokk-Yay for working at home and having a less stressful day! Congrats on your loss this week!

    Heather-Congrats on completing 1st week!! You are gonna see amazing results! I know it!

    Wanted to share this with y'all. I don't have any pics of me to compare wearing the same shirt...so here it is...2 years ago me wearing the same shirt...and this is after I lost somewhere between 10-15 pounds...I THINK...not sure...and one today

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member

    Oh, and I'm really excited about my gun. It's a TINY .32 semi-auto. Anything bigger would be dangerous overkill considering what I'd be using it for (immediate self defense in very close range). LOVE IT!!! I can hardly wait to go to the shooting range!

    Bobby has been promising to take me to a shooting range for 6yrs now...its never happened! It looks like so much fun! Im jealous!
    I'm jealous! There use to be one down the road from my house!! I wanna learn. My neighbor said he was gonna let me go shoot crap and his house..that has yet to happen. Jerk face! :angry:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    jess - You look great in your pics...YOu look great...and i love the shirt !! Hookem Horns !!!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Bad news - We are going to have to pay like 2k more than i thought on it...main reason was prepays of like our insurance, taxes, etc..basically prepaying our escrow...had me stressing some this morning...They are rolling in like 3500 of pmi crap and they are paying like 6k of closing clost...is it really necessary to have all these dang fees'. I think we can make the closing amounts...we haev to pinch every penny from now till april though :sad: but i know it will be worth it in the end.

    PMI is no fun. I use to work for Countrywide...I wish they wouldn't make people pay that! So frustrating! But be glad they are making you pay escrow in advance. Lots of people don't and they value the property based on the dirt and not the house itself and people end up way negative in their escrow and their house payments increase by a few hundred dollars. I couldn't work at Countrywide long..hearing people crying on the phone just got to me. I have too much of a heart! :laugh:

    Thanks for the compliment! Hook 'Em Horns!! :bigsmile: Pulling up that pic to look at really made my day. I've always seen the difference but never in the same clothes before!
  • I am in shock that I had a loss this week. SHOCK. I was finally mentally prepared to have a gain, was expecting a gain, and was floored when I saw the number go down on the Wii. I don't even know what to say about it.

    Caught up on sleep from the trip and am going to hit the gym. Probably not going to bump up to week 8 of C25K but will do a nice 20 minute-ish run to get back into the swing of working out every day.

    I'll try to catch up with everyone when I get back, but it's sooooo good to be home and to be back on the boards somewhat regularly.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Bad news - We are going to have to pay like 2k more than i thought on it...main reason was prepays of like our insurance, taxes, etc..basically prepaying our escrow...had me stressing some this morning...They are rolling in like 3500 of pmi crap and they are paying like 6k of closing clost...is it really necessary to have all these dang fees'. I think we can make the closing amounts...we haev to pinch every penny from now till april though :sad: but i know it will be worth it in the end.

    PMI is no fun. I use to work for Countrywide...I wish they wouldn't make people pay that! So frustrating! But be glad they are making you pay escrow in advance. Lots of people don't and they value the property based on the dirt and not the house itself and people end up way negative in their escrow and their house payments increase by a few hundred dollars. I couldn't work at Countrywide long..hearing people crying on the phone just got to me. I have too much of a heart! :laugh:

    Thanks for the compliment! Hook 'Em Horns!! :bigsmile: Pulling up that pic to look at really made my day. I've always seen the difference but never in the same clothes before!

    Thanks Jess....i am glad they are making us pay it...just still sucks !!! I am even thinking our orginal payment will not be as much as they say, i remember when we built our 1st house, we were shocked when we went in and our payment due was alot less, alot of times that 1st year it is real low cause the actually tax apprasial isn't very much cuae it is just the land, i would love 6 months of that lower payment...

    This makes me all soo nervous, once we have a little more in savings i will feel a lot better...we have to stick to a very verty strict budget...i am always not the best on it, and say it will be okay to do this or that...but got to...after april it will be more relaxed, just getting to then !!! Just funny tht getting a brand new house we will be paying a total a month probably 300 less (between the house, day care, and our internet (we have att uverse and we pay wayyy to much, we are swtiching to dish and saving more) of course jeremy will have increased gas and tolls...but we still come out ahead :smile:

    for some reason i thought the big game was next weekend not this...
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    <~~~Me at the gun range in December for my friend's birthday!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    <~~~Me at the gun range in December for my friend's birthday!

    Heather that's pure greatness!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Okay girls !!

    Me and Jeremy have made a challenge for ourselves.!!

    We are challenging ourselves to not eat out for the whole month of October!! There are a couple days at lunch i have to , just because i have to switch on call stuff , and that is taking into consideration..

    But besides those times, no eating out during the week, or the weekends..We will buy more food for the house, even if the stuff for the weekend is a little higher in cals (still won't be as bad as eating out) to give us a semi-treat.

    I ran some reports, and in September we spent 300 eating out...and since may ...a whopping 1100...

    So i am curious how this is going to affect our pocketbook and waistline :smile:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Deb: That sounds like a great challenge. My bf and I say we're going to do that, but it never works. We've cut back, but we're not down to where we should be. I hate cooking, so that plays a big part....that and the fact that I'm usually so hungry after work!

    Jess: I thought you'd like the pic. I love shooting, but am still a little intimidated by guns. I think too many people lose some of the intimidation and therefore lose respect for the gun, which is what causes problems. You definitely need to do some shooting!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Deb- that sounds like a fantastic challenge! Bobby and I should try that but sometimes we really just like ordering out...although I dont plan on it!

    Jess- what jerk face neighbor would that be?:wink:

    Heather- super jealous!

    Ok girls Im sitting at home bored, sore from working out all week, and frustrated that the scale is being mean. I really want to raid the fridge someone please talk me out of it....please!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-I definitely plan to. Guns use to scare the daylights out of me. But I think it's important to know how to shoot one. Trying to be a little more comfortable with it. So I'm with you. Still very intimidated!

    Cris-What jerk face neighbor ya think I'm talking about? :tongue:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Cris - walk away from the fridge!!!!

    Well we say we are not going to eat out as much but it usally never happens, but we now have a real goal ...everytime we think we want to eat out compare that to 40.00 towards our house...

    hopefully we will make it all month...i doubt every month will be no eating out, especially november and december, but lets say we are going to try and detox from eating out and then gradually add back some :smile:

    Just got back from the grocery store...got pork chops for dinner tonight, breakfast stuff for the weekend, dinner tomorrow, it is high cal and loaded with sodium but looked soo good...and can feed me and jermey for 4.50...

    Got me some deal on detergerent !! And some mini-wheats!! I think i got enought to get us till we go grocery shopping for the week on sunday after spin !!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Hey ladies,

    Hope you are all having a wonderful Friday. The scale was really weird for me this morning. I got readings that ranged 5 lbs! However, if I stick with the reading I got consistently, I'm down a pound. However, I'm going to wait and not count that until I weigh in on my usual scale, which should be this evening or tomorrow morning. What a pain to have it fluctuate so much!!

    Checking in from yesterday:
    Cals - Under w/exercise = 1526
    Water - 128 oz
    Exercise - 1 hour of hot yoga
    Proud - Had a WONDERFUL class last night. Felt challenged but also really good afterwards. Happy feelings...
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    I'm amazed at how many of you have or use guns - as somebody who grew up in a country where handguns are illegal and hunting is mostly done by the rich for sport, it's all very foreign to me. I've never even touched a gun.
    Now I'm thinking you are all a bunch of little Annie Oakleys !:laugh:

    Cris - stop, put down the fridge handle !!!!! I know it's so hard - on the days I work from home I really struggle to eat properly. You can do it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    LilDeb - I went back to read more and figured out that you GOT THE HOUSE !!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I'm so excited for you !!!!!! Many congratulations to you and your family, it all sounds so wonderful and exciting.

    Jess - you are too cute in your new photo - I love seeing how far you have come - seriously like a different person. :heart: :heart:

    I just realized that I'm getting married in 3 WEEKS - slightly panicking but everything is under control, well, almost everything. I am struggling to decide what to do about my name. I think I'm going to settle for taking fiance's last name and making my last name a 2nd middle name. I was going to hyphenate but everyone I ask says it's a pain in the buttocks.
    What do you guys think????
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