OCTOBER 30 Day Shred Group



  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Very sad I did not see this early would have loved to join. I was looking at that DVD it will come next week. I will get started as soon as it gets here. Keep up the good work guys. you are all doing a great job!!!!

    It's not too late! Jump in and join us when your DVD gets there! If you've got ONDEMAND with your cable company, check on there to see if it's running for free :) That's how I started until my DVD arrived.
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    well I started Level 2 yesterday I found it more challenging that level 1 but maybe thats becuase im not used to it yet ! I must say I doing moves that I didnt think my body could handle- loving the challenge!!!! and feeling strong :)

    Yeah, same here with the moves I didn't think my body could handle. Like those walk out push ups! Yowza. The first two times I didn't even attempt the push up. Now, I can do a half push up during those. My goal is to be able to do the whole damn push up by the end of the 10 days :laugh:
  • AbsoluteLM
    AbsoluteLM Posts: 22 Member
    Just finished Level 2 Day 1 and it was definitely hard, but not as hard as the first day of Level 1 after not excercising for months! I did have to stop to rest a couple of times today and I hope that doesn't count as "phoning it in!"

    I'll be sure to get my weight and measurements in early enough for next Monday's chart. But as of day 10 I am....

    Weight: 143 (-1.2 lb)
    Waist: 30.5 (-.5 in)
    Hips: 41.75 (-.75 in)

    Hooray! Keep up the good work everyone!
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Level 2, day 4 done! Woo!

    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    Wow! Just finished L2D1 and I have to say that I had my butt officially kicked! I think I'll feel a great sense of accomplishment around day 8 of this level when it gets easy because I'll remember this moment right now when it feels HARD.

    Keep going everyone! You're kicking major butt!
  • newDZ
    newDZ Posts: 237 Member
    I pulled out my 30 day shred and I was planning on starting it. Albeit, 12 days behind. But no matter.
  • Net132
    Net132 Posts: 174 Member
    Its coming by friday I will join adn so my best!!!!
  • cames124
    cames124 Posts: 7 Member
    I really did not think I could finish level 1 day 4 yesterday, but I did. I also got my husband to do it with me. That kept me going more. The workout seems to be getting easier. My legs are not as sore as they were.
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Ok, I finished day 5 of level 2, woooooo! I am officially half way through. I am not going to lie, I didn't want to shred today. I had no motivation to do any exercise of any sort. But, I got on my elliptical for 30 minutes and put on Pandora and the club/dance station I like and did it. After that I was a little more motivated for my Jillian session :) I feel fantastic right now. First of all for sticking with it, even though it's tough. And second, because I see the results, I can't wait to see where I am after the 30 days!

    Keep up the good work you guys!
  • rbcca19
    rbcca19 Posts: 91
    I have been that way these past couple days. I have had NO motivation, however, good for you for pushing through even though you didn't want to. I am feeling habits starting to form that I am happy about.
  • rbcca19
    rbcca19 Posts: 91
    OK, a few questions. How do you reply to someones thread? Whenever I click reply right below someone it doesn't actually reply to theirs...

    What do you plan to do after this video? It's starting to get cold where I am at and I have 2 little boys. On days when it is nice, I can go outside with them, but I know those are few and far between. I can't afford a gym membership either.

    I have been so tired since starting level 2. I'm not sure what I can do to improve this? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    OK, a few questions. How do you reply to someones thread? Whenever I click reply right below someone it doesn't actually reply to theirs...

    What do you plan to do after this video? It's starting to get cold where I am at and I have 2 little boys. On days when it is nice, I can go outside with them, but I know those are few and far between. I can't afford a gym membership either.

    I have been so tired since starting level 2. I'm not sure what I can do to improve this? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    See right next to reply where it says "quote"? Just click that and you will see a copy of the post you are replying to and you can type your response under it.

    After the video I might try the fit in six program. I am lucky that I do have a gym membership but I like the accountability of this kind of DVD. I'd suggest Netflix. They have lots of fitness DVDs in their "watch instantly" column which you can load and play right on your computer (or PlayStation if you have one). All of them can be done at home and at your convenience and you can do a different one everyday to keep from getting bored and last you all winter.

    As for fatigue, I'd say just be careful about the food your eating. You're burning more calories if you're sweating more so you may need to up your intake, especially of protein and those healthy carbs. Vitamin B is good too. Also, and forgive me for stating the obvious, make sure you are getting enough sleep! It'll help your body recover from the workouts!
  • rbcca19
    rbcca19 Posts: 91
    OK, a few questions. How do you reply to someones thread? Whenever I click reply right below someone it doesn't actually reply to theirs...

    What do you plan to do after this video? It's starting to get cold where I am at and I have 2 little boys. On days when it is nice, I can go outside with them, but I know those are few and far between. I can't afford a gym membership either.

    I have been so tired since starting level 2. I'm not sure what I can do to improve this? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    See right next to reply where it says "quote"? Just click that and you will see a copy of the post you are replying to and you can type your response under it.

    After the video I might try the fit in six program. I am lucky that I do have a gym membership but I like the accountability of this kind of DVD. I'd suggest Netflix. They have lots of fitness DVDs in their "watch instantly" column which you can load and play right on your computer (or PlayStation if you have one). All of them can be done at home and at your convenience and you can do a different one everyday to keep from getting bored and last you all winter.

    As for fatigue, I'd say just be careful about the food your eating. You're burning more calories if you're sweating more so you may need to up your intake, especially of protein and those healthy carbs. Vitamin B is good too. Also, and forgive me for stating the obvious, make sure you are getting enough sleep! It'll help your body recover from the workouts!

    Thank you so much for all the advice!
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    I have been that way these past couple days. I have had NO motivation, however, good for you for pushing through even though you didn't want to. I am feeling habits starting to form that I am happy about.

    Thank you :) Today was just one of those I think I'd rather just go back to bed kind of days. My daily routine is get the kidlet off to school and then get my butt in gear to work out. Today, it was cold out and after my son left for school, my cozy, warm bed was beckoning hahaha.

    I have an elliptical, so I use that every day. After I am done this round of 30DS, I'd like to see where I am measurement and weight-wise and then possible circuit through it again. I picked up some kettlebells today to do the shred with weights. It is currently running for free ondemand with my cable company. Someone posted in another thread www.myomytv.com and it has free workouts on it. I don't have the money to spend for a gym membership either, so I plan to keep using my elliptical and any of the freebie workouts I can!

    Oh, and a final note, I started taking a super vitamin b complex two weeks ago and I can honestly say, I have noticed a difference in my energy level.
  • rbcca19
    rbcca19 Posts: 91
    I have been that way these past couple days. I have had NO motivation, however, good for you for pushing through even though you didn't want to. I am feeling habits starting to form that I am happy about.

    Thank you :) Today was just one of those I think I'd rather just go back to bed kind of days. My daily routine is get the kidlet off to school and then get my butt in gear to work out. Today, it was cold out and after my son left for school, my cozy, warm bed was beckoning hahaha.

    I have an elliptical, so I use that every day. After I am done this round of 30DS, I'd like to see where I am measurement and weight-wise and then possible circuit through it again. I picked up some kettlebells today to do the shred with weights. It is currently running for free ondemand with my cable company. Someone posted in another thread www.myomytv.com and it has free workouts on it. I don't have the money to spend for a gym membership either, so I plan to keep using my elliptical and any of the freebie workouts I can!

    Oh, and a final note, I started taking a super vitamin b complex two weeks ago and I can honestly say, I have noticed a difference in my energy level.

    Thank you for the link and advice. I don't know why it's been tough since I started level 2, but I am sticking with it no matter what.
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    Confession: I missed the last 2 days due to feeling a bit under the weather and now I have no motivation to keep going...I feel like I already failed because I won't get 30/30 in October which was the whole point. Should I press on or try again another time?
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    Confession: I missed the last 2 days due to feeling a bit under the weather and now I have no motivation to keep going...I feel like I already failed because I won't get 30/30 in October which was the whole point. Should I press on or try again another time?

    Keep pressing on! I had to start a day late and I had to take this past Sunday off because I literally had no time so I'm two days behind as well. If you start back on today, we'll be even and we'll finish strong together! There are also at least two new people joining us about a week and a half late! You will not be left alone! Don't let 10 days go down the drain because you had to take two days off! You can do it!
  • Louise12
    Louise12 Posts: 389 Member
    L2D4 For me today !!! i am almost half way through!!! i havent lost any weight so far but my thighs look more toned...all those squats....!! i really am determined to get 30/30 and its really nice to read how everyone is doing in the group! xx
  • rbcca19
    rbcca19 Posts: 91
    I did day 4 as well today. Level 2 tires me and makes me sore!! But I am determined to keep going.
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    I did day 6 of level 2 this morning and killed it! woo! :) WTG everyone!