Most embarrassing thing you're willing to admit



  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I was at my friends farm (summer between 8th &9th grade), and they had a gravel road. My friends cute cousin was staying the summer too, and we were drinking beer together and he told me he would tell my friends dad (his uncle) we were drinking if I didn't kiss him. Since he was a tad bit shorter than me (5'3, he was 16 too) I bent my knees to be at his height and I fell down and scrapped up my legs on the gravel. He laughed at me a told me I just didn't want to kiss him and fell on purpose. So I held back my tears and told him no I didn't fall on purpose, got up and kissed him. It was my 1st french kiss, and beer.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I pee everytime I do jumping jacks

    This is the reason I DON'T do jumping jacks. ????

  • greengoddess0123
    greengoddess0123 Posts: 417 Member
    Back in the '90s, I did the Master Cleanser (the fast with the lemon juice and maple syrup).

    As if admitting that isn't embarrassing enough, on Day 1 of it, I did the saltwater colon cleanse. And of course I pooped my pants.

  • jelie3110
    jelie3110 Posts: 433
    So, I had just started on a high protein some of you might have gives you terrible stinky gas. I work in a very small office of women and we have what we refer to as the "fart closet" a small little utility where we tend sneak in when we feel like we need to let one rip. Well after spending a big portion of my day either clenching it up or hanging out in the closet, it was finally time to leave, yayyy! I couldn't wait to get in my car and let it all out! The moment i got in my car in was was the most amazing ( and smelly lol) fart i ever experienced! A second later I hear a knock on my window.......the cute doctor down the hall is outside, crap! I waited a moment, hoping the that somehow the smell would go away. He kept looking at me like" what the heck is wrong with this girl?" I finally decided to roll down the window, what else could i do? I was hoping he would keep his distance, but no, he literally leans into my car!! I know he could smell it!!! i was mortified, I still feel embarassed when I see him lol.
    you are right! I should have!

    you should have laughed and asked if he had a match. :laugh:

    guys appreciate fart humor...
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    This is probably not so bad compared to the poop and TOM stories, but I was so embarrassed.

    When my husband and I were first dating, he took me to Baskin Robbins for some ice cream. As I was waiting for him to pay (what a guy) I noticed a display with a fake vanilla ice cream cone on it, and I remember thinking "How amazing that they can make plastic look so lifelike!" and I reached out and touched it. It was someone's order. With a fingerprint on it, now.

    I remember rushing to the end of the counter and telling my husband, "We have to get out of here NOW!" and laughing and blushing like a crazy person. All I could think was that there was someone in the store that had watched me reach out and put a finger on their dessert, thinking "Hey. That girl just touched my ice cream." And to this day it cracks me up to think about it.
  • VoodooSyxx
    VoodooSyxx Posts: 297
    I got kicked out of a dance cage at a club one time. Needless to say I was very intoxicated. I started yelling at the bouncer "It's cause I'm fat isn't it?!?! I got moves, b***h!" Apparently it was because they only let women in the cages.
  • brenannn
    brenannn Posts: 19
    Another TOM story,
    One time i was sitting in my principal's office with several of my friends for doing something stupid not really anything bad and I just felt the flood gates open. So, i just sat there in khaki uniform pants sitting on a white chair, trying to not to cry while she lectured us. After she dismissed the group, I just sat there and she asked me if I had anything to else to say and I told her "I've ruined your chair" At least I got to go home early? On a different note, I've noticed all the chairs are now dark brown

    This wouldn't be as bad if i were in middle school or i don't know had some distance from this story, but no, definitely in high school.
  • Odwaroftorn
    Odwaroftorn Posts: 110 Member
    I searched for D&D to find some like minded people out there and wanted to share another group I found. An rpg group called "Wasteland Warriors Weight Loss Challenge." Each week there is a main Quest and several side quests.

    The main quest is centered around a story (you must help someone retrieve a locket from her mother from the mutant that killed her. Walk/run six miles to the city and figt the mutant, fighting is done by burning calories.) At the end you get xps and can level up, not to mention finding tresure, items, weapons, armor. But beware! If you lose a random encounter, instead of gaining loot, you have to do push ups/ sit ups/ etc.

    Join the quest and send me a shout out when you do. As a bonus, there are weekly weigh ins and people gain prizes and glorious titles to be earned.
  • kinkyslinky16
    kinkyslinky16 Posts: 1,469 Member

  • feedmedonuts
    feedmedonuts Posts: 241 Member
    I learned the hard way why I will never trust diet and weight loss products again. Such as "herbal slimming tea". What I didn't realize is this is basically laxative tea. So I only took the largest thermos I could find in my kitchen, took 3 of those tea bags, and let them steep for a solid 15 minutes (directions said just a couple of minutes...I now know why...). This was all at work. I thought I was going to have to go to the ER and get an IV after what happened next......
  • AshleyM71
    AshleyM71 Posts: 3,029 Member
    I watch Duck Dynasty....

    .....I listen to 80s music every morning and sing like I'm a rock star I'm sure dogs are howling out there when I do. lol
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    Going to the hospital for an outpatients appointment...had to take in my previous 24 hours urine..... Parked my car in the car park, went to get a ticket and then ambled off to find the outpatients department. Got to it ...and no specimen..... Must have left it in the car? No, by the car, no! To this day I have no idea where that gallon bottle of pee is...with my name on it
  • p8liwag
    p8liwag Posts: 919 Member
    pretend to be one of the power rangers.. (head down)
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    I learned the hard way why I will never trust diet and weight loss products again. Such as "herbal slimming tea". What I didn't realize is this is basically laxative tea. So I only took the largest thermos I could find in my kitchen, took 3 of those tea bags, and let them steep for a solid 15 minutes (directions said just a couple of minutes...I now know why...). This was all at work. I thought I was going to have to go to the ER and get an IV after what happened next......

    Oh, gawd! Yeah, I tried some brand of essential oil "weight loss" formula (they were gel capsule pills--filled with who knows what). Glad I was home all day that day. Totally shipped my pants. Yep, in front of my whole family (well, 4 boys and husband--but they're used to the disgusting things that women do and comes outta them, er me). Didn't even see/feel it coming. Just, I have no words.
  • jyogit
    jyogit Posts: 280 Member
    recently went for an ultrasound scan on my bits … told to drink 2pints of water and hold it for 1hr previous.. the scan was in 2 parts ..testicles and then bladder if having your balls scanned isn't bad enough ..the guy pressed down on my bladder so hard .. the inevitable had to happen .. lol luckily i was given a paper towel to cover my modesty but it was slightly wet to say the least after that ..
  • Vupe
    Vupe Posts: 80
    Was at a make up counter for the first time in Macy's when I was in early 20's and two "hot" girls, I think they were cheerleaders walked by and laughed at me and said, "looking good". I was a jock and a tom boy who was raised by my dad so I had no idea how to put on make up....