2011 - New Year, New Me (final thread)



  • deewesash
    deewesash Posts: 35 Member
    I have a new phone (blackberry) and I am unable to find this application on there unlike my old phone. Anyone have a blackberry w/myfitness.pal on there? If so send me a message. The one application I did find was fatsecret. I just need one I can add food as I'm eating etc. So, if blackberry doesn't have this application I will no longer be checking in. This is one reason I haven't been on here since my new phone.
    Thanks for any messages/ideas!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    I have a new phone (blackberry) and I am unable to find this application on there unlike my old phone. Anyone have a blackberry w/myfitness.pal on there? If so send me a message. The one application I did find was fatsecret. I just need one I can add food as I'm eating etc. So, if blackberry doesn't have this application I will no longer be checking in. This is one reason I haven't been on here since my new phone.
    Thanks for any messages/ideas!

    not available yet but mike replied with this mid november....

    "We are definitely doing a Blackberry app - we've already completed quite a bit of work on it and we're making great progress. Unfortunately, developing an app is just a lot of work and isn't a fast process. Blackberry has actually been the hardest to develop of all of the mobile platforms we've worked with so far, so it has been taking longer than we had hoped.

    That having been said, we are full steam ahead on the app and hope to have something available shortly. Sorry for the long delay - believe me, we are as anxious to have the app available as you guys are to use it.

    Thanks for your patience and hope you are enjoying the site.
    Edited by mike on Thu 11/18/10 08:13 PM "
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    200.7 on the scale today. We can do it, lets make Onederland next weigh in. I am going to amp up my workout this week to help.
    I am going for a 3000 calorie burn, between today and Monday.
  • momtofour
    momtofour Posts: 97 Member
    momtofours Weigh ins:
    Nov 1 SW 175.8 - CW 175.8
    Nov 8: GW 174 - CW 175.8 This is the first time i have not lost since i started but still i didnt gain either
    Nov 15: GW 173 - CW 174.2 not quite there so far but its better than nothing
    Nov 22: GW 172 - CW 174.2 im not weighing in this week as TOM is here today and i feel so bloated so just carry across my weight from last week many thanks
    Nov 29: GW 171 - CW 174.2 Still the same might have to switch things up a bit
    Dec 6: GW 170 - CW 174.2 Now i'm getting really frustrated and :( still keeping at it though
    Dec 13: GW 169 -
    Dec 20: GW 168 -
    Dec 27: GW 167 - (GW 168 or less by Xmas day)
    Jan 3: anything less than above would be an achiement
  • my2loves04and06
    momtofour - I know how frustrating it can be to be stuck at the same weight for weeks on end. I can't see your food diary, but have you been switching up what you eat? Sometimes if you eat the same things for every meal (i.e. breakfast) then your body gets "stuck". Sometimes if you just switch up your foods that's enough to set your loss in motion again. Hang in there!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    momtofours Weigh ins:
    Nov 1 SW 175.8 - CW 175.8
    Nov 8: GW 174 - CW 175.8 This is the first time i have not lost since i started but still i didnt gain either
    Nov 15: GW 173 - CW 174.2 not quite there so far but its better than nothing
    Nov 22: GW 172 - CW 174.2 im not weighing in this week as TOM is here today and i feel so bloated so just carry across my weight from last week many thanks
    Nov 29: GW 171 - CW 174.2 Still the same might have to switch things up a bit
    Dec 6: GW 170 - CW 174.2 Now i'm getting really frustrated and :( still keeping at it though
    Dec 13: GW 169 -
    Dec 20: GW 168 -
    Dec 27: GW 167 - (GW 168 or less by Xmas day)
    Jan 3: anything less than above would be an achiement

    YOU ARE NOT GAINING...THIS IS A GOOD THING...THIS SHOWS YOU CAN MAINTAIN BY DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING SO IN THE END WHEN YOU WANT TO STICK AROUND A CERTAIN NUMBER YOU ARE SHOWING YOURSELF YOU CAN DO IT....THIS IS A GOOD THING....change something up if you want to kickstart the losses again...new workout....adjust your calories up or down....drop something from your diet like soda or salty stuff.....get more sleep.....exercise less or more....change what you have been doing...
  • deewesash
    deewesash Posts: 35 Member

    not available yet but mike replied with this mid november....

    "We are definitely doing a Blackberry app - we've already completed quite a bit of work on it and we're making great progress. Unfortunately, developing an app is just a lot of work and isn't a fast process. Blackberry has actually been the hardest to develop of all of the mobile platforms we've worked with so far, so it has been taking longer than we had hoped.

    That having been said, we are full steam ahead on the app and hope to have something available shortly. Sorry for the long delay - believe me, we are as anxious to have the app available as you guys are to use it.

    Thanks for your patience and hope you are enjoying the site.
    Edited by mike on Thu 11/18/10 08:13 PM "

    Thanks a bunch Denise!
  • deewesash
    deewesash Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks Denise for the blackberry update! I'll just keep looking here and there and for the mean time stick w/fatsecret app. I'll rejoin you all again once this app is up and running on my blackberry. I will see though, I might stay on here after Jan since I was accepted to grad school and doing my program all on line starting Jan 3! :) The issue is I'm not on my actual computer that often, but once school starts I will be forsure and I just bought a laptop! Gotta get that up and running!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Hey guys weighed in at 165 even down .6 boooooooooooooo I didn't even log it just wanted to keep you all updated!
  • momtofour
    momtofour Posts: 97 Member
    momtofours Weigh ins:
    Nov 1 SW 175.8 - CW 175.8
    Nov 8: GW 174 - CW 175.8 This is the first time i have not lost since i started but still i didnt gain either
    Nov 15: GW 173 - CW 174.2 not quite there so far but its better than nothing
    Nov 22: GW 172 - CW 174.2 im not weighing in this week as TOM is here today and i feel so bloated so just carry across my weight from last week many thanks
    Nov 29: GW 171 - CW 174.2 Still the same might have to switch things up a bit
    Dec 6: GW 170 - CW 174.2 Now i'm getting really frustrated and :( still keeping at it though
    Dec 13: GW 169 -
    Dec 20: GW 168 -
    Dec 27: GW 167 - (GW 168 or less by Xmas day)
    Jan 3: anything less than above would be an achiement

    YOU ARE NOT GAINING...THIS IS A GOOD THING...THIS SHOWS YOU CAN MAINTAIN BY DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING SO IN THE END WHEN YOU WANT TO STICK AROUND A CERTAIN NUMBER YOU ARE SHOWING YOURSELF YOU CAN DO IT....THIS IS A GOOD THING....change something up if you want to kickstart the losses again...new workout....adjust your calories up or down....drop something from your diet like soda or salty stuff.....get more sleep.....exercise less or more....change what you have been doing...

    thanks for the kind words above, im going to try mixing up my cals a bit, and hopefully when the dreadful ice on the footpathes outside has melted ill be upping my walking again, still hanging in there i cant afford to give up X X
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    thanks for the kind words above, im going to try mixing up my cals a bit, and hopefully when the dreadful ice on the footpathes outside has melted ill be upping my walking again, still hanging in there i cant afford to give up X X

    you are very welcome...
  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    Boy have I been lazy the last couple of days...over my calories EVERY day. Today I went over with hot chocolate in the morning and an Eggnog Latte from Starbucks tonight. Now I'm wrapped up on the couch and about to go to bed. It's so cold (for here at least) that I have no motivation to work out at all. I haven't worked out since last week. I really need to get on the ball. Sigh.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    today is thursday and i havent really gotten much in the way of updates...

    so i guess i'll just update the table as it stands...hope to have more updates next week....i'm still here and i'm working hard every day not just until new year's but until i get wherever it is i want to end up.....

    hope you all are doing okay...

    i dont know what the problem is....i have tried two weeks in a row to do the picture of the chart and it is just not working for me..i even resized it....i can see the pic on photobucket but it will not show here...help please....
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
  • my2loves04and06
    Checking in from work tonight. I've been resisting the urge to eat a slice of the pumpkin cheesecake my husband made a few days ago. I wanted one yesterday, but it would have sent me waaay over my cal goal (I ended up going over a little anyways) and then today I wanted one, but didn't want to have to log the cals it would cost me to eat a piece. LOL! It's funny how the mind works.

    Hoping to be in ONEderland by the weekend, if not close to it. I've prepped myself not to be disappointed if I don't make it there. I will, at the very least, be there by Christmas.

    Hope everyone is keeping warm. I definitely don't miss my hometown this month! They've already had 8" of snow, supposed to get 1-3" more tonight and a possible 12" more this weekend. Sucks to be you, Northern Illinois!!!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    finally figured out what was up with the table pic from photo bucket...i had a space in the album name and it wasn't linking up...totally fixed now and i know for the future what to do right LOL.....

    my goal is 199 by saturday (tomorrow) and i'm doing everything i can to get there BUT have eaten out 3 times this week for holiday stuff and i just might have to push it to next week....i'm feeling great though, still working out at least 5-6 times a week, drinking water, cutting back on diet soda (not on purpose, just drinking more water at work), eating the right amounts of food and balancing my day....i feel awesome about my progress and am not going to let tomorrow's weigh in disappoint me or set me back...

    i have made sooooo many changes in my life for the better and that is more important to me than a number...4 quick examples in the last 24 hrs....
    1. i planned out my meal choice for my mom's group dinner last night before i went by reviewing the restaurants dinner menu online....i choice the grilled mahimahi, steamed rice and steamed veggies and entered it into my food diary right then..
    2. i went to the gym right after work before meeting my girlfriends and burned as many calories as i could on the elliptical in the limited time i had before meeting them - burned 382 calories which put me right where i needed to be if i ordered what i planned on....
    3. i ordered what i planned on plus a tomato bisque soup which was only 185 calories in addition to my meal and a cappuccino that was probably about 150 calories after we ate EVEN THOUGH EVERY SINGLE PERSON AT THE TABLE - 5 OTHER GIRLS - ORDERED ****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - thai pizza, chicken pot pie, orange peel chicken, Mediterranean sandwich with fries, chinese chicken w/noodles...when i told them what i was ordering they were like well i'm not being good, i definitely am getting whatever i want and damned the calories pretty much...oh well, luckily i have those here to support my decisions and share common goals....
    4. this morning after i dropped my son off for school i had almost an hr before his holiday concert so i walked from his school out 25 mins and back 25 mins...got my walk done for the day since i went into work late and knew i wouldnt have time to go out later or tonight....

    it's all about choices folks....and i'm finally at a place that i know what the right choices are and i'm making them...
  • my2loves04and06
    I'm going to weigh in again on Monday, just because I had a craptastic eating day yesterday. Today the scale said 201.0.

    My2Loves04and06's (Trace) Weigh ins:
    Nov 1: 202.6
    Nov 8: 201.4
    Nov 15: N/A
    Nov 22: N/A
    Nov 29: 205.0
    Dec 6: 202.0
    Dec 13: 201.0
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: (goal: 194 - halfway to goal weight)
  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    Bluiz you are so inspiring. I haven't been working out, oh about a week now because my schedule is so crazy and it's too cold to walk outside....but I could have walked around the INSIDE of the church for 30 min yesterday.....hmmm. Have to start thinking like that.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    Bluiz you are so inspiring. I haven't been working out, oh about a week now because my schedule is so crazy and it's too cold to walk outside....but I could have walked around the INSIDE of the church for 30 min yesterday.....hmmm. Have to start thinking like that.

    thank you ....funny thing is, yesterday i had an "epic failure" with eating....BUT today i know that i'll just start all over....i'm not killing myself feeling guilty, i'm not angry with myself for eating too much, i even wrote down all that i could and then did a BIG estimation on our chinese takeout and when i closed my day it said if i ate like that everyday, i would be 20lbs heavier in 5 weeks i was stunned and then angry and then resigned that it was just one day...it will not be who i am ever again.....i am a different person now and if i have to eat like *kitten* every once in a while to make me "remember" what i'm doing and where i'm trying to get than sooooo be it.....today is a new day....no trying to make up for yesterday....it is gone......today is a new start....
  • momtofour
    momtofour Posts: 97 Member
    just wanted to say well done to all of us that are struggling at the moment but not giving up, we will get there it may just take us a little longer than we wanted it too . best wishes x x x x