2011 - New Year, New Me (final thread)



  • momtofour
    momtofour Posts: 97 Member
    momtofour - I know how frustrating it can be to be stuck at the same weight for weeks on end. I can't see your food diary, but have you been switching up what you eat? Sometimes if you eat the same things for every meal (i.e. breakfast) then your body gets "stuck". Sometimes if you just switch up your foods that's enough to set your loss in motion again. Hang in there!

    im so so sorry, i have only just seen this reply i dont know how i missed it, thank you so much for the reply and yeah your probably right about the breakfast i tend to eat porridge every day, ill start to change this about a bit now. other meals i vary quite a lot and mostly home cook so nice healthy low fat low cal meals,
    im deffinatley hanging in there x x x
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I had a rough weekend so I am going to wait a couple of days to weigh myself. I went out to eat on friday and what I ate didn't agree with me. :grumble: Still not feeling 100% but I am better. Hope everyone had a better weekend than I did.
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    just wanted to say well done to all of us that are struggling at the moment but not giving up, we will get there it may just take us a little longer than we wanted it too . best wishes x x x x

    Thanks because that is what I'm doing hanging in there hoping for a brighter day!!! Yes we will get there I know we will!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Cnbethea's Weigh ins:
    Nov 1: 163.2
    Nov 8: 160.8 (actual)
    Nov 15:160
    Nov 22: 159.6 (barely in please no turning back!!!!)
    Nov 29: 165.6
    Dec 6: 165
    Dec 13: 164.6 inching along
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: hopefully back in the 150's at this rate!!
  • my2loves04and06
    I'm sticking with Saturday's weight. It's a new week, and only 19 days until 2011!
  • my2loves04and06
    I'm itching to get for Zumba for the Wii! I took a few Zumba classes at the Y when I belonged back home and loved it. My husband is making me wait until after xmas to get it though. I better get it as a gift or else I'll be a bit irked that he made me wait this long!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    I got Zumba for the WII I like it me and the kids have great fun with it!!
  • momtofour
    momtofour Posts: 97 Member
    momtofours Weigh ins:
    Nov 1 SW 175.8 - CW 175.8
    Nov 8: GW 174 - CW 175.8 This is the first time i have not lost since i started but still i didnt gain either
    Nov 15: GW 173 - CW 174.2 not quite there so far but its better than nothing
    Nov 22: GW 172 - CW 174.2 im not weighing in this week as TOM is here today and i feel so bloated so just carry across my weight from last week many thanks
    Nov 29: GW 171 - CW 174.2 Still the same might have to switch things up a bit
    Dec 6: GW 170 - CW 174.2 Now i'm getting really frustrated and :( still keeping at it though
    Dec 13: GW 169 - CW 174.2 AARRGGHH still maintaining, i have swithched up my excercise pattern and are playing about with food variations now, so hopefully something will start to move, although with TOM due this weekend who knows lol x
    Dec 20: GW 168 -
    Dec 27: GW 167 - (GW 168 or less by Xmas day)
    Jan 3: anything less than above would be an achiement
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    so i was 201.6 on friday and then saturday i was 204 so i logged it to be accurate....i ate like shiat on saturday and sunday but logged every bite and held myself accountable....started fresh monday morning and now i'm down to 202.6 so i'm hoping by this weekend i'm back to 201 or lower to meet my 199 goal....adjusted the weeks ahead to reflect this week's up and miss for december 11th's goal....IT'S all good though....i'm gonna get there....hopefully before christmas :-)
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    watch out trace...i'm kicking it into high hear this week lol...i just did 6.5 miles on the treadmill watching BL finale and i did 2.5 miles on my lunch break.....tomorrow is big workout at the gym, might try to catch the weights class if i can make it in time and then do some cardio...i'm burning some serious calories this week to make up for last weekend's messy eating....ohhh yeah baby it is on!!!!!!!!! watch your back girl i'm coming for you again...
  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    156.8 , which considering what I ate this weekend is amazing! Just shows how many calories you can burn working holiday retail! LOL!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    here is the updated chart...
    i'm very sad to say we are down to 6 people reporting....but we are doing well...since the start of september we are down a collective 55.7lbs...good job girls...keep it up over the next few weeks and maybe we'll pass 75lbs by the new year????

  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I would like you to carry my weight from last week. This week isn't looking so good. Hope to get back on track.
  • my2loves04and06
    Took a peek at the scale before work tonight and I'm down to 200 even. ONEderland is so close I can taste it! Will get the official weight on Saturday.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    weighed myself a hundred times this morning (well it felt like it) - it was all over the place between 198.6 - 199 - 200 -201 so i settled on 201 for my weight this week -..back down from 204 wooohooooo

    BUT then i checked again later in the afternoon (i am better later in the day due to retaining water) and i was 200 so i recorded....
    i am officially the lowest i have been in a very very very long time...just .2 away from 199........
  • my2loves04and06
    Yay Denise!

    TOM showed up on Thursday, so I'll record an official weight once she's gone.
  • my2loves04and06
    I weighed again this morning at I'm still at 200 even. GRRR! Maybe my scale doesn't go below 2? :grumble:

    My2Loves04and06's (Trace) Weigh ins:
    Nov 1: 202.6
    Nov 8: 201.4
    Nov 15: N/A
    Nov 22: N/A
    Nov 29: 205.0
    Dec 6: 202.0
    Dec 13: 201.0
    Dec 20: 200.0
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: (goal: 194 - halfway to goal weight)
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    but you didnt gain....i'd be happy with that lol...i'm not weighing again until saturday (well i'm going to try real hard not to) i want to see the 199 and have it jump out at my on christmas morning...wooooohoooooo
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Cnbethea's Weigh ins:
    Nov 1: 163.2
    Nov 8: 160.8 (actual)
    Nov 15:160
    Nov 22: 159.6 (barely in please no turning back!!!!)
    Nov 29: 165.6
    Dec 6: 165
    Dec 13: 164.6 inching along
    Dec 20: 164
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: hopefully back in the 150's at this rate!!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member

    you guys gonna update this week???