2011 - New Year, New Me (final thread)



  • my2loves04and06
    I DID IT! ONEderland! TOM is completely gone and I weighed at my normal time of day (in the AM) and in my usual weigh-in clothes, and I did it! 198.6. I even re-checked a few times, just to be sure it wasn't a fluke. I'm so freaking excited! I'm re-updating my chart to reflect this weight.

    My2Loves04and06's (Trace) Weigh ins:
    Nov 1: 202.6
    Nov 8: 201.4
    Nov 15: N/A
    Nov 22: N/A
    Nov 29: 205.0
    Dec 6: 202.0
    Dec 13: 201.0
    Dec 20: 198.6
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: (goal: 194 - halfway to goal weight)
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    great job trace,
    i can't wait to join you this week...i'm busting my *kitten* paying attention to everything, exercising, drinking my water this week...i WILL be below 200 by saturday...
  • momtofour
    momtofour Posts: 97 Member
    momtofours Weigh ins:
    Nov 1 SW 175.8 - CW 175.8
    Nov 8: GW 174 - CW 175.8 This is the first time i have not lost since i started but still i didnt gain either
    Nov 15: GW 173 - CW 174.2 not quite there so far but its better than nothing
    Nov 22: GW 172 - CW 174.2 im not weighing in this week as TOM is here today and i feel so bloated so just carry across my weight from last week many thanks
    Nov 29: GW 171 - CW 174.2 Still the same might have to switch things up a bit
    Dec 6: GW 170 - CW 174.2 Now i'm getting really frustrated and :( still keeping at it though
    Dec 13: GW 169 - CW 174.2 AARRGGHH still maintaining, i have swithched up my excercise pattern and are playing about with food variations now, so hopefully something will start to move, although with TOM due this weekend who knows lol x
    Dec 20: GW 168 - CW 174.2 you guessed it guys still the same
    Dec 27: GW 167 -
    Jan 3: anything less than above would be an achiement
  • momtofour
    momtofour Posts: 97 Member
    sorry to report my weigh in so late i was holding out after Tom had left and was hoping for some kind of movement in the scales but nope still the same, lol oh well steady is better than a gain,,,,,,,,good luck guys x
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    Nov 1 SW 208.0/ CW-204.9
    Nov 8: GW-205.0 / CW....204.0 (this number makes me happy :laugh: )
    Nov 15: GW-204/CW........201.5 ???(I checked a couple of times.)
    Nov 22: GW-202/CW......200.4
    Nov 29: GW-200
    Dec 6: GW-198
    Dec 13: GW-196
    Dec 20: GW-195 ......CW.. 203.6
    Dec 27:X-Mas eve GW 194
    Jan 3: GW 194 (if I make it though christmas without weight gain I will be happy)

    Congrats on getting in to Onederland, Great Job.
    I want to blame the increase on TOM but I think it might not all be from that. (those DAMN cookies, only 4 more day.)
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Congrats Trace and Denise onederland is a great feeling and during the holidays you ladies rock keep up the great work!!!
  • momtofour
    momtofour Posts: 97 Member
    if its not too late can you update me i weighed in this morning as Tom has completely gone now and wow i was so surprised after being the same weight for so long i have finally lost a bit more, if its too late to update then no worries but just wanted to share any ways its 172.8 today so whoo hoo me x
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    here is the newest chart...guess there will only be one more next week for this thread, well maybe 2 more - 1 to end the year and one to start the new year....
    good job trace and me for breaking 200 this week....i'm excited to see what saturday's weigh in will be and how much deeper into the 100s i can get ;-)

  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    hahahaha....just realized i put in the wrong weight for me...only off by .2 but its .2 more than i was last night lol..not gonna change it now but i was 198.4 last night not 198.6 like i updated....seriously i'm under 200 and i feel like i'm gonna explode lol...
  • momtofour
    momtofour Posts: 97 Member
    congratulations to all those who are feeling awesome on their latest weight loss, me included x
  • my2loves04and06
    Woot woot! I was down to 197 today. I guess TOM really is gone now. I'm not going to be able to weigh again until Tuesday 9/28. I'm flying home to Chicago for the holidays on Friday morning. Yippee! Hoping I can get even lower into the 100's despite all the yummy food I'll be around. Honestly, I don't even feel the urge to binge on it like I used to.

    Congrats to all! We ROCK!

    Denise - gonna start a new thread when this one ends?
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    good job trace with keeping it moving.....yeah i want a new thread....what should our next goal be or do we need one lol...just the crew that hung on from the summer??? LOL.....you want to start it or you want me to???
  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    I've been really swollen for the last couple of days...waiting until my rings and shoes are not tight to weigh..... the sinus medication always does this to me. Sigh.
  • my2loves04and06
    yeah i want a new thread....what should our next goal be or do we need one lol...just the crew that hung on from the summer??? LOL.....you want to start it or you want me to???

    We can gain some newbies maybe. Doesn't matter to me. We don't have to have a next goal, just a general thread. We need a clever name! Any ideas?
  • momtofour
    momtofour Posts: 97 Member
    hope you dont mind the suggestion but i too would like to keep on this weight loss thread, we could set out next goal for 14th feb not too far off but something to help us get over the festive season what about Valentine Vixens or something along those lines x
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    whatever name you guys want to come up with is fine....valentines would be a 6 wk challenge.....i'll start it later this week if you want....

    i have done nothing for exercise since tuesday night...entire house has been sick including me....colds, coughs, ear infection, bronchitis, possible strep you name it...
    my 3yr old daughter is on an antibiotic for the ear infection which is causing her to vomit after taking it so right now i'm snuggling with her in our bed while she sleeps....she is soooo tired and that is just not like her...she slept 12 hrs straight last night and now is sleeping again after just getting up at 1115 am....

    anyway, i'm still here and doing fine with food/eating and weight....actually down to 196.4 which is my lowest in forever....i really want to get back to exercising starting tomorrow though and hope that i can get myself back onto a regular routine once all the sickies are gone...
    hope everyone had a great holiday....
  • my2loves04and06
    Just got home from Chicago about an hour ago. I did really well eating while home and I don't feel guilty or bad in the least. Guess I'll hop on the scale in the morning and see what she says. Hope everyone had a nice holiday!
  • Hey guys made a new page and my weight on Monday was 167.4.
  • my2loves04and06
    Holding steady at 197. Yippee for maintaining over the holiday!

    My2Loves04and06's (Trace) Weigh ins:
    Nov 1: 202.6
    Nov 8: 201.4
    Nov 15: N/A
    Nov 22: N/A
    Nov 29: 205.0
    Dec 6: 202.0
    Dec 13: 201.0
    Dec 20: 198.6
    Dec 27: 197.0
    Jan 3:
    (goal: 194 - halfway to goal weight)
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Way to maintain over the holidays Trace that's awesome!!