

  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Yes. You could lose weight even if everything you ate wasn't healthy. Weight loss is about whether you use up more calories than you take in, that's all.

    You can do a total re-vamp of your lifestyle and eat all healthy or eat small portions of completely unhealthy things. Most people are somewhere in the middle. It's about your choices and goals - what you want. There is more than one way to skin a cat.

    They can all lose weight. :)
  • bowlerae
    bowlerae Posts: 555 Member
    this topic has been rehashed so many times.

    For me personally, no I don't eat what I want EVERYDAY. I only really indulge myself a few times throughout the week. Indulging to me means greasy foods and chocolate. Yes it is true you can lose weight by creating a calorie deficit regardless of the macro makeup but there are nutrient-dense foods (fruits and veggies) and empty calories (alcohol, chocolate chip cookies, ice cream, etc). In terms of carbs there is complex, simple, fiber and sugar. 15g of sugar from desserts is different than 15g of sugar from fruits. For the majority of the week I get my carbs from fruit, veggies, greek yogurt, and grains but occasionally I'll treat myself to chocolate chip cookies. In order to achieve this I have to reduce some carbs and fat that I would have eaten from another source in order to make my macros still fit. So I'll remove a baked potato and remove some almonds. However, I'm fully aware that the baked potato and almonds are nutritionally more dense than just a few measly cookies. The cookies are also higher in saturate fat (the bad fat) so like I said, I don't do this often.
  • meridianova
    meridianova Posts: 438 Member
    yes and no...

    i do best, both mentally and physically, when i follow a low-carb plan. so i'm kind of in my IIFYM realm, though this is the first time i'm also restricting calories within the low-carb framework.

    my problem is that for several years i've dealt with eating disorder issues, and if i ever attempt a diet that's purely restrictive (weight watchers points, low calorie, IF), i end up going overboard and eliminating everything for the sake of the accomplishment of not eating at all. low-carb proved to be a perfect solution, in that it provides me a rigid framework but allows relative freedom within the rules.

    so yes, i eat what i want, because i've defined "want" as proteins, full fats, some cruciferous veggies and some fruits. but there will always be the "no, i don't eat what i want" factor because i don't allow myself to eat starches, grains, or processed sugars beyond stevia or a rare diet soda.

    i'm also in the middle of an experiment. calorie restriction does not work on me, but for the last 3 weeks i've combined low carb with restricted calories and going to the gym 4-5 days a week. i haven't weighed in at all during this, and won't until next monday. if i still have no progress, then i know something else is wrong and i need a doctor's intervention.
  • jwat90
    jwat90 Posts: 178 Member
    I still like my chocolate treat everyday. I like Weight Watchers snack size ice cream chocolate bar. It's only 45 calories!! Feels like I'm cheating, but I can have it and stay under my calorie goal.