Slim in Six starting November 1st



  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    Oh yeah, resistance bands...I completely didn't even realize seeing as how I never actually started Ramp it UP the last time. I'll have to go digging for some or hit ol' Wally World. Do we need one or two?

    BTW , I completed day 4....EVEN THOUGH i really just wanted to go to bed. I said to myself... "self, its ONLY 25 minutes" and you know what...I was SOOO much better at those squats today. I just kept repeating "you're sitting in a chair, you're getting up, you're sitting in a chair, you're getting up." Much better today. That and I enjoy back talking to Denise like nobody's business!!! Sometimes I say, "Oh, shut it Denise...I know you just said 8 more and counted to 12!!" No really, I love ya least til next week!
  • carlita231
    Ok, I'm back in the game here. I had to go away for work and now I'm back ready to do this thing again! Urgh, resistance bands..ok going to have to go out and buy some this weekend.. Can't wait to exercise when I get home tonight! :-)
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    Haha Truhvn you made me laugh thinking of yelling at Denise. The most I do are under my breath "you've got to be kidding me"'s and "come on"'s.

    Finished the slim today even though I think I'm getting a little sick. It actually made me feel a bit better so that's good. I went to Model's and got a resistance band - a 'medium' resistance that cost 16$ after all NYC taxes were factored in. I bet you can find them cheaper. I'm pretty sure we only need the one and I'm sure you can find it cheaper than me. I chose the 'medium' purely because the box had a girl on it and the only other choices had big guys on it and were labeled "hard" and "extra endurance." Hopefully I chose right!

    I'm excited to take my measurements on Sunday - I think I may have already lost a tiny bit as I seem to be a bit more toned. Don't forget to send me updated measurements any time this weekend so I can post the chart Monday night / Tuesday morning!

    Stay positive! We're in this together!
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    So my weight loss has slowed, but I guess thats to be expected...I lost 11 lbs in the last month! I was just getting so used to seeing a lb down every other day...Well RAMP IT UP should cure that!!!

    I felt very blah after dinner and I even thought to myself "I am NOT going to exercise, I am going to veg and then go to bed" But then I found myself picking up the house and turning on the dvd player, just out of habit from the week I guess. SO, I went for it! I used my own music this time and that seeemed to boost me up a bit, I was struggling not to do double time on the oblique crunches because I was jammin!

    I think I've got my resistance band someone, I recall my three year old playing with it some time ago so its gotta be somewhere. One more day of Start it up, then day of rest, and then 49 MINUTES OF RAMP IT UP! AHHHHH!! I'm watching it as I type this cuz I wanted to see what i was in for...Oh My LORDY!!!! Wow, well we will see how many days it takes me to get through that thing without taking a break, but I am excited to ramp my exercise up (he he).

    I caught myself looking in the mirror after I was done exercising and I had to pause and look at my face...that's where I can see my first weight gain, and I was amazed... it's not so chubby anymore!!!! Yay!!! Can't wait to measure on Sunday!

    I think I talk...errr...type to much!
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    Well, I went ahead and measured. Not what I wanted to see, but after only 1 week it is still progress!

    Wt. 172 (still, err)
    arms 13.5"
    waist 39"
    hips - 45"
    thigh - 25.5"
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    Truhvn - 2 inches off your waist! Are you kidding!! That is AMAZING for one week! Holy COW! Can you imagine if you got 2'' off every week for the six weeks - that would be 12 INCHES. That's like, 5 pants sizes. You should be really really proud! Also, when I start a workout program, my body holds on to weight via the scale but shows major improvements in inches until I finish. Then I lose like 5 pounds in a week. I read an article someone posted on here once that explained this phenomenon and I can't for the life of me remember anything but the point is that it is normal. Focus on the inches, the weight will come off soon!

    Oh, and type/talk as much as you want. I'm a bit of a blabber mouth too!

    Finished the last day of start it up! Was playing with my resistance band, hopefully I won't be too much of a mess with it on Monday. I did feel like today the workout was much easier tonight (even the squats) so I'm happy to be moving up. It's time.

    I'll weigh and measure tomorrow or Monday - stay positive and have a wonderful rest day :-)
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    Day of rest today! Yesterday was much easier than I anticipated. Looking forward to seeing how I do for the first day of Ramp it Up, but not excited that its 45 minutes, I guess I'll have to suffer through it. I did do some good housecleaning for about 2 hours straight so I was up and moving around this morning, which is better than sitting around and vegging! Will post late tmw if i can walk to the computer!
  • carlita231
    Ok, will post my measurements tonight when I get home. Feeling really good, was able to complete 4 days of start it legs have finally stopped hurting. Picked up a resistance band this weekend.. there weren't any options for what kind, it was a 3 pack. So maybe there are different levels of intensity within each of the bands. Excited to start ramp it up tonight! Stepped on the scale this morning and I am 1.6 pounds lighter. Great way to start the week!
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    Congrats on the great loss this week Carlita! You continue to be such a huge inspiration :-)

    So. Wow. Ramp it up is really.. well... ramped up! Haha it was crazy, but fun. I'm looking forward to being able to get through the whole thing without coping out :-). Every time she said "now slowly lower it... and 8 more" I wanted to through something but I didn't! I think I may try the resistance band portion with weights just to see the difference. There were a few times I felt like I might be hurting my back with the wrapping of the band. We'll see!

    Good luck with ramp it up! Will post chart late tonight or tomorrow morning!
  • baby81girl2003
    baby81girl2003 Posts: 79 Member
    I have done the Slim in Six, the first dvd, several times now. I will start it again tommorow and commit to going through the whole program! Christas is coming.....FAST. Good luck to everyone!
  • abtropix
    abtropix Posts: 133 Member
    Am I too late to join??? I know the program pretty well and believe in it! I've done it and was in great shape about 1 1/2 yrs ago, with my ideal weight. I want to get back on track, and because I know the program and because you already started, I would start tomorrow with the Burn it Up DVD, plus my occasional tennis &/or elliptical machine. I need to lose 10 lbs and be fit.
    What do I have to do to be part of this group? I'm new to MFP, so I need advice!
  • abtropix
    abtropix Posts: 133 Member
    Looks like you're late like me! :) And, like me, a little worried about Xmas! Let's start tomorrow with Slim in 6... I'll do the Burn it Up DVD.
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    So I totally skipped my first night of Ramp it UP. I'm so disappointed...I never did find my resistance band and I didn't get a chance to stop by the store to pick up a new one. Today was a Monday like no other packed with a sick kid and a friends dad's funeral, so needless to say I did not do well in the eating and moving department today. I feel like a blob, but on the upside...I did wear a dress today for the first time in a very long time (the last time was a friends wedding so I had to!) and I thought I didn't look half bad!
    I'm gonna pick up a resistance band first thing after work tmw and try to skip my day off at the end of the week (depends on how sore I get!!!) to make up for it. Wish me luck. I sure hope Tuesday isn't as blah as Monday was. I'm going to bed early so Tuesday gets here sooner!

    I"m looking forward to seeing everyones progress! Keep it up!
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    Yeay new faces! It's never too late, we're happy to have you!

    So here's the deal! All you have to do is send me a starting weight and starting measurments for your hips, arms, waist, and thighs. Then I'll add you to the chart! I post the chart every Monday night / Tuesday morning with whoever sends me updated info. It's a nice way to stay accountable and focus on the losses throughout the program. You can send me updates any time over the weekend to get them on the chart!

    Other than that, just stick with the program, post here when you can for advice or encouragement, and get SLIM!

    Truhvn - I'm sorry about Monday but don't get discouraged! You'll be right back with us in no time! Today is a new day. Also, you can do the resistance band portion with free weighs if you have those more readily at hand. I think I'm going to try it that way today, just to see the difference. The resistance bands are a little awkward for me :-\

    Oh, and here's a chart!

  • carlita231
    Wasn't able to Ramp it up last night.. :-( Wil definitely be on task for tonight. The only measurement that changed was my weight (lost 1.6 pounds) so everything else remains the same.

    It's NEVER too late for newcomers to join. Welcome to the party!
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    Finished day two of Ramp it up with weights instead of resistance band. I think I will stay with weights for a few more days and then try and go back. I was amazed that I could do everything with 5lb weights to completion because a few weeks ago I had to do 30 day shred with 3 lb weights because my 5s were too heavy. Talk about a fun view at progress!

    I'm sweating like a dog so I'm going to go shower. Keep on keeping on everyone!

    Oh and to abtropix and baby81girl2003 - - don't forget to send my starting weight and measurements! It'll be a great way to see progress as we get into it! So glad to have you both!
  • abtropix
    abtropix Posts: 133 Member
    Thanks for the welcome! I will weigh myself tomorrow and send you measurements as well! So excited! I've done Slim in 6 and had great results 1 1/2 yrs ago. I see you're still in Ramp it Up. I skipped the first 2 programs and started this morning with the Burn it Up DVD (I know the exercises very well). I also did the 11 min ab workout and then headed to a tennis match. Love the workout! But yes, sometimes the little music gets to me. I've tried it with a playlist in my iPod and works much better... Looking fwd to another S in 6 workout tomorrow!
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    MT Dork, I almost didn't recognize you with that new profile pic!!!

    Welcome to all the newcomers!!! Glad to have you sweating with us!

    So I finally made it through my day 1 of Ramp it UP and let me say I am thoroughly impressed with myself!!! I was scared @%!$@^less the other day when I watched it just to get an idea of what I was in for, but I managed to make it through the whole thing without puking ( a la Biggest Loser), cussing Debbie out, or turning the tv off!! I'm glad I figured out how to get my DISH remote programmed for my DVD player as my 3 year old broke the remote and I didn't realize until...right when I was getting ready to start!!! Talk about road block!! That is progress for me! On any other given month I would have said "well I guess I'm not supposed to, it's time for bed" but tonight I spent an extra 15 minutes getting the darn thing working so I could move on to the not-as-grueling-as-I-thought workout.

    I was good until we hit that floor section where she wants you to get down on all fours and work your legs until you can't feel them anymore...needless to say I was not able to get straight through them...there were many breaks...but I kept going. Oh and yoga...not as easy as I thought it was going to be. Can you still be a proud warrior when you fall on your behind with your booty in the air?!!!

    I think I will be very sore tomorrow. :) Keep it up everyone!
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    Truhvn - Thanks :-) It's my new head shot for auditions and I'm really pleased with it. In my pictures on my profile is the smiley one I have too if you're interested. That floor section is brutal! I keep trying to wimp out at the end and lean much too hard into my opposite hip and then I have to say out loud to myself "Stop it!" so I'll fix the form and get through it. Haha I usually skip the yoga and do my own stretches. I have bad hips and awkward side thigh muscles that get really sore unless I stretch them my way. And I think the DEFINITION of a proud warrior is waving your booty in the air.

    Was sick today but did the slim anyway. I coughed my way out of my voice last night but I took today off of work and am feeling marginally better. My cough was only a problem when we got to the floor bit - all the grossness rushed to my head and I had to stop to clear my airways so I didn't suffocate but I made it through.

    And as always I hound abtropix and baby81girl2003 - - don't forget to send my starting weight and measurements!

    Have a wonderfully slim day everyone!
  • abtropix
    abtropix Posts: 133 Member
    Thanks for pushing me to do this! I went out for a great bike ride with my husband this morning (5:30-7:00 AM) and a heavy pace and then came home for the Slim in 6 - Burn it Up. Felt great! I don't know if you already reached the Burn it Up, but the part where we're on all 4s in terrible!!! I've always been able to do it all, but I always hate it! I keep thinking this is the part of my body I want to burn the most and have a firmer butt, so that's what keeps me going! I had back surgery, so the yoga/pilates part is impossible for me to do. I skip is as well and stretch on my own. That's why I track it as a 55 min workout, not the full 60.
    Ok, so here's the deal:
    Current weight: 128
    Chest: 33.5"
    Waist: 29"
    Hips: 37"
    Thighs (each): 23"
    Right bicep: 11.5"
    Left bicep: 11"
    Anything else?
    Just a quick motivation for all of you girls: I did this program in July 2007 and didn't finish it, since I reached my goals like around week 4 and then just stayed on a maintenance schedule. During those 4 weeks, I lost 11 lbs, 1.5" in my chest, 1.5" in my waist, almost 2" in my hips, and 1.5" in my thighs. Not only that, but I felt great in a bikini, very fit and wasn't worried about covering up!
    Talk to you tomorrow after "slimming" and a little tennis!