Slim in Six starting November 1st



  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hello all...

    Was very busy writing for uni again...

    About Turbo Jam. It is by Beachbody as well as SI6 is. It is done by Chalene Johnson. It is more cardio then SI6 even though it comes with a sculpting DVD. It is elements of kickboxing and a bit sort of dancy. It is dance music in the back and it is pretty upbeat and party like. I really like Chalene. I find her motivating and likeable. The basic pack comes with a 20min workout, a short part where they teach you the moves. A 40min workout called Cardio Party, Turbo Sculpt where you use weights and an ab DVD. In the US you can get loads of different Turbo Jam Cardio Party parts.

    It comes with a schedule. I have followed it but my personal results weren't as good as with SI6 but I didn't watch my diet very much then so it does not necessarily mean anything. You get a good sweat on and it is great fun!

    Regarding the next workout is anyone up for ChaLEAN Extreme? In case you haven't heard of it. It is a similar thing like P90X but not as tough. It is designed by Beachbody too and works with the same sort of program. You follow a workout schedule for 3 months. And it follows the same principle as P90X: burn fat through muscle. I have done quite a lot of research on both P90X and ChaLEAN Extreme and it seems that even though CE is though too it is just a little easier and it is also more aimed at women. The results are like the ones I have seen of people doing P90X.

    I want to try P90X but thought CE would be a great build up to it! I have bought it and would love people joining....if you interest maybe have a google search and of course I am happy to help as much as I can!

    Hope it is all going well for you!!
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    Daisy you know what's funny? I already had a downloaded copy of CE because I was planning on doing it after I completed the 30 Day Shred. I would love to do CE before p90x as I think it'll help build me up. I also like the calendar a lot because the weeks are what is repeated, not the days. Like you don't have 10 days of the same workout, you have a new workout every day for 7 days and then you repeat that pattern for the month. And you get two rest days a week. Hmm I think my official vote is ChaLEAN Extreme.
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    ChaLean sounds great! Any suggestions on where I can get my hands on one that's not too pricey? I'm up for a daily change...I like to dance and love moving to the music...would be much better than Debbie's background music (if I ever got around to it I could use my Itunes, but that requires me actually sitting down and putting a play list together!).

    SOOOO...I started Burn it UP today. OH MY LORDY!!!! Notice I said STARTED. I did NOT finish. It's not that I didn't want to...but 20 minutes in and I was toast! Literally toast...with singed crispy edges even! Debbie is not joking around. When she says "It's called Burn it Up for a reason" ,...she ain't joking! I'm sitting here typing and I can still feel my muscles working and the sweat is still dripping from my brow. There was NO way I was going to get to those lunges. Hopefully I can get a little further tomorrow.

    I was conflicted on how to list the exercise. Normally I'm slapping it under Aerobics, general...but 180 calories burned for 20 minutes of hell seemed a little low to me. Heck 29 minutes of general aerobics for SIU was around 240...and I KNOW I WORKED HARDER this time. I cant WAIT until I get a HRM so I can get a little more accurate with my calorie burn. I almost contemplated sticking it under karate,tae kwon do...

    Did I ever mention I used to do Tae Kwon Do? I made it all the way to my 2nd blue belt (the order is white, 1&2 yellow,1&2 green, 1&2 blue, 1&2 red, brown, black). I was going to class two nights a week for about 1 1/2 hrs. It was great!!! My boyfriend was teaching the class. He's a great instructor, but we couldn't keep the class going because we ended up with no location and for a while there the economy dropped class size down to nearly no one. He still teaches one on one and we are working on getting a space sometime in the next few months...I CANT WAIT. Talk about calorie burn!!

    My problem was that I was NOT eating healthy at ALL. Most nights after class he and his kids and me and my kids would even end up stopping somewhere fast food bc it was so late. Even the healthiest MCD's is not that healthy, esp when you are eating it two times a week! I was not focused on my eating what so ever...just think if I'd been in the right mind frame then I might have dropped some weight. On the bright side I was able to avoid gaining any weight even with all that fast food eating.

    Burn it up reminded me of many of the things we would do in class...those front and back kicks, side kicks , punches (my favorite...let me tell you I LOVED sparring with another girl during testing for my belt bc I loved punching them, and I got comments on how strong they were!) and those squat kicks. We used to do these things where we had to do a four point turn..squat kick to the front, 1/4 turn to the left squat on and so forth until we went all the way around then back around the other a zillion times. Those were horrible, I always struggled to hold my tongue when he said "alright one more...okay now one more." Just like Debbie!

    Anyway, hope you guys don't mind the book I wrote tonight! I think I'm gonna be sore tomorrow. Stay focused! You can do it!
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    Oh and here's my first idea for a title..."From Debbie to Dynamite!!!" yeah I know CHEESY:bigsmile:
  • aprilfit
    aprilfit Posts: 90 Member
    Day 14

    Weigh in Day

    210.4 pounds Dec 7

    Waist 37.5
    Hips 42
    Thighs 26
    arm 12.5

    I was really hoping to get past 210.
    I did not meet my 2 pound weight loss goal for this week.
    Nothing impressive on the measurements .

    It's hard cause I worked really hard last week and didn't eat too crazy except for one day.

    Week 2 can be tough though.

    Trying to keep my head up but I'm feelin' kinda down.
    Not giving up though.

    Could be PMS setting in. I had a hysterectomy last September so I dont get a visit from Aunt Flo but I still get to enjoy other TOM symptoms.

    Thanks for listening to me boo hoo.
    Hope today is treating you well. I'll have time to reply to your posts a little later and ideally my attitude will improve.


  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member

    So as I said I was not going to do BIU up due to my back etc but when I did RIU yesterday i was just so bored of it. I have done this DVD for too long. I already got the Slim Series not too long ago so I started this today. I will be doing that for the rest of the year. I really liked it though and I was really proud of myself because I picked a routine that was labelled moderate/difficult and I got through it pretty well! Hurray.....

    Mtdork: I am so excited that you want to do ChaLean Extreme too!! It would be great to do with you girls!!

    Truhvn: I know how you feel. After doing BIU after the first time I felt like I was run over by train. Even though I did not do it very long I can say it will get "easier". Also I think if you like Tae Kwon Do you would really like Turbo Jam! Have a look on YouTube maybe. It has kicks and punches in it.
    CHaLEAN Extreme is more weight lifting to build muscle and burn fat. Would be great to have you join in on that one!!

    Aprilfit: Don't be down! There can always be reasons why we don't see on the scale or measurement what we'd like. You have to keep on mind that you are still exercising and being good and that is great by itself! Be proud of yourself and I am sure it'll be all different next week :smile:
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    Ok so here we go, Day 2!

    Day: 2
    DVD: 10 Minute Solution: Kickbox Bootcamp
    Favorite Part: "Arm and Shoulder Sculptor"
    Comments: So this one is a much higher intensity then yesterday and I liked it. At first I hated Keli (the instructor) but I ended up really liking how down to earth she was. There is nothing more annoying than a peppy DVD instructor. I've never done kickboxing before and I had a good time. I was a little bored when they showed the moves for the first 10 minutes (though I was sweating by the end of it) but by the time it got to "Fat-Burning Blast" I was fully engaged and sweating up a storm. Definitely a better DVD then yesterday, I'd have to rate it a 7/10.

    Truhvn - In case you haven't noticed, I ALWAYS write a book. Sometimes twice a day. :-) So keep on writing as much as you'd like! Burn it up will get easier! And hopefully your back will stay in tact. Just be REALLY careful on the standing ab work when you get there. I mean REALLY careful. Tae Kwon Do sounds awesome. I had a friend growing up who was really into it and I used to go to some of his matches or whatever you call em :-P. Lots of respect for that stuff, I hope you can get it going again! And what a great way to spend time with the hubby! I'm not sure where to look for CE as I downloaded mine online TOTALLY LEGALLY. The advantages of having a computer nerd boyfriend :-). Maybe try amazon? Walmart? And I LOVE "From Debbie to Dynamite!!!"

    April - We all have down days, don't let it get you too discouraged. You still lost a total of an inch in one week. I think that's a pretty HUGE accomplishment. Especially from your arms! That's the hardest area to lose inches on my body, so I'm totally jealous of your success. You hear me? SUCCESS :-)

    Daisy - I've since moved on from BIU (as you can tell) and I feel like I'm still getting in the workout I want. I hate being bored and I don't think exercise has to be boring so don't force yourself to do something you're finished with. Search around, find something fun until the new year starts and we CE together! I'm so excited :-)

    landry - I miss you girl! I tried the tofu pudding and LOVED it. I used sugar free maple syrup and the recipe counter said it only comes out to about 50 calories per 1/2 cup serving (which was plenty for me - I felt full!). I even gave some to my boyfriend and didn't tell him it was anything different then chocolate pudding and he loved it. He actually finished it (so I'll have to make more tonight...) and was so shocked when I told him it was mostly tofu. He hates the stuff :-) So thanks!

    Tonight is Hanukkah day 7 and as tradition dictates, it's the second latke night. I've done really well today (may actually have just burned the only calories I ate today) and while I didn't get my run in today like I would have liked (darn sun sets so early in the winter) I am feeling good. I can pace myself. I can do this. I also make some delicious Brussels sprouts and some hard boiled eggs so I have healthy things to snack on this week. Yeay for planning! Hope all is well and you are all still brainstorming new names for our forum, checking out ChaLEAN to see if you'd be interested, and getting in all the exercise your little hearts desire!
  • abtropix
    abtropix Posts: 133 Member
    I was able to do BIU with hubby AGAIN today!!! PLUS my elliptical and some tennis (doubles). I had joined a calorie challenge and exceeded it by about 700 cals!!!! It was great all the dancing I did Fri night! :)

    So tomorrow is my last day excersicing until I come back from Miami Mon night. I'll try to eat as healthy as possible and will be walking all day! If I can, I will try logging in so we can keep in touch. If not, I'll miss you guys! It's funny how I think of you every now & then as days go by (Truhvn's jeans, MTDork's audition, Landry's recipes - which now after reading MTDork's post I HAVE to try, etc.)

    Truhvn - you are just TOO funny! I actually laugh out loud reading your posts! Keep them coming! And MTDork's "Bueler" comment was hillarious! hahaha!

    I'll see if I can buy this CE workout now that I'll be Xmas shopping. How much is it? Does anybody know? If it's too much, I'll do P90X while you guys do CE, if you don't mind, since recession is hitting hard and I know I'll be spending way to much on this trip! I've been really good this yr, so Santa's getting me a Mac, but I'll try to sneak in the HRM as well!

    Talk to you guys tomorrow! Keep slimming!
  • abtropix
    abtropix Posts: 133 Member
    Oh and MTDork, thx for taking the time to post the chart - really amazing everyone!!!! Congrats, keep going!
  • landry1
    landry1 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi ladies,
    Sitting here in the waiting room of the children's hospital while my friend's daughter is recovering from bowel sugery. She's only 7 so my friend is a wreck.
    Loving you guys and the support and I love the names suggested for the new group.
    I did P90X a couple of years ago and I don't see it as a weight loss program but more of strenght training and endure work out
    MTDork87 glad you like the mousse. Freeze it in popcicle molds for more deliciousness
    Love "Debbie to Dynamite" and will do whichever workout you ladies choose.
    Before my battery runs out here is a recipe for veggie "fried" rice.
    1 cup of cooked brown rice
    1 cup of frozen mixed veggies
    1/2 teaspoon of sesame oil or 1 teaspoon of olive oil
    Soy sauce to taste
    Black pepper to taste
    Saute the mixed veggies in oil when heated thru add brown rice and heat thru season with soy sauce and black pepper
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    Day: 3
    DVD: Jillian Michaels: No More Trouble Zones
    Best Part: When it was over? Haha no the first ab section
    Comments: That was the LONGEST hour of my life. I seriously double checked the clock when I was done to see if I had indeed only been working for 60 minutes. It was intense. I would say harder then any point of the 30 Day Shred for sure. The side planks are the WORST and while I don't mind Jillian as an instructor, she had a LOT of plugs for her other projects in that 60 minutes. I still can't tell if the great workout was worth it.
    Up Next: Jillian Michaels: Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism or 10 Minute Solution: Quick Tummy Toners depending on how sore I am and if I get my running in or not.

    So I was sore this morning from the kickboxing which is awesome and I'm sure I'll be sore from No More Trouble Zones. I always forget how freakin' intense Jillian Michaels workouts tend to be. I didn't get to run today because of the race against the sun again (stupid 4:30 sunset) but I'm determined to get it in tomorrow. Also got my drink on last night and still stayed within calories which is pretty impressive if I do say so myself :-)

    Abtropix - Congrats on kicking butt in that challenge! Have fun in Miami and don't sweat the exercise stuff too much. You'll have a lot of mall walking and carrying bags to do! I'm not sure how much CE is since I didn't buy it, but if you have to do p90x that's fine. As long as we're all here together!

    Landry - good to hear from you! The fried rice sounds wonderful, I think I'll try it tonight. And I can't wait to try the popsicles. Even my boyfriend couldn't hide his excitement when I mentioned that :-). I'm so sorry about your friends kid, I hope everything turns out ok. She's lucky to have a friend like you to stick with her through it all. One of the kids I sit for had a crazy high temperature and I spent a good portion of my day with mom at the doctors as her normally happy and very tolerant child cried and cried for no reason and wouldn't respond to any of the meds they had on hand. It didn't help that the doctor was completely uninterested, insisting it was a cold when both mom and I knew that this child doesn't act this way unless he's REALLY sick. Sick kids can get you really scared sometimes :-( my thoughts are with your friend.

    Keep on keeping on everyone! The holidays are approaching, resist the xmas cookies! And Happy last night of Hanukkah!
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Oh just written my post and now accidental deleted annoying.....

    2nd day of Slim Series done! Today I did Shape it up. It is the longest video in the series and is 78min. I have to say that I really, really enjoyed it. First it was a bit daunting. Especially as you have the same sort of counting thing on the right of the screen. You know those green lights that get less....There were loads in the beginning. But as you get a really good overall weekend it is really doable. I felt great after.
    Also the videos feel a bit more up to date and Debbie is a bit more fun I think.

    Overall I can only recommend the Slim Series. You get loads of videos and many different rotation schedule focusing on different areas of your body.

    I had my weigh in today and I am down again! Hurray! So happy! I really want to push myself for the next 2 weeks. I am going home on the 21st and I really want my family to notice that I have lost weight. They have only seen me putting it on and getting bigger and now I want them to show them the opposite :smile:

    Regarding buying ChaLean Extreme. I am sure you can find it fairly cheap on Ebay or Amazon. Especially in the US. In the UK Beachbody DVD's are quite rare and I managed to find it for about 25 quid....If anybody needs any help I am happy to help out searching for it!

    I hope all is well and everyone is going strong :smile:

    Mtdork: Here are my new stats. If you should have the time to add me to the chart....

    Hips: 40.5
    Thigh: 24.2
    Weight: 156.64
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    Thanks MTDork for the warning about watching my back....I read that AFTER I went for it those 20 minutes, lol! I swear for the last two days my back bas been killing me. I kept thinking..."is it my kidneys?" "did I strain my back?" "am I constipated?"...Not really sure but I upped my water as I was slacking and drinking more than my share of coffee in the morning rather than water. I downed about 16 oz from my squirt bottle on the way out of the I felt like I could time I won't try to force it all at once!! My back is back to normal this eve.

    I'm thinking of either continuing with Ramp it Up rather than BIU, or just switching out to another DVD for the remainder of the month. I liked the high intensity of BIU, but the increasing length of the videos is psyching me out! I was doing great with SIU as it was only about 30 minutes long...RIU is only about 42 for me because I skip all the stretching she does and use my own stretches...those are good lengths of training for me! It's not that I DON"T want to train longer than that, but I'm already exhausted mainly!...and have so much to do around the house and with Girl Scouts...sometimes 30 minutes is all I can fit in before I pass out. Again, if I can push myself to get up earlier then I could give it a good hr or so....but that's a work in progress as my fairy godmothers did not bestow upon me the sense of a rooster to rise with the sun, but rather gave me the ability to actually enjoy sleep in 8-9 minute increments for 45-60 minutes straight (snooze button!) regardless of the positition of the sun or moon. Me, honestly...I'd rather be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound because at least I could get a workout in!!! I'm going to give it another shot in the am because I'm feeling like a sloth even though its only been two days since i've done a video..I feel MUCH better when i've exercised and I KNOW it!

    Everyone is doing SOO good! April keep it up girl! Daisy, congrats on being down on your weight! Abtropix, hope you're having fun! Landry, I'm making that mousse tmw...Im drooling more now that MTdork has talked it up! MTdork, NO don't stay away from the cookies! I have a recipe I'll post after I try em first, but they are only 25 cal each...chocolate bliss bites...don't they sound yummy? I'm hoping they turn out good because my office is having a cookie exchange in a few weeks and at least I'll have one kind of cookie that I will know what I'm getting into when I shove a few in my mouth! Fingers still crossed:)
  • aprilfit
    aprilfit Posts: 90 Member
    Hey Y'all,
    Thanks so much for the support and encouragement. I was really feeling down there for a bit.
    So grateful to have this group.

    Two days later and it's a whole new game. Sounds like hormones to me.

    MtDork- Thanks for posting the chart, Great to see everyone's progress. It's working it's really working.
    Sounds like your getting in great workouts.

    Truvn- Sorry for the long delay on the answer. I do the floor work standing up . I use my kitchen chair bend over and put my hands on eaither side of the seat, then I make sure my back is straight and follow throught the exercises standing on on foot then switch. I found it's still the hardest part for me cause I have feet and ankle problems. Sure saves my knees though. I thought of knee pads too.

    Landry- Best wishes to your friend and their child and to you, I hope things are looking better as days go by. Tried the fried rice last night yummy and filling.

    Daisy- The Slim seriries sounds great. I'll have to check it out. Congrats on the weigh in. Great attitude.

    I've never heard of ChaLean. I'll do some research to see where I can get it in Canada.
    Are we still thinking From Debbie to Dynamite? I like it. Cheesy works for me.

    Day 15
    Workout 9 ( tuesday rested wednesday)
    Ramp it up
    no weights
    Intensity 9

    Great workout started with the weights but my arms were killing me from weight training at the gym the night before.
    Put down the weights and really went for it.

    No workout Wednesday. Will have time for a good one tonight.

    Yesterday we had our cookie exchange at work. It was small this year but now I'm sitting on 4 dozen cookies.
    I just had 2 for breakfast with tea. Okay if it's a one off. I left them at the office so I would'nt eat them at home but now I need a plan for work.

    Speaking of which my break is much over.

    Have a great day everyone.
    Keep pushing play.

    I'll check back later with Tickers and Stuff.
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member

    Done another Slim Series workout. Firm it up. This focus on the legs and bum mainly but you do a good set of ab work in the end.
    God my bum and legs were burning. And the great thing is NO lunges! Hurray!

    Truhvn: I didn't like BIU. It really did hurt my lower back too. That is one reason I stopped it. Maybe have a look at the Slim Series? The workouts are about an hour long but I don't find them as tiring. I feel like I am getting a great workout but I am not totally knackered at the end.

    I worked out today a way how the squats are less hurtful to my back. When doing them instead of holding my arms out to the front i kept my hands on my hips. That helped me to keep my chest lifted and it did not put that much strain on my back...Maybe it could help you too...

    Aprilfit: I am sure ChaLean Extreme is available in Canada too...Have a look if you like it....Would be great if we could do it all together :smile:
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    Hello Hello!

    So I got my run in early today and had an amazing time but I've been so sore from Jillian yesterday that I didn't want to overdo it and do strength training as well. So I'll save it for tomorrow. But I ran 5 miles without stopping and managed it in 45 minutes which is pretty awesome. Everything I looked at said it should count as a 400-500 calorie burn so I'm pretty psyched. And it was beautiful and all my new gear kept me nice and warm. Overall, quite the success!

    Speaking of success...

    Landry - The fried rice was wonderful! I added some tofu I had around and it was the perfect dinner. I'm stuffed and have 300 calories left to eat WITHOUT counting my exercise calories! Good stuff :-)

    Daisy - added your loss to the chart, CONGRATS!

    Truhvn - I'm waiting on that cookie recipe with bated breath. I love my cookies :-) Oh, and cute new pic!

    April - glad you're feeling better! And congrats on getting back into ramp it up even with the rest days. You're doing AWESOME.

    Ok, so I think once the new year hits I'll start the new thread of From Debbie to Dynamite. I'll give you lots of warning though so you all can find it. Have a happy and healthy night ladies!
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    So, I'm cheating on Debbie too!!! Tonight I opted for a dvd I had laying around...I don't think I ever even used it! It's a Prevention Fitness systems one called Dance Yourself thin with marie Forleo. 42 minutes total with warm up, isolations, two 15 minute dance routines (afro-latin and reggae-funk) and then a cool down. Let me tell you what...I coulda swore I had more rhythm than that!!! I used to go out to the club in my younger days...but apparently now it's only in my head that I can dance! So I'm glad the kids were sleeping and I was working out alone because I looked like...well if you ever caught an episode of Saved by The Bell where Jessie is all cracked out on no doze and she starts dancing and singing "She's a maniac" ...I looked like her...A MANIAC!!!!!
    But it was fun, and I only checked the clock to see how long I was exercising so I could count it, not because I was waiting for the agony to end. I'll try this one again as I am determined to become an expert with those two dance routines!! I love choreography...maybe in my past life I had some good rhythm because I can feel it in my bones!!!!

    The evening started out as a bust though...I was so excited to go to a Tae Kwon Do session with my man as he was subbing in for someone here in town...but the building was so freakin cold and there were NO advanced students to work out with after all the lower level belts it was just him and me...with a pouty we got out of there bc it was freezing and headed to Wendy's where I had a 1/2 a BLT Cobb Salad and a baked potato with a smidgen of light sour cream:) I had the Girl Scout Leader party, that I left early to go hit the class I was thankfully not surrounded by all the food they brought to eat...I brought carrots to leave I was thinking healthy anyway and the salad fit the bill!!!!

    Landry - I attempted the mousse...which I will have to attempt again...apparently I cannot distinguish between firm and soft tofu! I don't even think they had soft at the store I went to bc I did look...I picked the one that didn't say extra firm or solid....except that when I cut the plastic covering off...there I saw it in the corner the taste was okay....but I had little tofu bits that I just couldnt' get past. I WILL find some soft tofu and try again bc from what I was yummy!!! Tmw I'm gonna make that bok choy soup...I haven't go the udon noodles....I'm curious about those so I'm gonna try and pick some up.

    April - I'll have to try that upright move next time I hit Slim!!

    Gonna work on getting CHaLEAN way or the other!!!!

    MTDork - congrats on the running....that is so awesom....I hope to do that some day!!!

    Daisy - Thanks about the Slim Series suggestion...I'm gonna check into it!

    Keep on keeping on ladies...lets get through this holiday season together... a few pounds lighter or a few inches can do it!!!!
  • aprilfit
    aprilfit Posts: 90 Member
    Still day 15
    Work out 10

    Ramp it up Cardio X 2 (50 min)

    1st - 25 min
    3 pound weights
    intensity 7

    2nd 25 - min
    no weights
    Intensity 8

    Inspired for second round by Biggest Loser Marathon episode (and the cookie exchange) :happy:

    Goodnight everyone.

  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    Hello lovely ladies!

    April - Congrats on ramping it two times! You rock! Oh and wasn't the Biggest Loser marathon great? I love Ada soo much, if Elizabeth beats her out I'm going punch something very hard...

    Truhvn - Oh my word you did NOT just reference my favorite episode of saved by the bell. Holy crap that thing makes me laugh EVERY TIME. For anyone who has no idea what it is --- --- check that out. Caffeine pills are CRAZY. Ah thanks for that memory...

    Day: 5
    DVD: 10 Minute Solution: Quick Tummy Toners
    Best Part: Bikini Belly - Cardio
    Comments: So I was feeling that my abs needed a challenge so I decided to try and work them for 50 minutes. I think if you did this DVD for only 10 minutes it wouldn't help you much but after 50... well... my abs are sure sore :-) which is great because they haven't been in a while. The only part I skipped involved side planks and I really can't get the hang of those no matter how hard I try. I'm looking for more tummy challenges if you have any in mind...

    So for the past three days I've noticed something odd - I'm working out for 50/60 minutes and I'm on a 1200 cal budget daily without exercise calories, and I get to 1000 cals or so and I'm STUFFED. Like Thanksgiving-turkey-with-all-the-trimmings-including-three-pieces-of-pie stuffed. And that's at like 6:30 dinner time. So for dinner I'm looking at food like it's the devil and trying to figure out what to eat. I haven't been eating my exercise calories lately by choice but I know if I'm burning that much that I need to AT LEAST eat my 1200. Last night I stuffed down three tablespoons of peanut butter before bed to reach my goal but I did not feel good about it. AND to add insult to injury, I've a gained a pound since last week! Even with hour long workouts in the day and barely making 1200 calories before bed! What gives!?! Then, because things weren't weird enough, I got my TOM a week early and I'm on the pill so these things shouldn't happen. WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON!?!? I would give a call to a doctor but my new insurance doesn't kick in until the new year so if you all have ANY insight, I'd love it. Not just for the whole weight loss journey, but for the general health of not starving myself while feeling full.

    On a slightly more positive note, this re-surfaced on the forums and I loved it last time so I present it to you now in case anyone missed it the first time around. I've lost an average two year old holding a rack of baby back ribs. How about you?

    1 pound = a Guinea Pig
    1.5 pounds = a dozen Krispy Kreme glazed donuts
    2 pounds = a rack of baby back ribs
    3 pounds = an average human brain
    4 pounds = an ostrich egg
    5 pounds = a Chihuahua
    6 pounds = a human’s skin
    7.5 pounds = an average newborn
    8 pounds = a human head
    10 pounds= chemical additives an American consumes each year
    11 pounds = an average housecat
    12 pounds = a Bald Eagle
    15 pounds = 10 dozen large eggs
    16 pounds = a sperm whale’s brain
    20 pounds = an automobile tire
    23 pounds = amount of pizza an average American eats in a year
    24 pounds = a 3-gallon tub of super premium ice cream
    25 pounds = an average 2 year old
    30 pounds = amount of cheese an average American eats in a year
    33 pounds = a cinder block
    36 pounds = a mid-size microwave
    40 pounds = a 5-gallon bottle of water or an average human leg
    44 pounds = an elephant’s heart
    50 pounds = a small bale of hay
    55 pounds = a 5000 BTU air conditioner
    60 pounds = an elephant’s penis (yep, weights more than his heart!)
    66 pounds = fats and oils an average American eats in a year
    70 pounds = an Irish Setter
    77 pounds = a gold brick
    80 pounds = the World’s Largest Ball of Tape
    90 pounds = a newborn calf
    100 pounds = a 2 month old horse
    111 pounds = red meat an average American eats in a year
    117 pounds = an average fashion model (and she’s 5’11”)
    118 pounds = the complete Encyclopedia Britannica
    120 pounds = amount of trash you throw away in a month
    130 pounds = a newborn giraffe
    138 pounds = potatoes an average American eats in a year
    140 pounds = refined sugar an average American eats in a year
    144 pounds = an average adult woman (and she’s 5’4”)
    150 pounds = the complete Oxford English Dictionary
    187 pounds = an average adult man
    200 pounds = 2 Bloodhounds
    235 pounds = Arnold Schwarzenegger
    300 pounds = an average football lineman
    400 pounds = a Welsh pony"
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Got my exercise in today! The DVD was Mix it it up. I like it but it felt a bit like Debbie is trying to incorporate a bit too much. It was from weights to bands and back and so forth....but i did feel like i got a good workout so that is what counts.....

    Mtdork: I am by far no expert but just my thoughts on it.....Regarding the the pound gain....maybe it is because you are under your calorie goal? I don't know that much about the whole starvation mode thing but maybe it got something to do with that? Maybe really try to eat a little bit more? Or try a protein shake to get the calories in if you do feel full...

    Or it could maybe be because of TOM? I know some women gain...Could be a reason...?

    And regarding feeling full...maybe you eat food high in protein? I know that keeps you fuller for longer....

    As I said....I don't have any real knowledge just things i could think of....I am sure it will all fall into place!

    I hope you ladies are having a great day!
