Slim in Six starting November 1st



  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hi all and thanks so much for the welcome!

    2nd day of BIU today and I got through it ok. I think I was prepared for what was coming and that made it "easier". It is still a really hard workout. I am totally knackered afterwards. For me that is a challenge though. My motivation is that I just want to get better and that keeps me going. The worst bit for me are those lunges...I really can't believe it but it would be the best thing to maybe master them one day :happy:

    MTDork: thank you so much fro offering to add me to the chart. I have my weigh in/measuring day on Wednesdays. Would it be really awkward if I would send you details then? It has been my day for a while now and I'd like to keep it. If that means I can't be added to the chart just let me know :smile:

    I hope you are all having a good day ladies!

  • abtropix
    abtropix Posts: 133 Member
    lunges are tough, but I think it's just about 4 mins - you'll grow into them soon! What still puts me to the test (& I've done this for quite a while now) are the floor exercises on all 4s, right after you do "push in & out", then "straight leg up and down", then "crunch & extend", THEN "heel to the ceiling"!!! This last one is a killer! Always has been for me.

    My next day of slim will probably be until Fri, but I'll keep you posted on my other workouts and can't wait to hear from yours!
  • landry1
    landry1 Posts: 58 Member
    Thanks for the welcome. Just a little about myself, I'm 38, 5'4 and 149lbs. I am a wife and mother of one and over the past year iNve lost about 20lbs. Now its time to finish what I started and lose the last 10-15. About 6 months ago my husband purchased the slim in 6 to help me out but instead of being greatful I was resentful. Long story short I'm glad to have other on this journey with me "hating on Debbie" and losing weight
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    Daisy - Of course! Send me your info whenever it is most convenient for you! What I meant to say was that I POST it Monday or Tuesday. Looking forward to getting your starting stats some time today and adding you in!

    Landry - Thanks for the intro! We love to hate and love on Debbie here, lol. Get me your starting weight and measurements for your hips, waist, arms, and thighs if you want to get on the chart I post every week. It's a really fun way to see our progress individually and collectively. Like I said before, I post updates on the chart on Monday/Tuesday so if you can send me updates on your weigh in day I'll add em in! Welcome! Oh and I feel you on the resenting weight loss help. It's really something you have to get into yourself. My mom did the same thing for the year I was at my heaviest and I think I didn't start trying to lose weight that year because of it. When she left me alone, I found this site by myself and have had a ton of success. Sometimes, it's just gotta be you.

    Abtropix - Do you live somewhere you can tennis into the winter? I'm concerned that once it starts getting all Northeastern up here with the snow and cold that I won't be able to run anymore and I'm so close to being ready for a 5K, I don't wanna lose it!

    Truhvn - Keep truckin! And be proud for getting back on that slim horse! hahaha slim horse...

    Didn't have time to slim yesterday which is lame but I'm heading home to my parents today so tonight I'll have no reason not to. The DVD is packed and it's going to get me through this! That, and the promise of new pants that fit! Finally! My poor belt is tired of doing the work to hold on pants at least 3 sizes too big!

    Happy almost Turkey day everyone! You'll probably hear from me again tonight!
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hi and thanks again for the welcome.

    Halfway through the first week of BIU and I think there is a light at the end of the tunnel :wink: it was still really tough but I can feel that it will get easier. I also had my weight in day today and had great results. I lost 3.7lbs in a week. Very pleased with that :smile:

    The lunges are still hard and I find it the workout quite hard on my lower back but I am hoping that will pass.

    I hope everyone else did well today

    And MDork here are my stats.

    Current weight: 157.74
    Current hips: 40.9"
    Current waist: 29.1"
    Current thigh: 26.7

    I always measure bust, under bust and my belly but I just stick with the ones that you have. And that might be a silly question but how do you measure your arms. When it is at rest so meaning in the normal position or do you flex your biceps? I would then add those measurements too.

    Thanks so much for taking the time and doing the chart! That is great :flowerforyou:
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    Oh boy am I sore all over! Not so sore I can't walk up and down stairs but sore enough to feel all my body parts as a I walk!

    I just wanted to drop in and put this little visual in your heads, because when I think about it...I just have to laugh at myself! So, I'm starting on the floor exercises, you know where you're down on all fours and I'm struggling real hard to get through it without stopping...which I was not able to do. But boy was I trying hard. I was looking up at the tv screen and turning my head sideways trying to figure out how the heck Debbie and her little cohorts keep their balance. I can't get it for the life of me, but I was trying my darndest. I was leaning all the way over to the right, when I was doing the left side and then vice verse, I was holding my head in my hands, I went up on my arms becaues I thought I'd have better short I looked like a newborn foal trying to get her balance and falling all over the place...SERIOUSLY...It was like I was giving birth all over again (minus contractions because NOTHING compares to those)...I just kept moving around trying to find that magic spot that would work for me...all the while yelling at Debbie that she's not counting fast enough because I've already done 8 and I'm not doing another!

    When I picture myself flailing around on the floor like that, it's no wonder my down stairs neighbor didn't come a banging on my door! Sorry neighbor, you're just gonna have to get used to it until I GET USED to it!!!!

    Have a good and HEALTH filled Thanksgiving!!! Make those good food and exercise choices!!!! But don't forget to eat at least a little bit of the stuff you want so you don't feel deprived!
  • aprilfit
    aprilfit Posts: 90 Member
    I'd love to join in.
    I've been doing slim in 6 off and on for years and could really use some support to keep consistent.
    Did great last year and lost 30 pounds. This year has been crazy.
    I moved, relationship issues trying to work and go to school.
    I've have gained 19 pounds. I can hardly believe it.
    Luckily I have time to get back on track before my holiday Jan25th.
    Trying to lose 2 pounds per week for 8 weeks.
    Slim in 6 works. I just have to work it.
    Interested in making some new motivated friends on myfitnesspal.

    Nov 24th
    Weight 214
    arms 13
    Chest 41
    Waist 38
    Hips 42
    Thighs 26

    Did Start it up twice today - low intensity am amd pm.
  • abtropix
    abtropix Posts: 133 Member
    So much fun to have new friends here!!!! It's amazing how this group has made me commit to a schedule and to do Slim in 6 again! Welcome all!

    Truhvn - Way to funny!!!! You'll get there! Funny that you can't get the balance! But keep up giving us all the detailes, they really make my day!

    MTDork - Yes, I live in the tropics, actually in Costa Rica. No snow, no winter, no Thanksgiving... So I won't have any temptations tonight! I love my tennis and play often, especially now that OUR summer is just starting! Summer for us means no rain. But I usually play indoors, anyway. Sun can be too much and too hot!

    Happy to had been able to fit 3 hrs of INTENSE tennis today. Tomorrow will be BIU day...

    Hey, and AprilFit, congrats on the discipline to do am & pm workouts. For me, once I do it & shower, that' IT for me!

    Talk to you soon! :)
  • landry1
    landry1 Posts: 58 Member
    Ok so I did my measurements and here they are: 5'4", 149lbs, arm 12.5 inches, waist 35 inches, hips 39 inches and thighs 22 inches.
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member

    Workout done. I am a bit concerned though as my lower back really started to bother me. Before I could feel a strain on it doing the ab workout but since doing BIU I can feel I am straining my back. During the day when I was home I felt my lower back and I can feel it now. I don't want to call it pain but it is aching. I know that my lower back is my weak point. I am not sure what to do now. Today during the workout I had to stop a couple of times as I felt I am straining my back. It is mainly the squats and the side kicks and the ones where you are bending down and side ways the standing oblique work.

    I need your opinion now. I thought I might do RIU again next week to give it a rest and then BIU again for the final week. Or should I do BIU every 2nd day? I am really disappointed as I can tell that BIU will give me great results on the other hand I can already tell a change in my body with doing SIU and RIU. Did anyone of you have similar problems and what do you think should I do now?

    I hope it all went well for you!

  • aprilfit
    aprilfit Posts: 90 Member
    Hi all,

    Super motivating to see you all working it out with Debbie.

    I've been doing Slim in 6 on and of f for years now.
    I have a whole routine.
    I do -music off- and play my own music from itunes on my computer
    I play the Slim 6 dvd on my portable dvd (I move it to the floor for the floor work).
    I set my TV up to close captioning and watch pre-recorded Biggest Loser episodes during my workout.

    I modify exercises sometimes to compensate for my foot and ankle pain.
    I use two 3 lbs hand weights for cardio section of each routine after a couple days warm up.
    Sometimes i split the cardio and the strength /core work into 2 work outs.
    Sometimes I do Start it up- am and pm.

    I figure as long as I'm doing something it's all good.

    Day 2
    Slim in 6 + 5 min extra cardio with 6 lbs weights.
    Intensity 8 (Out of ten)
    Great, considering I'm fighting a head cold and almost wimped out.

  • abtropix
    abtropix Posts: 133 Member
    Daisy - I guess you have to be careful. You don't want to jeoperdize your health or your back with this, it's not worth it. Try doing alternate moves like Debbie says, use a chair for balance on the side kicks, etc. Remember to stretch afterwards and maybe a really hot shower right after the workout will help. You might find a muscle rub at the pharmacy and have your partner give you a nice massage (good excuse!:wink: ). They also sell those hot patches that for me work really well. But don't over do it!

    Aprilfit - you have this thing nailed!!! Great idea about having the DVD on a portable dvd player and watching Biggest Loser on the TV. I cannot do that, since I don't have the portable dvd (I guess I can use my computer), but I think for me it might be too much stuff going on at the same time (music playlist, Debbie lecturing, TV on on mute, reading the captions, keeping my balance....) But I might have to try it sometime. When I can't stand the boredom of repetition, I'll try it! But good for you that it works out! Keep pushing play and stay healthy!

    As for the rest of you, I HOPE to hear from you tomorrow! You must've had a great Thanksgiving! Enjoy family and friends and shopping!
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Yes I totally agrre that it is not worth damaging my health for it. I'll see. I might just do the RIU for the next week or every other day to give it a break. It is ok now but it feels uncomfortable during the workouts. Therefore I am not givin 100% as I am watching my back. I think it might be better doing RIU but being able to give a 110% instead of doing BIU bnut only giving 80% if that makes sense. I will see. It's a shame though :ohwell:

    Have a nice day everyone
  • abtropix
    abtropix Posts: 133 Member
    Sorry guys! I'll have to let you down today! Friday is one of my 3 days a week for Slim in 6 (plus my 1 hr tennis lesson), but can't fit it in... I'm headed for me lesson and then to the beach with my husband for the rest of the day and until tomorrow night. I don't think I'll do it tomorrow either, but for sure on Sunday and a good elliptical workout to make up for these 2 days I'll be out.

    Good luck for you guys and I promise I'll make it up on Sunday and follow through the rest of the week!

    Have a good one!
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    Ok I'm here! Thanksgiving has been crazy! Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! But first...

    abtropix - I should have understood from your name but the tropics? I'm so so sooo jealous. And you aren't letting anyone down by doing your insane tennis. If you're happy and getting in some exercise, Debbie would still be proud!

    Daisy - Thanks for the measurements, I'll add em to the chart when I get back home Sunday night! You know my lower back was sore too after the first day of Burn it up. I'm running a lot more now that I'm home and haven't gotten to slim again yet but I'll have to pay attention when I do it again to see what I'm messing up that's causing some sort of injury. If I figure it out, I'll let you know! Otherwise, I think taking it easy and alternating with Ramp it up sounds like a good idea. Not worth getting seriously injured.

    April - Thanks for your measurements and welcome! I also use music for the beginning portion of the DVD when I don't need to hear Debbie. It helps me get through it faster and focus on what I'm doing. And congrats on still working out while sick! And I hope you feel better!

    Landry - Thanks for your measurements, I'll update them on the chart when I get home as well. Glad to have you on board!

    Truhvn - I took your advice and still had some Thanksgiving stuff I enjoyed. It made the whole thing more bearable. Thanks for that reminder :-) Hope your holiday was wonderful!

    Wow! Love love love more people! So cool! I have not been able to do the Slim since Monday (eek!) but things are slowing back down. I went on a nice run here in my home town and that was cool. We did some black Friday shopping for new running gear and I couldn't wait to try it out so the slim will have to wait until tomorrow. But it WILL get done tomorrow! I think I actually ate pretty well yesterday too! I'm a vegetarian so the challenge for me is less of the turkey and more of the stuffing and potatoes but my lovely mother made the stuffing with sausage this year (which was kind of a blessing in disguise even though I was bummed at first) and used a healthier sweet potato salad recipe instead of mashed potatoes. Then I had mostly salads and whatnot and still had room for a small piece of apple pie. All in all, I was pretty impressed. Probably still went over a bit but you know, it's Thanksgiving!

    Oh! Also! So I didn't log into the site yesterday because of family and all and now I feel like my profile update is going to say "MTDork has logged on for 5 days" even though I had a great run of 70 going. It doesn't mean anything but it annoys me. It must just be my tiny bit of OCD. Lol I hope everyone's holiday was awesome (or non-holiday as it may be) and that the slimming is going strong!
  • landry1
    landry1 Posts: 58 Member
    Ok ladies I have questions. I've been doing 6 five times a week and listing it as low impact aerobics. How many days are you guys doing it and how are you counting it? Thanks
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    So here is my THanksgiving update....I am SOOO proud of myself for how I approached eating. I didn't sample the loaded baked potato sald, banana pudding, or chorizo and feta cheese stuffing that I made...only little nibbles to check for seasoning. I had one plate of a little bit of everything, but it was by no means heaping like it normally would have been! I had a couple spoonfuls of a homemade cheese ball and just a tad bit of something called Robert Redford cake (which is not actually a cake, but vanilla pudding with a cookie pecan crust)! Last year I had several plates that were loaded and then a dessert plate! I didn't feel deprived and I was pretty full for the entire day! Went and saw a movie with the boyfriend after and passed on the popcorn. So , yay me!! AND the best part is...this A.M. I weighed in at 167!!! Not to mention that it's that time of the month but I haven't given in to the cravings I normally get. So the bloat monster has missed me and I'm loving it. I wonder if it's because I'm eating healthier and drinking my daily intake of H2O. All in all It's been a fabulous Thanksgiving this year!!!

    I didn't get Slim in yesterday, but I'm not hating on myself. Great job for those of you that did!! I'm jumping back in tonight!

    Abtropix...yes MTDork is right....JEALOUS!!!! I'm glad someone gets to enjoy great weather year round. I will now live my warm weather dreams vicariously through you!

    Landry...I'm hitting it 6 days a week when I can. I just list it as general aerobics but the only way to know for sure it to workout with a HRM/calorie counter. Someday I'll get one for myself!! But for know I just use the gen. aerobics and it seems to work out for me when I'm looking at my calorie intake and burn.

    Daisy...hope your back is doing okay.

    Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. MTDork you'll have to pass on some of your favorite vegetarian recipies! I'm not a vegetarian, but I love most veggies and have been trying to incorporate them to being the main part of my dishes. But I'm not sure how else to prepare some good cooked veggies. My kids love eating broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, and I usually have the various bell peppers in most of my meals but I'd love to experiment with other vegetables that I don't really know what to with. My daughter is loving cooking with me lately so I'd love to try and get her on board with using more veggies than anything else!

    Okay, here's my new recipe for the week...made it up, but again it's based on something from one of the Biggest Loser cookbooks...I call it a BLT pizza...preheat oven to 400...toast a n 8 inch wheat (or regular if you like) tortilla (it can be low fat, but not low carb because it will burn) for 4-5 minutes per side. Then smear a wedge of laughing cow blue cheese on the crispy tortilla and lick your fingers cuz its yummy! If you aren't opposed to turkey bacon, then You will want to pan fry two slices crispy while your tortilla is baking and them crumble them on top of your cheese smeared pizza crisp. Thinly slice a tomato and apply gently to your pizza. Throw some fresh spinach leaves on top for good measure. If you enjoy a kick with your pizza finely dice 1/4 of a jalepeno and sizzle them in a pan for a few minutes and throw those on top of your pizza before you stick it back in the oven for 2-3 minutes. YUMMMMMMMY!!!!! The B is for blue cheese, not for bacon, because I firmly believe it would have been just as good without it, and i LOVE blue cheese. I don't know when that happened because I used to hate it, but I can't get enough now!

    Good eating and good exercising to everyone!
  • aprilfit
    aprilfit Posts: 90 Member
    Glad to hear you made it through Thanksgiving,

    Love the tennis and the running, pretty ambitious.

    Just keep pushing play - I don't stress to much about the details. but I really do want to complete the full 6 weeks this time.

    Tough nite. Super tired. Still sick. Slept till 11 pm. Figured it was too lat to do a workout especially since i was under the weather.

    Didn't fall for that old trap.
    Decided to try walking through Start it up.
    No music no weights I just watched -Biggest Loser Where Are They Now -and did my exercises.
    Once I got going it was good. Really glad I did it.

    Day 3
    Start it up
    Intensity 5

  • aprilfit
    aprilfit Posts: 90 Member
    Found this old thread Re calories burned doing slim in 6.
    Seriously considering getting a hrm.

    Day 4
    Start it up
    2 x 3 lbs handweights
    Intensity 8

  • abtropix
    abtropix Posts: 133 Member
    Sinned this weekend... MAJOR damage control tomorrow! And I don't even celebrate Thanksgiving!!!! But it was BBQ's everyday, couple of drinks here, a glass of wine there, try this, you have to have some, and it just kept on going! But it was fun to enjoy time with good friends. Went out boating and felt good in a bikini, but I guess I have to work my butt of this week to make up for all this damage!

    I got involved in this 8,000 calorie/week challenge and have until Tue to burn 5,000 cals, so I'm telling you, tomorrow I'll kill that elliptical machine and do the Slim! I'll do my measurements early Tue morning... Tomorrow would be too dissapointing, I'm sure! I feel so stuffed!

    Truhvn - VERY proud of you! WTG!

    To the rest of you - let's keep going! It's amazing how your body changes while doing the Slim!