Slim in Six starting November 1st



  • abtropix
    abtropix Posts: 133 Member
    And as for veggie recipes, anything with a drizzle of olive oil, fresh lime juice, salt and pepper on the grill is a sure thing! Asparragus, green onions, yummmm!
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    Oh MtDork where oh where are you!!! Hope you had a good holiday weekend!!!

    Got my Christmas tree up last night...mostly...still have some decorations to put up before it looks like a Christmas hurricane has attacked our house, which is what it usually looks like by this time!

    I will post my measurements this eve...

    Abtropix...thanks....and I love olive oil on anything too! I need to invest in a grill plate for indoors... :( not allowed to have a grill on my little apartment terrace :(
  • abtropix
    abtropix Posts: 133 Member
    I love my grill plate over my gas oven! I do everything there, and veggies are really good with olive oil, lime and salt/pepper. Let them char a bit. Bell peppers: cut them in half and clean them, brush with olive oil, salt/pepper. Char them on the inside first and when you turn them around, put a slice of cheese inside them and a few drops of Worcerstershire sauce and have it melt! YUMMMMMMM!

    My Xmas decorations are up, I'm just missing my tree. I'll get it done this weekend! But all this stresses me out (I need to get my shopping started!!!)

    Did the Slim today with my husband and did great. Then ran off to the elliptical machine for 90 mins more. Can you tell I'm feeling really guilty about this last few days???? :ohwell: Tomorrow I'll do BIU again and head out for tennis. And I will send out my stats tomorrow morning!

    Keep on moving you guys! We're doing great!
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    Daisy - Sorry for not answering you sooner! For arm measurements I measure the un-flexed muscle but as long as you do it the same way every time, I don't think it really matters. If you want to get me that measurement just message me and I'll add it to the chart ASAP

    Landry - I'm doing the slim 6 days a week (my rest day is Sunday) and I count it as low impact aerobics but when I get my HRM (hopefully for Channukah which is this coming week) I'll give you all an idea of what it says I burn

    Truhvn - I'm here! Family time is always a big deal and it's hard to get to a computer BUT I'm home now and all should be back to normal! Congrats on a successful Thanksgiving. I will definitely share my fav recipes! I have some great cookbooks so when I have a little more time on my hands I'll post away. I've been big into squash these past few months, especially using spaghetti squash as a substitute for pasta. So filling, so low cal. It's AWESOME. Love your recipe! Sounds DELISH!

    April - Love your system for counting the "intensity" of your slimming in six. It definitely makes a difference if you are gung ho about it or just barely making it through. Hopefully you're feeling better by now! Oh, and thanks for the link to the old thread. Always nice to see what other people have done!

    Abtropix - I'm in damage control now too! That challenge sounds intense, you'll have to keep us updated on it! My new favorite veggie to throw in some olive oil and grill is Brussels sprouts. Never liked them before in my life and I can't explain it but I really crave them now.

    So I'm back. I had a really lame week. Didn't get to slim at all but did run a fair amount with my new gear. So I guess I took a rest week instead of a rest day. Oh well, life happens I'm not going to let it get me down. The best part is that we are all at such different parts of the program that I know I won't be left behind, even if I take a week longer to finish. I am not measuring anything this week or even weighing because I know it'll be gruesome and I want to stay positive. I will post the chart a little later tonight to allow people a little extra time to send me updates if they wish.

    Alright, I'm off to Burn it up! I'm sure Debbie will have some words about my week long hiatus and I'll pay for it but I'm ready Debbie, BRING IT ON!

    Oh, and guess what size jean I am now?

    4. :-D
  • abtropix
    abtropix Posts: 133 Member
    MTDork - WHAT????? Size 4 jeans!!!! WOW! Congrats! Mine range from 4-6, trying to stay away from the 6s! Amazing, good job!
    Look who's talking about being out of this world!

    Daisy - I measure my arms flexed, trying to get as much muscle as possible. I guess we have diff goals...

    It's official: a HRM is back on my list. Mine broke down about 2-3 yrs ago and never felt the need to replace it, but this site is addictive and now I want/need one! Of course, my 2 oldest kids (15 and 13) also play tennis (high endurance) and their trainer is asking for them to train with a HRM as a must for next yr. So I'm thinking if I need to get them one each, or they share and I get myself one, or just one for the 3 of us. We usually never train at the same time, but all that sweat in the band can be disgusting and no time to have it washed... Will have to decide soon! MTDork - which one are you going to get? I'm just starting to figure out which one I need/want...

    And by the way, another quick, easy and healthy recipe: zucchini carpaccio. Thinly slice raw zucchini rounds and place in platter. Top with thin slices of real parmessano reggiano cheese. Drizzle with good olive oil, salt and pepper and a little lime juice. Serve as a salad or an appetizer. Mmmmmmmm!

    Did my BIU today and I'll do it tomorrow as well as a little tennis. Take care and lets keep this going!
  • aprilfit
    aprilfit Posts: 90 Member
    Day 6
    Rested Day 5. Mostly slept off the rest of this cold.

    Feeling better today and worked a really active day.
    After I rest my feet and ankles for a bit.
    I gotta get up the energy for a work out tonight.

    Having MFP friends and friends on the board really help keep me motivated.
    It's good being involved in something positive.

    I'm in for a HRM for the holidays, let me know what you're deciding on.

    Good luck all with the Thanksgiving recovery. We had ours last month so I was of the hook.

    I love recipes and will be growing some zucchini again next summer. Always good to have ideas of what to do with it.
    I'm still working on interesting salads and making my own sprouts.
    It's very West Coast but I'm trying it on : )

    Okay getting dressed for working out now.
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    Okay okay Debbie officially kicked my you know what tonight! Must have been the holiday slump or something...I had to work really hard to get some intensity in there. My ear started throbbing about 10 minutes into it so I don't know if ear infection is in the works but I'm hoping not!

    Here are my favorite parts of RIU...the left leg rear lunges (my right leg just doesn't work as well, err), the resistance band bit (it feels like a rest even though my arms are burning by the time its said and done) and that last little bit on the abs where you are doing bicycles and double crunches....because I'm counting down to when I'm DONE!!!! I don't know if I'll be ready for BIU next week yet. We'll see after I give it the ol' college try (what does that mean anyway?!) this week!

    I need to go shopping for more veggies. I can always tell when I'm running low because I start resorting to healthy choice meals for work lunch. I try to avoid those as much as I can because they're usually loaded with sodium and carbs and lord knows what other ingredients are in there....but sometimes I just don't get the time in to prepare my lunch ahead of time. If there is one thing you should know about me it is that I am a PROCRASTINATOR. That is probably why its been this long before I actually started focusing on getting healthy and losing weight. I just wait til last minute. I know...I's no way to live and trust me I am working on it. My daughter has not been tardy ONE TIME this school year yet, so I'm doing good!

    That being said, I am taking a minute out of my evening (I am dripping in sweat and need to shower badly...but you guys come first...hee hee....I know gross, huh?!?) to say how very proud I am of myself and of YOU GUYS!!! I know how hard it is for me to eat healthy, get the exercise in, and still live life outside of focusing on myself...I'm sure it is no different for you guys. So here's a toast to us (hmmm, ice cold water, yummy):drinker: for making it work!!!! changes except weight loss....167 lbs...maybe I should start measuring my bust...I think I'm finally starting to shrink there and I am one of those women who wouldn't mind a smaller chest size!!! :tongue:
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    Hello All!

    Alright, here's the chart! If I missed your updates, just send em along and I'll add them to the chart for next week. Congrats everyone for sticking to it! You all rock!

  • aprilfit
    aprilfit Posts: 90 Member
    Workout 5

    Start it up
    no weights
    Intensity 5

    Thanks so much for the chart.
    Congratulations to everybody on their progress so far.
    I'm weighing in for week 1 tomorrow.
    Feelin' hopeful.

  • azulita
    good idea
  • abtropix
    abtropix Posts: 133 Member
    TOM - hate it! But I'll keep going with my plan! I gained 2 lbs, so I'm at 126 again, but I guess it's water retention and all the horomonal issues (and a few extra glasses of wine!). I have to work real hard at it this week, since we have 2 HUGE parties this weekend! Dancing all night to a DJ (and of course a few drinks and way too much to eat!), I'll try my best! These Xmas get togethers are sooo much fun but sooo bad for my plans!

    Truhvn - great job and I hear ya - great to finish and come and post it to my MFP friends!

    Heading out for the elliptical and then the video. Talk to you later!
  • landry1
    landry1 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi ladies, I see all of you are talking about veggies and I happen to be a vegan chef so if you guys are interested I can post a recipe of the week for us all to try..... let me know. Anyway yesterday was my first day doing BIU and I have to say I was afraid until I looked at your posts and got inspired. It was bad but not as bad as I thought so today was day two and its done so thank you ladies for all your comments and motivation. Hopefully I can return the favor.:happy:
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hello ladies

    I am finally back. Oh I had a few bad days. My boyfriend and me went away so I haven't been exercising from Friday onwards. I am doing the South Beach Diet and my eating wasn't terrible but of plan and also we were drinking. We did go for a nice walk though on Saturday but stopped in a cozy pub for mulled wine. It was a lovely weekend though so I am trying to not being too hard on myself.

    I did RIU today. It is a shame that I had to go back but I could still feel my back so I think it is just reasonable. I will do RIU but do the BIU lunges and I also did the double biceps with the bands to make up for it a bit. I will also try and mix in the Turbo Jam ab dvd and might also do the 20min workout as well. I'll see how it goes.

    Tomorrow is my weigh in day and I hope the weekend made me gain too much. I'd be happy if I just stayed the same but I hope not to put on....I'll post my stats tomorrow.

    Great to see you are all back and fine!:smile:

  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    April - Good luck on the weigh in! Don't forget to send me updates for the chart!

    Abtropix - TOM is hard, but you can get through it! I honestly wouldn't worry about the 2lbs. I think you're right about water retention. That's what happens to me! And I also post right after I Burn it up and I'm all sweaty and gross. It's part of what gets me through it - knowing I can come post when I'm done!

    Laundry - How did we not know this!?!?! I LOVE new recipes with veggies and fruits that are in season. Please please please post as many recipes and you have! I will try them ALL! And I'm glad you made it through Burn it up day two! Congrats!

    Daisy - I think I figured out what hurts my back in BIU. I think it's the standing ab work when you do the single kick to the side and then the weird plie with the side crunch. I felt it strain today when I was working and now the left side of my lower back is hurting. I actually had to do some jumping jacks during the end of that section because my back was hurting too much to complete it. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I think I have better form when I'm focusing on my abs and holding them in but who knows. Any ideas? Anyone?

    Did Burn it up! and felt good, except for hurting my back (see my post to Daisy above). I hope it'll be better tomorrow if I am careful. I have a big day - a HUGE audition for one of the best children's theater companies in Manhattan for the role of Little Red Riding Hood. It could be my way into the actor's union and thus higher paying gigs and more opportunities and bigger jobs. I need to be limber! I'll let you all know what happens tomorrow, but send me positive and relaxing vibes (I tend to stress out about auditions that mean a lot but if I can stay calm, I can land this job) if you think of it around 6:30 EST.

    Happy Slimming and stay positive!
  • abtropix
    abtropix Posts: 133 Member
    Hi there again!

    Landry - copy/paste what MTDork said - PLEASE send recipes. Let's start with easy ones! What a great addition to the team! yay! And deep it up with BIU, it's really not that hard!

    Daisy - I know exactly how you feel about the weekend. That's usually what happens to me every weekend, especially now for Xmas holidays! You guys must think I should be in AA, but it's just that we are party people! Always have plans, tons of friends and we have lots of fun, but yeah, there's always wine and scotch and beer and good food! I was hoping to lose a few lbs in Dec so I could look/feel good in a bikini, but now I'm thinking it would be nice if I don't GAIN a lb! It's way too hard this time of yr where we're from!

    Trhvn - you're doing so good on your weight loss! Very proud!

    MTDork - GOOD LUCK tomorrow on your audition!!!! I will be thinking of you for sure, sending you good vibes and pls let us know how it went! Careful, we don't want to lose you when you get all busy and famous!!!

    As for the back pain, sorry, no advice from me. I guess just focus on keeping your abs tight.

    And next week, once I'm done with TOM, I'll nail that scale!!! I hope the 2 parties this weekend don't do as much damage! I know at least in one there's going to be a lot of dancing so at least some calories burned. :)

    Didn't get to Slim today. Just 15 min stationary bike, 45 min elliptical and then when I was about to do the DVD, I remembered I had a tennis match. Doubles though (not as much of a workout as singles), but it was tough. The other team was too good and had us running around like madmen, but still we lost... But it was a friendly match, nothing serious! Tomorrow, biking with hubby and ab workout. Don't think I can fit Slim in.

    Take care!
  • landry1
    landry1 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi ladies, I see all of you are talking about veggies and I happen to be a vegan chef so if you guys are interested I can post a recipe of the week for us all to try..... let me know. Anyway yesterday was my first day doing BIU and I have to say I was afraid until I looked at your posts and got inspired. It was bad but not as bad as I thought so today was day two and its done so thank you ladies for all your comments and motivation. Hopefully I can return the favor.:happy:
  • aprilfit
    aprilfit Posts: 90 Member
    Day 7
    Workouts 5

    It's weigh in day.

    Nov 23 -- 214
    Nov 30 -- 211.2

    I'm a little bummed out cause I weighed in at 209.6 first thing this morning.
    I didn't have any food or water but when I weighed myself 15 minutes later I was 211.2.
    I tried again to see if the scale was wonky but I kept getting 211.2

    So 211.2 it is :smile:

    That means I lost 2.8 pounds in my first week. That's pretty good.
    I surpassed my 2 pound a week goal. I can celebrate that.
    Trying to let go of that ' it's never good enough' mentality (sometimes challenging).

    I didn't have time to measure so I'll save that for morning.

    MTDork - Break a leg tomorrow. I'll send some good vibes too.

    landry1 - Yes please with the recipes. I could sure use some salad dressing recipes for my sprouts.
    I'm dairy free, gluten free and allergic too citrus and eggs. So vegan recipes work well for me.
    Any ideas for tasty healthy food is good news.

    abtropix- Are you logging the dancing? Partying should burn calories some how :wink:

    Daisy80- Good luck on the weigh-in

    Truhvn - Ill be starting RIU tomorrow. Glad to hear you made it through.

    As Debbie says - Keep pushing play.
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    Options all I can say today!!

    April...good job girl. Welcome to the next level of he.... okay, maybe not that bad, but I cursed Debbie the first few times!!

    MTDork....break a leg, I'm so excited for you! It makes me reminesce about high school theater....ahhhh.....You'll do GREAT!!!

    Abtropix...what the heck is this TOM you and MTDork keep mentioning? Did I miss something?!!! Good job on getting exercise in, which ever fashion it comes in!!!

    Landry...recipies, yes please!

    Daisy...I find that most of the squat sections irk my back a little. I try to hold my abs in, but somehow it just doesn't sit right...maybe I'm not sitting back far enough in my imaginary Ikea chair!!!

    Got through another evening! I must say that my neck feels awfully strained right now though. I'm pretty careful about not pulling my neck into it when I'm doing the crunches, so I'm not sure why it's just now today hurting. Gonna take some Ibuprofen and sleep on it and hope it feels better in the a.m.

    Wanna hear something funny? It has almost nothing to do with me working out, but oh well! The other thing pushing me to go ahead and do my workout was that I wanted to wait until 11pm to go to bed anyway bc I needed to get the kids' Xmas presents out of the car while they were sleeping. I figured I had no excuse since I wasgoing to be up doing nothing anyway... SOooo....finished my workout, threw on my warm clothes, managed to grab every bag in one trip and right as I'm walking in the door here comes my 3 year old with a bottle of water wanting me to open it for him!!! Thankfully it was him and not the 9 year old because I know he won't remember, but I thought "OF COURSE YOURE AWAKE!!!" I just had to laugh!
  • abtropix
    abtropix Posts: 133 Member
    TOM - time of month! No, he's not my boyfriend, but can be very anoying and make me irritable! hahaha!

    Hope your 3 yr old doesn't remember anything today and good luck to you MTDork today!!!

    I was just able to do 25 mins of BIU but will try to catch up on that after my 10 am meeting... Talk to you later!
  • landry1
    landry1 Posts: 58 Member
    hi Ladies sorry for the double post yesterday.

    Congrats everyone on their weight loss or loss of inches. I'm really impressed that some of you are doing more after SI6. Anyway this is the 3rd day of BIU and I wasn't able to complete it because 1) my mother in law came over and was asking me lots of questions right in the middle of the workout and like Truhvn my neck was hurting. I did up until the floor portion and then I moved on to my bike and finished up the 20 minutes.
    MTDork - keep us updated on the theatre
    Aprilfit- most of my clients have food allergies - are you wheat free as well as gluten?
    As for the recipes I thought I would start with soups because they're usually easy and make left overs.

    The first soup uses only 5 ingredients!
    1 1/2 cups vegetable stock
    handful soba noodles (approx 50g or 2oz) or rice noodles
    3 heads baby bok choy, leaves separated ( if you dont like bok choy you can substitute 1/2 head of green cabbage
    large pinch chilli flakes, optional
    1T – 2T soy sauce (look for gluten free Aprilfit)

    Bring stock to the boil in a medium saucepan. Add noodles and simmer for 2 minutes. Add bok choy and chilli and 1T soy sauce and simmer for another minute or until noodles are only just cooked Remove from the heat. Taste and extra soy if needed. Serve hot. try it and let me know....