MFP has changed



  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    Awe shucks! :smooched:

    Since ya'll asked so nicely, enjoy while I'm at dinner.:flowerforyou:
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    See this is it right here. Two people who may or may not be arguing. Understand, ambermglovers friends from the FL may see the thread and see what is happening. They see a friend being attacked and called names. So usually by page 4 we have cat gifs or at least bunny gifs. Understand folks, whether the poster above is attacking ambermglover it sure seems this way. BTW M-Fri 9-4PM EST is the height of this back and forth since people are actively avoiding work. Enjoy MFP people.

    I'm actually just making a point. If I've called names, though, I apologize. I do my best not to do so.

    No Loup, you're not a name caller or an insulting giffer. Thanks for that. I got annoyed at you once, briefly, over our difference of opinion on the subject of what was called *trigger foods*. But since then, after we worked it out like two reasonable middle aged broads, I've had nothing but respect for your opinions. Even when they differ from mine. I think you state them plainly and courageously. Just as you're doing here.

    Thanks, newmeadow! Right back at you! By the way, I'm not middle-aged. I'm a 25-year-old with 28 years of experience. :laugh:
  • Kazzam33
    Kazzam33 Posts: 210
    I'm totally into critique if its constructive. I've had equal parts of both; I've had members really take the time to set me on the straight & narrow (this was/is super helpful for a newb like me) but I've also had trolls that have abused me for silly things too (I got called fake just cause I haven't wanted to spill my guts & fill in my goals etc on my profile page. WTF does that matter?)

    I get both sides. No, members that are doing stupid **** shouldn't be wrapped in cotton wool, agreed. They should be set right. I just don't think you have to bring someone down first to be able to pull them back up again.
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    I'm totally into critique if its constructive. I've had equal parts of both; I've had members really take the time to set me on the straight & narrow (this was/is super helpful for a newb like me) but I've also had trolls that have abused me for silly things too (I got called fake just cause I haven't wanted to spill my guts & fill in my goals etc on my profile page. WTF does that matter?)

    I get both sides. No, members that are doing stupid **** shouldn't be wrapped in cotton wool, agreed. They should be set right. I just don't think you have to bring someone down first to be able to pull them back up again.

  • Kazzam33
    Kazzam33 Posts: 210
    I'm totally into critique if its constructive. I've had equal parts of both; I've had members really take the time to set me on the straight & narrow (this was/is super helpful for a newb like me) but I've also had trolls that have abused me for silly things too (I got called fake just cause I haven't wanted to spill my guts & fill in my goals etc on my profile page. WTF does that matter?)

    I get both sides. No, members that are doing stupid **** shouldn't be wrapped in cotton wool, agreed. They should be set right. I just don't think you have to bring someone down first to be able to pull them back up again.


    Too newb to know what QFT means? :huh:
  • GaiaGirl1992
    GaiaGirl1992 Posts: 459 Member
    I've noticed this too. I've been on here for 2 or 3 years on and off, and this site went from "Let's motivate each other!" to "date, f-ck, or pass" crap. No one can post without being attacked or called names. I'm about done with this site, since I came for support. Sucks, but this is what happens when sites get popular and get tons of people.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I have been on MFP for some time now and rarely post and know by posting this I am opening myself up for attacks. When I started on here other posters were encouraging and tried to motivate people now a lot just attack. I just finished reading the one "law school made me fat" and the op got attacked. I mean obviously the law school didn't make him eat bad, it did however cause a significant increase in stress which releases corticosteriods which increase belly fat and appetite. Studying did take away a lot of free time so maybe there wasn't much exercise. We also have no idea what else is happening in the posters life. In my opinion the op was looking for support and motivation not an attack on how there is no personal accountability. Just by coming to MFP the op is starting to take accountability. Wouldn't it be shameful if the op never came back because of the lack of kindness.
    I am here to live better to maintain a healthy lifestyle not be shamed because in my past I gained weight because I lacked time to exercise while going through grad school, working full time, and raising a family not to mention the seasonal depression. I'm sure all of us started on here to live a healthier life and what is healthier for one may not meet the same definition for someone else.
    It would be nice if the MFP community could be more welcoming and less bashing.

    The "Like" button is the single most destructive thing the mfp mods could have introduced…nice way to kill off motivational comments, which is what mfp such a great way to lose weight and get fitter as part of a community.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member

    This is like the second "mean people" thread today. If you don't like the forums, join groups, write on your MFP blog, or in your newsfeed. There are several ways to steer clear of the "mean people".

    so basically what you are saying that it's perfectly acceptable to be mean, if you are polite and friendly, pi$$ off, you're not the sort of person who should participate on mfp forums?

    man oh man, It can't be easy being you.
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member

    Too newb to know what QFT means? :huh:

    QFT = Quoted for Truth. Valid question!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I've noticed this too. I've been on here for 2 or 3 years on and off, and this site went from "Let's motivate each other!" to "date, f-ck, or pass" crap. No one can post without being attacked or called names. I'm about done with this site, since I came for support. Sucks, but this is what happens when sites get popular and get tons of people.

    Every time I see this sentiment it makes me scratch my head because I think MFP is exactly the same as when I joined in February 2011.
  • Kazzam33
    Kazzam33 Posts: 210

    Too newb to know what QFT means? :huh:

    QFT = Quoted for Truth. Valid question!

    Thanks :happy:
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    I have been on MFP for some time now and rarely post and know by posting this I am opening myself up for attacks. When I started on here other posters were encouraging and tried to motivate people now a lot just attack. I just finished reading the one "law school made me fat" and the op got attacked. I mean obviously the law school didn't make him eat bad, it did however cause a significant increase in stress which releases corticosteriods which increase belly fat and appetite. Studying did take away a lot of free time so maybe there wasn't much exercise. We also have no idea what else is happening in the posters life. In my opinion the op was looking for support and motivation not an attack on how there is no personal accountability. Just by coming to MFP the op is starting to take accountability. Wouldn't it be shameful if the op never came back because of the lack of kindness.
    I am here to live better to maintain a healthy lifestyle not be shamed because in my past I gained weight because I lacked time to exercise while going through grad school, working full time, and raising a family not to mention the seasonal depression. I'm sure all of us started on here to live a healthier life and what is healthier for one may not meet the same definition for someone else.
    It would be nice if the MFP community could be more welcoming and less bashing.
    I think your missing the point.
    He Choose to eat junk. he could have eaten zucchini, carrots , cucumbers , a number of healthy items, but he opted for the junk food and blamed it on Law school
  • Sad_Grandpa
    Sad_Grandpa Posts: 129
    Back when I was young, MFP sent people to your house to do your grocery shopping, cut up your food, and give you massages. Boy, those were the good old days.

    Every time and every place has people complaining about how things used to be better.

    Well, honestly, like much of life, it's mostly what you make it.

    You can complain, whine, and flounce. Or you can get busy and make a difference in your life and others.
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    I think your missing the point.
    He Choose to eat junk. he could have eaten zucchini, carrots , cucumbers , a number of healthy items, but he opted for the junk food and blamed it on Law school

    No, no one is missing the point. But the point I've made several times already is that not everyone is able to take control for themselves. They rely on outsiders to help and to support them. He wasn't being stupid or uncooperative. He just needed support and education. No one would be on this site if everyone were perfect and had always had control over their diets and their weight.

    You can complain, whine, and flounce. Or you can get busy and make a difference in your life and others.

    You're assuming that anyone who complains, whines, and flounces does not make a difference in his/her own life.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

    You can complain, whine, and flounce. Or you can get busy and make a difference in your life and others.

    You're assuming that anyone who complains, whines, and flounces does not make a difference in his/her own life.

    no one cares about thier life. if all a person is doing is complaining, whining and flouncing on the site then they're not making a difference ON THE SITE. unless the topic is "Our Own Lives Have Changed" and i missed it.

    either be the force for good that you want everyone else to be or be quiet about it.
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member

    no one cares about thier life. if all a person is doing is complaining, whining and flouncing on the site then they're not making a difference ON THE SITE. unless the topic is "Our Own Lives Have Changed" and i missed it.

    either be the force for good that you want everyone else to be or be quiet about it.

    No one knows what changes a person is making in his or her life outside the forum. You should not be the judge of what is making a difference here in his or her life. And, since you seem to enjoy derailing threads and being derisive (Chick-fil-A thread) then maybe you shouldn't be so quick to judge other people's actions.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member

    No, no one is missing the point. But the point I've made several times already is that not everyone is able to take control for themselves. They rely on outsiders to help and to support them. He wasn't being stupid or uncooperative. He just needed support and education. No one would be on this site if everyone were perfect and had always had control over their diets and their weight.

    The thing is that they are able to. If they choose to is a completely different issue.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I've noticed this too. I've been on here for 2 or 3 years on and off, and this site went from "Let's motivate each other!" to "date, f-ck, or pass" crap. No one can post without being attacked or called names. I'm about done with this site, since I came for support. Sucks, but this is what happens when sites get popular and get tons of people.

    Every time I see this sentiment it makes me scratch my head because I think MFP is exactly the same as when I joined in February 2011.

    I'm also scratching my head because I've been using the site seriously for about a month and haven't seen any particularly mean trend at all. Usually people go out of their way to be nice and helpful. Certain trigger subjects (sugar, carbs, supplements, extreme calorie cutting) do spur a more stringent response, but none that I would classify as "mean." The closest I've seen is when an OP spent multiple pages (the thread went into part 3) basically either in extreme denial or trolling, and then did the same on another site. Quite a few people called her out for it, and some got not-so-nice, but there were literally hundreds of good, helpful posts before things devolved to that level.
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    No, no one is missing the point. But the point I've made several times already is that not everyone is able to take control for themselves. They rely on outsiders to help and to support them. He wasn't being stupid or uncooperative. He just needed support and education. No one would be on this site if everyone were perfect and had always had control over their diets and their weight.

    The thing is that they are able to. If they choose to is a completely different issue.

    Yes. Just like every depressed person should just be able to suck it up and get over what is bothering them.

    Get real.

    Sometimes people can't just decide to do better on their own. Would it kill people to try to offer them some assistance?
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

    no one cares about thier life. if all a person is doing is complaining, whining and flouncing on the site then they're not making a difference ON THE SITE. unless the topic is "Our Own Lives Have Changed" and i missed it.

    either be the force for good that you want everyone else to be or be quiet about it.

    No one knows what changes a person is making in his or her life outside the forum. You should not be the judge of what is making a difference here in his or her life. And, since you seem to enjoy derailing threads and being derisive (Chick-fil-A thread) then maybe you shouldn't be so quick to judge other people's actions.

    i'm sorry, which action have i judged?

    meanwhile, back at the ranch, i'm enjoying the judging you're doing. is your mention of chick fil a thread supposed to make me feel.........anything?

    and since no one knows what changes a person is making in his or her life outside of the forum......perhaps you should drink some of your own kool aid and stop judging people by what you see of them in the forums?

    i certainly hope you didn't take any of that as derision.