
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi Ladies

    :flowerforyou: To all who are struggling for whatever reason I send best wishes, don't give up, we can do this.

    :smile: Today is my day off so I have a bit longer to chat thank goodness. My uncle is going to be "assessed" today, he's finding it more and more difficult to look after himself. Since his last spell in hospital, he's been fine one minute and then not so good the next. :frown: He's spent most of the last few weeks in bed hardly eating or drinking. I've made him the odd bowl of soup and cuppa when I've gone down to check on him, but he's not eating properly and he sometimes forgets to take his medication. I'm not sure what the assessor will advise. He will either be given carers to call in every day to help him or be given a place in a care home where there's someone on hand 24hrs a day.

    :smile: I've been busy looking at gifts for Christmas, I've already bought a few bits and pieces but still have most to buy for :ohwell: I've chosen my secret santa person for work and the person I have picked wants a surprise aaaaaaggggghhhh :grumble: I was hoping I would chose someone who had given a few ideas of the things they would like "santa" to get them.

    :flowerforyou: Suzeque what a lovely picture, and good luck with the move hope it goes well.

    :flowerforyou: Barb drive carefully and maybe a back up plan is a good idea just in case.

    :flowerforyou: Piquilter thanks for sharing, and by the replies I hope you feel a bit better knowing you are not alone.

    :flowerforyou: Michelle you are always so busy with your exercise routine. I wish I was half as motivated. I'm going to my beginners running course today, I'm not really looking forward to it, but I've committed myself now and want to complete the whole 10 weeks. I still need to motivate myself to do something on an evening ( I don't seem to have time on a morning now ) but by the time I get home from work I'm sooooo tired. Pathetic excuse I know. I should just do it.

    Well DH has got up and time is getting on, so I'd better make a start, need to get some dog covers/towels in the washer and also have a quick tidy up.

    Have a good day everyone :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning, dear Ladies,

    We are having sunny wonderful days but need rain very badly. I just hope it doesn't decide to come for Thanksgiving!
    We have some friends coming tomorrow and then our DIL and grand daughter fly in on Monday. I am SO excited to have them to ourselves for a couple of days before the holiday. Our 2 sons and the youngest son's darling girlfriend fly in together late Wednesday night.

    We all go over to my parents house for Thanksgiving day...DH and sons will likely go by boat but I will drive as I am bringing most of the sides and then Lyla (granddaughter) can ride with me home if she needs a nap)

    We will then host our annual Friday all day oyster roast/shrimp boil/play day and the whole family plus some neighbors will come for that. It is my favorite day as it is casual and relaxed. Hope the weather is good for that!

    Mimi: Good to hear you are back on track. You are doing great!

    Barb: thinking of you and your drive. Take care

    Sorry to cut short...meant to respond to more of you...Take care dear ladies! Kackie
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Good Morning Ladies,

    I feel some better - still coughing occasionally. My back and hip is better too. I will, hopefully, be able to to go to a Christmas Show trip tomorrow with DH and an early Christmas Family celebration with my in-laws, Sunday. Our nephew is home from Afghanistan and that is why we are having Christmas with them Sunday.
    I have 3/4 of my Christmas Shopping done. My DH is antsy while I have been sick so he is wrapping presents:bigsmile: . Everything has it's advantages.:laugh: I think I about killed myself shopping last friday..I went on determination...but sometimes even determination doesn't overcome viruses...:grumble:
    It's a beautiful parly/sunny day today. So much better that the past few days of gloomy, rainy days.

    Amanda: Hope things are progressing well for you and yours.

    Viv: Hang in there with your running...just the fact you're doing it, is amazing! Hope your Christmas shopping is fun!
    I love it, if I know what I am going for ...I don't when I don't know what to buy someone...:noway:

    Robin-I was glad to see you had good news about your procedure. As Michelle said, there is actually a condition called "white coat syndrome" that when a patient sees or visits a doctor the BP and heart rate shoot up. It happens to my sister and mom all the time.

    Birdie- so glad your doctor's visit went so well-those visits make all of us apprehensive.:tongue:

    Michelle-That's the way it goes when the "kid" fix dinners, however, to give you hope, it does get better. At this point, mine have me to cook very little. I suppose it's a gradual weaning away.:smile:

    Barbiecat-I agree, a lot of us have things in our childhood we have learned to put behind us.:brokenheart: Unloading isa step in the right direction. You are always encouraging.:flowerforyou:

    Mimi-I have found eating protein-not fruits is always a better start to my eating habits on any given day. Sugar, even natural, seems to make me feel hungry all day and I don't feel like I am ever satisfied with what I eat. Some processed foods will do the same thing. It seems like you have turned that back the other direction:drinker: :flowerforyou:
    Your W00_WOO sounds like good therapy. Sometime, I may tell you all my story.

    Kackie - Your time with your family and friends sounds like a "great time." Have fun!..:flowerforyou:

    If I don't post anymore before, I wish all of you, that post on here, a Happy Thanksgiving...(If you celebrate it) and if not a Happy Week!

    'til next time,
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Susan - What a beautiful new picture!

    Barb - I hope your long trip goes well. Take care on the road.

    My doctor had changed my blood pressure medication due to my weight-loss, but it shot up and I have the worse headaches. So, we are changing back.

    To all struggling - hang in there. Things will get better.

    DD's Sweet 16 Birthday Party is tomorrow. I am making homemade Italian for 25. lol Chicken Alfredo, sausage, peppers & onions, ziti with a red sauce with meatballs. If any one wants to help cook, be at my house 8AM my time.

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hi Again,

    Sorry to "drop" off so quickly this AM...DH was having car problems and needed me to help with jumper cables...right away!

    I wanted to finish my thoughts before they are gone! ....

    SuzyQ: You look wonderful! I am so glad that you were able to have a nice trip before your move....they are NEVER fun, no matter how many times you do them! Good luck!

    Pquilter: I am glad that you were able to share with us...that is why we are here! Take care!

    Jeannie: How wonderful to have a 16 year old daughter and your celebration sounds lovely! I'd love to help...but not sure I can be there by 8AM! Enjoy!

    Viv: Hope that your uncles assessment went well. Keep us posted

    Lynn: I am so glad that you are feeling better. Sunshine always helps, I think! Wow...you are doing great with your shopping! I have done a bit but have quite a bit more to do! ahhhhh.....

    Barbie (and all of you other super-successful losers)...question for you: Did you progress on a fairly even course from start to end or did you ever have a long period of up and down anywhere along the way? If you did, how did you "handle" it? I am good about tracking and logging when at home, but when traveling or away, no matter how well I think I have planned, I don't end up doing as well. Thus, up and down weight. In front of the holidays, I want to try to have a "plan". Advice to those of us in the same boat? Thanks, in advance!

    I have been to the grocery at least once a day for a week trying to stock up before next week. I hope to make as much as I can this weekend so that I am not in the kitchen the entire week. DDIL and son's girlfriend are great helpers, as are my sons, when ASKED, but still...I want us all to be outside as much as we can be!

    Take care all and for all of you, I am very thankful that you are in my life! Kackie:heart:
  • Hello everyone
    I just have few minutes to check in before I drive my son to his tennis match.

    I want to say that the wonderfull description of Jeannie's daughter Sweet 16 dinner menu is making me want to eat!!! But I'll be strong since I'm not hungry. But I'll be searching the internet for a low card Fettuccine Alfredo recipe.

    I agree with what Barb said and also hope something positive comes from Robin's interview at Boeing.

    I feel good abt myself today. I was able to complete 30 minutes on the eliptical.

    Keeping everyone in my thoughts and prayers. Kath
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    I've just got home from watching the new Harry Potter movie with my DH and DD#2. We loved it!

    I am still spending most of the day helping out with my new grandtwins so that DD#1 can get some rest. Her blood pressure is all over the place and she's having to have it checked every day, but she seems to be doing better.

    The downside of spending so much time away from home is that my eating is a bit erratic. Some days I'm just not eating enough. I'm trying to make sure I take at least one prepared meal with me.

    Thursday night I went to my aqua fit class. Ouch! The guy who runs the class is MEAN! I ached but I thoroughly enjoyed it too.

    Time for bed - it's after midnight here and I'm still afraid that I may turn back into a pumpkin.

    Have a good weekend everyone.

    Hugs to all.

    Amanda x
  • Hi. I am new to your group. My name is Pat, I am from Denver, and I am almost 58. I am not big on joining things, but I really love myfitnesspal. I just started three weeks ago, and logging my food and exercise is really helping me. Talking to women around my age is great - I just can't get with the goals of bikinis, no loose skin at all, etc. I want to be healthy in body, mind, and spirit.

    I had gastric bypass surgery 4 years ago. I know a lot of people don't agree with that, but it saved my life, so please don't judge or hate me. I lost 200 pounds, and then shortly after, my husband left me for someone 20 years younger. I stopped thinking about food or health for a little over a year, and gained 50 pounds back.

    My mind and spirit have pretty much healed from my divorce, and now it's time to add my body health to the mix. I need online friends that I can talk to, as well as my face-to-face friends. Talk to me, and I will talk back.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member

    :flowerforyou: Pat, welcome to the group......we will enjoy getting to know you.....we have traveled many different paths and are welcoming to all....you will find support and encouragement from the women on this thread.......many of us have walked through divorce, illness, and other tough times and have found ways to do so without eating too much or behaving in other unhealthy ways.

    :flowerforyou: Mimi, when we were invited to dinner last week, our friends requested that I bring roasted vegetables. :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, your daughter is so blessed to have your help in these early and difficult days of her babies' lives

    :flowerforyou: Kackie, by age 63 I had had many false starts on the weight loss journey.....this time I treated it like a matter of life and death.....i gave up recreational eating and took my life one day at a time.....I put losing weight (eating right and exercising) at the top of my priority list....I declined invitations to eat in restaurants and told my friends that I would meet them to take a walk or go shopping or have a cup of tea......I learned to order food in restaurants that fit my eating plan.....we traveled in an RV and were able to prepare meals as though we were at home.....we brought our own food to events where food was served.....we ate before going to potlucks and talked instead of eating when we got there....I gave up baking as a hobby and stopped being the person who brought the pies and cookies to events...I found ways to reward myself with things that weren't edible....I don't sit down when I can be active in some way.

    :flowerforyou: Lynn, enjoy your holiday celebration with your family:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs to all :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and drink a lot of water
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    I read as much as I could read and will try to read more later. SusieQ awesome picture. You have done so well. Glad you got your colonoscopy done Robin. Not so bad huh. Birdie great about blood pressure. Forgot names for now but welcome to newcomers. Daddy finally came home on Wed. Have been busy checking on him, starting watching Byron this week and had some events for kids to go to at schools. Did mostly all of my Christmas shopping last night. Leaving in few minutes to try to finish. I like to shop early, wrap, decorate and then enjoy the season. I love Christmas but not the crazy part.
    Barbie for Thanksgiving we are going to my daughter, Beth's house. We have learned to keep it simple. Turkey that I bake, Dressing, and lots of veggies. We will just spend lots of time together enjoying the day and each other. I plan to get back on workout routine today. I have been doing okay with eating just no formal exercise. have good day ladies. Hope to be back on soon.
    Vicki M
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Good morning everyone and welcome to all new comers,

    My sauce and meatballs was on the stove by 8AM and is simmering as I write. Somehow the house feels warmer with the cooking smells. We made the sausage, peppers and onions last night. Only the chicken Alfredo left to make today. I haven't cooked like this in years. It feels good, but I want to be sure the food goes some place other than my mouth. lol

    I'm going to bike while I drink my morning coffee and before I get cleaning and cooking again.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    My knees hurt. Just the kneecaps. How strange. Hard to walk up and down stairs. Has anyone ever heard of this? What can be causing it. It is worse when I first awake each morning.????

  • Kath, 30 minutes on the elliptical! That’s awesome. I can manage about 5…it kicks my patootie.

    Amanda, you sound wonderful. Good for you for keeping up with the aqua class in the midst of all the crazy busy-ness.

    Pat, welcome! I don’t judge you at all for having weight loss surgery. That takes a lot of courage and is the right solutions sometimes. I got a lap band 9 years ago. I lost 80 lbs but kept off just 25. But that was the start of getting my head (and body) straight. I’m now down 125 lbs from 9 years ago (70 in the last year) and am feeling wonderful. The loose skin is just a given (dang it!) Thank heavens for clothes (and good bras!) Congrats on keeping off 150 lbs. That’s wonderful. And congrats on coming to my MFP. I’m not a joiner either but this website and, particularly, this forum have helped me immensely.

    Barbie, lol about the veggies. Hurray for veggies. The best “willpower” going!

    Vicki, Jeannie, and SMwert, Hi…I’m running out of time but wanted to say hello! Gonna go for a walk with my mom while the weather holds. We’ve got just a small window of opportunity.

  • Boy did I mess up today. Knew I was going to eat a burger (not fast food, homemade at a bbq) and allowed for that, with the bun, even, but then I ate a bratwurst, too. No bun, but still......I am over on my calories and my fat. I did not need it - I just thought I was hungry. Sometimes all of the planning in the world does not work. At least I laid off the baked beans and dessert.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did an hour of deep water workout today (Fri). This was the last day for that bathingsuit. Well, you get what you pay for, and I know that I didn't pay a lot for it. Fortunately, I have 5 more bathing suits in my drawer (that I didn't pay a lot for). Then I bowled three games. Broke 100 each game (but just barely). Right now I'm x-stitching this piece for my friend. I'll probably see her when we go to Europe in Jan. We've been friends since high school. It says "there's a warmth and joy that never ends between the hearts of special friends". I've done all the x-stitching, I want to get the outlining done for the flowers. The other outlining is pretty straight forward, so I can do that in the car while we're driving up to see Jessica. Tomorrow...yoga.

    Viv - you know, when I broke that bone in my foot last year and couldn't exercise, I really could notice a difference in how I felt. I seriously think that exercising helps to keep the hot flashes at bay. When I couldn't exercise, there were times when the sweat, literally, would be pouring down my legs. Ever since I've gone back to exercising, I still sometimes get hotflashes but not the sweat pouring down my legs. Guess that's my incentive, if I exercise then I won't have that feeling. Plus...I can eat more (which I love to do!)

    Welcome Pat. Logging your food is just great. What are your hobbies?

    Vicki - I'm with you. If it were totally up to me, I'd want to have my Christmas shopping done by Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, Vince isn't that way. Denise wanted this necklace that had to be special ordered. Weeks ago I told Vince that it would take 4-6 weeks to get it in. He kept putting off ordering it and putting it off. Finally, I ordered it today. As long as it is ordered by Dec. 1, it'll be here by Christmas. Why does he procrastinate so???? I like to enjoy the holiday, too.

    Today (Sat) did an hour of yoga. We're supposed to go to this restaurant with some friends of ours. Honestly, I'm really not all that crazy about going. The last two times this lady has asked us out, one time I had to serve at the church and the other time the food on the menu was so horrible (green beans cooked in fat back, just an example) that I lied and said that I had to lector that day. This restaurant that she wants to go to, everything is pan fried. Well, almost everything. If her hubby has heart problems, why would she choose a restaurant where everything is fried? Maybe his heart problems aren't as bad as she tells us they are. Anyway, they do have a poached trout that I'm going to get and instead of the potatoes I'll get the steamed broccoli (I do have to ask for it without butter)

    Tomorrow I'm thinking that I may do an hour on the Wii of balance games.

    Just got back from the restaurant. It is expensive, but I'd read that on the internet. I had the poached trout and steamed broccoli. Vince had the pommes de terres (meaning French Fries) and he said that they were REALLY salty. He just got the pan fried chicken breast, and to him it was like a giant chicken nugget with salty fries. I also had their "house" salad, but I had to ask for the salad dressing on the side. There was lettuce, but also these green beans (I didn't care for the dressing they had on them, so I didn't eat them), some sort of potato salad which I didn't eat since I'm not a fan of potato salad, beets which I ate, I think there was a cucumber that was marinated in some sort of balsamic vinegar which I ate, chopped carrots, alfalfa sprouts. The trout was served whole -- head an all. I just had a problem eating something that was looking at me, so I cut the head off. Someone else asked that it be taken off the table, guess it bothered him also.

    We've been invited to a friend's house for dinner Monday night, so I'll make a pie to take with me tomorrow. Also, we're celebrating birthdays at the Y Monday so I'll make cookies to take with me tomorrow.

    I made cupcakes for the "dessert" tonight. Gave them to one of the ladies. Told them that a friend of ours who has severe back problems (we do have a friend with severe back problems) needs something moved and his wife can't do it alone so they asked us. He needs to take his pain killer (or else he can't sleep, and this is the truth) at 10p.m. so we needed to go there earlier.

    Vince just booked our hotel in VA. I'm thinking that it's the one that had a microwave and refrig in it. I'm going to take some snacks with me anyway.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: This has been a busy day......we went to a wedding----the bride is a good friend of mine, a single mother for many years and she found a wonderful man at her church who gets along well with her teenage daughter....I am so happy for them...the minister said wonderful words and at the end they took individual candles and used them to light a single candle to symbolize their union.....the reception was nice and we knew a lot of people but the food wasn't too exciting so DH said we needed to go out to the Thai restaurant for a real meal
    it was yummy but full of sodium......

    :flowerforyou: there was some light snow this morning and I drove in it to a craft fair but it stopped by 11 AM and I was able to take the dogs to the dog park and then after the wedding and the Thai restaurant I worked in the yard for an hour before it got dark.


    :flowerforyou: I spent a lot of time on the exercise bike trying to get enough exercise calories to balance all the food I ate today :laugh:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning Ladies.

    I'm down another pound today. It would be wonderful to lose another 2 pounds before the end of the month (which would bring me into a normal weight range).

    DH and I are going for a stompy walk this afternoon after we've been over to the babies. I really want to try to fit in a couple of visits to the gym this week if possible. I've also got my swimming lesson tomorrow morning and my aqua fit class on Thursday. At present I don't have a lot of time at home so I can't spend much time in my home gym. Still, I'm rushing around like a chicken with no head which means I'll still be burning some calories.

    It's fascintating to read about everyone's preperations for Thanksgiving day - we just don't have anything like that in the UK. One year I would really love to spend a Thanksgiving over in the States. I spoke to my step-grandson who lives in Ohio, yesterday. I'd posted him some gifts as a 'well done for becoming a big brother'. It's very hard for my son-in-law to not have his first born over here while the babies are so 'fresh from the oven'.

    Have a good rest of the weekend, and for anyone who doesn't get on because they are so busy - Happy Thanksgiving.

    Love to you all, my friends.

    Amanda x
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Kath – I’ve lower the calorie count on many family recipes. Unfortunately, Alfredo is not one of them. I will have to work on that one next. My chicken parmesan is a lot less calories than most and tastes the same.

    Amanda – I am so glad to hear you loved the Deadly Hallows Part 1. We hope to see it next weekend. I’d say, don’t tell me how it ends, but I already know having read the book twice. Congratulations on loosing weight with all the stress you have going on.

    Welcome Pat. No, I don’t think surgery is cheating. I have a co-worker that went through it and it is not an easy choice.

    Smwert – not sure, but I would try to sleep with a pillow under my knees to support the joints. If that doesn’t help, at least try lying down like that for an hour or two before bed. Good luck.

    Hello to all not mentioned.

    DD’s party went well. We have a lot of leftovers, so I don’t have to cook for days except to give relief for eating the same thing over and over again.

  • Hello everyone,

    The sun's peeking through after a rip-roaring (by California standards) thunder-and-lightening storm last night. More rain is expected later today but I'm enjoying seeing the sun.

    Amanda's comment about Thanksgiving made me chuckle. Years ago, I drove up for a visit with my next-younger sister and her DH who lived in Vancouver, BC, in Canada. It was Thanksgiving (for me!) so I loaded up the car with a turkey and all the trimmings. I got grilled at the border. I'd completely forgotten it was Thanksgiving only in the US, not in Canada!

    I was over a little on calories yesterday thanks to a glass of wine, 2 crackers, and an ounce of Cambozola. I feel good about measuring and logging though! I did much better than I did when I was at Tahoe. It helps to have fewer people around and to take the time to decide what I was going to eat instead of just nibbling. Nibbling is deadly!

    The forum is awfully quiet lately. Must be the holidays. I'm thinking of you all.

  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    chicklet - I totally agree with Viv -- be sure to take care of yourself, too. You know, sitting with Boo isn't such a bad idea, you're doing something for youself AND for Boo.

    piquilter - congrats! Doesn't it just feel so good when you try something on that you think won't fit you and it does?????

    Barb - drive safely. You know, it might not be a bad idea to have a backup plan just in case you need to stay in a motel overnight.

    Robin - yup, "white coat syndrome" will play real havoc with bp numbers every time!
    Did an hour of a band DVD today at home then had a dentist appt. They put a filling in one of my wisdom teeth. Normally, I don't take any novacane. Didn't take any when I got the caps, either. But I was no fool and did take it when I had that root canal done. The dentist did say that I did well. I was surprised when it was over, I honestly expected more

    Tomorrow, I'll do a deep water workout. Which reminds me that I want to put some grapes in my bag. I get so hungry after swimming. It's that or I get something from their vending machine. Not withstanding the fact that it's really not healthy, to be honest, I'm so hungry after swimming that I can't wait until I get changed and can go out in the lobby. Works better to have a piece of fruit with me.

    I think I told you that Jessica wants to "do" Thanksgiving, which translates into "mom will do most of it". I've already made her about 4 different desserts, I'll make a chocolate cheesecake but I can't freeze that so I'll make it later in the week. We're invited to a friend's house Monday and I'm thinking about making a banana cherry pie to take with me. think I'll just make two and take one to Jessica.

    Have a great evening everyone.


    Hi, new to MFP and perusing the 50+ site when I noticed you making desserts for the holiday; are the low cal? do you share recipes? :happy:
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