
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Hi, I am new to MFP and my son found this group for me (over 50) so I have been perusing a little.

    I am 55, single with 'empty nest', too young to retire. A lot of the blogs and groups I 1st found were younger women/girls. I was looking for women more my age to relate to; this group looks like just the thing.

    Weight has been an issue most of my life, yo-yoing through out. Changing things as well as diet for a healthier life. Unfortunately medical issues also are playing a role ( mine and family ). A cpl days ago had to have electrolytes due to lab values and I gained 2#s I had just lost. :ohwell:

    Have done well with entering foods and exercise. My son and his girlfriend are also on this journey ( they inspired me).
    Am looking for tasty low cal. recipes foe stuffing and desserts...any help?

    Long term goals are: 1) to be 150# and fit 2) not become diabetic (rampant fam history of both type I & II) and manage hypoglycemia better. 3) be able to play with grandson...ball/swimming/etc without problems. 4) fit into regular size clothes
    5) just to be healthy and feel healthy.

    I have done well the past 2 weeks and have cut my consumption of my "addiction #1" waist watchers vanilla cream soda.. ...have been known to go through 2 - 2liter bottles in 24hrs. now have had 0 -2 glasses/day:drinker: but have averaged 6-8 glasses H2O.

    Enough for now. Look forward to getting to know you ladies and all the great support here. Keep up your good work in personal goals. :smile: Mae
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member

    whenever I go out to eat my weight goes up by about a pound and a half the next morning....I know that it has to do with sodium (our restaurant eating is either Subway or Thai where I can keep the calories manageable but the sodium is always way beyond my usual

    :flowerforyou: Mae, Welcome to MFP
    This is a great site. Take the time to learn about all the great features and use them.
    You will succeed if you work hard and don’t lose sight of your goal.
    This site changed my life and it can change yours

    :flowerforyou: Mimi, thank you for the reminder about "nibbling".....I have to go to something later today that has a few stressful components along with food to nibble so I want to redouble my efforts to stay focused on what is really important to me.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    Take it one day at a time
    Stay open minded to new ideas
    Take baby steps
    Drink lots of water :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Think of this as a new way of life, not just a temporary diet. :flowerforyou: It always helps me to log my food first before I eat so there are no surprises.

    I have been using MFP and posting on this thread for over a year.....I have made new friends and found the sounding board I needed for all my conversation about food and exercise.....everyone on this thread has been very supportive.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda , congratulations on continuing to lose even with the various stresses in your life. Someone said "if you're moving, you're losing" and that seems especially true for you:bigsmile:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Hello Ladies.

    After a horrible week of bad eating and minimal exercise I am gearing up to get back on that wagon starting tomorrow morning. I have also set a new goal to work towards. I have decided that I will run a 5K in March (there are quite a few in the area) a 10K in June and a half marathon in October. I might try a marathon in 2012. I like the idea of training for a goal I know I can do this.

    I hope all your grand babies are doing well and that the kids are okay and that the DH's are doing well and all of the furry critters are happy. Have a great day.
  • MimsDR
    MimsDR Posts: 12
    Hi Everybody,

    I've just discovered this great site !! I'm 53 - I presume I'm going through or have been through or.... whatever, the menopause but I don't know as I suffer from a neurological disorder and the drugs I'm on stopped my periods years ago. The same drugs contributed to my weight gain - but I'm on a mission now to lose all that extra weight. My goal is to lose 83 lbs. I joined MFP in August last and to date I've lost 43 lbs. I won't say it has been easy but the support and motivation on this site has contributed to my success. :happy:

    My biggest motivation is my daughter - she is sooo supportive and has such belief in me that I would feel dreadful if I disappointed her.... again. I have been promising myself and my daughter that I would do this for so long..... :embarassed: Any - for whatever reason - this time I am succeeding and I feel great !! I have gone down 2 sized in clothes (only one more to go !!), I have discarded my 'fatty' clothes and my 'nearly fatty' clothes, I am going out more (I had got into the habit of not wanting to socialise because I felt old and frumpy !!), I am getting compliments and my confidence is returning. :bigsmile:

    Now - I just want to make it to my final goal. I need the will-power to keep going. I really don't want to fail now. I'm looking at my 'normal' clothes from years ago and I want to be able to fit into them again...... I have sooo many nice clothes from then that I'm dying to wear again. I have never replaced them with bigger ones because I always told myself I'd wear the smaller ones again some day. The day is coming..... it's not so far away now - if I can stay on course......... :tongue:

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    we have gotten so quiet. I hope it is just because of the holidays and busy active women. I hope you are all well and happy. Its snowing here again today. Its a little unique for Seattle. I guess its going to be a bad winter.
  • Hi from the French Alps. It's been snowing most of the day and now we're in the clouds. Hope everyone is well. I've been sticking to the plan so hope to lose a couple more pounds before we head of home on 11 December.
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    I hope everyone is having a good start to their week. It's nice to see some more newbies. I'm missing some of the 'oldies' though. Hopefully everyone is doing well and not having too many stresses.

    This morning I had my swimming lesson. What on earth is going on??? I'm not getting any better - in fact, I'm pretty certain I'm getting worse! Time to book my next lot of classes I suppose. There's no way I'm going to give up trying now. If nothing else, I am determined to be able to take my grandtwins swimming.

    Tomorrow I won't be seeing the babies as I have to babysit for my sister whilst her husband has a procedure at the hospital. He has atrial fibrillation and is having electric shock treatment (cardioversion) to try to 'reset' his heart. Fingers crossed that it is successful.

    Denise - I'm very envious of your time in the Alps. Such a beautiful place. We used to spend summers in Chamonix and climb Mont Blanc, many moons ago. I have a wonderful photograph of DH standing on the Mer de Glace (a glacier) wearing shorts, a t-shirt and his hiking boots on hard, compacted ice. Great times!

    Robin - I don't know what the winters are like in Seattle. My knowledge of American geography is shamefully bad! Good luck with the running goals you have set yourself.

    Barbiecat - sodium is evil!!

    Jeannie - good to hear that your DD's party went well. Enjoy the Deathly Hallows!

    Michele - I'm definitely with you regarding early Christmas shopping. I HATE leaving things to the last minute. DH is the opposite, a firm believer in brinkmanship. He got caught out last year though. He intended buying my gift on Christmas Eve. Unfortunately, he woke up that day with a tummy bug and stayed in bed all day. Consequently I had no Christmas present from my DH last year! He did offer to buy something for me after Christmas, but I told him not to. He's made up for it since with a couple of surprise 'just because' diamond presents.

    All my gifts are sitting in one of the spare bedrooms - only half of them are wrapped though. I'm hoping to get the remainder wrapped this weekend.

    Sister Veggie Queen - I've been cooking for my DD and her DH since she came home from hospital and I've now made my son-in-law a fan of roasted veggies. Yay! One more for the fold.

    Smwert - I hope your kneecaps are feeling better. My knees are delicate little things (well, not so little .... but certainly not as big as they were!) There have been times when even the bedclothes cause pain in them.

    Kackie - My weight loss has been fairly steady, although it's slow now that I'm close to goal. I have to say, I've not really had too much of an issue when I've been away from home or during celebrations etc. Treats are acceptable providing you allow for them - no point in being miserable whilst everyone else enjoys themselves.

    Lynn - are you feeling better now? How was the early celebrations with your nephew?

    Viv - let us know how your Uncle got on with his assessment.

    Birdie - well done on the loss and the improved blood pressure.

    Barb - I'm so sorry about your great aunt. I have one great aunt left and I adore her.

    SuzyQ - great picture with your friend. Shame you didn't get a shot in your two-piece, but well done for wearing it anyway! Those days are looooong gone for me.

    I know I haven't replied to everyone, but I do read the posts religiously and think of you all.

    Time to get moving.


    Amanda x
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    My knees got better. Perhaps it was arthritis in them. Went to my daughter's and sat in her hot but for a long soak. Now I am all better again
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Barbie - thank you for checking up on me:smile: ....it's be awhile and life seems to have gotten in the way!

    Let me begin by saying…Sorry for the long time away…busy doesn’t begin to cover this past 6 weeks…so I will start this in Word and work on it over the next few days and then post it.

    I hope that all of you are doing well and looking at the upcoming holiday season as a new challenge to our new and fit selves.


    When last I posted I had just heard that my Mom was headed to the hospital (Oct 14th). When they went to awaken her that morning at the Foster home she was unresponsive so they called 9-1-1 and then called me to let me know. Over the course of several hours I found out she was in ICU and after talking with her nurse they weren’t expecting her to make it. :cry: Knowing that and that I was so far away really put me in a very frustrating position, so many things were pressing at the time:

    1) My husband was leaving at Noon to go hunting over the next 4 days.(I told him to go ahead and go hunting there wasn’t anything he could do and that I’d rather have him there for the funeral).
    2) If I was going to leave I needed to do 2weeks of Payroll (there is no one else in my office that knows how to do it)
    3) I had other work that was pressing as well, but figured it would have to wait.
    4) What to do with Peanut if I were to leave suddenly.(my boss told me he would keep him while I was gone)

    Over the course of the rest of the day I decided that I would fly out in the morning and work until I got done what needed to be done to leave for the next week. It turns out that I worked until Midnight:noway: then went home to pack(because of the weight I’d lost I had to try on clothes to see what would fit..and quite a bit of it was too big) was up until 4am tried to sleep and then up at 6am finishing what I needed to do at home before heading to the airport for a 10am flight.

    It so happens that I have a friend who’s Mother passed away just a month before and she had told me how she knew she wouldn’t make it to Arizona to see her in time and that she called her and they put the phone up to her ear for her to say her good-byes. So that is what I did. A family friend happened to be in Mom’s hospital room when I called and when she told her I wanted to talk with her she raised her eye brows so we knew that she was aware that I was on the phone. I was able to tell her all those things we want to say when we know that our loved one is leaving us,:flowerforyou: that “I loved her, she had been the best Mom I could have had (since I was “chosen” being adopted) and that if now was the time for her to go be with Dad then don’t wait for me to get there and I knew Jesus was waiting for her”. After that call I had great peace that it was going to be okay.:flowerforyou:

    On Friday (15th) morning I called the hospital and they told me they didn’t expect her to make it another 2 hrs and about an hour later when I was headed to my office for my boss to take me to the airport the Doctor called to let me know she had passed :cry: (about 5 min before he called me). He said it was very peaceful and that she just stopped breathing (he was with her when it happened), he also said that what brought it on was that she had had a massive heart attack sometime Wednesday night. I had last talked with Mom on Tuesday evening on my way home from work and she was wondering what we were going to do about the holidays. I had planned on surprising her for her Birthday weekend which would have been Dec 5th when she would have been 84…but God had other plans.

    Over the next week I was so busy taking care of the funeral, arranging for two of my sons to come as well as my Husband, I was glad that I had a cell phone because you can get a lot done sitting in a parked car before you head to your next appointment, funeral home, lawyers, County offices, banks, yep I was pretty busy.

    Through it all I somehow managed to keep the “new” me in check,:wink: but I do know that eating healthy wasn’t part of it although I did keep the calories pretty close. I somehow managed to miss eating regular meals and did “treat” myself to celebrating “Mom” by going to Dairy Queen (a place she loved these last few years) and having a Mushroom Burger in her honor.

    Once I got back to work the following week it was try and catch up at work and then help my hubby get ready for his work trip to the Philippines (he left on the 30th and returned Nov 12th) One of the things that I was going to do when my husband went hunting was clean my carpets in the living/dining room and our bedroom, so we had moved furniture and when he left for overseas that furniture was still waiting for me to clean the carpets…which I was able to do in the evenings while he was gone.
    The day my hubby left I went to a restaurant to meet a friend I hadn’t seen in 15 years and we talked for about 5 hrs….so much to catch up on…when I got home I thought it would be good to start the carpet cleaning and when I went to the basement….:noway: YUCK the sewer had backed up! So I had to call a plumber and get that mess taken care of and it was a mess…so I now had the carpet in the basement to add to my list of “things to do while hubby is gone”.

    It has taken me about 5.5 weeks to finally feel like I’m catching up but there are still all the companies and paper work that I need to do in relation to Mom’s passing. Thank you notes, letters to credit card companies, insurance company information..just to name a few.

    I was able to get the title changed on their home into my name, it’s up for sale, about 2,200 sf 4 bedrooms, 2 bath in a 55+ park in Grants Pass Oregon, I’ve lowered the price already…nothing is selling there which is very frustrating…my cousin did all the work inside this past summer and it looks brand new inside (even has that brand new smell), new paint, carpets and a few other new things $69,900 if anyone knows of someone wanting to move to Southern Oregon.:ohwell:

    Work continues to be stressful and I will confess that I haven’t had it in me to do much exercising in the past 5.5 weeks…I’m sure you could call carpet cleaning exercise because my right arm and shoulder sure felt it, then the regular house cleaning that I was able to get done too.

    I do hope all of you are doing well and that with the holiday season upon us we all find time to slow down, enjoy our families and friends.

    Thank you all for your prayers and support I’ve felt it and it was greatly appreciated


    I will have to see about what kind of goals I can set for December….just not sure right now.
  • chrissy gilman23. I just joined. I need all the support I could get. I am trying again. I like logging everything I eat. It makes it a lot easier for me. I hope to meet new friends. And keep on track it's nice if you have people supporting you. If anyone has any great tips please let me know . Thanks
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Laura80111 I am sorry to hear of your loss, glad you spoke with her . My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I got a message from Barb (weaklink) and I'm passing it on to all of you

    Have been so busy, can't even find time to read posts for about the past 8-10 days, so if anyone is asking about me, let them know I am fine--just busy. Did a roundtripper to Yakima last Saturday for my great aunt's funeral. Driving about 400 miles in one day is NOT my idea of a good time--especially when it involves crossing a mountain pass in November. I was glad I came back on Saturday, rather than Sunday, since the weather went to h3ll Sunday afternoon. It even snowed here yesterday, but melted immediately. Tonight we are gonna get it again, and this time it is supposed to stick around for a couple of days.

    Happy Thanksgiving.
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    We are snowed in......we live on a hill on a private road so between the steep road and no city road crew to clear the road, there's no way for us to go anywhere....even if the mail delivery came today (which I doubt) we couldn't get the box to get the mail......I don't know what the garbage truck will do tomorrow......there were kids sledding down our road this morning and the dogs were watching from the front window and barking at them.....my darling husband went out and shoveled the snow on the driveway and front walk before he realized that it was a lost cause and got completely snowed over.....there was about seven inches of snow by the time it stopped.

    :flowerforyou: Laura, I'm so glad to hear from you....you have had a huge challenge since you last posted in October....it sounds like you have met the challenges with the all the needed grace and dignity and sane eating....I am in awe of your ability to cope and deal with the stresses.

    :flowerforyou: Robin, wow, your plans to run those races are amazing....I wish you all the strength and determination that you'll need to succeed

    :flowerforyou: Mims, welcome to the greatest thread on MFP....you have already made a huge beginning on your journey.....if you continue to check in regularly with us and log your food and exercise, you will have great success and you will make new friends.

    :flowerforyou: Denise, your time in the French Alps sounds wonderful.....I've never been anywhere in Europe but I love mountains.....congrats to you for staying on course

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, keep it up with the swimming and things will get better

    :flowerforyou: Denise, glad to hear that your knees are getting better.....what a relief that must be for you

    :flowerforyou: Chrissy, welcome....take it one day at a time.....try to learn some little new thing every day....take baby steps....check in with us every day......I was amazed how connected I've gotten with the women on this thread.....you can succeed:bigsmile:
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,584 Member
    belated bump :ohwell:
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,
    Well I got home from Laughlin on Thursday, The weather there was wonderful. It was in the 70's and sunny everyday. I tried to make good choices and I did manage to get to the gym 2 of the 3 full days we were there. Someone asked were Laughlin was (sorry I don't remember who :blushing: ) It is 2 hours south of Las Vegas on the Colorado River. I usually weigh in on Monday and I didn't get a chance to before I left or while I was gone but I did on the Monday after I returned and I am down 3 pounds!!!:noway:
    I don't know if I lost it while I was gone or before I left and just maintained but anyway it shakes out I will take it. :laugh:

    I don't remember wher Barbiecat lives but it sounds like she is enjoying the storm that we are expecting tomorrow and into Thursday. We got 10 inches of wet heavy snow on Saturday before I left, Then we got rain which turned nto ice last Saturday and now we are expecting a big storm tomorrow. Lots of rain turning into ice then snow. I hate that. Snow is fine but people forget how to drive and the first couple of snows bring lots of accidents. On Saturday we had over 300 in the metro (minneapolis/St paul area) alone. I worry a little as we are planning a couple of days of travel on Thursday and friday.:cry:

    Robin!!! - I am SO impressed with your marithon plans. I know you can do it!!!!

    Laura - so glad to finally hear from you. You are going through a tough and hectic time. Pop in when you can, we'll be here for you when you need us.

    Amanda - Keep working on you swimming lessons. You will be swimming in no time.

    I know many of you that I haven't mentioned are going through hard times. some financial some emotional, all stressful. Just remember that "This too shall pass" and we are always here when you need a shoulder to cry on or an ear to bend. I have been more of a lurker lately but I am always reading and quietly sending prayers and hugs. I know everyone else is as well.

    If I don't pop in before Thursday Happy Safe and sane Thanksgiving and for everyone not living in the US have a great Thursday.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Just popping in to tell all of you that we now have another cat. Those who have been here for a while might remember how happy I was that my friend that lost her home got rid of her pets without us having to take them all in. My son rescued a stray cat from getting killed by a group of kids at the high school. He (my son) ended up in ISS for fighting, and the cat was seen by the school nurse and fed by the school cafeteria. The next day kids were trying to run the cat over with a car and my husband and son intervened. The cat came home that time and is very happy to not be outside any more.

    I am very proud of my son for standing up for an innocent animal at his own personal risk. I am amazed my cat hating husband let the cat in the truck.

    Will catch up on the posts later. I hope everyone is doing OK.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Mae – Welcome to a very wonderful forum group of ladies!

    Mimi – Another kudos on the nibbling reminder. I think it is the biggest problem around the holidays especially while waiting for meals to be served.

    Think of this as a new way of life, not just a temporary diet. It always helps me to log my food first before I eat so there are no surprises.

    Barbie – those are words of such great wisdom. Thanks for reminding us again.

    Robin – I think having those running goals will help you get through the winter. Good Luck with them.

    Mims – Welcome! You will find a lot of support here. My DD is a big part of my success too.

    Denise – I do hope you get to ski while you are there. Lol I can't wait to hear more about your trip when you get back.

    Amanda – I look forward to you pictures. Hopefully, there will be a new one soon. (hint, hint) I know you know who we all want to see in the picture.

    Smwert – I'm glad your knees are feeling better.

    Laura – Sorry to hear about your Mom. Glad you're back posting here. We are here to support each other through times of crisis and stress and it sounds like you have a lot of both going on.

    Chrissy – Post, post and post everything you eat. That I think we all agree is the starting point for the new lighter life ahead of you.

    To Peggy and Barbie – I am so jealous of the snow you both have!!! We are suppose to get some tonight and I do hope they are right.

    Take care all,

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning Ladies

    :flowerforyou: Welcome Mae, Chrissy and Mims - you will get support and advice here - and make some good friends too :smile:

    :flowerforyou: Robin wtg on your running goals for next year. I find running hard, this week will be wk 4 at the running club and I didn't ache as much last week as the time before :laugh: :laugh: so hopefully it will get easier.

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie can't believe you are jealous of the snow :noway: :noway: I'm dreading it, all signs by the weathermen are that we are going to have a harsh winter here in the UK :frown:

    :flowerforyou: Laura sorry to hear about your mum, we've all been thinking about you. You seem to be very busy, but I hope you keep in touch

    :flowerforyou: Barb glad you got back from your great aunt's funeral safely.

    :flowerforyou: Barbiecat how's the snow in your area now? I don't think I've ever known it so bad here that we've been snowed in (thank goodness!):frown: I don't mind the snow too much, it's the ice I worry about, it makes it hard going walking (for me) and I worry about DD driving to work as she has to drive on country roads that are not gritted.

    My uncle was feeling a bit better when he was assessed last Friday, the social worker took a lot of details from him and us (my dad and aunt were there too) she said he could be eligible for extra help in the home like someone to help him dress on a morning, cook a meal (or was it heat up a meal) and help with having a shower/bath once a week - which he was not too keen on:ohwell: :noway: what is it about some people (men?) I think they get allergic to water as they get older :laugh: :laugh: He did say he wouldn't mind going into a care home to be looked after, but these are hard to get into nowadays as lots of old folks homes are closing down, and it is only if you have medical needs and need nursing nearly 24 hrs a day that you get in them. The social worker said he might have a long wait.

    Woops sorry to cut short but DD is almost ready - we'll get the dogs walked and I'll try and get back and give you part 2 :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :laugh: Part 2

    The social worker also said we should get back to my uncle's GP as he was obviously unwell even though he was feeling a bit better that day. On Saturday I went as usual and noticed an evelope on his table - I don't usually look at his mail or read it but I noticed the post mark and took a look, it was a follow up appointment with the hospital. It was for the previous Tuesday so he'd missed his appt so I called them first thing Monday morning to explain that he's almost blind /old/doesn't read his mail properly etc and to re-schedule, only to be told that the specialist had taken uncle off the list because this was the 3rd appt he'd mised. I explained that if I made the appt now I would make sure he attended and it was only because no one new about the previous appts that he'd missed them. But there was nothing receptionist could do the specialist had taken him off his list and uncle now had to be re referred by his GP :mad: :mad: To say I was cross is an understatement. So I rang uncles GP and explained about needing to be re referred to specialist and also that he needed a home visit as even social worked noticed he was unwell. GP came out that afternoon, found out he was taking a tablet that he should have finished (how that happened I don't know!!) so we had to get all his medication changed too. At least now he should have a bit more energy and feel like getting out of bed on a morning.

    :frown: Unfortunately social worked tried to catch me at uncles on Monday, to discuss extra care but uncle answered phone as I'd just left and he turned down all offers of extra help saying he didn't need it aaghhhh :ohwell: :ohwell: so we are back to square one with him. Social worker said they would keep all his details on file should we need to get them involved again, if he decides he does need extra help.

    Sorry to have gone on so long, but you can imagine the frustration. I need to contact his GP's surgery now and ask that they contact me for all future appointments for him, I might have to either get his permission or put it in writing not sure, all this medical confidentiality stuff is a pain (as if I don't have enough of it at work :laugh: :laugh: )

    Take care everyone :drinker:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Good morning ladies. Today is my one year anniversary of quitting smoking. smiley-dance005.gif Officially one whole year smoke free!!!!

    DH has been working from home yesterday and today because the roads are too icy and his chains won't arrive until tomorrow when we probably won't need them any more. It has been really cold but it is very pretty since it isn't melting.

    Laura - I am sorry for your loss. I am glad you got to say good bye. I didn't get that chance. I had a visit scheduled with my mom two weeks after the day she passed, I wish I had made it for an earlier time but we never know.

    Viv - sorry about all the Uncle frustration.

    Barb - I am glad you are busy with your new job and all the other goings on. I am sorry about your great aunt but glad you got thru the passes safely.

    Barbiecat - do you dogs like the snow? Bodi loves it.

    Jeannie - I love the snow too. Even though it really messes everything up it is still special since we don't get a lot of it here in the Pacific Northwest.

    To all of you other lovely ladies you are in my thoughts daily and I love you all:love:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Just time to read a few and say HI:flowerforyou:

    Viv- I just finished reading all your trials with your Uncle and the Doctors. I fully understand what you are going through. I had to get Power of Attorney over my parents back in 2007 which included finances, banking, doctors, anything legal so that everyone would be calling me and dealing with me when it came to their lives. They were getting more and more forgettful and I know that if I hadn't been receiving the calls from Doctors my Dad would have been telling all of them the appointments weren't necessary. You may want to look into that with your Uncle, explain to him that you only want the best for him and maybe he will let you get to start "micro managing his live".

    Robin- I love your animated excalamation points! They are sooooo cute...and congrats on that ONE year of NOT smoking. That is a GREAT accomplishment:drinker:

    I have to get to my payroll, we do have Friday off and I plan on turning my house into Christmas over the weekend and NOT thinking about work.

    Tomorrow the family comes to our house so tonight when I get home it will be to make the pie and straighten up the house before the early start to put the turkey in the roaster (I cook it in a roasting pan in our gargage...boy does it smell good!).

    Happy Thanksgiving to all and to those that don't celebrate it have a happy Thursday.

This discussion has been closed.