

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    maedair (Mae) - I have no problem sharing recipes. The pumpkin spice muffins are pretty low cal, I forget exactly what they are. I have it in my Mastercook which is on my laptop. Basically, you take a can of pumpkin and a box of spice cake mix. Mix the two together and bake at 350 for 30 min. The chocolate cheesecake recipe I got from Prevention magazine. I want to try it out. It says that 1/16th of the pie is only 272 calories. I'll let you know how it turns out. The apple pie I made definitely is NOT calorie friendly, neither is the banana cherry pie. The pineapple angel food cake is, basically you use an angel food cake mix and instead of the water add a 20oz can of crushed pineapple. Angel food cake can sometimes be so "bland", but I think the pineapple gives it somewhat of a kick. A friend got that recipe from weight watchers. Oh, and welcome to the most friendliest, supportive group you'll ever find. You know one of the best things I've found? Talking to someone who's BTDT with an issue that I was currently facing. I got good insight into what to look for, what helped, what didn't help, etc. in everything....from hot flashes to taking care of parents et al.

    Did an hour of balance games on the Wii (Sun). Some days I really need that, haven't done it in a while. Tomorrow I'll take the deep water class since they're celebrating the birthdays for the month. Wish it was Wednesday, but that's right before Thanksgiving. Oh well.

    Then Tuesday I'm going to do a weight DVD, Wednesday I'll take an early yoga class and then do some HIIT. I probably won't be able to do anything Thurs as that's when we're leaving for VA. I have to take my snacks with me, tho. You know, I've found that lately more and more I want food that isn't heavy on the fat, and that's not easy here in the South. Also, I think (and I hope I'm not jinxing this) that I've about eliminated my desire for simple carbs. Used to be that I wouldn't want to make cookies because then I'd have one or two, now I don't seem to care if I have any or not. That's a real good thing for me. Lately I'd prefer a piece of fruit for dessert rather than having some cake or cookie.

    Robin - what a great goal! I wish you all the best. Keep us updated on your progress as you train. I tell you, I've been so busy lately that I haven't been able to post. For me, it's the busyness of the holidays. Congrats on your anniversary! You've done so much for yourself in that year.

    Welcome Mims. So glad you found us! Congrats on your loss, I know you'll lose the rest.

    Denise - I love reading about your adventures, expecially since we'll be in Europe in Jan.

    Laura - so sorry to hear about your mom. I applaude you for what you did, telling her that it was OK to go and not to wait for you. I firmly believe my father waited until I was there before he passed away.

    Hey Chrissy. If you're looking for support...you've come to the right place. You'll learn that there will be days when you'll go completely overboard, but you'll also learn that that's OK, you just get right back on board. We all have those days.

    Tomorrow the Y is closed so I'm thinking that I'll do a Leslie Sansone DVD on the rebounder. Also, this way I can do it early and then we leave. Which reminds me, I need to pack my "goodies" bag -- almonds, soy milk, carrots, etc.

    Made a triple Chocolate cheesecake to take with me tomorrow (in addition to the pumpkin spice muffins, chocolate cookies, pineapple angel food cake, apple pie, banana cherry pie -- hope I have enough desserts). This is the first time ever that I've made a cheesecake, so we shall see how it is. Got the recipe from Prevention Magazine.

    Jeannie - that was so sweet of you to take the cat in. Denise said she "found" a kitten outside her door. Although she knows that she can't afford to keep it, she's (to me) kept it too long. I suspect she was thinking that we'd take it since we're down two cats right now, but Vince told her that we wouldn't consider getting another cat until after we go away in Feb. It just isn't fair to the cat.

    Took my car into the shop today. There was a recall on it and they just got the part. At first I was told that the recall work would take 3 hrs. When I asked if I could get a loaner car, I was told that recall work only takes 1-1/2 hr (interesting, huh)? I was prepared to really go to bat for a loaner car, but I didn't have to. I explained that since this is a government mandated recall, I would think that I should be entitled to a loaner car. I asked them what qualifies for a loaner car. They said something about only if the car would take more than 6 hrs to repair. Last time when I had the 60,000 mile check, I got a loaner car and it didn't take anywhere near 6 hrs. Finally, they gave me a car from another branch. Honestly, I really didn't care, it was more the principal, I didn't want to be sitting around for 3 hrs. They asked me to have the car back by 12. hmmmm...I needed to get the car inspected, the oil changed, and the recall work done. They were able to get it all done by 12 (I got there at 9). So I just renewed my plates. Now to search the net & hopefully order my aunt's Christmas present. I think for next year I'm going to make her a blanket. She's in her 80's, she certainly doesn't need more "things". I'm thinking that I may send her a Christmas tree.

    Gotta run.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :bigsmile: Here I am, if anyone has been wondering. I will post some more later, but happy to be back as part of the bunch again.

    :heart: Rebel :heart:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :flowerforyou: Hello Ladies, One and All:flowerforyou:

    I am better with my virus, however the old hip joint is still giving me fits. I am doing more than I was and glad to be up.
    My daughter-in-law's mother had breast cancer surgery this week. I have been trying to help her with my grandchildren. There is a 13-year old, a 6 -year old and a 3 1/2 year old. (I am on the laptop...she and I don't get along too well:bigsmile
    They thought they had got all the cancer but one of the lymph nodes came back positive. I just talked to my daughter-in-law and it made me cry. :cry: I can tell she is very nervous and worried. She is trying to cook for Thanksgiving for her side of the family and she has laundry for 5 people and trying to think of Christmas and see to her mom...and I feel like I can't help as much as I would like.:brokenheart:

    Despite that, I am looking forward to being with some of my family tomorrow that I haven't seen for a couple of months. There will be about 30-45 of us(indluding my sisters/husbands and my mom). We usually have a sing-a-long around the piano. We sing some Christian music and the first Christmas music. It's always a lot fun.

    Laura, I am so glad to hear from you. I was a newbie when you posted last and I kept asking if anyone had heard from you. I have thought of you often. In 1986, my brother was buried today, he was 25. It was sudden and we didn't get to tell him bye.
    I am so glad for you that you do have that.
    I hope things continue to be better for you.

    Denise I am glad you are enjoying your trip. It sounds marvelous!

    Robin: Congrats on quitting smoking..that is so wonderful!

    Mims, Chrissy, Mae ..and any others, who are new, welcome. It's a great support forum...just ordinary people trying to be healthy and helpful.

    To; Michelle, Barb, Viv, Barbie, Birdie, Jeannie, Kackie, smwert, Susq,Mimi,Wizzi, Amanda, & all the rest that I have (not meaning to) left out...Thanks so much for being a sounding board and support. Just a line can be such an "uplift".
    I hope you all have a wonderful weekend..If you don't celebrate Thanksgiving..it's not exclusive to be thankful for life's blessings...new and wonderful babies, safety in our travels, homes to live in, food to eat, a place to lay our heads in safety, the great countries that we live in. All those things and many, many more.

    Love to all:heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member

    We all have different things to be thankful for, but the most important thing is to be thankful for what we have or, in some cases, what we don't have. :bigsmile:

    We don't get much snow here on the northern Olympic Peninsula in Washington and when it snows it doesn't last too long. The reason we were snowed in at first was because we live on a private hilly road that wasn't plowed and was too steep to drive in the snow...people who live in town enjoy the blessing of having the streets plowed and sanded promptly. Since I don't have a job to go to, there's no important reason for me to leave the house but once our private road got plowed I ventured out and drove to the dog park so Brandy and Sasha could play in the snow........they love it...we went again today but by tomorrow the temperatures will rise and things will melt and it may rain so the dog park will be a muddy, slushy mess.

    :flowerforyou: one of my goals for this month was to find ways to exercise indoors when the weather is bad and I've had that opportunity this week......one day I walked and danced while watching a DVD of a Broadway musical and today I had my own private line dance class in the entryway on the wood floor....except for walking the dogs in the back yard, I didn't venture outside at all

    :flowerforyou: For Thanksgiving, if the weather is OK we'll drive to the next town to the movies to see "Love and Other Drugs" and if the weather is too icy then we'll stay home and watch DVD movies and snuggle with the dogs and cats.....either way, it will be a day filled with gratitude for all our blessings and I count all of you among my blessings.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the USA! Happy Thursday to all others. lol

    Good luck to all with holiday meals and deserts. We are eating at a friends and we are bringing dessert. Pumpkin Pie (no surprise there) and cannoli. We will cook our turkey on Friday and celebrate with my parents then.

    To those struggling with parents and other family issues - Hang in there and good luck. My parents still don't think they need help for anything and wonder why I have some one come in to help them. We just have to do the best we can taking care of them as they would and did with us.

    I finally got my Wii working again and can't wait to start doing morning yoga. My legs are tight from riding the bike so much and no matter how I stretch out afterward, they never seem to relax.


    PS: Cat 1 is chasing cat 3 around and cat 2 chases cat 1. Cat 3 doesn't want to chase or be chased and is very good at hiding until the danger is over then comes right back out. I can hardly wait to have a Christmas Tree up in the house. I better just use the plastic ornaments this year to be safe.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    SMVQ you have even won over Google! Today's logo is Thanksgiving dishes, featuring ROASTED BRUSSELS SRPOUTS!


    Still trying to catch up, never even had time to update November goals... ;}

    Warm hugs to all!
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Just a quicky to say Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends across the water :drinker: :drinker: and Happy Thursday to everyone else. :laugh:

    :frown: Need to get a move on this morning, it is snowing and paths are quite slippery, we knew the snow was on its way, but the powers that be always wait until it snows before gritting the roads :huh: :huh: I'll need to set off to work a bit earlier that usual.

    :flowerforyou: Robin congrats on your 1yr smoke free anniversary :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Laura thanks for the advice, I'll keep on suggesting uncle have all the help he's entitled to. At least the GP has my telephone number now for all future appointments - it's a start.

    Take care everyone. You are all in my thoughts. Sorry to dash off.

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    A fly past visit from me again, but I wanted to wish all my friends in the States a Happy Thanksgiving. We all have a lot to be thankful for - even through our trials and tribulations.

    Love to you all.

    Amanda x
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving to all of us in the states and happy Thursday to everyone else.

    We aren't celebrating today but we will have big dinner with family and friends tomorrow. About 36 people will be at my father's girlfriend's step sons house. He and his wife have been in Shanghai for the past 2 years and will be moving back in 2 weeks but they had one company trip home left so they are home for the holiday. It should be fun since most of there stuff is still in storage but they are great people so I am really looking forward to it.
  • vikkij12
    Hello ladies, happy thanksgiving to all the people in the states!!

    Just a quick flying visit today, off to Lake Taupo to join 12,000 others in biking this weekend. I have the hilliest leg to do and and not good at hills but should enjoy it. Taupo is so pretty on a nice day.
    I am really struggling at the moment with my eating, and don't know how to get my mind back on track. Will have to work on it.:cry:

    Will call in in the weekend.
  • Firesign
    Firesign Posts: 169 Member
    :smile: HAPPY THANKSGIVING GIRLS!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving All!!!!!

    Just cleaning up after the family meal. Twenty two for dinner. What fun; I love get togethers, and I love to cook. Twenty one pound turkey, came out beautiful. Several very healthy but good dishes and some not so healthy and also good. Managed to find a balance. Had only one serving, and behaved at the nosh and nibble table before dinner. I made a belated Birthday cake for my younger brothers, who are twins. They are Halloween babies but are so seldom together, so I took this opportunity to make them a cake from and old family recipe. They shared their Birthdays with our Mom, twins on her 40th. Since she is gone their bdays can get lost in the shuffle.

    I hope you all had great Thanksgivings, with family or friends, or even better both. We have so much to be thankful for.

    You are all on my list of people I am thankful for!!:heart: Alice
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good morning ladies

    :ohwell: Another cold and frosty morning here, I'm not looking forward to walking the dogs. I can fall over at the best of times never mind when it's slippy :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Lynn hope you are completely over the virus now and you are feeling better.

    :flowerforyou: I hope everyone's Thanksgiving celebrations went well. Seems the few that have posted already enjoyed catching up with family and friends.

    Not sure if the running club will take place this lunchtime due to the weather, but I'll take my kit just in case. It's a pity really that we don't still have a gym. It was closed down when parts of the factory were sold a few years ago. Since Nestle took over Rowntrees lots of employee services have been sold or stopped. There used to be an on site bank (gone) dentist (gone) big canteen with meeting rooms on top (gone) a big staff shop (now online)

    Anyway enough moaning time to make a move.:smile:

    Have a great day everyone :flowerforyou:

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Good morning to all you lovely ladies! For those who celebrated Thanksgiving...I hope you were blessed with a special day as I was.:happy:
    It was very quiet, as both my daughters went to their in-laws (a change from the original plan, but quite agreeable to all) so It was just my DH & DD. She prepared the meal...I took care of the turkey.
    It is good to have a plan...so my plan...though a loose plan...was to enjoy the days delights, but watch the portion controls and NOT go back for seconds! :tongue: I had a taste of everything prepared for the main meal, but just took a sampling of everything (not a heap!!!). My 2 married daughters were joining us later in the day for dessert. (pies). Again, I had a sliver, not a piece of each pie. Later I had another sliver of 1 and counted it as my dinner. This morning, the pies that didn't leave last night with my married daughters, were brought into my other daughter's workplace. (The daughter that lives with me.) I had a healthy breakfast and exercised for over 60 minutes and am now at work:bigsmile: .
    I'm sure it will be slow today as most people have "Black Friday" off. I don't mind as I stay as far away from the stores, crowds etc today. :noway: For me, I don't care HOW cheap something is, it's usually a "bate and switch". :angry:
    So I welcome a quiet day, and will try to catch up on posts as I am sooooo far behind!:ohwell:
    I do see that Laura's back but haven't had the time to read the post so welcome back Laura!!!
    Welcome newbies to this thread!:flowerforyou:
    Have an awesome day all! I'll be back!
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    I have tried to read and catch up some but mostly skimmed. Laura I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my mom 10 years ago next March and it was sudden. I still miss her every day. So good to hear from you again. Since dad's surgery I have not been doing good on exercise. I did use stairs while he was in hospital. those of you that have been around know how I feel about elevators. I have not done terrible on food but not great either. yesterday for Thanksgiving I did nibble quite a bit. I seem to have a horrible sweet tooth lately. We did get up and go back to gym this mroning and I plan to continue that. MY main goal need to be to check in here and post and read. That seems to keep me on track more than anything. Hope you all have a good day. Hope to post later.
    Vicki M
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Robin - Somehow I missed your 1 year smoke free anniversary in the posts. That is quite a feat. Congratulations.

    We had dinner with friends and we are cooking our turkey today to have with my parents. Our water froze for the first time ever to the house, so we are puzzling over what it means. It may just be that hubby left the top to the well house off when he was doing something over the summer or if something else is going on.

    I did OK yesterday and plan to do OK today and get after it again tomorrow. I picked what I ate carefully and only had 1 of the 4 desserts.

    Happy Friday all,

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Laura, you are a tower of strength! :flowerforyou: So much to deal with and yet you managed all your situations with a level head! So sorry about your mom, :cry: but so glad that you talked to her on the phone before she died. Closure is a difficult thing, but I'm sure talking to her will make it much easier than had you not! May God continue to shower you with blessings and strength going forward!
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!!
    A quick stop in to wish everyone a belated Happy Thanksgiving/Thursday.
    I have logged everything I can remember eating yesterday and I think I only went over by 200 or so calories !!! this is more then I wouls have liked but as it was an "eating" holiday I feel that my choices were good. DF and I went to his family in the morning and I limited myself to a small portion of turkey and potatoes. No gravy and no additional butter. I drank LOTS of water.
    Then I went to my family and made a full spread. I ate from the veggie tray first and then had a small portion of the rest of the meal. I also stayed away from the desserts. Since there were 2 large meals I feel I did ok.

    I hope everyone else did well. If you didn't do as well as you would have liked then remember... don't beat yourself up over this, it is only one day and you can pick yourself up and do better the next time.

    I appreaciate each and everyone of you. I cheer you all on through your triumphs and cry with you durning your tough times. I don't have time today to mention each of you but I did want to make a special mention to Robin.I am SO proud of you for celebrating your one year aniversary being smake free. This has been a tremendious challenge especially as you are trying to lose weight. WTG!!!!

    Better run, maybe I can squeese in a yoga tape.

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Greetings from lurkerville. Have been trying to catch up since 10/23, has taken mornings and evenings for a week, and most of today, but I'm BAAACK!

    What is that noise? Sounds like Dixie's nails scrambling on the floor during a scratching frenzy? DIXIE! Knock it OFF! She has typical Wheaten skin issues. Allergic to fleas but gets Advantix to ward against any that could survive our desert cold and aridity. Yeast? Sometimes but last week vet tested, no yeast. Dry? Yes but gets fish oil twice a day and switched to a milder shampoo than anti-yeast one. Food allergies, maybe but have completely eliminated wheat, corn, chicken... DIXIE! CUT it OUT!

    Drat! Second or third time this session that IE has closed MFP when I click for the next page. Probably a carryover from the trojan I got 2 weeks ago. Good (or bad) thing I've been typing in WordPad...

    WARNING...Monster, multipart post:

    Alice Love the snow and yorkie pics, would love to see a pic of Lane's chicken costume? "aflalunts and pupcakes?" What's the Yorkie's name? Old family recipe for twin-birthday cake? Ah! Balance between the healthy and not-so but good anyway dishes, that's the way to live!

    Amanda What delightful twins! Bless you for letting Natasha have her little sob in comfortable, non-judgemental, suppotive safety. She'll need that outlet from time to time, but you knew that, you're her mom! Hope her recovery is smoother now. Can't help thinking that missing 2 fingers is so much better than missing 2 siblings, that must be an ache that never heals. As for you, any surgery is VERY scary and heartstuff even more so, BUT like with the colonoscopy, medicine has come a long
    way in recent decades and YOU have come so far in fitness! A dear friend recently had laparoscopic valve repair, two tiny incisions between his ribs, out of the hospital in days, much reduced recovery period. Hoping the same for you! Brava on continuing the swimming lessons despite the struggle. You're so active, wonder if relaxing in the water could be an issue?

    Barb Thanks for the supercooks.com and freesmileys.org links and the tip about using quote to get the underlying code. Sorry for your loss, glad you had a wonderful great-aunt in the first place, relieved you're safely home through the mountain passes. Bet the piggies were glad you didn't have to stay away overnight!

    Barbie, thanks so much for sharing your HowTos! No wonder you've had such great success! Good for you for scheduling the colonscopy. An unpleasant prep, but very necessary screen. I'm sure you'll pass with flying colors! Oh dear, that didn't sound quite right... How's it going with DH's part time work while snowed in? Not quite snowed in here, roads sanded, messy icy. Have studded snow tires, but too-very-cold to go out unless REALLY neccessary. Haven't quite managed a whole line dance
    class in the hallway, but DID sneak in a few numbers during yesterday's food prep marathon...

    Birdie starting from page 8? Boy do I understand! It's taken me 2 weeks and all day to try to catch up from oct 23!

    Chiclet your mom's progress in moving her feet is inspiration and proof that exercises can help US ALL! You must be exhausted with this tough transition but hope you celbrate yourself for all you've already done for your Mom. Do make time for yourself and Boo, you'll need it and you Mom could probably do with a little alone time to adjust too!

    Chrissy You've already started with the 2 most important steps, logging your food and asking for support. You'll get it here!

    Denise Every time you greet us from the French Alps I smile. Thanks for the vicarious vacation!

    Jackie sure do envy you those Christmas crackers, they sound like a ton of fun! Eqypt WOW!

    Jeannie What a picture of purple grandkids singing and dancing grapes into wine? Hooray for granddads who make fun-if-not-wife-popular choices despite the consequences. What a memory! Double Hooray for your son standing up for the cat despite the consequences and Hip Hip hooray for your husband for doing what's right despite his personal preference and Double Damn those kids to karmic hell for abusing that poor cat! May they come back as that cat with the full knowledge that it is themselves who are torturing themselves. Time is illusion and no barrier to Karmic justice! Hope that as you nurture and care
    for the cat, the kids' souls inside will be healed and the cycle STOPPED. Whew what a rant, sorry! PLEASE let me know when you come up with a tasty, reduced calory, more healthful alfredo, and thanks for the reminder that yoga will help ease my dance class induced leg tightness. Amen to the plastic ornaments! Water froze? Oh NO! Hope no pipes burst? Good reminder for me to check that faucets are on the drip before I leave, I tend to forget when I wash my hands and turn faucets all the way off.

    Kackie all day oyster roast/shrimp boil doesn't sound like a play day to me, sounds like a ton of work for no great reward, but then I really don't like seafood in any form ;)
    continued in part 2
    CHANGES4ME Posts: 132 Member
    :cry: well i sure fit in that group, but i'm slowly gettin 2 the point where ithink why do i need 2 keep goin?. my 6 yr mate has medical promblems, that prevents us from goin 2 the gym ( like 2day ) he thinks he mite b tryin 2 get a cold, i have an excersise bike, but when i start 2 get on it, i lose my zest 2 do it....last sept, i weighed 303, i was down to 216 recently, but we have had 2 miss our w/o's a lot lately, so i am back up to 224!!:sad: my spirits r so low rite now... i put a note on the community board hopin sum 1 with in the irving, or grand prairie area would see it... i was so hopin that may b i mite get lucky & find me a partener that i could work out with, when my mate does not feel like going... he does the gym more so 4 fun. i do it 4 so many reasons... i can feel my spirits sinking. i tried 2 do my w/o's by my self. but it's so hard 2 do; no 1 to talk 2, no 1 to say, " come on, 1 more... " i feel so alone sum tymes. goin through menapause makes it worse....i work in nursing/rehab. U would not believe how huge sum of these people are. well may b u'al would. any way, i need my work outs.. it's like a major fix 2 me. when we joined 24 hr fitness in march, then found a state of the art 50+ fitness club ( god this place is awesum.... ) we were workin out as much as 5 or 6 daz a wk; & luvin it. then we started 2 slow down, ( hard on gas, cuz it's across town ) now it's cold out; & as i said, he has different medical probs, that slows him down, or even prevents us from goin... he sleeps a lot sum tymes, & i think god, it must b nice 2 beable 2 sleep so soundly, so easily sum tymes.. ( i adverage bout 4 hrs a nite. partly due 2 depression ) anyway i am not sure why i am writin all this 4 the world 2 see. but i jus had the need 2 write all this down... motivation & support seemed like the rite place... writin my emotions like this, has been like having a diary, or a journal that talks 2 u, understands, gives u jus even a little hope 2 keep goin. the comfort of knowin that sum out there, sum 1 else has gone, is goin through what i am... by readin this, i will say tyvm jus 4 listenin....