

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Faye this is an oldie but not sure I ever posted: Faye thanks for the parboiling tip and the cautionary about the using young tender beets. You made me hungry for Mama's pot roast and her sauerbraten. Check out the health food stores for your coarsely ground cornmeal, most carry a wide variety of grains, flours and meals. Your wilted lettuce salad dressing sounds similar to Mama's hot potato salad, except it had brown sugar and beer in addition tot he bacon and vinegar.

    Kath and all the other newbies I missed Warmest Welcome. These gals are THE BEST.

    Kathy (pmjsmom) concentrating on logging food and exercise at the expense of catching up, boy can I understand THAT! But I also find reading the posts integral to staying inspired and on track. Guess I'll have to detox from daily Spider solitaire."My main goal is to not weigh more at the end of the holidays." Great goal, may I join you?

    beyondblessed ?KCWriter? Welcome back!

    Mae Welcome. This group IS just the thing ;) Congratulations on reducing the soda,upping the water,logging and exercising!

    Michele Way too late but... I too snap the asparagus, not even slicing diagonally REALLY thin makes the ends palatable to me. Likewise hate the waste, sooo... the ends go into the blender with the other kitchen waste and a little water. Out into the garden, scootch some hay mulch to one side, glop, glop, hay mulch back, no waste and fed the garden that will feed us next year. Yeah German food not exactly easy on the calories/carbs/fat... but sauerbraten YUMMM! I'd HAVE to have a half portion of noodles, and the red cabbage wouldn't be too bad. eatingwell.com has tons of yummy looking fruit desserts, here's one
    I'll try soon as the oranges sweeten up: http://www.eatingwell.com/recipes/cinnamon_oranges.html
    Will substitute Splenda for the sugar... might try warming up the sauce before serving... Don't you just love TrueLemon? I have it on line dance class nights with club soda and Splenda... that way I support the saloon that sponsors the free classes, AND my goals at the same time... No novacaine at the DDS? Heck I want it all, prenumbing lotion, novacaine, happy gas, headphones, calgon take me FAR away!

    Laura, thanks so much for sharing your story. I, too was chosen and had the best parents in the world. Glad you were able to tell your mom so.

    Lynn Welcome, believe it or not you're new since last I monster-posted. Brava for facing all you have with courage and character. Loved hearing about your sing-along-tradition, hope it went well this year.

    SisterMimiVeggieQueen Tahoe IS hard to beat. We honeymooned there and I miss it! Low Iron needs beans beans beans?
    http://www.vrg.org/nutrition/iron.htm Any word on GD Olivia's tum troubles? Thank you again and again for your warm positive posts and the secret key to yummy veggies!

    Mims Welcome and Congratulations on the two sizes! You've earned both the compliments and the confidence! Sail on!

    Moncha Belated Welcome! you are not the only one to go over the first day. Decades ago on Day 1 of a new diet, I ate THREE whole full sized candy bars. Don't give up, just try something different. Some of us started by just logging our intake, not trying to control quantities or qualities, just logging and learning. It is an eye-opening exercise. Exercise, that's another thing NOT to jump into madly but to add a little at a time. You'll learn here that the same things don't work the same way for everyone and nothing works the same for everyone but everything you face has been faced by someone here. We're all here for
    each other, we do not judge each other and try not to beat ourselves up. Meanwhile, I'll try NOT to clench my elbow tonight too hard, it IS Beer Friday but not KEG of beer friday.

    patsaffo Welcome! No one here will judge you... honest! Adding body health to the mix is a great approach, as is looking at the positive side like when you laid off the baked beans and dessert . . .

    Peggy Don't you love it when a smaller size fits? Yay Belly Dancing! The plum velvet sounds gorgeous. If tightening up isn't progressing fast enough for you, try Jeannie's gutt'n'butt core rehab routine... now that I mention it, I've GOT to start doing that again!

    piquilter con VERY grats on the smaller sized underarmor! Will look for some too, or at least some new longies. I'm SWIMMING in the XL ones I bought at Wal~Mart last month. Healing on the inside, everyone says that's key. Heck I don't even know what's broken inside and why, just see the symptoms. . . inappropriate anger and accompanying "mouth" hunger (queen of the revenge Cheetos)... followed by guilt followed by depression... fortunately it never lasts too long., BUT... How the heck can I fix what I don't know is broken? Any ideas ladies?

    Reb, welcome back! We missed you! Want to hear all about everything.

    Robin, Was Barb's site where you got your jumping icons too? 'bout the new avatar, I'm with Terri, look primarily at the dogs. Likewise with whoever it was who mentioned your bikini pic. It was, and you ARE a knockout! Welcome to the 10yr colonoscopy club, oops! That would have been this year for me, better get on the phone and schedule. Fingers crossed for good job offer news. You and MacMadame and all the marathoners amaze me. Enjoy your training and you goal, even though it would NOT be my cup of tea ;) Dixie, like her mama, LOVES the snow. She'll make do with a heavy frost until it comes. Loves to snowplow
    with her muzzle. Looks so funny with snowynose! General Robt. E. Lee tolerates snow but, like his mama too, does NOT LIKE ICE!

    Sally 60s in MA in NOVEMBER? You're pulling our legs, right? We had record warm (70s) Indian summer the first week in November, and are paying for it now with near-record colds... lows in single digits, highs in the teens, wind chill down to 15 below, its very hard on this native Californian and her Kentucky-born DH. We'll be looking to retire somewhere where winters last for less than seven months...

    SuzyQ you are beautiful in BLUE! Hope the move was easy and the new home a joy.

    smwert Don't you love hot tubs? Always thought they were a rich folks' luxury until DH talked me into our first (used) one. Now I know they are a necessity! My kneecaps used to hurt awfully on stairs, still do sometimes, but some PT-recommended exercises and a few fewer pounds have really helped.

    Suzanita, welcome back you were missed!

    Terri, From one goody2shoes to another, I say NO to the "hurt me some more dear". One thing I DID get out of counseling (besides a husband who learned to stop acting like the jerk he wasn't) was that when my feelings are hurt, I have to say so, prefereably in fewer than 10, one-syllable words. "Joe please stop, my feelings are hurt." OK "feelings" has 2 syllables, but you get my drift. We also now have some code phrases. When I feel like he has his head up is *kitten* I say "I hope you'll take some time and reconsider." I've also learned that sometimes what feels like Joe bossing me around and telling me what to do, is really Joe trying to protect me. Helps to make me less defensive.

    VickieM Glad your Dad's home safe home from hospital despite fever. Does he live with you? Back to the gym, posting and reading, back on track you are!

    VikkiJ vege garden in December? Taupo biking?
    http://www.nzherald.co.nz/sport/news/article.cfm?c_id=4&objectid=10690354 Aha you're in New Zealand!

    Viv Running club, WOW you amaze me! Reading about you uncle reminded me that when Papa first lost the use of his legs, Mama fired all the help the first month as it was too much work to get him ready for them when they came. She must have regretted that decision in the ensuing 17 years of caring for him but she never turned back... That was my Mama, a little pistol! Wish I had a fraction of her grit. Keep touching base with the social worker, if Uncle is inconsistent in his answers about
    needing help, maybe his permission is not required to get it? By any chance do you remember the brand of the like-Bailey's-but-with-ginger sample? Doubt we can get it here in Idaho but I'd sure like to try!

    What IS that noise?! Aha, caught her! Its Dixie scratching all right, but not her back, the dining room floor! Lifted up the heater vent, banged on the side of the duct and called out "Any little creatures down there, Go AWAY! Dixie's going to EAT YOU!" then closed the vent and moved a chair over it. Poor critters, its so cold outside they're willing to risk living in the ducts of a Terrier's house...Now she's sitting library lion-like under the table, attention totally focussed on the vent under the chair, and every so often giving up a heart-rending frustrated-hunt-moan. Hope the critters hear her and find another haven.

    Warmest hugs to all!

    gutt'n'butt try 11 day zer0
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    We had a wonderful 2nd Thanksgiving today with another old friend.

    His second wife is a younger lady and they had a baby boy last summer. His family sort of abandoned them and he and his new wife and baby are friendless except for us. I do think the wife is kinda of young, but he was unhappily divorced for many, many years and I guess as long as he is happy who am I to judge. It was nice to have a baby in the house. Mom and Dad just adored him.

    I did OK on calories yesterday and today, just a little over. From tomorrow until Christmas I will do my best to stay within my calories and do extra exercise.

    I've enjoyed reading the posts. Everyone seems to be in high spirits which is important. Laughter can keep the stress away.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: I just spent a long time reading posts and was about to conclude that there was no way I could respond to everyone so I just wouldn't write anything.......bad idea and a return to my old perfectionist attitude.....so instead I'm just writing a quick post to say that the only reason I didn't go over calories yesterday was that we didn't do a traditional Thanksgiving.......except for going to the dog park we stayed home all day.....had a Kashi thin crust pizza with extra tomatoes, olives, and onions for lunch, and homemade pumpkin and apple soup for dinner and because we were alone there was a lot of time for exercise.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs to all
  • priskar
    priskar Posts: 156
    I just noticed this 50+ group! Yea! Just the kind of group I was hoping to find. I've been going through many of the posts and, Lord, it will take time to get to know everyone and what your goals are but it seems this is just an awesome and supportive group. It looks like many of your have been successful in your endeavors as well.

    Well, I hope you don't mind scooching over for another fanny on the 50-something Losers Bench. Slowly but surely I'm gathering goals and will have some to post by the beginning of next month (Dec.). I look forward to losing with all of you!

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies. Welcome to all the new faces and big hugs to the more 'established members' who I seem to know so well. Much as I would love to respond to you individually, I would be here all day if I tried, so please know that I have read all posts and am thinking of each of you.

    A cold day here, but no snow as yet. I can't believe we're almost in December. It doesn't look as if I'm going to get down to 145 pounds this month - which will get me into a normal BMI, but at least I'm below 150 - this time last year I was almost double what I am now, so I'm proud to say I've come a long way and will be a heck of a lot fitter and more prepared for my heart surgery in the new year.

    My car is being serviced today - which I am relieved as it has had a couple of minor problems lately. Plus a flat tyre when I was on my way to DD and my grandtwins on Thursday. It's a good job that I'm a capable woman! It always amazes me when my female acquaintances say they can't change a tyre or check the car for various problems. Not to say that I enjoy doing it - but I would never have wanted to drive my children anywhere when they were younger, without knowing I was able to at least do the minor things to get us home safely.

    As I am carless today, DD#2 is coming over to pick me up and we are going to do a little shopping before heading to DD#1 and the babies. Our menfolk are going out to 'wet the babies heads' tonight (I have warned them that, just because they are twins doesn't mean they have to drink doubles!) so we girls are going to have a lovely night in with the babes. I'm taking some quinoa and couscous plus some home made hummus, so I'm sorted. I have made some almond slices for my daughters. My mum used to make them for us at Christmas time and my children love them.

    Speaking of baking - does anybody have a healthy recipe for something with coconut, but no fruit? I'm stumped and want to make something for the Nursing Home Christmas fair which is this Friday. I'm helping out again, which means that my Mother-in-law will feel deserted (she likes me to stay by her side at these events), but I will make it up to her by staying an extra couple of hours afterwards. I've already told DD that I won't be around to be 'doula' that day - although it will be a big wrench not to see Molly and Teddy!

    I need to go and find some thicker socks now as I'm hoping to get a walk in Richmond Park before we go shopping.

    Have a great weekend everyone. Keep warm and active and remember to drink your water and eat your veggies!

    Love to all.

    Amanda x
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    We are going to see Harry Potter today. I can't wait. Then we will do a mall walk. It takes 10 minutes to walk one loop of our favorite mall. We do that first, then go back to any stores we want to go into.

    My poor DS will get dragged with us. His only thing to do at the mall is to eat there. I've already told the kiddos no eating out today, so he is depressed about coming with us.

    I am starting back on the Wii Fit again this weekend, hopefully today.

    Have a great Saturday all and a big welcome to all the new comers.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    I had a wonderful thanksgiving meal yesterday. I didn't worry about it and enjoyed myself. I ate so much less than I would have a year ago and so I feel that was a success. Here is a picture of me in my new over the knee boots and the top DH picked out for me to where for thanksgiving. . DH had just cut my hair so it is a bit shorter but it looks good. (no money to go somewhere to get a trim) the black blob at the bottom of the photo is Keira trying to be a part of it.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Good morning, everyone.:flowerforyou: I am back from visiting my family and, while it was nice to see them (esp. my dd Jenny:heart: and my mom) I will admit that it was 'interesting'.:wink:

    I did some walking and tried really hard to watch my portions but I am sure I am up--and possibly a lot.:grumble: So, today is a new start and I am back on track--again!:laugh: It was hard to log everything because my mother does not like anyone to use computers-at ALL--and it was easier to just not log everything. I did manage to keep track of the worst offenders:noway: but not everything.

    We bought an already-cooked Thanksgiving dinner for my dd and her bf (she's not much of a cook) so I do have some leftovers here for soup, etc.:happy:

    My son and I missed the snow.:smile: It started the night we left and had melted by the time we returned. My dd says the roads were really bad. She was not able to get to work on Monday, Tuesday OR Wednesday because of the ice on the roads around here! Luckily they were able to get the dinner because the store was close enough to walk to.

    I am trying to catch up with everything that has been going on.

    It sounds like you all had a really nice holiday.

    Laura--my belated condolences on your mother's passing. I hope you are all doing well. I'm glad you got to talk to her.

    Welcome to our new ladies! It seems there are quite a few of you!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Well, I've sat here long enough. Time to get a workout in and then decide what to do first. I'd like to decorate the porch, at least. (We can't do too much inside yet. We'll need to tie up the tree this year because of the baby starting to scoot everywhere and the cat is still really a kitten so...)

    Have a wonderful day everyone and I'll try to do some more catching up later.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    I had a wonderful thanksgiving meal yesterday. I didn't worry about it and enjoyed myself. I ate so much less than I would have a year ago and so I feel that was a success. Here is a picture of me in my new over the knee boots and the top DH picked out for me to where for thanksgiving. . DH had just cut my hair so it is a bit shorter but it looks good. (no money to go somewhere to get a trim) the black blob at the bottom of the photo is Keira trying to be a part of it.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

    WOW! Robin....You look terrific:flowerforyou: Congratulations...and enjoy!!!!:bigsmile:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: Here I was intending to start posting and had a relapse of the flu. But.....today I feel a TON better.

    Soooo, there is no way I can go back and read all the posts since I last dropped off the face of the earth, sorry about that.

    Instead I will recap a little of what my life has been like.

    :wink: Mexican Reviera Cruise: Oh yeah baby. One week of R&R. We had a fabulous time. Did I tell you I danced with the captain? Hah, that was cool. The temps were hot and very hot in Mexico. The food was fantastic and so was the entertainment. I also enjoyed the peacefulness of the library and hanging out by the pool, chatting with people from all over the continent. We will definitely cruise again, but it is expensive so it will have to wait a couple of years.

    :wink: The next weekend we went to see DS#2. Drove one day there, hung out with him and his girlfriend on the Saturday and drove one day back. The time went by so quickly. DS#2 is doing so much better mentally and emotionally. Now he needs to get a good paying job so he can get back on track financially.

    :wink: My sweet sister arrived November 1 and left Nov 20th. We had a wonderful time together. I took the last week off and we spent a couple of days in Washington state where our cousins live. We visited our elderly aunt, but she no longer recognized us. This was likely the last time we saw her. It was such a special visit. My DS and I had many great conversations, it was so good to be together again and DH and I made sure we spoiled her rotten!!! We told her once she would be home again she would stand in her kitchen and wonder when the meal would be made for her. LOL. She is not used to being spoiled.

    :wink: In the midst of all of this I applied and competed for several jobs and had several interviews and tests. Nothing materialized so far, but I can tell you that the process is completely draining. It takes so much out of me, it saps me of everything I've got. But, I keep trying, and hopefully I can report one day of a success. Meanwhile I am not unhappy with what I am doing currently.

    :wink: given all these interruptions I did gain back about 5 pounds; a couple from the cruise and a couple during my sister's visit. So, now I need to buckle down and get at it again. It was just over a year ago that I started this journey and I lost 28 pounds over that year span. I know I can chip away at some more of those pounds and I am not resetting my ticker.

    That's it for now. All my love to all my MFP friends.
    :heart: :heart: Rebel:heart::heart:
  • mimi7grands
    I’ve been absent the last few days and missed everyone. Lots of family times. They were fun but the over-eating was not fun. I’m glad to be back – and back on track. It helps to know that it takes just 2 days weighing, logging, and staying on track for it to get easy. I can do anything for 2 days!

    I was bummed when I completed my food diary for today and knew that the weight MFP told me I’d weigh in 5 weeks was WAY under what I’ll really weigh after all the Thanksgiving noshing. MFP's reminder is effective. And, I’m finding out for the first time, it’s even more effective when you’re a little (!) over your last recorded weight. :grumble:

    I don’t plan to skimp on calories though.:noway: (Today was a little low, but not intentionally.) I do best when I stick to a reasonable number of calories. For me, that’s around 1400, or more when I exercise. Trying to “catch up” just doesn’t work for me. It’s that whole deprivation thing. Deprivation does not work! (For me!!) :wink:

    Everyone who’s new, welcome! This is a wonderful place for support.

    Robin, congrats on some worthy goals. Hurray for hitting your one-year anniversary of quitting smoking. You’ve done doubly well losing weight considering that you quit smoking too! …I just came to the post that had your full-length picture in it. Wow, double-wow! You look wonderful. :heart:

    Laura, you’ve had a time of it – and then some. :cry: I’m sorry to hear of your loss, and so glad you got a chance to say goodbye. You’ve done an amazing job of keeping your weight in line.

    Amanda, those two babies are so cute, snuggled down in their baskets. :love: I admire your efforts in the swimming department tremendously. You are one determined lady.

    Hurray for veggies!

    Hey there, Barbara. Nice to see you! We’ve been a quiet bunch (myself included) over the holidays (for the US contingent, that is). You are right about how motivating it is to read everyone’s posts. Reading them takes me from 0 to 60, just like that! I need to take more time to read the posts when I’m facing challenging eating situations like this last week. It’s too easy to go unconscious. My friends at MFP revive me quickly!

    About fixing what you don’t know is broken – I used to do a lot of soul searching. Not so much now. I’m a little kinder and more forgiving of myself than I used to be.

    Your Dixie sounds like fun. My mom and dad got a little Heinz 56 (part beagle, part shaggy terrier). Maggie has energized them. I’m amazed to see how much difference one little dog can make. My mom’s always been a project person and now she has a new project! BTW, Maggie has skin problems too. A friend who worked for a vet (long ago) recommended lamb/rice dog food. It seems to be helping. Now, if my dad would just stop feeding her Cheerios…

    Peggy, congrats on your progress. Whoo hoo!!!

    Jeannie, give your son a hug from me! He did a brave thing.

    Barbie, I always appreciate your wise words. Thank you for the reminder that this is about a lifestyle change not a diet. Oh…just read your post: “about to conclude that there was no way I could respond to everyone so I just wouldn't write anything.......bad idea and a return to my old perfectionist attitude.” Boy, do I relate to that! Didn’t know it was about being a perfectionist but I think you hit the nail on the head. LOL. :laugh:

    I’m listening to what you said about not having a traditional Thanksgiving helping you keep your eating in line. (I’m paraphrasing.) I need to plan to do a better job with Christmas. I remember that old saw (from Amway??), “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”

    Viv, Thank goodness your uncle has a niece who cares about him like you do. You’re doing a great job (against many obstacles!) :flowerforyou:

    Changes4Me, I’m glad you posted. You have done an amazing job getting healthier over the last year. I’m rooting for you.

    Priska, I love your way with words! But I’d say we’re on the Winner’s Bench, not the Loser’s Bench!!! :happy:

    Kathy, good to hear from you too. I love catching up with all my old friends. Even if you are keeping me up past my bedtime! (Whatever that is. I don’t actually have a “bedtime!” Wouldn’t hurt to start getting more consistent.)

    Renny, so nice to see you too! You look so relaxed – and so beautiful – in your picture. The Mexican Riviera sounds like a good place to be! I’m glad to hear your son is doing well. And, the visit with your sister sounds so warm and cozy. Spending time with people we love is the best. :heart:

    I’m with you on not restarting my ticker. I know I’ve gained and, dang it, it makes me mad. But not so mad I’m going to stay off track. For me, it takes just 2 days of weighing, logging, etc., to get back in the groove. (I know I said this earlier, but I need to hear it again!) I (we) can do anything for 2 days!

    Thanks everyone, for posting. Hearing your stories and your encouraging words makes all the difference in the world. :love:
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Like Jeannie, we had a 2nd thanksgiving Saturday. Joe works Thanksgivings so I spent it with my inlaws, neices, nephews, grand-ns etc. Then yesterday made a turkey and STUFFING for Joe and me. We LOVE Stuffing. It was a tremendously relaxing day. I got to play in the kitchen, taking my time, no stress, just fun, almost meditative. We had turkey, gravy, STUFFING (from scratch with sausage and sourdough bread), mashed sweet potatoes, coleslaw, some of my MILs $1,000,000 salad, and my MILs cream cheese pumpkin rolls. Alas SMVQ there was so much that I didn't roast the brussels sprouts. O well, will do it today and take them with me to work for lunch next week. Lots of food, not all of it the healthiest, BUT, managed portion size (a tablespoon of this, a quarter cup of that), savored the flavor, and thanks to the second food prep marathon in 3 days did not go over calories.

    Oops see I never set November goals. Will keep Oct thru Nov, then review/revise for Dec.

    CHANGES4ME , you have come to the right place to vent and get encouragement! Down from 303 to 224? WOW! Sure understand about how gaining a little back can make you feel low. :brokenheart: Right there with you too on how much harder the cold makes it to be active. Skipped line dance class Wednesday night because I just couldn't face the bitter cold afterwards. :cry: Lots of the gals here use dvds, some play on the wii, when the weather makes us want to not go out. When you do go back to the gym, is there a bulletin board where you could put a note offering to partner with another on this journey? In any case, pat yourself on the back for being a gymgoer (I can't drag myself into one of those places for anything:noway: ), AND for being smoke free for over 6 years. Well Done! :flowerforyou: I've been smoke-free 11.5 yrs and gained too. But it was worth it never to smoke again. As our leader BarbieCat says, Never, never NEVER give up!

    Priskar Con VERY gratulations on being 52 days smoke free! :drinker: That is the MOST important thing you can do for yourself! Not much benchsitting here:laugh: but we'll gladly scooch over in the line dance to make room for you! One of our gals (Amanda?) made one of her goals not to sit for more than half an hour and its a good one!.

    Amanda, last year you were almost double what you are today? :heart: :heart: :heart: WOW, you HAVE come a long way indeed! What is "wet the babies heads" tradition? :drinker:

    Jeannie, you are the kindest hearted gal in the world. Not only do you take in every stray, but you make your old friend, his younger 2nd wife and new baby a warm happy holiday, even when you're facing tough financial times. They'll love you forever, as we do.:love:

    Robin, Birdie and Mimi said it right! WOW! Hotcha CHA!:love:

    Kathy how are you going to tie up the tree? Can u share a pic? Preferably with baby and kitten too :wink:

    Rebel what a great gift to spoil your sister so. Know those 5 pounds will fly off.:laugh:

    SMVQ you and Robin are Right Right RIGHT. Deprivation does NOT:noway: work for me either. Planning does. AND reading everyone else's stories, struggles, suggestions and encouragements. This is the best group, period.:heart:

    Warmest hugs to all!

    gutt'n'butt try 11 day zer0... still!:grumble:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    AuntieBK, Thank you so much for your kind words. They mean a lot to me.

    Robin, you look fantastic!

    We are going to have a quiet day and work on those left overs. It is suppose to be windy this afternoon and in the 20s tonight. I have to get the stock tank heater set up for the horses. Hubby is covering windows. Winter has arrived.

    Here in New Mexico when they say "west canyon winds" they mean hurricane strength cold winds.

    Chat with you after my chores are done.

  • mimi7grands
    Made it all the way through yesterday under my calories. Feels SO good. Another day and I'll be safely back on track. Those off-track times are scary but less so as I'm learning how easy it is to get back on track. 2 days of effort, then in the groove, ma'am.

    I'm thinking about grandkids and how cute they are...yesterday, I took Kate (4 year old) shopping. She was playing with a little video game. She told me there was this "pig dude" and went on to explain the game. Pig dude? Olivia (6 year old) got in trouble Thanksgiving night for hurting her sister. At first she was all about, "John threw Kate on top of me (Olivia was hiding) and I got hurt and nobody cared." She was very sad. Eventually, she admitted, "I kind of fell on Kate but I didn't mean to." Hmm. Sounds like retaliation to me!

    I'll need your prayers and good thoughts this next week. I'll be watching the girls all day, every day, while their mom goes to L.A. to help her DH's sister who just had twins. I hope to still be the doting grandma by the time Sooz gets back!

    Barbara, you are amazing...all that tempting food and staying under your calories. I'm in awe! I hope to get there some day. Let us know how the brussels sprouts go. I like them when they're not bitter. I saw a special on PBS once where they said there are 3 kinds of bitter-tasters. Some can eat brussels sprouts and not taste any bitter, some taste a little bitterness, and some gag! I'm in the middle group. It's interesting that even our taste buds vary. Actually, that figures as we are each unique. Kind of a miracle when you think about it.

    Jeannie, I echo AuntieBK's sentiments about your kindness in taking in your old friend. You are a good friend to have.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Lynn - I'm so sorry to read about your DIL's mother. That's so sweet of you to try to help as much as you can.

    Well, we had Thanksgiving at Jessica's. I could tell she was stressed. At one point she made mention of the fact that she wished I was doing it all. But she has to get there, and she will. Now, you all must understand something about me. When I cook, I cook for an army. Literally. Christmas Eve is a biggie for us. Last year Vince was eating Christmas Eve leftovers until March. Literally. Anyway, Jessica did me proud, there was plenty of food. Her BF of the monent made scalloped potatoes. I suspect it was from a box mix because all the potatoes were sliced perfectly. He also made this green bean casserole. Yesterday we drove home, and I was careful about my calories. Yet, today the Wii said I'd gained 5 pounds from Thurs. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if a lot of that was water weight. When we got back to the hotel after dinner, I was so very thirsty. The triple chocolate cheesecake came out quite well.

    Speaking of the cheesecake - have a question for anyone. This recipe tells you to wrap the cheesecake pan in heavy foil and then place it in a roaster, then fill the roaster 3/4 full with water. The cheesecake came out fine, but what does the water do? Will it still be fine if I don't put it in the water? Another question: I'll make another one for Jessica for this weekend (when she and her bf come down to go see TSO <can't wait>). I'd like to make it so that she can take the remainder home with her. I'm thinking that if I line the bottom of the pan with aluminum foil, then I can just lift the remainder of the cake from the pan, wrap it up and send it home with her. Vince won't touch cheesecake, and I really don't want it in the house. Does anyone see any problem with doing that?

    Thurs. a.m. I did a walking DVD on the rebounder, today (Sun) I did a yoga DVD. Someone said they were going to come look at Bryan's car, but she isn't here yet and I suspect she isn't coming.

    In the car I did achieve my goal of finishing the x-stitch for my gf in Switzerland. Now I just have to have it framed and I'll send it to her rather than try to take it over myself.

    Right now Vince has a sore throat. Honestly, when he's not feeling 100%, you would think the world was coming to an an end! He's walking around the house moaning. You know, I bet he wouldn't get sick half as much as he does if he'd exercise regularly. But, then again, what do I know??????

    Welcome priska! Get comfortable, pour yourself a cup of (decaf) tea, and hop on board!

    Amanda - I'm sorry, I don't have a single recipe with coconut in it. See, Jessica is SEVERLY allergic to coconut, She doesn't have to injest it, it just has to be airborn for her to get a reaction. I wish you the best of luck finding something. You are a wonderful DIL

    Can hardly wait, you'll be hearing from me all the time. Next Sat. we go to Greenville to see TSO in concert. Just downloaded their free download from Amazon. Have the original

    Robin - lovely pic of you (but then again, all your pics are so lovely, so what else is new??)

    Jessica's bf's mom asked for the Turkey carcas to make soup. I have a suspicion that Jessica gave it to her, meat and all. Oh well....

    Tomorrow (Mon) I'll take an extremepump class, then do some food shopping (not much).

    I was low on the calories today, but I also made some sugar cookies for Christmas and, of course, I HAD to try some (and some more), especially the raw cookie dough. Does anyone have any way of curing that desire to have raw cookie dough? That apple cider vinegar worked quite well on the carbs, but is there anything for cookie dough? I sure can use it, especially this season.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Amanda - I've made coconut chicken and it taste real good. I didn't have a recipe. I just googled it. DD was doing a report on Madagascar and it said they used coconut a lot in their cooking. We had to cook a Madagascan dinner and take a picture of it for her report.

    Mimi - Good luck watching all the grand kiddos. Remember to tire them out so that you can get plenty of sleep.

    I'm a little over on calories again today, but it still says I should loose weight in 5 weeks, so I won't fret over it.

    Keep warm and be safe everyone,

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Yesterday was a challenge to stay within my calories because we had to drive over an hour each way to where we were going and then the catered dinner had an endless program so time for exercise was slim……we walked a lot at the mall and I rode the exercise bike in the morning and before going to bed.----I ate more than I planned but did not put butter on the yummy black bread and ate my potato without butter, cheese, or sour cream and had a banana and grapes for dessert instead of cake
    we were very smart about our shopping and got only what we planned except that I got two shirts instead of one because they were less than half price
    we had Subway Veggie Delight for lunch (good on calories and nutrition and terrible on sodium)

    Today we are doing an Isagenix cleanse day so I’m taking it easy and doing little exercise (a visit to the dog park and a quick ride on the exercise bike)…..it gives me a bit more time on the computer because I’m sitting down more….DH is renewing his effort to take off some more weight so he has decided to stay very faithful to logging food and exercise and stay home and not eat out….that will help me stay on track.

    Jeannie, when I was at the Mall yesterday there was a family in one of the clothing sections I was looking in and the girl and the mom were laughing and the teenage boy was wandering around looking depressed and I thought of you and your DS going to the mall and him being bored and wishing he could eat out…I agree with the others who said that you are a very kind and thoughtful person

    Robin, thanks for posting that picture…..you look absolutely amazing….you’re lucky that your DH will trim your hair……I’ve just put off getting mine trimmed to save money

    Kathy, if your weight is up it is probably as much water retention as anything else….get right back on track and you’ll be back on the weight loss path before you know it.

    Rebel, it is so good to hear from you again. Sorry that you were ill….your cruise and family visits sound fabulous….I wish you the best on the job hunting….the right job is out there getting ready for you and your amazing talents….it’s not surprising that you’ve gained a bit…..that was the experience I had after being away from home so much in September and October but I know you’ll be back on track and dumping those extra pounds.

    Mimi, I love reading your posts and I miss you when you’re gone….you are so levelheaded and practical…..what I know about perfectionism is that it means that if I can’t do it perfectly or be the best, then I might as well do nothing at all…..it is an ongoing challenge for me to stay “right sized”

    Barbara, I know what you mean about cooking being meditative…..I have always cooked something to relieve stress when my life was out of control….now I cook healthier things and don’t eat it all by myself…keep on dancing

    Michele, the only way I know to not eat the cookie dough is to not make cookies…..when I used to make cheesecake the recipe said to bake it, then turn the oven off and leave it in the oven for two hours, then let it cool at room temperature for two hours then put it in the refrigerator for three hours……I think the idea is to make sure that the temperature changes slowly, evenly, and gradually.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Just so you know...I am lurking.:laugh:
    Welcome to all newbies (I suppose that makes me a graduate?!:bigsmile: )
    Hope all that are sick feel better soon!
    Amanda that is amaziing- Some of you like Michelle,Robin,Mimi, Birdie, jeannie, Barbiecat and all you Oldies:bigsmile: that have lost all these pounds are a great influence to all of us and what we can look forward to just by being consistant.!:flowerforyou:
    Laura's, Robin's, Mimi's, newer pics are fantastic....Barbiecats too:bigsmile: How much have the dogs lost??:tongue: All that walking they do with Barbie, there shouldn't be an ounce of fat on them...don't they look sleek?/
    I like to tease you guys, if you can't tell.
    It's the Christmas season...so it's a time to be more jolly and playful. I really enjoy this time of year...sick or well.
    You go from being thankful on Thanksgiving...and really every day but that is a day, set aside, to acknowledge all good things in our lives, to the Christmas Season, which is about giving and receiving. It takes grace to receive. Sometimes, that is hard for me to let people do or give me things. I like to be the giver and the doer. I had to learn that a simple "thank you" was all you had to say.
    I have been very busy, so I can't post a lot of individual posts. I am enjoying getting out all my collections. My tree is traditonal red and green with other colors mixed in because I have a 9 foot tree and it is filled with ornaments that I have collected and been given over 37 years. It takes 4 hours to put it up. My dIL#2 and my mom helped. Some of my favorites are pretzel and ribbon ornaments made at school by my sons in 1983 and 1987. They are mixed in with ornaments made in the Holy Lands and designer glass. It doesn't matter to me how cheap or expensive none ot them are retired. They eadh have a special memory and that's part of the joy I have when I decorate this tree every year. Some years, I put up 3 or 4 but this year it's 2 trees.

    Enough, I am cold and need to go to bed.

    I'll post more later.

    Mimi -just one thing, prepare yourself when you keep your grandchildren next week. When I keep mine, they want me to cook and special things and I usually eat more. They think about food or a snack a lot so that keeps your mind on it. They love my frozen, steamed veggies. I use some butter, salt and stevia. Not bad calorie-wise. When I know I have that job, I plan fruit, veggies, I buy myself an organic fozen veggie pizza if I know they are going to want one...etc...Good LucK and enjoy...it doesn't last long and it doesn't happen very many times in your life or theirs.

    'til next time,
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member

    what I know about perfectionism is that it means that if I can’t do it perfectly or be the best, then I might as well do nothing at all…..it is an ongoing challenge for me to stay “right sized”

    Barbie you are so right! How many good things have I missed out because I didn't do (whatever it was) well or best.:tongue: Thanks to line and Scottish dance class for teaching me that I can have fun, and feel good, even when I'm the worst! :laugh:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All.

    I finally waded through all the posts from the last time I posted until now. It took me a while. I would still be at it, but we have all been busy so not as many posts to read.

    Thank you to everyone for your messages of condolence for my great aunt. The piggies were very glad to see me when I got home. They had been alone for 10 hours. I left at 8a (an hour later than I should have), drove like I should have had a pilot's license (LOL) and made the funeral Mass about 15 minutes after it started. I read the words my second cousin had emailed to me. Her son was getting married the same day as the funeral, so she couldn't be there.

    At one point, her words included a reference to Aunt Nellie entertaining her and other nieces and nephews by driving over a road with lots of dips that made it seem like they were on a roller coaster. It was a memory that made us all smile. I couldn't resist an ad lib--"Gee--that's kinda the way I felt this morning on the way over Satus Pass on Hwy 97!!" It was a tribute to Aunt Nellie that we could share a laugh as we remembered her life. She had a wonderful laugh.

    By 2:30p the after service socializing was over with most everyone having left. I said my good byes, filled up the car with gas, and hit the road. The friend I had thought about stopping to visit on my way back (She is the one with the dog kennel, who gave me Pepper the Shih tzu a couple of years ago.) was not feeling well, so we just talked on the phone as I drove instead. I called my doggie sitter and intercepted her from making a trip to check on the piglets in the late afternoon, and I was home by 6p. I completed a 385 mile round trip, plus the time there, in ten hours. The next day it snowed where I live and the pass I had no trouble crossing on Saturday was a mess. I am glad I didn't decide to stay over.

    Thanksgiving dinner was a success. I had my parents and the friend who lives near me that was so sick last year. She is doing much better. The turkey turned out well, and I made gravy for the first time. I know that sounds funny, but I am not big on gravy, and gravy has always been my mom's department. This year I didn't want her having to stand and avoid doggies underfoot in the kitchen. I have seen her do it often enough, so I just did it. It was delicious!!! ( No, I am not partial to my own cooking or anything like that.)

    On Saturday, I had a dinner party for my dad's 84th birthday. Rib Eye steaks, baked potatoes, steamed broccoli, green salad, and a chocolate mousse cake from Safeway for dessert. I got many compliments on my menu. I woke up at 3 a on Sunday and after tossing for an hour, I got up and unloaded the dishwasher and had the party aftermath completely cleaned, except vacuuming, which might have disturbed my condo neighbors at that hour. At 5:30a, I went back to bed and didn't get up until 11!!

    I didn't gain after my Thanksgiving meal, and amazingly, I was DOWN 1/2 a lb. when I weighed this morning, after my party.

    I have had a problem with a pinched nerve in my back, and it finally has abated--thanks to multiple chiropractic adjustments.

    There is no way I can make individual comments to everyone...but here are a few:

    Welcome Newbies. You have found the most supportive and informative thread on MFP. BTW,
    the "piggies" referred to are my three doggies, a Lhasa Apso, a Shih tzu and a Yorkshire "Terror," who are known, collectively, as "The Three Little Pigs."

    Amanda, glad the kiddos and your daughter are getting along okay, and that you are maintaining.

    Laura, sorry you have been dealing with the loss of your mom. I am glad you had a chanced to talk to her one last time. Thank goodness for telephones.

    Robin, great pic!!

    Rebel, welcome back. Sounds like you have been keeping busy.

    Jeannie, a few days back when you asked for help at 8a one morning with preparing your menu, had I been available, I would have gladly volunteered to be your "taste tester!!"

    Barbiecat, sorry you have had an overabundance of snow and freezing weather up north of me. Thank you for passing on my message during my "MIA phase."

    Someone, I think it might have been Mimi, mentioned lamb and rice as a food for dogs with allergies. I gotta disagree!! My vet said lamb is responsible for many dogs developing food allergies. There is an excellent limited ingredient food available without a prescription at Petco. The allergy formula by Natural Balance. There are two flavors: duck and potato, and sweet potato and salmon. My Lhasa is "Ms. Allergy" and she does well on this food. Yeast infection are often a result of food allergies. If one doesn't have the money for allergy testing, try the food for 6 weeks and look for lessening of symptoms. This may give you a clue that you have a dog with food allergies.

    Michelle, (I think) said something about eating a trout, complete with the head on, and having trouble with it "looking" at her. Made me think of a famous line from an old movie..."Here's looking at you kid!!!" LOL Also made me think about one of the decorator plaques in my kitchen. A pic of a guy with a bib and a knife and fork in hand, and the caption, "Beware of food that is still moving!!"

    Well, it is later than it should be, and I need to call it a night. I have another busy week.
