
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    Right now I should be enjoying my swimming lesson, but for the first time I have given it a miss. I have been having trouble with my knee and back again lately and this morning my back is extremely painful. It is so cold here, that I decided the swimming lesson would not be such a good idea. Of course, as soon as it was too late to go, I started to feel really bad about missing it!

    I will be heading over to my DD#1 shortly. Her laundry is all done and in the boot of the car along with a casserole in my slow cooker. Hopefully, cuddles from the twins will make me forget my woes!

    On Saturday night the babies heads were well and truly wetted! For those who asked, wetting the babies head is a tradition where the menfolk go out for a few drinks to toast the babies health. I'm not sure why the women aren't involved! My two lovely daughters and I stayed home with the babies. In fact DD#2 and I packed DD#1 off to bed early so she could get some much needed sleep. We had a cosy time with Molly and Teddy who were little angels for us and Natasha managed to get three hours of uninterrupted sleep, which I think she appreciated greatly.

    Barb, what lovely memories you have of your Aunt Nellie. I like a funeral that has smiles in it as well as tears.

    Lynn, your Christmas tree decorations sound just like my mum's. She had such an eclectic selection. The Christmas she died, my three children went and dressed my dad's tree for him and that has now become a tradition too. That first year, dad gave us a choice of one decoration off his tree to take home with us. I chose a little pixie which we always called Periwinkle Popcorn when I was a child. He now adorns my own tree every year.

    Barbie, I agree with you about not making the cookies. If I have to bake, I generally try to make something I don't like or can't eat.

    Michele, I understand your daughter's allergy to coconut. I am exactly the same with strawberries - cannot even be in the same room as them.

    I found a recipe for a coconut cake (http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/food-and-drink/recipes/coconut-cake-1909503.html) which I will make for the Nursing Home Christmas Fair. I will probably adapt it a little - I rarely stick to a recipe. To me that is part of the fun of life, to have guidelines and to put your own spin on things.

    Jeannie, did you enjoy Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows? My sister took her youngest son to see it yesterday and they both loved it (I knew they would!)

    Robin, I LOVE the boots! I think you have just persuaded me to get a pair for myself. I remember when I was really young, having a pair of thigh high beige leather boots with high heels. My goodness, I loved them!

    Kathy, here's to your 'new start'. As our dear Sister Veggie Queen says, it only takes two days to get back into the saddle.

    Renny, it's lovely to have you back. I envy you your cruise!

    Sister Veggie Queen, good luck with the grands. I bet you'll have a ball.

    Barbara, would you care to share your recipe for your stuffing. I think my DH would love to try it. He is also a huge stuffing fan (actually, I should correct that - he's an extremely slim stuffing fan!)

    Laura, it is good to see you again. I am so sorry for your mum's passing but thankful that you got to say goodbye to her.

    Priska, welcome to the winning loser's bench!

    There are lots of other people who I have not replied to. My apologies, but I would be sitting here all day if I replied to everyone and I really need to get moving. You are still in my thoughts though.

    One last thing before I go. I'd like to say a HUGE well done to everyone who has given up smoking - WELL DONE!!! I finally stopped in March 2005 when my mum was diagnosed with cancer (it was not a smoking related cancer, but I just couldn't smoke another cigarette once I entered the cancer hospital that she was in until she died). It was a big thing for me to do at such a stressful time, but I managed it and know that I will never have to wash the stench of cigarette smoke from my hair and clothes again! Like everything else, your mind has to be fully engaged to quit something as addictive as that. Even though I am asthmatic and had also had two different run ins with my own cancer, I had to wait until I was ready to give up before I could succeed. The very same thing could be said for me losing my excess weight. Mind comes first, then the body will follow.

    On that note, I shall say my fond farewells to you all until later.

    Have a good week.

    Amanda x
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member

    what I know about perfectionism is that it means that if I can’t do it perfectly or be the best, then I might as well do nothing at all…..it is an ongoing challenge for me to stay “right sized”

    Barbie you are so right! How many good things have I missed out because I didn't do (whatever it was) well or best.:tongue: Thanks to line and Scottish dance class for teaching me that I can have fun, and feel good, even when I'm the worst! :laugh:

    last week I watched "Good Morning America" when they featured the winners from "Dancing With the Stars" and they showed the 50 year old female host of the show learning to dance the cha-cha with one of the professional dancers and she (the amazing competent and attractive host of a national TV show) said that it was hard for her to get outside her comfort zone......that rang so true with me.......eating smart and healthy and choosing exercise and communicating daily with others have all been outside of my comfort zone and I am so glad I took the risk...I'm not perfect at any of these but I don't have an anxiety attack about doing them.
  • :flowerforyou: Good evening everyone ...............from a snowy and frozen N.Wales.:frown:
    What a shock...going from a sunny poolside at 30C to a snowy Wales and -6C.CCcccccold or what?

    we had a good break but my hope of coming back lighter went out the window! Not because the food was amazing ....because I was soooo lazy I think! Mind you ....I did get in the heated pool every day and ....Amanda ...you'dve been proud of me!!:smile: I managed to do the breast stroke across the pool every day...without putting my foot down!! I think I've realised I can float!! Mind you I think I'd sink like a stone if I "accidently" fell in the water. I certainly haven't got around to thinking I could jump in!

    :drinker: Now...back to square one. Log the food and stick with MFP. I've joined the club ....again!!

    :heart: Jackie
  • edmontonukeplayer
    edmontonukeplayer Posts: 45 Member
    Glad to have found this thread and I am hoping to join you for "Women Ages 50+ for December". Today MFP tells me I have signed in for 45 days in a row. However, despite following parameters system set up for me I am down only ~>4 pounds. Being 50+ accounting for this??? My hope is to be down 5 pounds more by the end of December by increasing water, exercising 5X week, tracking caloric in as per MFP and motivation by checking in with you on your 50+ thread. Does this work with the group??
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Well, I am still trying to catch up with this thread. I AM slowly getting there, though!

    Mimi7grands--My weight is up a bit, also, and I am getting back on track. It has been difficult the last few days but the leftovers are gone (except for the turkey bones, etc. that are going to be soup in a few days) and I will be able to get back to my workout schedule after tomorrow's workshop at the local Worksource office. There re a few other classes I want to take but they are full for the next few weeks.

    Auntiebk--I meant we will have to anchor the tree to the ceiling and/or wall to keep curious hands and paws from causing it to fall. I will surely get a photo--though I'm not sure about both of them in it at the same time. Kitty doesn't care for Isaac's grabby little hands and tends to stay away from him!

    Michelle--you bake the cheesecake in a water bath to keep the moisture levels up in the oven. The cheesecake is less likely to crack.

    Well, I managed to post this before I was done. It's a sign for me to get up and get moving! Will finish (I hope) later!
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hello, Dear Ladies,

    I have been popping in and reading to keep up with everyone the past week but not posting. Everyone left yesterday mid-day and I hardly did another thing all last night. I just made myself do the 30 day shred workout video...and, of course, I feel better. We went for walks during the holiday week but with a baby, they were mostly strolls. And I certainly didn't sit down very often, but it wasn't my usual exercise schedule. Still...I loved having my house full to the brim...It becomes more difficult as the "children" have their own families, so I really cherish the time they can be here.

    The weather was so beautiful and warm. We all ended up going over to my parents by boat on Thursday...the ocean was as calm as a pond. How great is that?

    Barbie: I appreciate your feedback about how you were able to make this journey so successful. I find something helpful in how each person finds their way. And your comments today about "perfection" hit a nerve with me. I don't like to do things half-way, but this is a life long journey, after all!

    Those of us with skinny husbands who can eat and drink most anything without gaining weight have an interesting challenge I think. It has taken me a long time to realize that I CANNOT eat what he eats without gaining weight and I certainly can't drink beer or wine except in small amounts and not every night ...without gaining. When he was working & traveling and out of town, those became my "diet" times and it all worked out. Now I am having to learn to eat the way I should each day without the up and down. Well...I haven't gotten there yet, but I am still working at it.

    Welcome to our new members and I am so glad to have heard from some of you who have been away, busy or dealing with losses. I miss hearing from you when you aren't able to post. Take care, all, and I hope this is a good week for each of you!

    Kackie:heart::heart: :heart:
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    I just logged in and I have to echo all the applauds for Robin (rjadams) You look fantastic. I wish I could look like that. But alas my legs are too short to ever look like. Wonderful picture. You should be very proud of yourself

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    Glad to have found this thread and I am hoping to join you for "Women Ages 50+ for December". Today MFP tells me I have signed in for 45 days in a row. However, despite following parameters system set up for me I am down only ~>4 pounds. Being 50+ accounting for this??? My hope is to be down 5 pounds more by the end of December by increasing water, exercising 5X week, tracking caloric in as per MFP and motivation by checking in with you on your 50+ thread. Does this work with the group??

    :flowerforyou: welcome to the group...you will get a lot of support and encouragement here and a lot of good ideas about healthy eating and exercising.....everyone is different......the most important thing is to never,never, never give up....find new ideas, improve your nutrition, find new ways to exercise and keep on keeping on.
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    I have been reading, when I had the chance, thinking that I would come back later and comment on everything that is happening on our thread. However, it is a lost cause now. I think I will add "open a new document window before I start reading" to my December goals. But I do recall some of the topics since I last posted.

    Jeannie – It's so great that your son has compassion for animals and has the grit to stand up to other kids doing the wrong thing. It is a testament to your family that he has the confidence to do that. You and dh deserve a pat on the back for raising a great kid. ISS for that is so wrong; schools take the easy way out and punish everyone involved in a bad situation. To me no tolerance equals no common sense.:huh:

    Barb (weaklink) – so glad you made it to and back from the funeral before the storm hit.

    Robin – Loved the new pic! and hope the job thing happens for you.

    Lynn – Hope you are beating the bug you caught. :sick:

    Mimi – Glad you got your nibble monster under control. I love your 2 day rule – and it's true!! :bigsmile: I am finally getting it, that I can have a lapse from what I deem are “good” foods and get right back to healthy eating. As I think back, I believe this is what has kept me from sticking with a diet/eating plan before; I would get so discouraged when I lapsed from the plan that I would give up. I was never eating in a manner that I could sustain for the long haul, so when I caved I just gave up altogether. Why was it so hard to get it through my head that proper food in the proper amount, with occasional lapses, would bring results? I was always looking for the quick magic bullet. :ohwell: Oh, and have fun with the grandkids! Now that you are in onederland you can keep up with them.:laugh:

    Amanda – You are so busy with the new babies and managing to maintain your weight. I love hearing about the successes of maintenance people like you and Birdie. That has been a concern for me – what happens after I get it off. I am slowly getting more confident that maintenance is doable. :smile:

    Barbara (auntiebk) – Thanks for the clue on where to find coarse ground corn meal. Isn't it strange that German food and southern US cooking would resemble each other? I guess old timey comfort crosses a lot of boundaries and borders. Some day I am going to get my hands of a free range chicken and fry it the way Mom used to do – I best wait until I get rid of some more pounds first and also have the grandkids over to help eat it all up!

    I got myself back to the gym and gave the elliptical a good workout this afternoon. It has been closed since the 24th and I was glad to get back at it. I moved it up a notch to level 9 with a 7 cross ramp and cranked out two half hour sessions. That felt good. I also raked yard for a couple hours today, so hopefully I can shift some weight soon. Good news – the gym will be taken over by the town when the YMCA closes the end of December. It may not last but at least it will be there a while longer. I have other choices but they are 20 miles away instead of 6 – the downside of living in the country. There aren't many negatives to living here; miles on the car is the major one. :grumble:

    Well I have bent your ears long enough and that is about all I can remember anyway... I am off to soak in the tub with a pot of tea and a good book while DH watches football. :drinker:

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Jessica and her bf are coming this weekend. We're going to the TSO concert, I'm SOOOO stoked. Anyway, I think I'm going to try making the triple chocolate cheesecake again, only this time I won't put it in the water. I'll do everything else. Yup, Barb, when I made the cake the first time, I had to let it sit in the oven for an hour and then overnight in the refrigerator. It's just so hard not to snack on the cookie dough at this time of year. Normally, I try to make cookies that I'm not real crazy about (like the double chocolate cookies) but Vince likes. But at this time of year, it's almost impossible NOT to make any. Made the red velvet cake again. Last time it didn't get eaten -- get this -- "because it was smooshed", like your stomach cares what the cake looks like. If he doesn't try it this time, I'm not going to make another one because evidentally red velvet isn't really his favorite, although that's what he told Jessica so, of course, that's what she told me.

    Did an hour of the extreme pump today. Tomorrow, I think I'll do work on the Stair Master.

    Amanda - just reading about your ipetus to stop smoking makes me so very proud to call you my friend.

    edmon....Losing in Dec. is so very hard, at least it is for me. I'm happy to just be maintaining. 5 lbs isn't outrageous, but don't beat yourself up if you arent' able to reach that goal. Those holiday parties/cookies/cakes/pies/more parties will do it to you every time. What types of exercising will you be doing?

    Kathy - will there be much difference if I don't use the water bath? If it cracks on top, well, that's ok, I guess. The first one I made cracked. It's just that no matter how hard I tried, some of the water seeped into the pan.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I almost didn't check the posts tonight. Mondays are always so busy. I'm glad I did. Welcome back to our lurkers! It was so nice to get a post from you and an update on how you are. Welcome to our new comers. Yes, this is a place to find support.

    Amanda- We did see the Deadly Hallows and we did like it. I was wondering where they would cut it off and they picked a good spot. I can't wait for the final part to come out this summer.

    I feel so much better having checked out the posts, but it is still too busy for me to write more at this time.


    PS: Barb- glad you had a safe trip and got home before the snow.
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Just weighed in with a 2# loss this week , even with the holiday!!!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi All,

    Just had to share a funny that was on our 11p news tonight. A college student from New Mexico has found an unusual way of making money to help with his school expenses. He sells rides on his CAMEL!!! It seems he has had this camel as a pet for the past 11 years--says he even rides it through the drive thru of local fast food restaurants. :noway: :noway: Can you imagine the look on the face of the person behind the window???!!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Jackie, Sorry you are back to square one, but we have been keeping a seat warm for you here "in the wagon," so take a hand and climb on back in. As Barbie says..."Never, NEVER give up!!"

    BTW, thank you for your comments on perfectionism and comfort zones. I need to keep those things in mind as I adjust to the demands of my new position.


  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning!

    Barb: I did get a chuckle out of your camel story! How resourceful that young man is!

    Lynn: It does take grace to receive a gift or a compliment...something to remember this time of the year for sure!

    Maeadair: Way to go on your 2 lb. loss....especially during a holiday week!

    I had a great, healthy day yesterday. Have my plan made for today too, so hope to continue to focus one day at a time! I think that is the best plan for the coming month too!

    I read a great quote yesterday: (more or less...) "The only people who succeed are the ones who really want to."

    Have a good one! Kackie:heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: this is a reminder to all of you that today is the last day of November and we'll start a new thread for December.....the last post of the day will include the link to the new thread

    :flowerforyou: today is a good day to reflect on how you did with your goals for November and think about possible goals for December----some of us make new goals each month and others keep the same goals if they have been useful (or if we've bombed on them and want to try to do better the next time)

    :flowerforyou: Our power went out last night while I was watching "Skating With the Stars" and riding the exercise bike :cry: :cry: :cry: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: I didn't get to watch the rest of the show, but the exercise bike has a backup battery so I could finish my exercise.........the power came back on about two hours later :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: we have the greatest utility company here.....I'll put them on my gratitude list this morning :bigsmile:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Good Morning Ladies.

    Here we are at November 30th already!!! Where did November go?? I didn’t do to bad this month. I lost 8 pounds instead of 10 but that goal was ambitious. I did fall flat on my other two goals. I didn’t exercise nor did I drink my 8 glasses of water daily. Sooooooo they stay my goals for December.

    On Thanksgiving I had planned to wear a dress that I had bought years ago but had gained weight before I had a chance to wear it. I tried it on and it fit great !!! Unfortunately I decided that it was a bit to dressy , everyone else would be in jeans so I had to hunt for something else that would look nice and fit. I tried on at least a half a dozen outfits. Nothing fit., they were all to ridiculously to big!!!! Yea me!!!! I even had pants that fell off they were so big. I ended up wearing a skirt that my mom had sent me a couple of years ago that I had never worn because it was to small (It is a large). I really didn’t expect to be in a large this year. This is a big thrill for me. Unfortunately no one said anything even though I have lost 60 pounds since I had seen any of them. Obviously they had been struck speechless.

    It started raining yesterday and it turned to snow sometime after midnight. Didn’t get much snow. The freeways were in good driving conditions and by tonight I’m sure the surface roads will be as well. I am taking a cue from Barbie and putting the Highway department on my gratitude list today. They worked all night to keep the roads safe.

    Just a few quick notes before I run….

    Robin - You look Great!!!! Love the picture. You are to hard on yourself.

    Rebel - Glad you are back.

    Michele - TSO rocks. I love them. I have seen them in the Twin Cities for the past 5 or 6 years. They will be here on December 27th so I had better get a move on and get my tickets.

    Barb - the camel story made me chuckle

    Congrats to these who lost or maintained in November. Condolences to these who are facing and have faced tough times. There is a light at the end of the tunnel even if we can’t see it.

  • edmontonukeplayer
    edmontonukeplayer Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks for the welcoming words. Next challenge for me will be to follow the switch of thread for December. I think I can do it but still learning techy tricks.

    Michelle, I am encouraged by your exercise posts: wow, I hope I can stick to it like I can see you have done in November. I have not exercised much in the last decade. In my 20s and 30s I was a daily running devotee, but, illness pulled me out of that habit. Right now I am restarting exercising again but don't see running in the picture. I have just started a 2X a week registered "yoga 101 class". So far, I am enjoying this. The other exercise I have started is the wii: I have a balance board and the "starter" fit program. I like working with the wii and hope to do this for a 1/2 hour a few times a week through December.

  • Hi been busy lately so not posting. Did a bike ride (with 10,000 others) on saturday and it was Hot and by the end of my leg my feet were killing me, was crying as I biked up the last hill. still pleased I did it and next year I want' to do the full 160km around the lake.
    I am really struggling with making good food choices at the moment, I just don't have the motivation to not put my hand out to eat.
    Will keep going.
    I really enjoy reading what people are doing and we are all so supportive.

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    Sorry for the post earlier Photobucket locked up and I had to shut it all down to get out did not know it posted the photo.
    It goes with Barb's camel ride story.

    This is my son standing on the backs of Biggs and Herbie two of his ride camels

    This is Matthew introducing his camel to a young man.

    They really are the most amazing animals. We have been working with them since 1989. Matthew works with them now.
    He is very good with them, and trains his own. You can ride them free rein just like a horse, but the ride is very rocking and it is a loooooooong way to the ground.

    Night all, Alice
This discussion has been closed.