Over 200 New year New me Part 38

awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
Sorry girls that I have been MIA!! I have been really busy with my girls and also obsessing over having a baby!!My OB said it would be fine to try again anytime we wanted because my levels were back to normal as of Saturday!!Not sure when we will start trying again but we can have fun in the mean time and if it happens it happens right????:wink::wink: Anyways I am concentrating on losing the weight and staying healthy in the meantime even if I don't see the scale move for awhile I am going to continue this journey and finish it.I was thinking to myself today how much I love my new lifestyle.I have changed alot over the years!! I used to eat whatever without even checking what was in it or its particular nutritional value to me even when I went grocery shopping I never checked.Now I check all labels and if there is something I want that I know is not particularly good for me I try to find a substitute thats better.I may have not lost bunches of weight yet but I am changing things all the time with the way I eat and what I eat and I am setting a good example for my children as well.I exercise more now than I did a few years ago so I am proud of myself and I am going to continue fighting until I am were I want to be but I will not ever quit my lifestyle change.I believe I am much healthier because of my changes and the weight will come off.Do I mess up of course but this is TRIAL AND ERROR right??? As long as I get back at it after a mistake and try not to repeat it than I am WINNING this battle!!


  • Sorry girls that I have been MIA!! I have been really busy with my girls and also obsessing over having a baby!!My OB said it would be fine to try again anytime we wanted because my levels were back to normal as of Saturday!!Not sure when we will start trying again but we can have fun in the mean time and if it happens it happens right????:wink::wink: Anyways I am concentrating on losing the weight and staying healthy in the meantime even if I don't see the scale move for awhile I am going to continue this journey and finish it.I was thinking to myself today how much I love my new lifestyle.I have changed alot over the years!! I used to eat whatever without even checking what was in it or its particular nutritional value to me even when I went grocery shopping I never checked.Now I check all labels and if there is something I want that I know is not particularly good for me I try to find a substitute thats better.I may have not lost bunches of weight yet but I am changing things all the time with the way I eat and what I eat and I am setting a good example for my children as well.I exercise more now than I did a few years ago so I am proud of myself and I am going to continue fighting until I am were I want to be but I will not ever quit my lifestyle change.I believe I am much healthier because of my changes and the weight will come off.Do I mess up of course but this is TRIAL AND ERROR right??? As long as I get back at it after a mistake and try not to repeat it than I am WINNING this battle!!

    Hi Ann, I am back in the game. I was sick over the weekend and just ate anything but got on the scales this morning for my weekly weigh in and I have lost some more weight!!!!! I was suprised. I am trying to lose weight so I can have a baby, but it's complicated for me. In 2007, the day after my son was born I had my tubes tied b/c I thought I didn't want any more kids b/c I had my girl and my boy and I was done. I have regretted having my tubes tied ever since. I want another baby so bad it's not funny. My goal is to lose weight so I can have the tubal reversal without being this overweight. I don't want to go through a surgery and pregnancy being this overweight. We can do this together, and I am here for you. Here's to a new us :drinker:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Sorry girls that I have been MIA!! I have been really busy with my girls and also obsessing over having a baby!!My OB said it would be fine to try again anytime we wanted because my levels were back to normal as of Saturday!!Not sure when we will start trying again but we can have fun in the mean time and if it happens it happens right????:wink::wink: Anyways I am concentrating on losing the weight and staying healthy in the meantime even if I don't see the scale move for awhile I am going to continue this journey and finish it.I was thinking to myself today how much I love my new lifestyle.I have changed alot over the years!! I used to eat whatever without even checking what was in it or its particular nutritional value to me even when I went grocery shopping I never checked.Now I check all labels and if there is something I want that I know is not particularly good for me I try to find a substitute thats better.I may have not lost bunches of weight yet but I am changing things all the time with the way I eat and what I eat and I am setting a good example for my children as well.I exercise more now than I did a few years ago so I am proud of myself and I am going to continue fighting until I am were I want to be but I will not ever quit my lifestyle change.I believe I am much healthier because of my changes and the weight will come off.Do I mess up of course but this is TRIAL AND ERROR right??? As long as I get back at it after a mistake and try not to repeat it than I am WINNING this battle!!

    Hi Ann, I am back in the game. I was sick over the weekend and just ate anything but got on the scales this morning for my weekly weigh in and I have lost some more weight!!!!! I was suprised. I am trying to lose weight so I can have a baby, but it's complicated for me. In 2007, the day after my son was born I had my tubes tied b/c I thought I didn't want any more kids b/c I had my girl and my boy and I was done. I have regretted having my tubes tied ever since. I want another baby so bad it's not funny. My goal is to lose weight so I can have the tubal reversal without being this overweight. I don't want to go through a surgery and pregnancy being this overweight. We can do this together, and I am here for you. Here's to a new us :drinker:
    Thanks Laura!! I want a baby so badly after losing this one here recently.I knew I wanted more but I didn't realize how much until I lost this one.So I am going to continue on my lifestyle change and if I get pregnant along the way than GREAT and if not I will just continue what I am doing and keep trying.I will continue my lifestyle change even when I get pregnant.I just can't wait to be pregnant again and I have a feeling I will be soon.Been praying alot about it lately.I am here for you as well anytime!! I know you will reach your goals and you will be having a precious baby soon enough.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Morning ladies. Hope everybody had a great weekend. Was really hoping I was going to wake up this morning and be ready and excited to start working out again. Nope not so much! haha...just gonna have to force it!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Morning ladies. Hope everybody had a great weekend. Was really hoping I was going to wake up this morning and be ready and excited to start working again. Nope not so much! haha...just gonna have to force it!
    I completely know the feeling Jess!! Gotta do this gotta do this is what I keep telling myself!!
  • Sorry girls that I have been MIA!! I have been really busy with my girls and also obsessing over having a baby!!My OB said it would be fine to try again anytime we wanted because my levels were back to normal as of Saturday!!Not sure when we will start trying again but we can have fun in the mean time and if it happens it happens right????:wink::wink: Anyways I am concentrating on losing the weight and staying healthy in the meantime even if I don't see the scale move for awhile I am going to continue this journey and finish it.I was thinking to myself today how much I love my new lifestyle.I have changed alot over the years!! I used to eat whatever without even checking what was in it or its particular nutritional value to me even when I went grocery shopping I never checked.Now I check all labels and if there is something I want that I know is not particularly good for me I try to find a substitute thats better.I may have not lost bunches of weight yet but I am changing things all the time with the way I eat and what I eat and I am setting a good example for my children as well.I exercise more now than I did a few years ago so I am proud of myself and I am going to continue fighting until I am were I want to be but I will not ever quit my lifestyle change.I believe I am much healthier because of my changes and the weight will come off.Do I mess up of course but this is TRIAL AND ERROR right??? As long as I get back at it after a mistake and try not to repeat it than I am WINNING this battle!!

    Hi Ann, I am back in the game. I was sick over the weekend and just ate anything but got on the scales this morning for my weekly weigh in and I have lost some more weight!!!!! I was suprised. I am trying to lose weight so I can have a baby, but it's complicated for me. In 2007, the day after my son was born I had my tubes tied b/c I thought I didn't want any more kids b/c I had my girl and my boy and I was done. I have regretted having my tubes tied ever since. I want another baby so bad it's not funny. My goal is to lose weight so I can have the tubal reversal without being this overweight. I don't want to go through a surgery and pregnancy being this overweight. We can do this together, and I am here for you. Here's to a new us :drinker:
    Thanks Laura!! I want a baby so badly after losing this one here recently.I knew I wanted more but I didn't realize how much until I lost this one.So I am going to continue on my lifestyle change and if I get pregnant along the way than GREAT and if not I will just continue what I am doing and keep trying.I will continue my lifestyle change even when I get pregnant.I just can't wait to be pregnant again and I have a feeling I will be soon.Been praying alot about it lately.I am here for you as well anytime!! I know you will reach your goals and you will be having a precious baby soon enough.

    Thanks Ann, I didn't realize how much I wanted a baby until recently either. I mean I have regretted having my tubes tied but here recently that is all I can think about. I pray about it every day. I know that with God all things are possible and if he wanted to He would make a way for me to get pregnant even with my tubes tied. Boy wouldn't that make the doctors think twice about saying it's permanent and there is only a 1% chance of getting pregnant. I just know that something great is going to happen for the both of us.
  • Morning ladies. Hope everybody had a great weekend. Was really hoping I was going to wake up this morning and be ready and excited to start working out again. Nope not so much! haha...just gonna have to force it!

    Good Morning. I know the feeling of not being ready to get with it as far as exercise goes. I have been sick with a cold all weekend. I probably will just take it easy and make sure I drink my water and eat what I am susposed to eat.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    Wow, it looks like it was pretty quiet here over the weekend. I logged my food, but didn't check the boards because I didn't have that much time. We went hiking both Saturday and Sunday and did it feel GOOD to be back at it! I burned 590 cals hiking Saturday and 717 on Sunday because we hit some serious hills. Yay!

    As for the eating, I'm only over by about 500 calories for the entire weekend, which is a huge win. Of course, the sodium levels were high, so I'm showing it on the scale this morning (187) but I did see a 183.4 on Saturday morning, so I know something is going right! Can't wait to see that number again in a day or two.

    The bf and I took a mini two-step lesson on Friday night at the VFW, which is awesome because he doesn't usually dance until he's well-lubed (liquor!) and then it's usually the "white guy" flailing or slow dancing. I'm so proud of him! The folks at the VFW were awesome. The dance floor was packed the entire time, which was super cute. I was the youngest person in the place by at least a decade! How come they leave the house to dance and my 30 yr. old friends won't go anywhere?! Guess where we plan on hanging out now...!

    Hope you all had a safe and happy Halloween and hopefully you didn't get into too much trouble with the candy!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Morning ladies. Hope everybody had a great weekend. Was really hoping I was going to wake up this morning and be ready and excited to start working out again. Nope not so much! haha...just gonna have to force it!

    Good Morning. I know the feeling of not being ready to get with it as far as exercise goes. I have been sick with a cold all weekend. I probably will just take it easy and make sure I drink my water and eat what I am susposed to eat.
    Good Job Laura and I am certain God will bless us both very soon.Take care of yourself and just watch what you eat today if you can't exercise.I am fighting a cold myself but I am up doing laundry and cleaning my nasty house from the tornado that occurred throughout my house caused by my children and my messy husband (but he worked all weekend so I will let him have one this time) I am a germaphobic and I absolutely can't stand messes.I am obsessive compulsive about cleaning and keeping it clean lol
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Good morning!

    Wow, it looks like it was pretty quiet here over the weekend. I logged my food, but didn't check the boards because I didn't have that much time. We went hiking both Saturday and Sunday and did it feel GOOD to be back at it! I burned 590 cals hiking Saturday and 717 on Sunday because we hit some serious hills. Yay!

    As for the eating, I'm only over by about 500 calories for the entire weekend, which is a huge win. Of course, the sodium levels were high, so I'm showing it on the scale this morning (187) but I did see a 183.4 on Saturday morning, so I know something is going right! Can't wait to see that number again in a day or two.

    The bf and I took a mini two-step lesson on Friday night at the VFW, which is awesome because he doesn't usually dance until he's well-lubed (liquor!) and then it's usually the "white guy" flailing or slow dancing. I'm so proud of him! The folks at the VFW were awesome. The dance floor was packed the entire time, which was super cute. I was the youngest person in the place by at least a decade! How come they leave the house to dance and my 30 yr. old friends won't go anywhere?! Guess where we plan on hanging out now...!

    Hope you all had a safe and happy Halloween and hopefully you didn't get into too much trouble with the candy!
    Congrats Heather on seeing 183!! Awesome job on all that hiking.Hope you had a great weekend and an awesome Halloween!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    morning ladies,

    It's has been a busy (last couple) weeks. My husband came back (from his baltimore trip) on Friday and then Friday afternoon I spent the evening @ the hospital. My dad had chest pains and well after tests and stuff doctors told him he had a blocked artery(s) surgery was done Friday (stent to keep the artery open) and doctors found of that he has 2 more blocked arterys so more surgerys are to be done soon. this is his second stent surgery in the past 2 years, plus the two he has to do soon...
    I am hoping all these surgerys will change the way he eats and to stop smoking.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    morning ladies,

    It's has been a busy (last couple) weeks. My husband came back (from his baltimore trip) on Friday and then Friday afternoon I spent the evening @ the hospital. My dad had chest pains and well after tests and stuff doctors told him he had a blocked artery(s) surgery was done Friday (stent to keep the artery open) and doctors found of that he has 2 more blocked arterys so more surgerys are to be done soon. this is his second stent surgery in the past 2 years, plus the two he has to do soon...
    I am hoping all these surgerys will change the way he eats and to stop smoking.

    I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad! That's scary stuff. My Grandpa had a similar surgery a few years ago. Hope your Dad can make some positive changes.

    Heahter-Congrats on all the great workout this weekend! Send some of that mojo my way would ya!?
  • Hey ladies!

    Just briefly checking in from a working lunch at my fav coffee shop - have to head to class in a bit. Had an okay run this morning and will head to yoga this evening, so getting in an exercise-heavy day after two days of not much.

    My last post in the old thread asked (a) who was this week's winner and (b) does anyone care about challenges anymore? It seems like the answer to question (b) is no.

    Will check in later.
  • Ooops double post. Nothing to see here! *whistles*
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Hey ladies!

    Just briefly checking in from a working lunch at my fav coffee shop - have to head to class in a bit. Had an okay run this morning and will head to yoga this evening, so getting in an exercise-heavy day after two days of not much.

    My last post in the old thread asked (a) who was this week's winner and (b) does anyone care about challenges anymore? It seems like the answer to question (b) is no.

    Will check in later.

    I think people care about the check in's and challenges. Everybody has just been super busy and pre occupied with life. Things like that are bound to happen. Even if we can't check in and give it 100% all the time at least we are still coming here and the weight loss is still in the back of your mind. I know I've been at this for almost 3 years and I'm not where I want to be yet, it's been a slow gradual process but that's what makes it a lifestyle change for me. I'm not going to be able to workout 5 days a week every week for the rest of my life to maintain this. On that note, I'm not sure who the biggest loser was.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Jess -- I'm with you faking it until I make it. I'll be at the gym after work faking the hell out of it.
    Laila -- your family is in my thoughts. :flowerforyou:

    So, after I reported on Friday that I'm holding steady 3-4 pounds above my lowest weight ever, 3 people commented on my weight loss, as though it was a recent development. One of those people was my husband. Out of the blue he said "You look skinnier!" :noway: I haven't taken measurements in a while -- maybe my fat is migrating to different areas of my body or something. :tongue:
    My boobs have been HUGE since Thursday so my theory is that my waist looks smaller in a relative kind of way. :laugh: I'm absolutely busting out of all my new & prized C cup bras. The band size is still fine. It's a little bizarre.

    I'm waiting for TOM to arrive in the next couple of days. It's the most nervewracking wait ever since dh and I aren't preventing babies anymore. I feel like a total nutcase. :laugh: Everytime I so much as sneeze I think, "OMG, did I sneeze because I'm pregnant?" :tongue:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi all,
    Yestesrday I ate about 2000 cals so back on the bandwagon today. I overate most of last week but mostly near maintenance so I'm only up a pound.
    Keep me on track - PLEASE!!!! Back to 1200 for me.
    I only have about 240 cals left for dinner which is OK because I trying to eat larger breakfasts and lunches and smaller dinner - it seems to work for me in the long term. I'm feeling starved and it's only 3 pm - just like starting over - remember how hungry you felt?? !!!! Arggghh

    Purple - while the challenges are not the main reason I pot on this thread - I too like a good one. If you look back at the posts from Friday you will see who is the biggest loser for the week - Tstout - I'm not sure she's around and since you seem keen, why don't you post a challenge? Nobody will mind.


    edit - can't spell or type after 2 weeks off the computer
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie - maybe your 'biggger' boobs are pregancy boobs...:smile:

    I am here, barealy but here, i went and worked out at lunch, i think it was a crappy work out...burned like 300 so i guess it was okay, just wasn't feeling it.

    trying to get back on track..i am super swamped at work so not sure how much i will be on ...i am off on friday, we are going to tour the day care by our new house and have our builders meeting where we go over all the details with the general contracter.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Allison: I agree with Meokk that you should be the one to throw out a new challenge. I know they certainly help motivate me and would love one! Kickstart it for us again!

    Jess: Sending workout vibes your way!

    Julie: I sure hope sneezing isn't a symptom of pregnancy because I sneeze all the time!

    Laila: My thoughts are with you and your family. I hope your dad is doing okay.

    Sorry, I won't be doing an official check-in because I didn't write down the data, but I did log everything this weekend, which is better than most weekends. I think it helped keep me in check, too. Amazing, isn't it?

    I have a meeting with another school this evening, then need to do the first workout of the second phase of ChaLean Extreme. It's heavier lifting, with failure in 6-8 reps! Woo. I'm hoping the moves aren't too much harder other than just being heavier weights!
  • I didn't mean to sound argumentative in my earlier post...was maybe in too much of a "business school" mentality and just didn't phrase it correctly. I find them really motivating but it has seemed to me like people aren't doing them. If people still want it (and that does seem to be the case) then I'm happy to come up with one for the week! This is something I've been working on lately.

    Challenge: when posting your check-in (whether it's cals/sodium/etc or just to say hi), post one (or more) things that you like about yourself. This can be something physical or something personality-based.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Allison -- I think several of us are struggling to even show up right now and that's probably why participation in the challenges is lower. I'll straight up confess the reason I haven't been checking in (part of last week's challenge) is because I haven't been logging my food past 5-6pm.

    On that note, It's 4:54pm and I have yet to find a way to convince myself NOT to go to the gym. MAJOR WIN because I talked myself out of going last Thursday AND last Friday! I guilted myself into it today by eating a sugar cookie at work. I come out on top because that sugar cookie was 180 cals but I'm sure to burn 600-700 in an hour at the gym. :wink: That's called a win-win situation. :tongue:
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