Over 200 New year New me Part 38



  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    LittleSpy: CONGRATS on the pregnancy, and the puppy! :flowerforyou:
    Positively_me: I'm a few days late - but congrats on being in ONDERLAND! :flowerforyou:

    I was MIA for the last few days (almost a week if I'm honest) ... it was a great weekend, but a bit too much celebrating and I let it continue on into the week but now I need to get back on track.

    We did close on the farmhouse last Friday, it is such a relief to have that done and I'm very happy we decided to keep it in the family. Now we just have to figure out how to pay for it and make sure we use it often enough to be worth it.
    I have to do a little mommy bragging ... last Saturday my 16-yr-old daughter placed 1st in the 100 breastroke in her conference meet and had her personal best time ... very, very exciting! That night hubby and I stayed at a hotel for our 20th Anniversary - was nice to celebrate so many things. I had a few rum and cokes (and I rarely drink) ... so have been hung over for the last few days.:sick: I tend to eat poorly when I'm not feeling well - craving bad stuff (like my old favorite chips and dip :noway: ). But I did make it to my step class on Monday and again this morning with my 10-yr-old son. He really wanted to try it and he did a pretty good job.
    Glad to be back again.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Aw, thanks guys.

    And Deb, OMG thanks for instilling the fear of an 11 pound baby in me. :noway: :laugh:
    I already have a fear of zombie babies since I just watched Dawn of the Dead on Sunday. :laugh:

    Oh, and Sunday something clicked in me and I realized I'd be just as excited about a girl as I would be about a boy. I should've known right then that I was pregnant! :tongue:

    Actually they were expecting her to be a 13lb baby (she was almost 2 weeks early at 10lbs 6 oz). The doctor said if we were planning on more kids she would of maybe even taken her sooner. I had my tubes tied when i had her, makes me sad sometimes that i want another one, but in all reality i have my handful with 2 of them time wise and $ no way i could afford 3 day care bills...so i am happy to enjoy my girls growing up.

    Serena was 8lb 12 oz (full term) , then abby would of been around 13 can't imagine what a 3rd one would of been for me :smile:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    julie - I saw some Psduo facebook status on chris wall...was i looking at that right...does your due date be july 15th....That is soo cool it is because that is serena's due date (and her bday)..I actually found out i was preggers on November 5th (the day my grandfather passed away and the day my good friend had her 1st baby).
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Yep, I think I'm due July 15th. Of course that could change, but that date is based on when I ovulated. I posted that on Cris' facebook because I promised her I'd let her know and since she hasn't been around I figured there's no harm in doing it there since she lives a good 600-700 miles away & doesn't know any of my "real life" friends & family. :wink:

    I'm actually not especially crazy about a July birthday (let's just say I'm in no way looking forward to being in labor in the heat of a South Carolina summer) but I had kind of convinced myself it would take forever to get pregnant so we went ahead and started actually trying after the first round "not trying not preventing." Yeah... we're apparently really good and baby making. :wink: We really thought it would take a while for it to happen. My mom told me it took 5 years for her and my aunt was never able to have children so, given my maternal family's track record, I didn't consider it would happen so fast!

    Oh, and Cris, if you're reading, I DID BUY THAT MUMMY ONESIE against your advice!! :laugh: I bought the 3-6 month one. So, I can't have any monster babies because I'll really need for my 3 month old to fit in 3-6 month clothes. :tongue: Oh well, worst case scenario is I fork out another whole $3 for one that fits next Halloween.:wink:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: I'm glad to hear the puppy is awesome and not too injured. She's sure adorable! I agree that the previous owners didn't deserve her if they were treating her that way. Poor baby...so glad she found you! How are the other dogs handling the new addition?

    lstpaul: Great job on getting to step class. Yay for your son wanting to be active with you and your daughter taking 1st in her conference. Awesomeness all around for you, it seems!

    Laila: How's your dad doing? I don't recall seeing a recent update.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    sorry Heather for not giving an update on my dad...too much on my mind and not enough hours in the day..

    Thanks for asking...He is doing real good. Doctor want to see him in a couple of days to see if everything is healing properly and to set-up the next surgery date. he is still smoking, but I think he is **trying** to kick the habit, hopefully he does soon.

    back to work for me..
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    julie - i wasn't thrilled with being pregant and delivering in july in texas !! but it was all good, it got really hot that summer after i had her, so that was good.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Laila: I'm so happy to hear your dad is doing well. Hopefully he'll be successful at quitting smoking.

    I just had a super delicious strawberry cheesecake flavored protein shake for lunch. Yum! It totally felt like I was eating an ice cream shake. Unfortunately the place was super busy, so I didn't have a chance to write down my starting and current measurements that they've been taking, so I'll have to get that info some other time.

    I'm so happy that I have just under two hours left before I off for the weekend. Woo hoo! I have a lot of stuff to do, but it always beats being at work. After Wednesday of next week, I'm not sure how often I'll be on during the workday, since my co-worker is quitting and we're in the process of hiring someone else. We're going to hire someone part-time to replace her (she's full-time) and I'm going to do the bulk of both of our current jobs going forward until we're busy enough to justify having two full-time people. The plus side is that the day should pass quicker, but the downer is that I may have less time with you!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Laila -- thanks for the update on your father. So glad he's doing better!

    Heather -- WOOT for a 4 day weekend!! I have one of those *next* weekend.

    I nearly called in sick today because... um.. who can concentrate with a freaking human being growing inside them? :laugh: (please for it to be a human baby and not a zombie baby! :tongue:) Yeah, obviously not me. I have *so much* work to do, I feel horrible not getting enough of it done but really? Really. Not happening.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie, you crack me up!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Yep, I think I'm due July 15th. Of course that could change, but that date is based on when I ovulated. I posted that on Cris' facebook because I promised her I'd let her know and since she hasn't been around I figured there's no harm in doing it there since she lives a good 600-700 miles away & doesn't know any of my "real life" friends & family. :wink:

    I'm actually not especially crazy about a July birthday (let's just say I'm in no way looking forward to being in labor in the heat of a South Carolina summer) but I had kind of convinced myself it would take forever to get pregnant so we went ahead and started actually trying after the first round "not trying not preventing." Yeah... we're apparently really good and baby making. :wink: We really thought it would take a while for it to happen. My mom told me it took 5 years for her and my aunt was never able to have children so, given my maternal family's track record, I didn't consider it would happen so fast!

    Oh, and Cris, if you're reading, I DID BUY THAT MUMMY ONESIE against your advice!! :laugh: I bought the 3-6 month one. So, I can't have any monster babies because I'll really need for my 3 month old to fit in 3-6 month clothes. :tongue: Oh well, worst case scenario is I fork out another whole $3 for one that fits next Halloween.:wink:
    Wow if you are due July 15th thats 2 days after my birthday WOOOOHOOOO!!! July babies are the best!
  • Yep, I think I'm due July 15th. Of course that could change, but that date is based on when I ovulated. I posted that on Cris' facebook because I promised her I'd let her know and since she hasn't been around I figured there's no harm in doing it there since she lives a good 600-700 miles away & doesn't know any of my "real life" friends & family. :wink:

    I'm actually not especially crazy about a July birthday (let's just say I'm in no way looking forward to being in labor in the heat of a South Carolina summer) but I had kind of convinced myself it would take forever to get pregnant so we went ahead and started actually trying after the first round "not trying not preventing." Yeah... we're apparently really good and baby making. :wink: We really thought it would take a while for it to happen. My mom told me it took 5 years for her and my aunt was never able to have children so, given my maternal family's track record, I didn't consider it would happen so fast!

    Oh, and Cris, if you're reading, I DID BUY THAT MUMMY ONESIE against your advice!! :laugh: I bought the 3-6 month one. So, I can't have any monster babies because I'll really need for my 3 month old to fit in 3-6 month clothes. :tongue: Oh well, worst case scenario is I fork out another whole $3 for one that fits next Halloween.:wink:
    Wow if you are due July 15th thats 2 days after my birthday WOOOOHOOOO!!! July babies are the best!

    My son was born on July 14, 2007 at a whopping 9 lbs 5.9 oz and 21 iches long, which is why I had my tubes tied the day after he was born. My daughter was born on June 5, 2005 weighing 8 lbs 1.7 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long. I live in South Carolina so being pregnant in hot weather was not so good, but what I woudn't do to be pregnant now no matter what the time of year it is. So, back on track for me so I can get this weight off so I can have my tubal reversal and then have my miracle baby. All this talk about babies is giving me baby fever, which I have had ever since I had my tubes tied.
  • Julie - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I just had one of those days where nothing seems to work well, so I'm emotionally and physically exhausted. Had Mexican food for a friend's birthday and let the tortilla chips and salsa get to me. I'm really upset but am working out with my trainer at 6:30 tomorrow morning...just going to have to shrug it off I guess.

    Cals: 338 over
    Sodium: 839 over
    Water: 9 cups
    Exercise: 20 minute run
    Proud: I didn't break down and cry today.
    Like: I like that I can now bust out a 20 minute run without thinking about it!

    This was my worst eating day since starting on this plan back in July. I seriously couldn't resist those damn chips.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Hey Ladies, long time no see. I have been busy, busy, busy. First of all I want to say a big CONGRATS to Julie:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I had my son July 11th. I also have large babies. I had a 1 month premature baby that weighed nearly 7 pounds, baby #2 was 9.5 baby #3 was 2 weeks early and she was 8.5, baby #4 was early and he weighed 9.1 pounds. I had all of my babies vaginally except the last one. My 9.5 daughter was too big for me but they yanked her out and she got a broken collarbone. I had to saftey pin her shirt sleeve to the front of her shirt because they don't make those arm thingys for newborns. My poor baby. she was so swollen and it took 2 weeks for all the swelling to go down. It took 3 weeks for the broken collar bone to heal completely.

    Well, here is my life right now. I was doing good diet/exercise wise. Then my mil and bil were in a very bad car accident. t-boned a semi truck. my bil is in very bad shape. my mil thankfully is doing very well. Then while all of this was happening my son was being evaluated and they do think he needs to go on to see a psychologist to do the in depth autism evaluation. Okay, so I am relieved and sad at the same time. I am worried about the bil and then I am sad but relieved to finally get answers about my little guy. oh how I love him and hate for him to have these kinds of struggles. He is my son and I am blessed that he is mine. I will get through this!!!!!!

    lstpaul, I am so happy about the farm !!!!! Congrats to your daughter. you have every right to brag about her.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Hey Ladies, long time no see. I have been busy, busy, busy. First of all I want to say a big CONGRATS to Julie:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I had my son July 11th. I also have large babies. I had a 1 month premature baby that weighed nearly 7 pounds, baby #2 was 9.5 baby #3 was 2 weeks early and she was 8.5, baby #4 was early and he weighed 9.1 pounds. I had all of my babies vaginally except the last one. My 9.5 daughter was too big for me but they yanked her out and she got a broken collarbone. I had to saftey pin her shirt sleeve to the front of her shirt because they don't make those arm thingys for newborns. My poor baby. she was so swollen and it took 2 weeks for all the swelling to go down. It took 3 weeks for the broken collar bone to heal completely.

    Well, here is my life right now. I was doing good diet/exercise wise. Then my mil and bil were in a very bad car accident. t-boned a semi truck. my bil is in very bad shape. my mil thankfully is doing very well. Then while all of this was happening my son was being evaluated and they do think he needs to go on to see a psychologist to do the in depth autism evaluation. Okay, so I am relieved and sad at the same time. I am worried about the bil and then I am sad but relieved to finally get answers about my little guy. oh how I love him and hate for him to have these kinds of struggles. He is my son and I am blessed that he is mine. I will get through this!!!!!!

    lstpaul, I am so happy about the farm !!!!! Congrats to your daughter. you have every right to brag about her.
    Oh Momma I am so sorry to hear about you Brother-in-law and mother-in-law.I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.Please keep us posted!! With your son I can only imagine how hard it is to hear that he needs to be evaluated for autism,but try to look at it this way.Once the evaluation is over you will have a definite yes or no answer and then you'll be able to help him further with whatever his condition may be.Prayers for you and Ryan!! We will always be here for you.

    Girls I have a bad case of baby fever.I have been eating like crazy and I am losing weight.Explain that one to me.I have not been exercising other than cleaning house everyday (does that count as exercise).I know I have had to be banking at least 1600-1700 cals a day.I like the idea of losing because of eating more but MFP says without exercise I should only be eating 1350.What gives??? Oh and I won't even talk about high my sodium has been the past few days but I guess I have been drowning it out with my water intake so I guess it really doesn't matter.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Ann-I haven't tracked in a few weeks and I've been eating out, a lot!! I'm probably somewhere around the same calories daily and my sodium probably through the roof. I lost a pound and now I'm maintaining it. I don't think MFP is 100% accurate in how many calories you need to eat. Everybody is different. This just means that your body needed more fuel!

    Momma-So sorry to hear about your family in the car accident! Hoping your bil recovers quickly! I can see how you would have mixed emotions on getting Ryan further evaulated. I know God will help you and your family through this time. Heres to hoping for more answers on Ryan soon. He seems like such a sweet kid!!

    lstpaul-Congrats on closing on the farm house!! That's awesome!! And a big contrats to your daugther. Brag away!!

    I know there was more but I'm honestly way too tired to remember everything else. I finally got to the root of my funk yesterday. I feel better. Today is about not going back into my funk moving forward and making positive changes to go back to my old self that I seemed to of lost! So here's to a good day today! :drinker: Whatever happens, happens! I need to stop thinking about too many things! :bigsmile:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Momma -- *hugs* to you. How scary for your bil & mil!

    And you guys need to stop with the humongous baby talk. My husband and I were both around 7 pounds when we were born so... yeah.. a 7 pound baby will do just fine, thanks. :wink:

    I keep forgetting to weigh in the mornings (I'm too busy peeing on sticks :embarassed: Yep, still pregnant today. :tongue: ) but yesterday afternoon I was at 196 so I'm probably around 194 right now. My realistic goal is to lose 4 pounds duing the next 8 weeks so I go into my 2nd trimester at 190. :smile: I'm want to be careful that I'm eating enough so if that means not losing weight then okay, but I think I can do it in a healthy way. I logged around 2000 cals which is right at maintenance for me. I was battling the blah tummy feelings all day and then the pizza I had for dinner had way more calories than I estimated.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member

    And you guys need to stop with the humongous baby talk. My husband and I were both around 7 pounds when we were born so... yeah.. a 7 pound baby will do just fine, thanks. :wink:

    Okay I have one for you Julie. I was a few weeks premature and I barley weighed 4 pounds. I could fit in a shoebox! And when my niece was born I think she was pretty tiny as well. Does that help at all!? HAHA
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Morning girls,

    Momma, so sorry the hear about the accident. Please keep us updated. I can understand your emotion rollercoster - hopefully with this evaluation it will give you the answers that would help your baby. Hugs to you:heart: ...you're an awesome mother, please don't every forget that!

    Ann, I am not tracking much this week...maybe I am rebelling do to reaching ONEderland last week, but I have been extreamly busy this week. I have not tracked calories nor have I exercise like I should. Congrats on your weight loss!!!

    Jess, you can come and vent all you want...that always seems to help...big hug:flowerforyou:

    Ispaul, congrats on getting the farmhouse!!

    Allison, dont beat yourself up for going over calories...it happens to all of us. I probaby went over calories every day this week...stupid candy in the house...but one mistake is not going to be the end of the world..pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and move on.

    Julie, are you the oldest, middle, or youngest of sibling? oldest sibling is not that big compared to the other siblings..

    check in 11.3.10
    calories - over by 400 ( my plan not to eat candy fell into the *kitten* hole..ugh I hate this)
    exercise - nothing..
    water - not much
    proud - can't think of anything
    Challenge - l Like the way my upper arms are becoming defined..now to work on lower (bat wings) arms

    It's raining here so I don't think I can do my walk plus my son is coming down with something, no school for him today..I might do Just dance on wii today :)

    Have a great day!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Jess -- Yes, it does help, thanks!

    Laila -- I'm the baby! And my brother was a similar weight.
    Unnnnnnnnfortunately, I'm built like my dad, not like my mom. My mom is a tiny framed woman and during her child birthing years she weighed about 110-130 pounds. I'm built like my dad. He was a football player. :laugh: On the positive side of that, thanks to him I have fantastic "birthin' hips." :tongue:
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