Over 200 New year New me Part 38



  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Good challenge - OK I'll go first..........
    this is my first check in since pre wedding craziness ensued so I'm pleased with my self just for being here and getting back to it.

    First off though - I'm missing everyone and super sad that the board is so slow now that I can finally get back to chatting. :sad: :sad: come back to me !!!!!!!

    Calories - under by 20 something for now but I see chocolate in my future - period should start in the next 24 hours and we all know how that goes.
    Water - good - right on target at about 85 oz for the day
    Sugar - OK, under 50 but not as low as I would like
    Proud - that I'm back at it although not quote perfect yet.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: I like that I'm the friend who can always be trusted with the most personal of secrets :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Hi girlie girls! :bigsmile:

    I have been doing well for four days now. I am very proud of myself for crawling back from my devastating binge cycle.
    Laila - your family is in my thoughts.
    I know even though I can't get on here as much as I'd like, I still read posts and keep up with challenges. I love this week's challenge, btw!

    check in:
    cals: OK
    water: 100
    exercise: 30 minute walk
    proud: I am more focused even though I am sick. Bleh.
    I LIKE: I like that I am more confident now. A friend of mine commented on this last weekend. She said even my walk is more confident. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Cals: 1925 (trust me, this is an improvement -- I actually logged everything!!) 800 CALORIE DEFICIT!
    Exercise: 40 minutes elliptical; 25 minutes biking
    Water: 8 cups; not good enough
    Proud: went to the gym
    like: I like um... my sense of humor? I'm bad at this.
  • Here's my check-in for the day:

    Cals - 336 under
    Water - 8 cups
    Sodium - 135 under
    Exercise - brief run plus yoga
    Proud - I led my first team meeting today and think I did it well.
    Like - I really like my hair! It's curly and unmanageable some days, but it is a really pretty color and I think people would kill for my curls.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello girls !! I think i have come to the conclusion that i am burning myself out...I am getting to the point to not wanting to do much, not wanting to my log my cals (or more like limit them)..not that i want to go overboard either.

    me and hubby both decided to cut back a bit...we have been non-stop hitting it hard since may. So not out of it, but i cut my weight loss to 1 lbs a week.giving myself more cals a day, pre-exercise about 1700 and after exercise ually 2000 - 2200, most of the time i don't get up there anyway...GOing to try that loose a little or maintain through november and december and get back on hard again in january...maybe my body and mind need a little rest.

    I am still on track for 1 lbs a week, so if i can loose 8 lbs before the end of the year that will be great.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Hello girls !! I think i have come to the conclusion that i am burning myself out...I am getting to the point to not wanting to do much, not wanting to my log my cals (or more like limit them)..not that i want to go overboard either.

    me and hubby both decided to cut back a bit...we have been non-stop hitting it hard since may. So not out of it, but i cut my weight loss to 1 lbs a week.giving myself more cals a day, pre-exercise about 1700 and after exercise ually 2000 - 2200, most of the time i don't get up there anyway...GOing to try that loose a little or maintain through november and december and get back on hard again in january...maybe my body and mind need a little rest.

    I am still on track for 1 lbs a week, so if i can loose 8 lbs before the end of the year that will be great.

    Deb I think that's a great idea for you and the hubby. You both were hitting it really hard and you were both very successful. I'm guessing your body probably really does need a break! And still losing anything during the holidays is always an accomplishment.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member

    Ann, thanks for the new thread.

    Laura/Ready2lose30, Welcome to this awesome group!

    Jess, thanks for the well wishes….
    I have to force myself to workout, the beginning of the week; however, by the mid-week I’m pumped…

    Heather, Congrats on seeing 183...You’re awesome!!! Good luck with phase 2 of Chalean Extreme

    Allison, I love the challenges, it’s what keeps me going. That and check in. however, some of us are extremely busy from work/home life and it is very hard to check in. Sometimes after 5pm it is very hard for me to check back - do to my children’s’ homework/projects/test studying, but that doesn’t mean I gave up on me tracking food and exercise.
    Thanks for the great challenge…I really need to do this because I focus on my negative/flaws of me instead of focusing on the positive changes that has happened to me..

    Julie, this is another reason why I check in…to see if Julie is announcing her pregnancy…lol…I hope that in the near future God blesses you and Ann with a bundle-of-joy.
    I am not sure if I mentioned this before but when my aunt was pregnant with her first child she was getting normal periods. She had all the signs of pregnancy but the test results were always negative and she never have thought she was pregnant because TOMs arrival every month, until she was 5 months she noticed her belly growing and had weird feelings ( baby movements) so she went to her doctor and had a blood and urine test done..urine showed negative but blood showed signs of pregnancy…so they had to do an ultrasound and believe it or not she was indeed pregnant and it was a healthy baby….so my babbling is everyone experience pregnancy signs differently. Just keep posting :-)

    Meokk, Congrats on your wedding!!! We missed you around here :-) Glad you’re back!!

    Nancy, glad you are back with us..we missed you around. {{{hugs}}} to you for sticking with us and being an amazing weigh loss sister of the traveling pants..

    Debbie, one pound loss is still something…give your body the rest it needs but please don’t give up on this journey :-)

    Check in :11.1.10
    Calories, a little over …1320
    Exericise, nada..I was so tired from yesterday’s walking ( close to 20,000 steps)
    Water, not bad…but not so good either
    Proud, I didn’t overdo it over the weekend (food wise) I wanted to celebrate being under 200 but I wanted to see another loss this week so I celebrated with one good meal instead of 2 whole days of good meals
    I lLIKE, that I am slowly creeping out of my comfort zone and doing things I couldn’t do a year ago…like running.

    Have a great day!!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Thanks everyone for understanding my craziness of wanting to be pregnant again!!
    Laila-I will keep you and your family in my prayers!!
    Julie-I am right there with you on the crazy pregnant things
    Laura-So glad you made it back
    Heather-hope you see 183 again really soon
    Bluenote-So glad you are back and going at it strong again !! We missed you!What matters is that you acknowledged your binge and your back
    Allison-I love the challenge
    Meook-Congrats on your wedding and thanks for checking in on me!
    Deb- your plan sounds great and you and your husband deserve a little break because you have been killing it for a while now.Good luck
    Jess-I love your new profile pic you can see a big difference in all your pics! You look AMAZING
    Cris-Love your photos up on facebook.Are you sure you weighed over 200 cause if I had to guess by your pics I would of thought 160-165 you look GREAT!! Keep up whatever you are doing and let me in on the secret
    If I missed anyone I am sorry!! I love you all and think everyone of you are true inspirations.Keep up the hardwork we will all reach our goals soon enough!!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Hi ladies!

    Sorry I've been MIA lately... busy busy busy! I haven't been super super great at eating this weekend, but haven't over done it! :) Quite pleased with that.

    Great challenge, by the way!!

    I like that my future MIL thinks that I am (actual quote) "great for Adam and the girls. They deserve someone like you"

    I hope to catch up on everyone's posts later!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Meokk-I STILL don't see any pics from your wedding on facebook. Do you have your settings set to where only specific people can see them maybe? I want to see!! :laugh:

    tstout-What a compliment from your MIL! That has to make you feel good. How is your anxiety? Have you passed it onto me now because I am losing my freaking MIND!! I called my dr to get some meds I can take during the day. I can't handle it anymore. :grumble: I hate having to take medicine but this is getting very difficult for me. Just a trying time I think.

    Allison-I love the challenge for the week. I'm not going to lie I haven't been checking in because I haven't been tracking, at all. But I will make a vowe to post at least one thing I like about myself daily. Keep up your hard work.

    Julie-Did you make it to the gym last night!?

    blue-Even if you can't post like you use to post we know you are still with us. So proud of you for having 4 good days! Way to not let anything derail this change you made for yourself. :flowerforyou:

    I'm not sure who it was that had all complimented on my new pic but thank you all for your beautiful comments. :blushing: That's my newest niece Carolyn from my sisters husband. She's 4 and she is the cutest little thing. I was her best friend the weekend of the wedding. Even though she's making a weird face I love that picture!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    What a morning!
    As I was locking my door on my way out this morning, a guy walking down the street was forcing a conversation with me. I had too much stuff in my hands, including a cup of diet pepsi (which I was securing with my teeth...) and when I tried to say "good morning" to him, I spilled the soda all over myself (hair, clothes, shoes, everywhere). So, I went back inside to change clothes.

    I did that, and then left. I was going to vote and the local news had said my polling place changed to an elementary school up the street so I went there. Stood in line, my name wasn't on the list for that ward. As I was driving home to look up where to vote, I see the gym at the park RIGHT NEXT TO MY HOUSE had "vote here" signs. The local news told our ward to go to the wrong place! Our polling place was different this time because they're in the process of tearing down/rebuilding our usual place.

    I was irritated the local news had reported bad information (what's new?) and that I had stood in the other line for nothing and that now I had to stand in another line (at a place I seriously could've walked to -- half a block away from my house). But I waited and I voted and I was leaving the polling place to go to work when I hear *thud* immediately followed by "YELP!" and I see a car stopped in the middle of the road. Then the car turns and drives off... and I see a tiny puppy limping up the sidewalk!!! Some freaking scum of the earth hit a TINY PUPPY and drove away. :explode: Some women walking up the street confirmed what I heard was in fact the puppy being hit by the car. I don't think I could have been more appalled and disgusted.

    I stopped my car in the street and turned on my hazard lights and called the puppy. She wagged her tail as she limped toward me. I ran across the street and saw that she wasn't putting any weight on her back right leg & that it was skinned up pretty badly and was swelling quickly. I grabbed my jacket out of my car & wrapped her up in it and took her home.

    I stood in the bedroom door holding the shivering puppy looking at my dh while he slept. Then I said aloud, "Don't kill me!" :laugh: He's so fun to talk to when he's groggy. :tongue: He was like "What? what are you doing?" So I repeated "Don't kill me.... but.... I saw this puppy get hit by a car... and the *kitten* just drove off and left her... and she's the sweetest thing ever."

    He got up, didn't kill me, looked at the puppy, and fell in love the second he saw her. He waas already calling her Penelope by the time I left to go to work 20 minutes later. :laugh: So, dh called the vet & is taking Penelope there this afternoon. Not sure if her foot is broken or just really bruised/swollen. She had several open wounds we cleaned up. She's just a darling little girl.

    Not sure what we'll do with her. We *really* don't need another dog. We have 6! Hopefully MIL will want her (she's been wanting a dog for a couple of years now) and if not we'll either keep her or find her a great home. I just couldn't leave a pitiful injured puppy alone on the side of the road in the cold. Seriously.

    So, I'm on my 3rd outfit for the day because the first one is covered in diet pepsi and the 2nd one ended up covered in puppy blood. I made it to work by 10am.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    How could someone possible leave this darling bleeding in the street?! :mad: Occasionally I lose all faith in humanity and this is one of those occasions.
    She's maybe 3 months old at most.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie she is precious!! I want her! My dog needs a friend. Do you deliver to Texas!? :laugh: That's awful that someone did that to a poor innocent puppy. I'm really glad you were around to rescue that pup. :flowerforyou:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    How could someone possible leave this darling bleeding in the street?! :mad: Occasionally I lose all faith in humanity and this is one of those occasions.
    She's maybe 3 months old at most.
    She is a doll Julie I want her !! What a cutie!!

    Ann, thanks for the new thread.

    Laura/Ready2lose30, Welcome to this awesome group!

    Jess, thanks for the well wishes….
    I have to force myself to workout, the beginning of the week; however, by the mid-week I’m pumped…

    Heather, Congrats on seeing 183...You’re awesome!!! Good luck with phase 2 of Chalean Extreme

    Allison, I love the challenges, it’s what keeps me going. That and check in. however, some of us are extremely busy from work/home life and it is very hard to check in. Sometimes after 5pm it is very hard for me to check back - do to my children’s’ homework/projects/test studying, but that doesn’t mean I gave up on me tracking food and exercise.
    Thanks for the great challenge…I really need to do this because I focus on my negative/flaws of me instead of focusing on the positive changes that has happened to me..

    Julie, this is another reason why I check in…to see if Julie is announcing her pregnancy…lol…I hope that in the near future God blesses you and Ann with a bundle-of-joy.
    I am not sure if I mentioned this before but when my aunt was pregnant with her first child she was getting normal periods. She had all the signs of pregnancy but the test results were always negative and she never have thought she was pregnant because TOMs arrival every month, until she was 5 months she noticed her belly growing and had weird feelings ( baby movements) so she went to her doctor and had a blood and urine test done..urine showed negative but blood showed signs of pregnancy…so they had to do an ultrasound and believe it or not she was indeed pregnant and it was a healthy baby….so my babbling is everyone experience pregnancy signs differently. Just keep posting :-)

    Meokk, Congrats on your wedding!!! We missed you around here :-) Glad you’re back!!

    Nancy, glad you are back with us..we missed you around. {{{hugs}}} to you for sticking with us and being an amazing weigh loss sister of the traveling pants..

    Debbie, one pound loss is still something…give your body the rest it needs but please don’t give up on this journey :-)

    Check in :11.1.10
    Calories, a little over …1320
    Exericise, nada..I was so tired from yesterday’s walking ( close to 20,000 steps)
    Water, not bad…but not so good either
    Proud, I didn’t overdo it over the weekend (food wise) I wanted to celebrate being under 200 but I wanted to see another loss this week so I celebrated with one good meal instead of 2 whole days of good meals
    I lLIKE, that I am slowly creeping out of my comfort zone and doing things I couldn’t do a year ago…like running.

    Have a great day!!!

    thanks I have been on this group before. as MOMOFTWO29, or prehaps Lauramg. Not sure but I have been here before, and then let life get in the way and gained all my weight back. I have been on this site since January 1, 2009, but I have decided that I will not give up and will not let this weight issue defeat me at all. I have had 2 days of eating bad b/c I can't get to my stove. We are replacing my bedroom floor and all my bedroom furniture is in my kitchen. UGH, I hate this but I can't help it and I will just have to get back on it as soon as I can get into my kitchen to cook healthy foods.
  • Can everyone please tell me their names? I know some of them but not all of them. Mine is Laura.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Hi, Laura! Mine is obvious...I'm Heather!

    Julie: Wow, what a day you've had! Penelope is adorable! I seriously thought only I had strange animal rescue stories, like when I herded steers to safety using my car.

    Allison: Thanks for the challenge.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over by 200
    Sodium: Over by 1459
    Water: 99.8 oz.
    Exercise: ChaLean Extreme Push Circuit 1
    Proud: That I started phase 2 of ChaLean!
    Like: My eyes, especially when dolled up with eye shadow, liner and mascara.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Count me in as one of the busy ones. Between work being busy, traveling, AND being all sick/sniffy/overall gross, I have not been in it to win it. I have been tracking (even when it's not pretty!) so my 250+ day streak is still alive! I've been not so motivated to eat right or work out lately, partially because I'm sick. I've got a stuffy nose, super sore throat, and that overall tired feeling going on. Those things together equal wanting to pamper with food (Chinese! Mexican!) and not being sure if I should be going to the gym or not. And let's be clear, if you're not sure if you should go to the gym because you're not feeling well....you're not (at least I'm not) going!

    This week doesn't look like it's going to be any kinder to my schedule or body. Tonight we've got Bible study, then tomorrow my dad gets in town for business. We'll be going out to delicious dinners both Wednesday and Thursday (not complaining here, just saying...). Friday night I catch a break (YEAH!!) and should be able to go to yoga. CAN'T WAIT! I miss it like crazy. Also need to get to the gym to start running so I don't kill myself trying to run all the 5K on November 21. Because I'm not backing down from that goal - I CAN do it! However, I can't do it unless I train.

    Checking in from yesterday:
    Cals - Over. 1644
    Water - 64 oz
    Exercise - None.
    Proud - Went to a diner for lunch. Ate about 60% of my ridiculous sandwich and realized that I didn't need to eat any more. So I stopped.
    Like - I like that I have webbed toes. I think they make me unique. And no, they don't make me a faster swimmer. :laugh:

    Julie - That dog is adorable. And, at the risk of being booed off the board, I'm just now starting to like dogs. Hey, I didn't grow up with dogs and big ones kinda scare me! Hubby is a HUGE fan - can't wait until we live in a bigger place to get one - and we will own a dog one day. But not a big one. Don't like the ones that jump and are bigger than me.
    Heather - Killer exercise this weekend!
    Allison - Thanks for keeping us motivated...even when we're less than responsive. :blushing:
    Meokk - Congratulations!! Can't wait to see pics and welcome back!
    Laura - Welcome back. Hi, I'm Lauren. :bigsmile:
    Nancy - Way to get over the binge cycle!
    Jess - Looks like you had a great time at the Mavs games. Sorry about the World Series....
    Ann - Glad to hear you're back at normal levels.
    Deb - Sounds like you have a good plan. We know that switching up calorie levels has worked for others before.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    checking in:
    calories - just over 1200
    water - good
    exercise - just a little slow walking
    Challenge - What I like about myself - I have a contagious smile :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Hey Laura, I'm Allison. Welcome back!

    Today's check-in:

    Calories: 2 over
    Water: 9 cups
    Sodium: 298 over
    Exercise: warm up run then some weights and strength training
    Proud: I voted! And at the election night party I enjoyed some snacks and some chips, but kept it reasonably in check. So even if I was over on a lot of things for the day, I was okay with it because I know that one day isn't going to ruin me.
    Like: I like that I'm becoming calmer in stressful situations...I don't just panic and shut down, I'm not able to be more rational and mature. Yay!
This discussion has been closed.