Over 200 New year New me Part 38



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Stalking all alone today (still busy at work but still couldn't concentrate to save my soul).

    I was thinking this morning about how funny it'll be to see how long it takes before anyone says anything about me being pregnant at work. My coworkers are all just going to think I'm gaining the weight I lost back! :laugh: I bet they'll be terrified to mention it to me! It just makes me giggle thinking about how awkward they're going to feel (I actually delight in little awkward moments! :laugh:).
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Good morning! (well, I guess it's almost afternoon, but I just finished breakfast, so...)

    Julie, glad to know you're still prego. :wink:
    Jess, I'm happy you're on the upswing of your funk. They can be tough, but we gotta power through.
    Allison, Laila said it perfectly - we all have those days. Track it, forget about it, move on. WTG with your 6:30 a.m. personal tranining session!!
    Momma, prayers for you, your BIL, and your son. The tests can only help.
    Ann, hooray for the loss, even if it doesn't make sense! :laugh:

    Last night was fun with my dad. He was very complimentary and kept telling me that I looked great and he was so proud of me. I mentioned that I still wanted to lose about 20 lbs and he said that would be great, but I look really good where I am now. Just so good to hear! I also did pretty well in terms of eating. I got a salad with maple vinegarette and roasted fall veggies for my appetizer. Then we ate some AMAZING gnocchi (those were not so good, probably a stick of butter in there!). I only ate half of my main course (duck with some sauteed greens). Then dessert was a pear clafouti - YUM!! Two glasses of delicious wine and one small glass of port made the meal even better. Such fun!

    Cals - Over (obviously!) Had at least 2250 cals. That's over 400 maintenance. Oh well!
    Water - 64 oz
    Exercise - Nada
    Proud - My dad's praise! Also, my mom is trying to lose weight as well so I got to talk to her about how it's going. She lost 2.5 in her first week, but gained 0.4 in her second. I tried to talk her down (she's exercising more, etc) and I think I made an impact. It's great that I can support her through this!
    Like - I'm a good manager who supports her employees.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Sprinkle me with baby dust Sprinkle me with baby dust!! LOL I got baby fever bad.Sorry to annoy you all with my obsession of wanting a baby.It just helps me cope better with the loss of my recent baby.I know it will happen soon but in the meantime I am trying everything to keep my mind off of it.I cried my eyes out last night just out of the blue.I have no idea why either and just a few minutes ago cried over a stupid TV commercial about babies lol.What is wrong with me?Just found out my Sister-in-law is pregnant and I can't help but feel jealous.My mom definitely doesn't understand she says I should be happy for them and I have no reason to be upset.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Lilspy & Awestfall: You guys have me dreaming about babies! (and I just picked out some adorable pink baby stuff with flowers and butterflies that I shipped to my cousin's son and his wife who just had a baby girl ... so that might have something to do with it too). I may sometimes miss those great baby days, and have wonderful memories of my kids when they were babies ... but I DO NOT want another baby at my age ... of course if it happened I'm sure I would change my mind (although I am in full-fledged peri-menopause, still on the pill to regulate hormones, and my husband had a vasectomy so very, very unlikely). The baby dream I had last night was more like a mild nightmare - I had a baby that I was keeping in a closet, and I had forgotten about it so it's diaper hadn't been changed and it was a mess, and I felt terrible! Weird, Weird.

    Thanks for all the well wishes to me about our farmhouse and my daughter's great swim meet last weekend. She had another meet last night which was very exciting because her team won ... it was the St. Paul conference champs against the Minneapolis conference champs and my daughter's school had NEVER won it, and a St. Paul public school hadn't won since 1981 ... so very exciting. But my daughter was a little off her great time from last weekend - she was very close to winning and got 2nd ... so she did great! But of course we were a little let down because you start to think they are going to the olympics! :wink: (not really ... but you know what I mean). One more big meet next week when they go to sections ... it has been a good season for her.

    I did well foodwise yesterday ... but am not having a good day today. Didn't pack a breakfast for work - so made a bad choice of getting a large muffin, and then snacking on a large bag of cheetos ... I have no idea why! I may throw away part of my tuna sandwich because I'm getting full ... but that would be the only healthy thing I've eaten so far today! Maybe soup for supper. I'm still not feeling well ... been under the weather for a few weeks it seems like. I may have to break down and go to the doctor tomorrow. I'm very, very sore around my ears and neck and tired. My stomach isn't real happy either - but that might be the junk I'm putting into it today. :sick:
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: used some exercise cals but not all
    exercise: good - step class with my 10 yr old (that is still making me smile)
    water: not so good
    proud: I am proud of myself for making exercise a routine in my life ... I could use a bit more but I'm very regular at 3 days/ 3 hours of vigorous cardio ... need to incorporate weight training back into my routine again

    momma24: so glad to see you again, although I'm sorry about your bad news. I will pray for your MIL and BIL. It is probably a good thing to do more testing for your son, even though it is hard. I hope things get easier for you soon!

    elmox: what a great night with your dad!

    positively_me: you will get back on track when you are done with your celebration week ... you are doing great!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Ann -- *hugs* to you. I think it's probably very normal to be sad and grieve in your situation.
    Please let me know if I make you uncomfortable talking about it and I'll (try to) stop. :flowerforyou: Or maybe I can just talk about the bad stuff I'm experiencing. :wink: For example, I'm so tired of peeing I could freaking scream and I want to cut my boobs off they're so sore (and by "boobs" I mean BAZOOMBAS! Holy mother! Every C cup bra I just purchased is completely useless to me now.). :tongue:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ann -- *hugs* to you. I think it's probably very normal to be sad and grieve in your situation.
    Please let me know if I make you uncomfortable talking about it and I'll (try to) stop. :flowerforyou: Or maybe I can just talk about the bad stuff I'm experiencing. :wink: For example, I'm so tired of peeing I could freaking scream and I want to cut my boobs off they're so sore (and by "boobs" I mean BAZOOMBAS! Holy mother! Every C cup bra I just purchased is completely useless to me now.). :tongue:
    Oh by no means Julie are you making me uncomfortable!! I am super happy for you as I am for my brother and sister in law.Just baby madness all around me makes me want my baby back .Don't you dare stop sharing your crazy pregnancy things with us .In fact as crazy as it sounds it does make me feel better talking about it and hearing you share your pregnancy symptoms with us all.I don't want you to think one bit that you are making me uncomfortable or sad.I am truly happy for you Julie and I know my happy day will come again.Please keep sharing PLEASE !! It really does help me even if you think it doesn't it does!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I know there was more but I'm honestly way too tired to remember everything else. I finally got to the root of my funk yesterday. I feel better. Today is about not going back into my funk moving forward and making positive changes to go back to my old self that I seemed to of lost! So here's to a good day today! :drinker: Whatever happens, happens! I need to stop thinking about too many things! :bigsmile:

    Redneckwmn: Did you get rid of your funk? I hope you are having a good day! :flowerforyou:
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Hello girls...

    1st of all CONGRATULATIONS Julie! I am so very happy for you! Funny thing is I thought about you today and thought, I should catch up with those girls Julie is probably Prego by now. Guess I should listen to my premonitions more often.

    I have been in a whirl wind of change around here. We have so much going on from my son's senior year, to my daughters freshman year, trying to decide how much more energy I want to put into my business or just go and work for someone else. I feel like I am spinning my wheels.

    I got the brilliant idea to clean our master closet and to make a long story short, found black mold in the back of it due to the bathroom fan not circulating enough air. So, we have been dry walling, painting, and deep cleaning things around here. (this has been most of my exercise)

    My weight loss is well.. not good. I am where deb is at right now. BURNED OUT. I have not been logging, exercising and most definitely have not been watching what I have been eating as I have not had the time to plan and cook like I was a year ago.

    So, with all that said, I am in need of evaluating some goals not only for my weight loss, food intake, but also for my career.
    I will do my best at checking in here a little more often and trying to get a plan in order and stick to it!

    Jess, thanks for asking about me. I am still here!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I know there was more but I'm honestly way too tired to remember everything else. I finally got to the root of my funk yesterday. I feel better. Today is about not going back into my funk moving forward and making positive changes to go back to my old self that I seemed to of lost! So here's to a good day today! :drinker: Whatever happens, happens! I need to stop thinking about too many things! :bigsmile:

    Redneckwmn: Did you get rid of your funk? I hope you are having a good day! :flowerforyou:

    Today has been a MUCH MUCH MUCH better day! Thank you for asking.

    CoGirl-So glad to see you!! Sorry to hear about your black mold. That is NOT fun stuff!! Come drop in when you can.

    So those of you who have been around for awhile know my LOVE for Kenny Chesney....it was announced that he is playing here in Dallas in 2011...on my birthday! Happy birthday to ME!!! So stoked!!! I was so bummed he didn't tour this year. It made my day!!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Hey ladies, thanks for the well wishes for my family. My bIL has been put on a breathing machine. Not good. Hopefully, this turns out well.

    Ann, it is perfectly normal to feel like you do. I remember when my sister had a very bad miscarriage. She had to go through the whole dnc. I found out I was pregnant with Ryan. I remember almost feeling guilty because we were not trying to have a baby she was and this was the 2nd miscarriage in a row for her. Any how I could tell it made her sad but I knew that she was happy for me. The story ended happily though she found out she was preg. when I was about 4 months and our babies are exactly 3 months to the day apart. MIne July 11 hers Oct 11. She had a girl and I got my boy. They absolutley LOVE each other. This will all turn out well for you.

    Julie, I was about 8.5 pound baby and my hubby was nearly 9 pounds, then I found out that my maternal grandmother had LARGE babies. Then there is my sister who has 6-7 pound babies. My premature baby girl weighed more than her full term baby girl. So I would guess, Hey lets all guess Julies babies weight (babies maybe you can have 2~ 6 pounders) just kidding. Okay I guess Jules baby is going to be around 7 pounds 6 ounces
  • Julie send some of that baby dust my way. I want a baby so BAD!!!!!!!!!!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Sheesh, a girl goes AWOL for ONE day and comes back to a baby, a farm, and mold! :laugh:

    Julie - I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO happy for you!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: My birthday is July 17th, so please keep little Abreyale in there two extra days past the due date.
    Momma - your family is in my prayers! I am so sorry to hear about the accident. Please keep us posted. And I KNOW everything is going to work out for your li'l man. You are in my prayers!
    COGirl - being the queen of mold (as I am fondly called at work), I congratulate you for its removal.
    Jess - SO excited for your future birthday present! How great is that?!?!?!?
    lstpaul - I am so glad you have the farm! What great memories you have and will create!

    I had a great eating day again, sisters. I think I am recovering! Praise God! Plus I got great news that my physical therapist has added another therapist to his team who will work later hours. This means I can keep going! It was becoming impossible to go because I have musical rehearsals with my kids after school. Yay late hours!!!

    check in:
    cals: OK
    water: 100
    exercise: 60 minutes of PT
    proud: I went to a teachers' meeting today and my music colleagues 'ooohed' and 'ahhhhhed' at my success!!!
    I LIKE: that I am not giving up. :bigsmile:
  • I'm going to try to catch-up with posts later this afternoon, but, in the meantime, here's my weigh-in for today.

  • Good Morning everyone!! I am up and ready to go this morning!!!! I can finally get back into my kitchen and today I will be right on it. I will even try to get in some exercise but if I don't get to then I will be eating great and drinking my water. I hope you all have a great day!!:flowerforyou:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Big fat 0 for weight loss for me .I mean I lost weight this week but nothing today so I am keeping it at 0.

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1898. "The baby" wanted too many meatballs. :wink: I can see why pregnant women tend to gain too much weight -- that's such an easy excuse! But really, I'm okay with 1898. As long as I keep it between 1500 and 2000 on days I don't exercise and between 1800 and 2300 on days I do exercise, I think I'll be just fine. :smile:
    Exercise: Rapidly dividing cells counts, right? :embarassed: No? Then, no, no exercise. :ohwell:
    Water: Only about 10 cups but it felt like so much more. Do you think nature makes pregnant women have to go to the bathroom 3 times during the night in preparation for baby? :laugh:
    Proud: I'm determined to be healthy.
    Like: I like my fertility! :laugh: Seriously! We thought this was going to take forever. Took my mom 5 years to get pregnant with her first, my aunt was never able to get pregnant, and it took MIL a very long time to conceive as well. So, since I imagine fertility is genetic, I kind of thought I didn't have a great chance. Now stick, little one, STICK!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Julie...forgot to weigh in..0.00%

    Yep, I didn't remember until after I was out of the shower & it was too late because I was soaking wet. I think it's safe to say I'm not below 191.4 considering I was 194 last time I weighed on Wednesday. So, no loss for me
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Calories: 1898. "The baby" wanted too many meatballs. :wink: I can see why pregnant women tend to gain too much weight -- that's such an easy excuse! But really, I'm okay with 1898. As long as I keep it between 1500 and 2000 on days I don't exercise and between 1800 and 2300 on days I do exercise, I think I'll be just fine. :smile:
    Exercise: Rapidly dividing cells counts, right? :embarassed: No? Then, no, no exercise. :ohwell:
    Water: Only about 10 cups but it felt like so much more. Do you think nature makes pregnant women have to go to the bathroom 3 times during the night in preparation for baby? :laugh:
    Proud: I'm determined to be healthy.
    Like: I like my fertility! :laugh: Seriously! We thought this was going to take forever. Took my mom 5 years to get pregnant with her first, my aunt was never able to get pregnant, and it took MIL a very long time to conceive as well. So, since I imagine fertility is genetic, I kind of thought I didn't have a great chance. Now stick, little one, STICK!
    Julie you think the peeing every 5 secs now is bad wait until you are 8 months pregnant and thats all you do is sit in the bathroom because the baby is pushing down on your bladder and kicking you in the rib.As far as the weight of my babies well my first was 6lbs 10.1ounces 21inches long labored for 22 hours only to find out we had to have an emergency c-section and when we left the hospital she was 5lbs 4.8 ounces I only gained 10 pounds with her.My second baby was 8lbs 14.8 ounces and 20 3/4 inches long and I gained 27 pounds with her.I hope with my next baby I am careful how much weight I gain.
  • Hi everyone, I am not going to participate on the weigh in thing on here. I hope that's okay. I weigh in on mondays. I am just in this group for the support. Lord knows I need it.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Hi everyone, I am not going to participate on the weigh in thing on here. I hope that's okay. I weigh in on mondays. I am just in this group for the support. Lord knows I need it.
    Completely fine Laura!! You do whatever works best for you.
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