Over 200 New year New me Part 38



  • Good Morning Everyone!! Here's to a better than today than I had yesterday. My daughter is still at home today b/c the school and doctor didn't want her to come back until Thursday but she is feeling much better and acting like her usual self. I went through the house and threw out all the junkfood. It was for my hubby and kids but they don't need that crap either. I have a feeling that today is going to be a great day and I will make it all day without eating junk and going over my calories. I am determined to.

    Ann- Great job on the exercise. I am going to try to do some even though I am having some lower back pain, the kind I get when I am about to start my TOM, but it's not due to come till Suinday. Don't know what my crazy body is doing these days.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Good morning, ladies :)

    Feeling a little more energetic this morning. (and a good thing, too, it's about to be a busy one!)

    Yesterday wasn't a great day, but we're looking good so far today.

    I'll check back later today!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    meokk-Way to go on the losing the belly line!! Can't wait to see mine go away. And Raider kind of disappeared off the boards. She has a lot going on in her life and so I think she kind of took a step back from the weight loss.

    Nancy-So glad yesterday was a better day for you!! Yay for seeing the scale move in the right direction again! Congrats!!

    Julie-I'm going to have to try your salsa chicken. I have made it with rotel but your way sounds delicious as well!

    Day 1 of back tracking was an epic fail. But I did make sure to make better meal decisions and I drank lots of water yesterday. YAY!! I'm not giving up. I'm still gonna come here and check in with everybody daily until I am back on track 100%. Found out yesterday it looks like the Domician Republic is out. Guess the others going don't want to be that close to Haiti so we are now looking at Mexico. Makes me kind of nervous. I hear about how people go to Mexico and end up sick the whole time and when they come back. With my sensitive stomach this makes me incredibly nervous!
  • R2L - I applaud you for getting rid of all that junk! I know that it has helped me immeasurably to not have that stuff in the house. What we do have is my roommate's and she hides it from me so I don't see it (so supportive). I have started introducing some of my previous "binge foods" back into my life, but am watching portion control and only buying certain stuff and doing it occasionally.

    For me, once I figured out how to channel my emotions elsewhere (instead of mindless eating), the urge to binge really went away.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Ann: Great job on the workout.

    Good job to those of you who had a better day yesterday. I did terribly. I didn't make the salsa chicken like I planned and ended up getting boneless wings from the deli, baked beans, and au gratin potatoes. It was delicious, but I went WAY over on calories and sodium. At least I drank all of my water.

    I seem to have lost my motivation and don't even care that I'm up 3 lbs. from Friday still. The weekend ruined the mojo I had going on last weekend. I need to figure out how to get myself back on track and caring. And I need to throw away any Halloween candy that makes it anywhere near me. I can avoid the stuff for MONTHS, but when it winds up in front of me, I can't avoid the stuff. Ugh.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: WAY over...as in 1500 over.
    Sodium: Through the roof OVER
    Water: 76 oz.
    Exercise: None
    Proud: That I saved money by going to the grocery store for supper instead of going out to eat.
    Like: That I've never let anyone else determine how I should think or feel about myself.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    hey ladies,

    I have been trying to post for the past hour but my internet has been giving me a hard time...stupid fios ( you think by getting the newist technology - it would give better, faster, and reliable internet - not) it connects for 2 minutes and then knocks me off, so fustrating this morning...

    Not sure if this will go through..

    I about to leave anyway (about to go for another walk) so I will (hopefully - if internet is not so crappy, like it is now..ugh) catch up later..

    Have a great day girls!!!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I am on the bandwagon for a 'better day' today too ... yesterday was not a good one food-wise. I was over 900 calories over! and it showed on the scale this morning ... I'm not going to record it - it was too depressing to know that I gained even more of my lost weight back. BUT today is a new day ... my goal is going to be to go to bed a little hungry or at least just satisfied instead of over-stuffed like the last 2 nights.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Hello ladies,

    Just checking in. I have not been tracking nor weighing myself. I am not going crazy with my eating, I would imagine that I am maintaining. I think I have been doing okay.

    My son has been slowly declining in the classroom for 2 weeks and today he had a melt down. I left school. I am staying there daily and I am doing the job, the school should be doing. I am just too emotionally involved and it breaks my heart to watch my child struggle so much:brokenheart: :sad: . He has been crying and saying "momma, I dont think so, I dont want to do this anymore!" and he cries so hard. I have to say "Sorry son this is life and you have to go to school" I just want to pick him up and take him home so he doesnt have to do this anymore. I just know that would be the wrong thing to do so I just give him the buck up and do it speech. I have found some deep down patients that I never thought I had. Sorry that I am so delightful today. My brother said that he thinks once I get some answers I can go back to being happy again. That made me so sad, he is right I have not felt happy in awhile.

    My MIL is doing great but my poor BIL has a long road ahead of him and more surgery. That's my life in a nut shell right now.
    I hope everyone is well! Just thought I would check in.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Ok... today is day 1 of many to come. Attempting to get back on the horse now that I finally found the horse hiding out back.

    Lately I have started my day off well and then as the day goes on start snacking and by the end of the day well... it is not what it should be.

    So, I am challenging myself starting today to plan and pre-log my food so, I have a better idea of where I am and hold myself accountable!

    So, far the day is going very well! I will check back in with you gals later!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Momma -- (((hugs))) to you. :flowerforyou:

    Cogirl -- I've been exactly the same way for the last couple of months -- I do *great* until about 6pm and then it all goes kerflooey (yep, I make up words). Monday I did a little better and yesterday I did much better. It just takes conscious effort. We can do it! :smile:

    On that note, lord help me, the chili cheese dog craving is back. :sick: I'm getting a pack of veggie dogs after work and a can of chili (the soy kind not the mystery meat kind). I seriously refuse to eat a real hotdog with mystery meat chili. So gross. This kid's gonna kill me! :laugh:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    momma24: I'm so sorry you and your son are having a rough time - you will figure out what to do. Hopefully you will get some guidance from the tests he is taking.

    Coloradogirl: I had been maintaining for almost a year ... and I wasn't happy with that - but was ok, NOW I've gained over 10 pounds in the last few months AND THAT IS NOT OK! My night's have been my worst time too ... I start eating when I get home and never stop until I go to bed. But last night is the last night I am going to let that happen! I feel so much worse physically and mentally that I need to put a stop to this backwards slide that I have been on.
    I have done well so far today ... good choices for breakfast and lunch, and I need to make a plan for dinner.

    LilSpy: It's funny the weird things we crave when pregnant ... with my daughter it was blueberries (not too unhealthy .. except I really, really wanted them in pancakes!), and with my son it was smoked oysters - very weird. And even weirder is that my daughter LOVES blueberries and always has, and my son loves smoked oysters (which is very odd for a kid).
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    hey again,

    My internet is finally working. I got my walk, but it was more like 4.5 miles in 50 minutes than 1 hour. I really need new sneakers..these give me blister every time I go walking for a long period of time. I have a coupon for kohls so I might treat myself to a new pair. MY older son has his final football game today (@ night) so I know I will do a lot of walking and taking pictures of his football game. I have lots to do before the game..so I need to get my butt ot work.

    chat later!

  • Calories- under by 20!!!!!!!!!! I am so proud of myself b/c I have had a pretty stressful day and I have done so good. I know that I can do this!!
    Water- 64oz +
    Exercise- Nada, have not felt the greatest so no exercise today
    Proud- that I have done so well today.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Checking in

    Calories -1521 so pretty dang good today
    Water-96 ounces so YAY
    Exercise-1hour of walking 5.5 miles done at 4mph
    Proud that I am back on track and going to start losing weight efficiently again.
  • Checking in

    Calories -1521 so pretty dang good today
    Water-96 ounces so YAY
    Exercise-1hour of walking 5.5 miles done at 4mph
    Proud that I am back on track and going to start losing weight efficiently again.

    Great job Ann!!!!!!!!! We can so do this!!!!!!!!!!!:drinker:
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    Anyone who remembers me (haha its been so long) i am back!!! I was working out and losing wieght untill school started...then the weight i loss all came back and now im back where i started...i babysit everyday now and i want to get out and run around with them and have fun but i can only do so much. Also for anyone who knows how mean kids can be...i want my kid's one friend to stop calling me "that fat babysitter of yours" ...I'm tired of being overwieght ...i need to lose...but its hard right now because we have a class and for the next three weeks everyday someone brings in a bunch of junk food...and since i get up late and dont have breakfast usually its really hard not to eat it .... on another note....extra gum is wierd...the dessert flavors...after i have a piece im full (i think my brain thinks i just ate something!)
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Renea_Kay! We remember you!!! Welcome back!

    My "quick fix" breakfast when I hae zero time is a spoon full of peanut butter. By the time I get to work (about an hour) I'm feeling fine. It gives me super powers to resist the junk food at the food counter :tongue:

    I've been swamped at work and not checking in and not reading the boards... but I'm not going to beat myself up, I'm just going to get back here and log log log log log!!!

    Meghan and I went to MO last weekend. I passed through St. Louis on Friday early afternoon and on Monday morning - both school days when Blue would be working :grumble: But I did yell "HELLO BLUE" out the window :wink: MO was beautiful! We went to a Harry Potter music festiville and Meghan has crossed over to a Wizard Wrock fan LOL! Julie - you would have loved the Gypsey wrock band - the fiddler played for your favorite band when they were on tour a couple years ago. The band's name is "Diagon Alley" and they're awesome.

    OK so sleeeepy! Gotta get off to bed

    Love you all!!!!!:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Renea - good to see you! I am going to give you a little advice that I hope you'll take: YOU NEED TO EAT BREAKFAST. No matter how busy you are, you can fit breakfast in. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And since you are tempted with junk food daily, you'll need to bring healthy food to school. I know these suggestions may sound impossible, but you have to do it. Otherwise, you'll just keep losing and gaining, and that is NO fun and not good for your body at your age. I used to not eat breakfast, and was under the same excuse that I had no time. But when my PT said I am fighting a losing battle without breakfast, I started forcing myself to eat it. I started with granola bars, graduated to protein bars when I started exercising regularly, and now I even find time to make breakfast a few days a week. YOU need to make the time for YOU, Renea. NO ONE else is going to do it. Try it for one week and see how it goes. Small steps, girl!

    I am happy to hear that others are doing better! We need to take this one day at a time, right sisters? Celebrate the tiny successes, like making it through the day with pretty good choices!

    check in:
    calories: 100 under
    water: 100
    exercise: Not too much, just a 30 minute walk
    proud: I am really getting my mojo back!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Melinda - wha????????? Stopped by Lou and no coffee meet up??!?!?!?! Next time, girl!!!! Or else!!! :wink:
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    My first check in! Oddly enough, it was not a good food day.

    Calories: Over by 58
    Protein: Under by 46
    Water: 88 oz.
    Exercise: None
    Proud: I am at day 5 of no caffeinated diet soda. ( I was drinking 4+ 20oz bottles a day)
    Like: I interview well - and the one I had today was great.
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