Over 200 New year New me Part 38



  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Well this whole thing of eating a bit more than I was before is paying off.The scale is being super nice to me this week.I am really trying to stay focused and get in shape for me and my future pregnancy and of course my family that I have now.Boy I could tell yesterday that I hadn't exercised in a while because of the way my body felt last night before I went to bed.SORE SORE!!Today is 30 minutes instead of 1 hour exercise and then tomorrow back to an hour.I am alternating and seeing if that helps me get back on track and I don't feel like I am forcing myself or boring myself out of exercising.I don't want to get burnt out this time
    Everyone is doing so great and welcome back Renea!!
    Renea- I have to agree with Nancy you do need breakfast.Thats what gets your metabolism going in the mornings so its vital to eat something.And take some veggies or fruit to school with you to snack on while everyone else is junking it up you will be making better choices.Next time they have junk food ask yourself do you really enjoy eating it and is it worth eating the yucky food that has no nutrtional value too it.Sometimes its ok but all the time no way!! You can give in on cravings but only have half the serving or a few bites.Remember you can do this but its YOU that has to do it and we will be here to help you along the way.
  • Morning everyone! I hope that everyone who was hoping for a better tomorrow gets (or got) one.

    Last night's check-in -

    Cals: 118 under
    Water: 64 oz
    Sodium: 809 under
    Exercise: none (day off!)
    Proud: I had to talk to a teammate about what "taking responsibility" means for the team and I wasn't too nervous about confronting him - a big deal for me!

    I just got back from a personal training session that was INTENSE! I had to take a break at one point because I really thought I was going to throw up. Thankfully I didn't, but I just felt off the whole workout after that. And I felt bad for my trainer since she was being evaluated by one of the other trainers and here I am about to throw up.

    Taking the morning off from schoolwork to relax for a bit, get some stuff done, but it's really a bit of a mental health morning. :wink:
  • Good Morning Everyone!!!!!!! What a beautiful sunny day it is here in S.C.!!! I want to get out and go walking today but we are going to be so busy today, I hope that I can sqeeze in a little walking time today. I love being outside on beautiful days like this. I AM BACK for good this time. I made it all day yesterday without going over my calories, in fact I was under some, so I know that I can do this and I will do it. I hope you all have a great day!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Gorgeous day in SC indeed!

    Melinda - thanks for the gypsy heads up!

    Calories: 2007. I promise there's a little deficit in there somewhere. I channeled Istpaul and let the potato chips get me. :tongue:
    Exercise: 35 minute walk
    Water: 10 cups
    Proud: I was exhausted all day yesterday but I got up anyway & went for a brisk walk on my lunch break. :smile:
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    good morning girls!

    Yesterday went pretty well with the exception my son made BIG cookies while I was away and left them on the cabinet. ggrrrr.. thank goodness my daughter put them in a ziplock and put them in the cabinet out of site! With that said last night was difficult not eating like I normally do with but, I made some 100 calorie popcorn and ate it slowly 1 piece at a time and it seemed to work. oh why do I try to fill voids with food.

    Today I am off to a good start finishing my oatmeal and then I am going to hit the treadmill for a while before my next client gets here!

    SNOW... yep we are having snow today, so in addition to the walking I am going to be shoveling a little snow as well! I always love the first snow here in Colorado although it is a little late this year!

    Well girls I am off and running a little busy today since it is veterans day and many offices are closed!

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    COgirl: We're supposed to get our first snowfall here in Minnesota on Saturday. I have mixed feelings about it because it's so pretty and I'm looking forward to snowshoeing, BUT I hate how others drive in the stuff! The first snowfall makes everyone magically forget how to drive.

    Ann and Laura: Great job on getting back on track and making yesterday a good day.

    Renea: Welcome back! Thanks for the tip on the Extra dessert flavored gum...I'll have to try it! And make sure you eat breakfast! I used to be notorious for not eating breakfast, but it really does help. I usually do a protein shake in the morning because it's filling and I can take it with me when I'm short on time. I use a small personal blender that makes single-serve shakes (it was $15 at Walmart). Delicious and filling!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: over by 480
    Sodium: Over by 824
    Water: 48 oz.
    Exercise: None, other than walking around the pasture for an hour to catch my stubborn horse.
    Proud: That I'm slowly improving over the week. I have my meals planned for today and should be on target even with going to Texas Roadhouse for dinner. I'm getting the green beans instead of the side salad to cut out about 200 calories so I can have a glass of wine.
    Like: That everyone tells me I have a great smile.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Renea- The absolutely easiest breakfast is a soy protein shake and they are so good for you.I get a big bag from Sam's club for $19.68.Loaded with vitamins and protein and also helps lower cholestrol and helps lower your risk of heart disease and on top of all that it taste great and fills you up.I believe it also has some fiber in it too.Really easy to make too with water or milk.I have had them both ways and they taste awesome either way.I never thought I would like anything made from soy but there is alot of things now that I eat that are made from soy and its so much better for your heart than the yucky greasy stuff I used to eat.Give the shakes a try they are delicious
  • COgirl: We're supposed to get our first snowfall here in Minnesota on Saturday. I have mixed feelings about it because it's so pretty and I'm looking forward to snowshoeing, BUT I hate how others drive in the stuff! The first snowfall makes everyone magically forget how to drive.

    Ann and Laura: Great job on getting back on track and making yesterday a good day.

    Renea: Welcome back! Thanks for the tip on the Extra dessert flavored gum...I'll have to try it! And make sure you eat breakfast! I used to be notorious for not eating breakfast, but it really does help. I usually do a protein shake in the morning because it's filling and I can take it with me when I'm short on time. I use a small personal blender that makes single-serve shakes (it was $15 at Walmart). Delicious and filling!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: over by 480
    Sodium: Over by 824
    Water: 48 oz.
    Exercise: None, other than walking around the pasture for an hour to catch my stubborn horse.
    Proud: That I'm slowly improving over the week. I have my meals planned for today and should be on target even with going to Texas Roadhouse for dinner. I'm getting the green beans instead of the side salad to cut out about 200 calories so I can have a glass of wine.
    Like: That everyone tells me I have a great smile.

    Thank you Heather! I am so proud of myself being back on track and I feel great!!
  • COgirl: We're supposed to get our first snowfall here in Minnesota on Saturday. I have mixed feelings about it because it's so pretty and I'm looking forward to snowshoeing, BUT I hate how others drive in the stuff! The first snowfall makes everyone magically forget how to drive.

    Ann and Laura: Great job on getting back on track and making yesterday a good day.

    Renea: Welcome back! Thanks for the tip on the Extra dessert flavored gum...I'll have to try it! And make sure you eat breakfast! I used to be notorious for not eating breakfast, but it really does help. I usually do a protein shake in the morning because it's filling and I can take it with me when I'm short on time. I use a small personal blender that makes single-serve shakes (it was $15 at Walmart). Delicious and filling!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: over by 480
    Sodium: Over by 824
    Water: 48 oz.
    Exercise: None, other than walking around the pasture for an hour to catch my stubborn horse.
    Proud: That I'm slowly improving over the week. I have my meals planned for today and should be on target even with going to Texas Roadhouse for dinner. I'm getting the green beans instead of the side salad to cut out about 200 calories so I can have a glass of wine.
    Like: That everyone tells me I have a great smile.

    OOOPS double post
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hello all!

    I'm doing OK today but not great. and it's a Thursday so that doesn't bode well :embarassed: I missed the first two days of the week but it's still SO CRAZY! My co-worker and I grabbed a bite to eat at our favorite restaurant and I substituted veggies for the side of pasta!:drinker: then we ordered dessert :indifferent: :huh: yeah. Then we walked back to work and I had three bite sized peices of chocolate. :frown:

    Tonight I'm meeting a friend for her birthday and having a drink - then driving home to make dinner for the gang... We're having home made bread with roasted garlic and rosemary, and venison stroganauff for dinner :) I'm going to make it with about 2/3 veggies like onions and mushrooms.

    Wish me luck!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    goodmoring ladies,

    I am having a much better day. It is a school holiday!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!! Ryan ended up having a good day after I left yesterday. I cried for 2 hours and he was at school having a great day!!!!! His so sweet teacher e-mailed me to tell me later in the day. I was so happy.

    Today is gorgeous!!! It is a little cooler than our averages this time of year but it is really nice. Sunny and cool (65-68) I think I will take a walk today too.

    R2l30- I hope you get to take your walk

    Cogirl snow???????? already????? I am too much of a CA girl!!!!

    Julie, take care of you and that baby. I am happy for you that the morning sickness has not become too bad. I am not so lucky.

    Blue, I miss ya sister. We need to talk soon.

    lstpaul, are you still rockin the YMCA? You are always my exercise HERO

    Ann, I am so proud of you!!! You are a strong woman and I am glad I know ya.

    mstahl, I love seeing you glass of red wine and hearing what you are having for the Thursday night dinner party. If I move to your state can I come over on thursdays too?

    Heather, You do have a great smile and yes chasing a stubborn horse around a pasture is exercise!!!!!!!!

    Renae Kay welcome back now eat breakfast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    RedNw- I like your profile pic. is that from sisters wedding?

    I hope I did not miss anyone, if I did know that I did not mean to!!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    goodmoring ladies,

    I am having a much better day. It is a school holiday!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!! Ryan ended up having a good day after I left yesterday. I cried for 2 hours and he was at school having a great day!!!!! His so sweet teacher e-mailed me to tell me later in the day. I was so happy.

    Today is gorgeous!!! It is a little cooler than our averages this time of year but it is really nice. Sunny and cool (65-68) I think I will take a walk today too.

    R2l30- I hope you get to take your walk

    Cogirl snow???????? already????? I am too much of a CA girl!!!!

    Julie, take care of you and that baby. I am happy for you that the morning sickness has not become too bad. I am not so lucky.

    Blue, I miss ya sister. We need to talk soon.

    lstpaul, are you still rockin the YMCA? You are always my exercise HERO

    Ann, I am so proud of you!!! You are a strong woman and I am glad I know ya.

    mstahl, I love seeing you glass of red wine and hearing what you are having for the Thursday night dinner party. If I move to your state can I come over on thursdays too?

    Heather, You do have a great smile and yes chasing a stubborn horse around a pasture is exercise!!!!!!!!

    Renae Kay welcome back now eat breakfast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    RedNw- I like your profile pic. is that from sisters wedding?

    I hope I did not miss anyone, if I did know that I did not mean to!!!
    Thanks Momma !! I am glad I know you too cause I view you as a very strong lady as well.Glad to see your face on the boards today and glad your day is much better today.Loved seeing you post that Ryan had a better day!! Things will get better and this is just a test of your faith in God.He will see you through this you are such a strong person and we are always here for you .Love ya
  • Calories- under and still doing great
    Water- 64 oz for now but still drinking it
    Exercise- 5 minutes on my Stationary Bike burning 79 calories, and 38 minutes of walking at a slow pace burning 136 calories. So, I ended up burning 215 calories.
    Proud- that I did exercise even though my left knee and ankle was killing me.
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member

    I checked in this morning and I lost 4 pounds! I think it is all the water I am drinking - feel like I am floating or off to the ladies room!

    Much better day yesterday! Yesterday's results:

    Calories: Under by 700 (wow that looks wrong?)
    Protein: Under by 85
    Water: 88 oz.
    Exercise: Worked out with trainer for upper body using stretch resistance bands and then 17 minutes on the stationary bike with the trainer changing the resistance every 15 seconds.
    Proud: I am at day 6 of no caffeinated diet soda. ( I was drinking 4+ 20oz bottles a day)
    Like: The firm I am trying to get a job with just sent me all the info for new hires!!!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member

    I checked in this morning and I lost 4 pounds! I think it is all the water I am drinking - feel like I am floating or off to the ladies room!

    Much better day yesterday! Yesterday's results:

    Calories: Under by 700 (wow that looks wrong?)
    Protein: Under by 85
    Water: 88 oz.
    Exercise: Worked out with trainer for upper body using stretch resistance bands and then 17 minutes on the stationary bike with the trainer changing the resistance every 15 seconds.
    Proud: I am at day 6 of no caffeinated diet soda. ( I was drinking 4+ 20oz bottles a day)
    Like: The firm I am trying to get a job with just sent me all the info for new hires!!!

    Hey Deb, we moved!!! Here is our new link

  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Where is everyone? I don't see any posts out here after the weekend? I have good news to report. I went to Lanesboro, MN for a knitting retreat and came back with a loss. It was great fun, had great conversations and the food was awesome and healthy!
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