Gentlemen, its perfectly ok to comment on my weight loss!



  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    A lady at work told me "great job on the weight loss, your patience and meticulous logging is really paying off"

    ...I punched the ***** in the mouth. Some nerve she had.
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    Actually, I know I am in the minority, but I hate when someone comments on my weight loss. People commenting on how much weight I had loss was the reason I stopped losing weight the first time around. In a time of weakness I actually contemplated intentionally regaining the weight to get people to get off my back and leave me alone.

    I'm in the minority, too. But that's because I have an ED, and so the way I lost the weight wasn't exactly ideal. It's like losing weight because you have the flu. "Oh, you look great. What have you been doing?" "Surviving off chicken noodle soup when I can hold it down," Yeah. Like that.

    Also, I take some offense to the post rambling about all women being different, and some being more finicky or whatever. No, dear. It saddens me that that comes from a woman. The truth is, all people are different. Men are, too.
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    I am kinda mixed on my feelings.....I've lost around 60 pounds and yes it was nice people noticing, but then that's all they wanted to talk about, and there are better things to talk about than myself. yes I am proud of myself, but also still insecure.


    And for many of you saying you enjoy it, it might reach this point for you, too. People start pretty much defining you as "the one who used to be fat but lost a lot of weight". Reach for a cupcake? "Aren't you still on a diet?" Put the cupcake back "You look great! Eat the cupcake!" Every time you turn around "How'd you do it?" You won't be able to go anywhere without the same ten people complimenting you... again. All anyone who knows me ever wants to talk about is my weight, my body, my diet. It grows very, very tiring. I am a person. I have other things going on in my life.

    Then again, once again, I have an ed. So I'm sensitive toward it. And in recovery, the last thing you want people talking to you about is food and weight. Even when it's a compliment.
  • michaeljosephmoreau
    michaeljosephmoreau Posts: 9 Member
    pretty sure that when someone says that it's meant as a compliment. take it as such.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    For those who don't want the comments you can just tell them you're on the "Meth & Cheetos diet." That'll get around quick and shut 'em up fast.
  • kmorgan221
    kmorgan221 Posts: 206 Member
    Someone at work complimented me on my weight lose. Something like, "You look good" or "Weight loss looks good."

    I looked at her and said, "Hey, I took that training. You're not allowed to say that to me."

    We had a good laugh at HR's expense and talked about calories in/out and MFP.

    Sorry to hurt anyone's feelings, but lighten up and take the damn compliment.
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    I am kinda mixed on my feelings.....I've lost around 60 pounds and yes it was nice people noticing, but then that's all they wanted to talk about, and there are better things to talk about than myself. yes I am proud of myself, but also still insecure.


    And for many of you saying you enjoy it, it might reach this point for you, too. People start pretty much defining you as "the one who used to be fat but lost a lot of weight". Reach for a cupcake? "Aren't you still on a diet?" Put the cupcake back "You look great! Eat the cupcake!" Every time you turn around "How'd you do it?" You won't be able to go anywhere without the same ten people complimenting you... again. All anyone who knows me ever wants to talk about is my weight, my body, my diet. It grows very, very tiring. I am a person. I have other things going on in my life.

    Then again, once again, I have an ed. So I'm sensitive toward it. And in recovery, the last thing you want people talking to you about is food and weight. Even when it's a compliment.

    I have no idea what it's like to deal with an ed, so I cannot relate with those that do when it comes to weight loss comments. I do however take the opportunities to tell those that inquire about my loss that it doesn't have to be a painful process, times, yes, but not painful, and most of the things they see on tv and magazines are total Bull. Real people can lose real weight with sensible choices and facing their "demons" when it comes to food.
  • lisantilli81
    Some people complain because no one is noticing their weight loss. Other's complain because everyone is noticing their weight loss. There's really no happy medium. There's no right way to handle anything . . . and that makes me sad. We have become a society we're we are so afraid to say or to not say something so we don't offend someone else.

    Why can't we just talk to each other like normal human beings? Why can't we find out what is best to say to that person and best not to say to another? Why do we have to get all up in arms because someone is different them ourselves?
  • jeskuhsmeekers
    jeskuhsmeekers Posts: 131 Member
    this thread makes me sad.. people now a days are too damn sensitive .. if youre losing weight youre losing weight and people are going to notice I love to get compliments about it cuz i have worked my *kitten* off to get there but the fact that everything has to be politically correct and everyone has to worry about offending somebody is just ridiculous. If you don't want people to notice your weight lose well then maybe you have other issues you need to work out... JUST SAYING
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,808 Member
    A Man said to me " Damn girl you are looking mighty fine today" I just worked it. I mean people need to relax and not be so sensitive. There's a difference between "you have lost weight, you look great or beautiful " to 'Nice rack "
  • jeskuhsmeekers
    jeskuhsmeekers Posts: 131 Member
    A Man said to me " Damn girl you are looking mighty fine today" I just worked it. I mean people need to relax and not be so sensitive. There's a difference between "you have lost weight, you look great or beautiful " to 'Nice rack "
  • JenniferIsLosingIt
    JenniferIsLosingIt Posts: 595 Member
    Not always true! I went back to my old college for a 5k race this past year, and saw a bunch of my old teammates from the crew team I was on. At anafterparty later that night one of the guys decided in the middle of a conversation with a large group of old friends and new acquaintances to stop the conversation and announce loudly-everyone look at her--seriously she's lost sooo much weight.

    No one said anything, there was a long awkward silence, and it just made me feel ridiculously uncomfortable and got me thinking about how bad I had looked before, not feeling great about my loss and improvements in fitness. Usually I can take a compliment, but having a spotlight put on me in front of this large group just made me feel so uncomfortable.

    Some people may get discouraged if people *don't* comment on their weightloss, but I know at least for me I would prefer if people kept their thoughts to themselves. Something to keep in mind before you go commenting away-not everyone enjoys it!

    I would've owned it and strutted around and taken pride in my weight loss. I guess everyone handles things differently.

    Me too! I want people to notice!It is hard as Heck to lose weight! Be loud! Be Proud!
  • iloveal21
    iloveal21 Posts: 3
    I definitely feel this way! Losing weight is hard work and I LOVE when someone notices and compliments such an amazing boost for the self esteem. Obviously you want to lose weight to feel better or because you were not happy with your weight so why not be recognized for your efforts! I have always struggled with my weight and have lost 72 lbs with the help of the gastric sleeve. It feels so good when it is complimented. I agree it is sad when people are not proud of their hard work and dedication - why even do it if you are that insecure that you cannot take a compliment for what you have decided to do! But, everyone is entitled to have their own feelings toward their weight loss - its just unfortunate when its not a positive outlook! BTW, you look amazing! :bigsmile:
  • JenniferIsLosingIt
    JenniferIsLosingIt Posts: 595 Member
    this thread makes me sad.. people now a days are too damn sensitive .. if youre losing weight youre losing weight and people are going to notice I love to get compliments about it cuz i have worked my *kitten* off to get there but the fact that everything has to be politically correct and everyone has to worry about offending somebody is just ridiculous. If you don't want people to notice your weight lose well then maybe you have other issues you need to work out... JUST SAYING

  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    this thread makes me sad.. people now a days are too damn sensitive .. if youre losing weight youre losing weight and people are going to notice I love to get compliments about it cuz i have worked my *kitten* off to get there but the fact that everything has to be politically correct and everyone has to worry about offending somebody is just ridiculous. If you don't want people to notice your weight lose well then maybe you have other issues you need to work out... JUST SAYING

    Did you ever stop to think maybe it has nothing to do with offending someone, and that some people don't like their bodies to be the focus of other people's unwanted attention?
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    this thread makes me sad.. people now a days are too damn sensitive .. if youre losing weight youre losing weight and people are going to notice I love to get compliments about it cuz i have worked my *kitten* off to get there but the fact that everything has to be politically correct and everyone has to worry about offending somebody is just ridiculous. If you don't want people to notice your weight lose well then maybe you have other issues you need to work out... JUST SAYING

    Did you ever stop to think maybe it has nothing to do with offending someone, and that some people don't like their bodies to be the focus of other people's unwanted attention?

    THIS!!!!! I wish people would keep their comments about my body to themselves.
  • jimmyn6
    jimmyn6 Posts: 15 Member
    people be like 'nice rack jimmy' and i be like 'you're just jealous i'm bigger than you' and then that's why i don't have any female friends............. jk jk jk

    I'm a guy, i don't mind compliments or comments. I do have problems with people asking like 'how's it going' or 'still working out'. Those tend to just translate to as 'I don't see results yet fat boy'... so hmm...

    although generally, is someone is commenting on weight loss, or anything of physical appearance, you more than likely know that person, and they know you. you also know, the type of response you want/have for them, etc. My workout partner is female, and a co-worker. If I comment on her progress, she isn't offended, she's just doubtful and doesn't believe so. I guess it all depends. People notice if you cut or color your hair. Several pounds gain or loss, people will notice too i'm sure.

    HR has a lot of rules at work, but now days a lot of work places are doing their own kind of 'biggest loser' contest, so i imagine maybe it's okay to talk about someone's weight then?

    but the bottom line I think is... if someone goes to comment on you, and give a compliment. They were out to be nice. They weren't purposefully trying to offend you. They may or may not know your circumstances, and certainly not out to ruin your day. They made an observation and made a compliment, or a statement. They don't know if you hate it or not. So you can't blame them. "Hey looking great" "Been working out?" aren't evil. There isn't an agenda. I think most people are general welcoming of compliments, but it depends on who it's from. Parents - you don't want to hear anything about it from them. Close Friends - sure. General Friends - why not, they're missing out on this bundle of fun.. Strangers - wait. how did you know i loss weight... are you a spy?! okay maybe not like that but... you get the idea.

    Now granted, I think commenting on a female's weight loss / appearance from a male POV has other certain dangers. Pointing out uneven make-up or smeared eyeliner is much less favorable than complimenting weight loss... I don't know first and or anything, but just saying. lol
  • bkthandler
    bkthandler Posts: 247 Member
    I think guys, especially in a work setting, are not quite sure of what is OK to say or not sometimes. Just remember it’s an abundance of caution and not a lack of appreciation for all your hard work.
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    this thread makes me sad.. people now a days are too damn sensitive .. if youre losing weight youre losing weight and people are going to notice I love to get compliments about it cuz i have worked my *kitten* off to get there but the fact that everything has to be politically correct and everyone has to worry about offending somebody is just ridiculous. If you don't want people to notice your weight lose well then maybe you have other issues you need to work out... JUST SAYING

    Did you ever stop to think maybe it has nothing to do with offending someone, and that some people don't like their bodies to be the focus of other people's unwanted attention?

    THIS!!!!! I wish people would keep their comments about my body to themselves.

    Your dedication really shows in your profile pic, awesome transformation. Quite inspiring!
  • KnM0107
    KnM0107 Posts: 355 Member
    I am neutral about it. I don't like or dislike comments about my weight loss. I just say thank you and move on about my day. I can see where some would welcome such comments and I also see where some people might not welcome them. I am certainly not going to judge either side.