An open letter...



  • Bigpelly8
    Bigpelly8 Posts: 504 Member
    Dear Dog,
    Yes, you are the cutest dog on the planet, but it does not mean I have to freeze my butt off while you sniff everything up and down the street while trying to find a good spot to take care of your "business". Please, in the future, choose quickly so that I can get to work on time. There will be an extra treat in your bowl if you do!! Regards
    Your obedient Servant
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    I just want to add that I absolutly adore this idea!!! I am laughing my hiney off at work and peeps are starting to think I have gone crazy!

    Thanks so much for making me feel better!
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    Dear Every Mom That Thinks Their Teenage Daughter Should Shush Up,

    You are lucky to have your children wanting to talk to you. My mom never asked about my day, not once. I rarely told her anything that was going on and I always felt alone. It may bother you right now but who are they supposed to talk to, you are their MOTHER.


    The Girl Who Always Felt Alone And Still Kind of Does
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Dear Family,

    Why must laundry sit on the couch folded for over 48 hours? I folded it the least someone could do is put it will sit there until you do! :-)

    Yours truly,


    Dear Mom,

    We don't care that the laundry sits on the couch. We'll grab what we need and leave the rest to sit there and annoy you. It will sit there until you force us to put them away. Waiting won't do anything for you.


    Your family.

    (That is what my family would do)

    :grumble: :laugh:

    You are ABSOLUTELY right! Sunday I told the 15 yr old to get the jeans out of the dryer......several hours later I realize that she in fact did exactly what I told her. Took the jeans out of the dryer and sat them on the couch! HELLO FOLD THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BF says, they are kids you have to be specific I said ummmmmmmmmmmmmm No I shouldnt its simple common sense I want them folded! ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    You do in fact have to be specific. A teenager will do no more work than you ask them to unless they feel sorry for you cuz you might be sick. Pretend you're sick next time. lol
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    Dear Every Mom That Thinks Their Teenage Daughter Should Shush Up,

    You are lucky to have your children wanting to talk to you. My mom never asked about my day, not once. I rarely told her anything that was going on and I always felt alone. It may bother you right now but who are they supposed to talk to, you are their MOTHER.


    The Girl Who Always Felt Alone And Still Kind of Does

    ((hugs)) You have 89876 mothers on here that will listen to you. :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Bigpelly8
    Bigpelly8 Posts: 504 Member
    Dear Wife....
    I don't mind when you come home and complain about your day and the people you work with, but I really do not want to hear about customers, that I don't know, that have pissed you off, especially, not during the last 5 mintues of the game :-)

    Your usually patient husband, but not now
  • kidakiwi04
    Dear 2 year old Potty Trained Nephew,

    I love you I really do, but waking auntie up at 4am when she went to bed at 12pm just because you have to pee is not very fun for me. I know that you are very proud of yourself for using the potty and Auntie is uber-proud of you but doing the Potty Dance is not gonna happen at 4 in the morning, Regardless of the amount of whining you do. Also i am not watching Toy Story 3 ever again. Watching it 6,841,531 times in the last week is more than enough for me. One last thing Don't tell your mommy that I gave you a lolly every time you asked. That's our secret.


    Dear Sister,

    I was ready for your conference to be over the first day you left. Come get your child.

    Thank You,
    Sleepy Sister

    PS I didn't give him a lollipop whenever he asked for one. Whoever told you that lied through their teeth.

    Dear Bank People,

    Yes I deposited 26.12 in change, Yes I know how crappy it is to have to count all that change out and yes I know its not making your job easier but that 26.12 was to make sure I had enough money to cover my electric bill so deal with it. My life is difficult enough without your snide comments.

    Almost Broke Customer
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Dear Every Mom That Thinks Their Teenage Daughter Should Shush Up,

    You are lucky to have your children wanting to talk to you. My mom never asked about my day, not once. I rarely told her anything that was going on and I always felt alone. It may bother you right now but who are they supposed to talk to, you are their MOTHER.


    The Girl Who Always Felt Alone And Still Kind of Does

    Aww, hon. I know that feeling..... I remember my mom telling me "not now, I gotta do this." ugh xxXxx
  • TammyBee
    TammyBee Posts: 178
    OMG! You guys are freakin hilarious this morning!
  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 530 Member
    I just want to add that I absolutly adore this idea!!! I am laughing my hiney off at work and peeps are starting to think I have gone crazy!

    Thanks so much for making me feel better!

    No lie!! I am literally laughing out loud. Hmmm...wondering how many calories "laughing my hiney off" burns? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Dear Bank People,

    Yes I deposited 26.12 in change, Yes I know how crappy it is to have to count all that change out and yes I know its not making your job easier but that 26.12 was to make sure I had enough money to cover my electric bill so deal with it. My life is difficult enough without your snide comments.

    Almost Broke Customer

    They don't have a change counting machine?
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Dear R Train:

    How is that you are always in the wrong place at the wrong time and constantly smell like urine? Nothing kicks off my day like waiting for you for 20 min and then knowing you're arriving by the aroma of pee.

    Needs a New Perfume

    Dear Boyfriend,

    I am so excited for dinner tonight. No, I don't care that it's the same thing you made last time. The fact that you will use one of your vacation days to prepare a meal for me, and save me from the evils of cooking and pan cleaning is a major feat in and of itself. You are awesome. Pls smile.

  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    At the teenage mom I would like to clarify that I DID NOT tell her that. I listened to every word that came out of her mouth and asked questions and added my two cents. I only WANTED to tell her it wasn't all about her....Thanks for making me feel bad.
  • Kristy1214
    This thread is AWESOME!

    Dear Customers,

    Please, PLEASE, put your CORRECT account number on your check. I understand that we changed your account number, TWO years ago and have sent out several notices reminding you of this, but it seems that you are still unable to log in to your bank and change the number. If I COULD do it for you I would, don't get all pis$y if your payment doens't go on your account if you have the incorrect information on your check. This so called important information would be, you name (seems obvious) your correct street address, your correct account nice if there was an invoice number to but hey, I don't want to push my luck. Also, be aware that our company services 6 states, and I alone am responsible for posting cash for just two little ol areas, unfortuanatly you are not the only customer we have. I know it hurts yoru feelings... try to suck it up and PUT YOUR ACCOUNT NUMBER ON YOUR CHECK!

    Tired of researching where to post your check ;]
  • bhonniered
    At the teenage mom I would like to clarify that I DID NOT tell her that. I listened to every word that came out of her mouth and asked questions and added my two cents. I only WANTED to tell her it wasn't all about her....Thanks for making me feel bad.

  • jhandley
    jhandley Posts: 118
    At the teenage mom I would like to clarify that I DID NOT tell her that. I listened to every word that came out of her mouth and asked questions and added my two cents. I only WANTED to tell her it wasn't all about her....Thanks for making me feel bad.

    I know I felt bad for you when I read that reply!

    It's all good! We all have those thoughts as long as we dont turn them into actions!

    As a mother to a 12 yr old girl, and a step mom to three others I feel your pain! but I wouldnt have it any other way! :-)
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    At the teenage mom I would like to clarify that I DID NOT tell her that. I listened to every word that came out of her mouth and asked questions and added my two cents. I only WANTED to tell her it wasn't all about her....Thanks for making me feel bad.

    Awww come on, I don't think she was trying to make you feel bad. As mothers sometimes we just want a 2 minute break. You are a great mother. Don't feel bad and don't take her comment personal.

    Fun thread people. Fun thread.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    kerridodson, Don't feel bad. At least you did listen instead of shooing her away. I think that was what she thought you were saying.
  • kidakiwi04

    They don't have a change counting machine?

    Apparently it had jammed yesterday which sucks, I hate when technology fails and I was thoroughly sympathetic but it could have been done without the comments about broke people.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Dear Cousin:

    Your girlfriend is wicked skanky. Wicked. Skanky. It's not bad enough that she wore a white dress to that family wedding, but it was so short/tight fitting that I know for a fact she was not wearing undergarments of any kind, as did many of the other guests. And her beer gut was showing. And I'm pretty sure she stole those shoes from a stripper.

    I Hope You Can't Catch Anything By Standing Too Close