An open letter...



  • mmonica
    mmonica Posts: 32 Member
    Dear Fast food Restaurants,

    I've had enough junk of yours! So stop giving me cravings and let me crave my home healthy cooked meals!!!

    enough is enough
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    dear fu*king idiot using the blower behind my office all fu*king day,
    turn that shiat off....what is the purpose of the machine???? why must you spend the ENTIRE DAY blowing "debris" around? just leave will blow away....ahhhhhhhh, finally you are done??? might i actually have peace and quiet for my last 2 hrs of work today??? please god, let it be true....

    thank you,
    a very annoyed worker...

    PS-ummmmmm, the freaking weed wacker is almost as annoying - seriously how damn long does it take to do one area/yard???
  • Kristy1214
    Dear Best Friends Wife-
    Accept my early apology, even though I know your birthday is tomorrow, and that I have had your card made for months, and that a reminder went off on my phone...twice....I was simply so caught up in everythign these last few days to remember to grab your card on the way out the door so it would make it to you on time! Ugh!

    Love you a million times more than his first wife ;]
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    Dear TOM,

    I hate you. HATE HATE HATE you.


    So over it and ready for bed.
  • skylersnanna
    Dear Cousin:

    Your girlfriend is wicked skanky. Wicked. Skanky. It's not bad enough that she wore a white dress to that family wedding, but it was so short/tight fitting that I know for a fact she was not wearing undergarments of any kind, as did many of the other guests. And her beer gut was showing. And I'm pretty sure she stole those shoes from a stripper.

    I Hope You Can't Catch Anything By Standing Too Close

    LMAO :laugh:
  • skylersnanna
    Dear Weight,
    We've had some good times together, you and me. We have enjoyed all the spoils that life has to offer, and it's been a fun ride. But the time has come for us to part ways. I know your gonna wanna hang on and cling to me, but it's ok to let go. I'll be fine. Please go willingly, because you don't have a say anymore.
    Warmest regards and adios!!!
    The new me

    I think you speak for all of us lol
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Dear fat cells,

    I hate you. Now please go away.

  • xDeannaGarciax
    Dear dishes from lunch, laundry and Christmas shopping-

    Will you please just do yourselves already. It would help me out ammensly.

    Thank you- (already) Busting my butt wife and mom!

    Dear every single person on the road-

    When I just so happen to be on the road too, will you kindly just get off the friggen road and wait for me to finish doing what I have to do, and pull into my drive-way before you decide to get back on the road.

    Thank you- Mom on a holiday mission!
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,935 Member
    Dear Cell Phone Using Chick,

    Seriously? You nearly ran into me at noon. Quite literally since WE WERE WALKING IN A HALLWAY!!!! Hang up your damn phone and walk.

    Fed up with the freaking cell phone
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Dear Cell Phone Using Chick,

    Seriously? You nearly ran into me at noon. Quite literally since WE WERE WALKING IN A HALLWAY!!!! Hang up your damn phone and walk.

    Fed up with the freaking cell phone

    I got a commercial for you!
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    Dear food,

    Why do you have to taste so good yet be so bad. You spawn of Satan.


    Man with Boobs

    Dear Manboobs,

    Why are you on my body. Am I that fat that there was no where else to go.
    Heck if I shaved my chest, I could probably work at HOOTERS.

    And seriously do you have to bounce so much when I brush my teeth.


    Potential Man Bra customer.

  • Wendybirduk
    Wendybirduk Posts: 92 Member
    Seriously laughing out loud here! :laugh:
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Dear TOM,

    I hate you. HATE HATE HATE you.


    So over it and ready for bed.

    Yeah THIS! My guy has a 4 day weekend and YOU decide to show up NOW??? F!... err well I guess none of that will be happening.
  • chatal36
    chatal36 Posts: 167 Member
    Dear stomach, please stop growing and bluding over my pants. it hurts and makes me very uncomfortable. You are now a muffin top and you should be embarassed about that. Please become flat and sexy if possible
    muffin top mistress
  • xDeannaGarciax
    Dear internet stalker(s) -yes I know who they are
    You seriously have nothing better to do then comment on every status that I comment on, of our "mutual friends" on Facebook:laugh: ?! Just so what. . . I know your there, because truth be told I really couldn't careless what you look like or what someone of your stature has to say about anything especially in regards to me or my life because we are all just peachy. I am NOT your friend on FACEBOOK because I don't want to deal with your immaturity and teenage drama b.s. just leave me alone already crazy person. If I am not your friend in "real life" I'm certainly NOT gonna be your friend on facebook, for that very reason. . . you haven't grown up and you are a ****ty person.

    You come off lately as very stalker-ish and obsessed for whatever reason . . in all actuality your making yourself look very desperate, jealous and crazy. You are the very reason my facebook profile is PRIVATE!

    Please do us all a favor and get a friggen life already. . . the only person your dis-crediting is yourself and noooooo no matter how many times you tell people you've "changed" "mellowed out" "grew up" or whatever. . . your frieken full of it. I don't know that it's possible that you will ever grow up. The only person who looks and sounds fake as crap is you, you see, I don't talk a whole mess on people then go pretend to be their friend to get what I want. . . and then turn around and talk mad crap on that person again after I've gotten what I wanted from them, THAT right there my friends is a "fake" person and I wish so badly I could tell these dumb girls who believe that this person hasn't done this to you behind your back and still is doing this to you behind your back, because my husband tells me alllllll about the laughs and what is said, your equally as immature and stupid for falling into this crazy chicks drama, and trust me your gonna get burned too, eventually. Drama fuels that fire!

    Grow up already! I can't believe you don't realize how pathetic you look:noway:

    Sincerely- *Astonished Annie*

    Oh and one more thing
    Dear person who thinks you can trust anyone and that stupid things don't get back to me. They always do, I'm really alot smarter then people think. It's my secret weapon.
    BE CAREFUL there's some shi**y people pretending to be your friend for all the wrong reasons!!

    Thanks *The truth hurts Thea*
  • fullagrace
    Dear "Friends",

    Why are so you so darn negative of my choice to be healthy. Why do I need to hide the fact that I am dieting and exercising when I am around you so you don't feel bad about yourself. If that is the case then you should quit eating all that crap and start working out too instead of trying to make me feel bad for doing good.

    Why must there always be jealous haters that hate it when other people are working hard to do good at everything/anything??!?!??!?!1


    The hated goody-two-shoes
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,935 Member
    Dear Cell Phone Using Chick,

    Seriously? You nearly ran into me at noon. Quite literally since WE WERE WALKING IN A HALLWAY!!!! Hang up your damn phone and walk.

    Fed up with the freaking cell phone

    I got a commercial for you!

    Oh. My. Word. I love all of the "Really"s.....
  • xDeannaGarciax
    Thank you to whoever started this thread! That felt sooooo good :bigsmile: I've got a few others I could get off of my chest too.:smile:
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    Thank you to whoever started this thread! That felt sooooo good :bigsmile: I've got a few others I could get off of my chest too.:smile:

    Did you have to say chest.

    (see previous post)

  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    Dr Mr. (Will) Smith,

    Please don't take this wrong. I mean no ill by it. I have loved you for decades. You were the first to understand my parents just didn't understand. You made that courageous move to live with Uncle Phil in California even though we know you were scared. You saved our planet from aliens and the wild west from the evil doctor. You have given us so much and asked for nothing (more than price of admissions, taxes and fees). So understand this is hard to say, you being such a love in my life.

    I'll want to snatch your daughter up by her hair and whip her back and forth if I hear that song many more times.
