An open letter...



  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    Hoping this will make me feel better :) Ive loved reading the others

    Dear Daughter's Birthmom:

    I understand that you suddenly felt this overwhelming NEED to see the daughter you placed for adoption 18 months ago. I can not ever imagine the pain that you felt or how you struggle to move past that point in your life. Please see things from the CHILD'S point of view and understand that, while you did an incredibly selfless thing, it does not entitle you to cause drama, pain, and confusion for this little girl for the rest of her life. She is innocent and does not need unstable adults coming in and out of her life whenever they have the urge to be involved. She needs stability, something YOU wanted for her at one time in the past. Please...we arent saying "you will never see her again"...we are just asking that you follow the LAW and the original agreement and that you consdier how this could all affect HER. Let this be her decision. Because, quite frankly, its not all about you. We love you, appreciate you, and truly hope the best for you. Please respect us. Please. We are not out to make your life more difficult than it already is. Her safety and stability are our number one priority.

    The Loving Couple You Chose to be the Parents

    eh...i do feel a LITTLE better :)

    Edited to add:

    Dear 18 Month Old Daugheter:

    You freakin' ROCK. We didnt need a doctor to tell us that at your appointment this morning :) Not a peep during your shot? You must've known Mommy was stressed enough for both of us! THANK YOU! You are so smart and it makes my heart swell with pride when you show off by counting to 12 and reciting the sounds all the letters make :) You GO girl! You are simply the best thing that has ever come into our lives and we couldnt be more proud to be your mommy and daddy. Life wont always be easy or fun, but try to remember that God gives us struggles to show us how strong we are :) You are an amazing little girl who makes sooo many people happy, and we love you to the moon and back!

    (sniff, sniff)
    Mommy and Daddy

    Dear Anyone Who Ever Told Us We Should Cut Ties with W's Birthmom as Soon as She Came Home:

    You are still wrong. Even if things arent panning out as perfectly as we had hoped, she still deserves the right to hear directly from us. We couldve changed our phone numbers. We couldve stopped sending pics and videos. But we will continue to keep her in the loop because its not about what makes YOU comfortable or what makes ME comfortable...its about what is best for our daugher.

    W's Mommy
    Oh, and P.S....calling her birthmom names only makes me think YOU'RE the crazy one. Quit being so closed-minded. Thanks.

    Edited again to add:

    Dear Treadmill:

    Im coming. Today. I promise. I'll be there in a minute. F'real. I just ned to pull myself away from writing some letters Ive been meaning to send...Oh, wait...what's that? You think Im procrastinating?? Nooo. ME?? Nope. Im just building up my frustration level before I come unleash my fury on you! Stupid machine.

    The Woman who Gets a High from Running All Over You
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    This is from my blog:

    Dear Fast Food Restaurant:

    I’m leaving you. That right, and believe me when I say this; it’s you and NOT me. I have realized that I don’t need your cr@p anymore to get me through the day. I’ve come face to face with your truth. You’re a loser!!! You only gave me empty calories and a short time thrill. You made me feel horrible about myself and you helped me pack on the pounds.

    I can only imagine what my heart suffered from this cheap relationship. Did it get all clogged up? Your convenience wasn’t even worth it. You were just down the street, walking distance, or just a phone call away but you didn’t provide any real solace. You didn’t provide any real companionship, happiness, or self respect. I’ve finally realized how much of a jerk you’ve been all this time. Because of you, I hadn’t been able to walk up stairs without huffing and puffing. Because of you, I had a wardrobe full of clothes that I couldn’t fit. And because of your triflin’ azz I was always tired by three o’clock every day.

    So it’s over. I’m done. I’m putting this letter out here to help the next woman that believes in you. You may be everywhere we turn, but we don’t have to fall for your lies anymore. I’ve thrown away the ketchup packets, the magnetic fridge ads, and the flyers in the drawer. You won’t be hearing from me, because I’ve had it with you. I simply don’t have time for you anymore anyway. I have a date with a treadmill this afternoon. You see, I love myself too much to allow you to destroy my life any longer. I have to be here for my kids (whether they like it or not). And they need to learn from my example.

    Good Riddance!!!
  • crissi66
    Dear family that i love dearly,
    Im on diet and its way more than just that, its a lifestyle change. I understand you dont care about the fat you eat and your lack of exercise but i care about mine. Please dont ask me to go to a place for dinner whether everything is first deep fried then covered in sauce and cheese. Please, also, dont make me explain the reason over and over and over again why i wont eat it, not cant! When you go to the chinese restaurant and there are only 4 pieces of broccolli on th plate and the rest is deep fried chicken in a sugar sauce, please dont look at me and say" why cant you eat the chinese its full of vegetables". All i want to do is slam the door in your face and eat my crappy salad..
    If you could avoid those things i would really appreciate it.

    Thanks your starving for some carbs niece and cousin :)
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    Dear Treadmill..

    I made good on my promise. Thanks for the 445 calorie burn and frustration release :) You rock.
    So dont take it personally when I avoid you again tomorrow...i'll be back. I cant live (healthy) without you. Just gimme a day to recover, mmmkay? mmkay. Thanks.

    Yours Truly,
    Kathleen the Running Machine
  • anna441
    anna441 Posts: 253 Member
    Options all are so funny...

    thanks for making my day a little easier with laugh...
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Dear crazy neighbor lady,
    You don't know it yet, but I got so sick of hearing you tamper with my electric meter that I called the electric company and tattled on you! Stop talking to yourself and get on some meds.

    Irritated neighbor that finds joy in seeing your erratic episodes.
  • iamstaceywood
    iamstaceywood Posts: 383 Member
    Dear IHOP Customers,
    You may find this hard to believe but, when my landlord came by to pick up the rent, I tried to pay him in "your the best sersver ever"s and he laughed at me. Ain't that some crap? Maybe you should start leaving 20%. Or at the very least just understanding that $5 is not a fabulous tip....on $100 bill. Also, no, that dosen't come with toast, and no you can't have one pancake. I don't give a crap how wasted you are. Yes, you can have 'any kind of pancakes' you want, also, i will be charging you for them.
    Your underpaid overworked waitress
    P.S. Please, I know you have had a good time at 'da club but, why must you throw your used tampons on the bathroom floor?

    Dear Mom,
    I miss you. I can't tell anyone coz they just say they are sorry. That irks me. So, i just keep it to myself. Also, I drove by the cemetary the other day and had the most ridiculous thought, are you cold and lonely? It makes it so i Have to drive the long way home now. :(
    Your Daughter Who Misses You so Much this time of year.

    Dear Husband,
    I love you. You are so fantastic. Stop eating french fries.
    Your fat wife you always say is sexy but, i know what you really mean!
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Dear Mom,
    I miss you. I can't tell anyone coz they just say they are sorry. That irks me. So, i just keep it to myself. Also, I drove by the cemetary the other day and had the most ridiculous thought, are you cold and lonely? It makes it so i Have to drive the long way home now. :(
    Your Daughter Who Misses You so Much this time of year.

    I want to say I'm sorry, but I won't. I just want you to know that she watches you and she is proud you are making healthy choices. :flowerforyou:
  • PanicAtTheBuffet
    To my super-wonderful husband,

    I love you terribly. You're a great friend, confidante, companion and soul mate. You work very hard to take care of our family and our home and you are a great daddy to our toddler.

    That being said....please, please, please do something to sweep me off my feet again. A surprise date night, a bouquet of flowers, anything. I know that your job has you traveling the state and working crazy hours but I need to know that you occasionally think about me. After 10 years of marriage I know that I am important to you, but I need you to show me occasionally.

    With love,
    Your wife :)

    You are important to him and guys just need a kick start.

    Thanks for the reminder. I will do something nice for my wife today.
  • JustSharon
    JustSharon Posts: 3 Member
    Dear Evil Shrew Boss,

    I was the interim manager and helped hire you. If I wanted your job, I would have kept it when they offered it. I've put up with your insecure, passive-aggressive attempts to make my life miserable since I resumed my "worker bee" role in the ranks. I don't want to be on your committees. I don't want to teach classes. I've been there and done that. I just want to do the job I was hired to do and take care of the patients.

    It's been long enough that the staff has you figured out. Ever wonder why conversations stop when you walk by? Do you realize that after you walk away, eyes roll? You have no credibility. I KNOW you can't do my job as a nurse. You write policies and give directives that are only functional in your Pollyanna world. We realize you don't have a clue.

    So grab your clipboard and wander around trying to "catch us" doing something wrong. Never mind us....the folks really doing the work and making a difference.

    "I should have paid more attention at career day in school"
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    Dr Mr. (Will) Smith,

    Please don't take this wrong. I mean no ill by it. I have loved you for decades. You were the first to understand my parents just didn't understand. You made that courageous move to live with Uncle Phil in California even though we know you were scared. You saved our planet from aliens and the wild west from the evil doctor. You have given us so much and asked for nothing (more than price of admissions, taxes and fees). So understand this is hard to say, you being such a love in my life.

    I'll want to snatch your daughter up by her hair and whip her back and forth if I hear that song many more times.


    What song? LOL

    I Whip My Hair Back and Forth


    I honestly don't see anything wrong with that song, especially if you are a 13 year old girl. I don't really like the video, but it's about having fun. Crazy white girl. hahaha

    Oh, I liked the song at first ... and second.... and tenth... and..... I have an 11 year old so like any other good song, it get's very old very quick AND sticks n your brain. Kids can listen to the same song all day every day for MONTHS
    MISTTIMG Posts: 136
    Dear, Half-dozen Deer that love my yard better than your woods; Please stop using the side of my house as your personal file to trim your antlers, and my roses have all disappeared since you showed up, were they tasty? And do you get your kicks by flashing those 6 pairs of gold eyes at me when I walk the dog at night, giving me the creeps. Oh I know my yard is surrounded by a fence, but it's only 4 foot tall, I know if you got a running start you could jump it, and I noticed when the gate is left open you just run past it and snort like I'm trying to trick you. You also have made me put up warning signs all around my property against hunting and trespassing, because I'm seeing too many people stopping and gazing at those large shiny racks. The last thing I want is someone aiming and shooting this way..... wait..... on second thought..... I think I will go take those signs down..... Have A Nice Day... : )
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Dear, Half-dozen Deer that love my yard better than your woods; Please stop using the side of my house as your personal file to trim your antlers, and my roses have all disappeared since you showed up, were they tasty? And do you get your kicks by flashing those 6 pairs of gold eyes at me when I walk the dog at night, giving me the creeps. Oh I know my yard is surrounded by a fence, but it's only 4 foot tall, I know if you got a running start you could jump it, and I noticed when the gate is left open you just run past it and snort like I'm trying to trick you. You also have made me put up warning signs all around my property against hunting and trespassing, because I'm seeing too many people stopping and gazing at those large shiny racks. The last thing I want is someone aiming and shooting this way..... wait..... on second thought..... I think I will go take those signs down..... Have A Nice Day... : )

    Dear MisTTIMG

    If you live anywhere near NJ I can help you out!

    Dear Gorilla Freezer

    I know there is no venison in you yet this season... I am working on it.
    MISTTIMG Posts: 136
    GorillaNJ>> We got a deal, I want the Backstrap...Whoops, I live in Texas : (
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    Dear 4 year old daughter and back injured husband,

    Yes, I woke up at 5:30 am this morning so that I could have a cup of coffee without hearing "mommy, I am hungry" or "honey, can you grab my cell phone from the room after you make me lunch". I love doing all those things for you, I do, but mommy/honey deserves a few minutes with silence and peace. Just a few. So while you guys snore, i'm sippin' on this delicious caffeinated hot beverage. Ahhhhhh.


    Sometimes a few minutes does the trick! (that's what she said)
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    To all my friends and family -- I know you mean well and are wishing me the best, but please do not send me any more "money angels" or e-mail prayers that I have to forward in 5 minutes. I am having enough difficulty spending all of the money that I have received after forwarding the e-mails from last week.
  • Papucho
    Papucho Posts: 138
    Dear 22 year old daughter,

    I love you. You are my favorite out of the five, mostly because you always bring me your leftovers when your boyfriend takes you out to dinner. Tell your boyfriend I appreciate it. Anyway, no, I have never been to a "pimp and ho" party. I am glad you guys have fun together. However, in the future please do not come down stairs wearing your "ho" outfit and ask your father how you look. It's just wrong.

    I'll be gouging my eyes out now. Everyone have a nice day.
  • ddesmo
    Dear Husband's son's ex-fiance (and mother of my husband's granddaughter) --

    You decided the leave the country for 3 months and absolve complete responsibility for your 6-year-old daughter.

    This required our assisstance in her care for days when her fireman-father was unable to be there.

    We never received one note of thanks from you. Not one.

    Then my husband gets a call from his son that you called him to rant about how my husband raised his voice at his granddaughter -- you remember her? The one YOU ABANDONED FOR 3 MONTHS!

    So *kitten* you and the horse you rode in on.

    I've never said anyone about this before, but I actually think you are a terrible human being.

    -- Upset Wife of Amazing Man Who Puts Up with His Grown Son's Family Drama Bull**** for the Sake of His Granddaughter
  • Jungster
    Dear Grampa of the really cute little girl that was found this morning,

    Next time, please take your 5 year old granddaughter to the store with you. And don't be too hard on her, she just didn't want to be left alone. How was she supposed know you went to Wal-Mart and not HEB...she just walked to the closest store hoping to find you. Keep counting your blessings that she didn't get run over or kidnapped on the way. Also, I hope you know how much you are blessed with a smart and funny little girl and please don't take that for granted.

    The public servant that kept your granddaughter company while my partner went to find you.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Here's mine:

    Dear Idiots at 6am rush hour:
    Thank you so much for making me a nervous wreak on the way home from work with your big SUV's and Trucks. There really is NO reason for you to climb up my cars *kitten* when I am doing the speed limit plus a couple of miles over and follow me for three miles when there is no-one in the passing lane and IT is a passing lane you know! Thanks to the morons who speed up behind me on the entrance to the highway and zip around me on the double white lines and blast your horn and give me the finger for going the speed limit. If you would leave maybe 5 minutes early you may not have a problem getting to work on time ya know. Most of all Thanks to the big-rigs that have run me off the road because they wanted my spot in the road. One problem guys.....I'm still there!

    The woman who just got out of work and doing her best to get home without a serious attack of road-rage!